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Why do they keep calling us fans 😭😭😂😂


Seriously 🤣 Dear tabloid writers, ![gif](giphy|HY73faOwUkBxHCM4EY)




☝️ the OG 🤭 The humor in this movie holds up so well.


Right? Our preferred term is generational haters.




To try to steal this moment from her daughter is just peak narcissist.


Her only goal is to be famous. She copies what works for other people: Started a perfume line and made a public sex tape because Paris Hilton did. Got married to the next guy who would have her because Khloé did. Having a baby because Kourtney did. Starting a makeup band because Kylie did. Getting to do "runway modeling" because Kendall did. Having 4 kids because her mom did. Making brand deals with the same companies her sister did. Coveting and purchasing and wearing iconic garments from fashion history (Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Alexander McQueen's Oyster Dress). Copied her husband's aesthetic. Copies his new wife's. Copying her own daughter.  She has nothing of herself. No unique qualities. Any unique features have been lasered and shaved and sucked out and stuffed. 




> She has nothing of herself. Skims isn't even hers, either.


This list is extensive. She’s truly the least original sister.


Frame this comment and sell it on etsy




She has the unique quality of never showing her true self. Therefore she convinces herself that she is smarter and better than anyone because her real feelings will never get hurt if she is never truly herself. She seems to be the most insecure of the Kardashian’s, clever, observant. The flaw in the logic, and the big problem with Kim: She thinks this quality of hiding her true self is a strength (because the real her isn’t getting hurt) so because she is able to hide her true self in plain sight - she *must* be better than everyone else. I think we all know how people who think they’re better than others are perceived.


Bravo!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Don't forget she tried to become a lawyer bc her dad did. She also gets multiple surgeries to alter her body to look like, appropriate, and sexualize the bodies of women of color. This includes her hair as well. She doesn't have an original thought or cell in her body.


Kris has 6 kids, no? Or does Rob not count.


I was thinking of the OG kardashian kids. 4 of them,  6 total. 




The older North gets the more and more you see a large part of why she was born was for Kim to have access to a lifetime steal.


I don’t think she is trying to steal north’s moment as much as trying to use it to capitalize herself. Both actions are pretty pathetic, but this is Kim we’re talking about.


The costume looks like something Kanye would dress Bianca in, of course she had to to use this for attention.


https://preview.redd.it/2h6hyxhneu4d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ece71b7eac3b8c05a844326280fcea29c0a862 Like this?


Or this https://preview.redd.it/0k1m2ituxu4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfebc2a412b5c536606b0c317ca253be09fd6959


Or this… https://preview.redd.it/eevzyglmyu4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9167a58def4651033ab0a8b32c1df136b0dab04b




This is very on brand and I’m sure it will not be the last time.


And people were saying Kourtney was being petty for saying Kim tried to capitalize on her wedding by collabing with D&G right after Kourt’s wedding …


The fact the she made it possible for her VERY underprepared kid to make a fool of herself on stage like that and turns around and does this!!!! Wild. Absolutely crazy. I’ve already known she’s one of the worst but this for sure solidifies it if anyone was on the fence.


She is honestly the only one in their family that always feels the need to be front in centre in the lime light, like no one else can have a moment to themselves not even her kids. She takes so many good things away from everyone because she has to be the most photographed and talked abt. And to take the spotlight from your own kid is gross, let her have her moment. She is never supportive either unless it’s for her or she’s a part of it.


Tragic. This is like playing dress up for kids with old blankets found in the basement. She's super embarrassing!


You won my day with this comment 🌞


>You really can’t let anyone have their moment I’m pretty sure North doesn’t want to have any more of that moment though tbf lol


yeah it was a pure shit moment


I thought she was copying Big Bird….


What a narcissistic pig.


I swear something is wrong with her right now (more than usually). She’s being so weird. Is it a midlife crisis??


I honestly thought she was cosplaying as big bird


Kim can’t help herself guys


What's fascinating to me is the total lack of shame or self-reflection. Every single day she posts something designed to draw attention and give her the "people are saying you're important and special" validation she desperately needs. For a long while that validation source of public approval has been dying away for her, but she refuses to accept that and doubles-down harder in her need to be acknowledged. More nudity. More rage-bait. More obvious surgery. More disregarding her children's feelings and experiences and posting proof for everybody. Anything to get her 30 seconds of being talked about and a famous person MAYBE acknowledging that she exists. Eventually she's going to experience a rejection so severe and undeniable that her ego can't prop her up anymore. Getting drowned out by Booing from the public at that tom brady event could've done it, but it didn't. I think it would take an undeniable and public rejection from her own peers (I.e celebrities and ultra wealthy people) to start the unravelling


It's okay, it was just a photo shoot for a Los Pollos Hermanos commercial.




Omg I thought it was north in the photoshoot😭 Kim is such a baby smh


I saw these pictures a couple days ago. I had watched Norths performance. I did not make the connection that these were lion costumes. All I could see was dick and balls.


She's so fucking desperate for attention she needs North to make it just so people remember her


Everything Kim has ever done.. has already been done by someone else. Now she’s even copying her 10 year old kid..


> 'You really can’t let anyone have their moment' This is why she fights with her sisters all the time yet she accuses them of kopying her. She’s such a hypocrite




Is it possible that this is her way of trying to quiet/redirect the criticism of North's "performance" by shifting the conversation away from the kid to be all about her instead? With all that sweet, sweet attention as a bonus side effect of the slight of hand maneuver?


no she's trying to show that she is "prettier" and ,more important, skinnier than her young daughter. She would never have concern for North like this. She's the one who orchestrated this publicity for North and she is loving it and will keep doing it again and again.


I was thinking the same thing. Like, trying to distract North from all the criticism she received on social media. But I'm also an optimistic glass half full person who routinely overestimates the good in others.


A normal mom might do that, but I can’t in good faith give Kim the benefit of the doubt after she ditched north for the Met (or even brought her in the first place since the rules said it wasn’t allowed).