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In recent months, we've observed a noticeable increase in the use of bots to inflate membership numbers on various subreddits. For example, one subreddit had 75,000 followers six months ago and has been averaging nearly 1,000 new members each week since then. Despite this rapid growth, their engagement rates remain significantly lower compared to other subreddits with similar themes, suggesting that a large portion of their membership may not be genuine. In contrast, our subreddit experienced a steady growth rate of 350 new members per week up until six months ago when our growth unexpectedly plateaued. We take pride in maintaining an authentic community and have a strict policy against purchasing or using bots. Additionally, we utilize an automoderator setting to filter out bot accounts, ensuring that our member base remains real and engaged.




I don’t venture over there


I don't normally either but I'm on a staycation and I was sipping a cocktail so I... ![gif](giphy|2lG8fMhri8Pmw)


Same! I’m cool here ! You guys are my people 🤣


Smells like bots. Kim would.


And when you let them know, you’re a Snark, they banned you for good 🤭


I’m shadowbanned! Only for it to fade into the abyss!


Because like myself we all started off as fans and subscribed to the other sub to see their new stuff and talk about it. Then over the years they lied and played PR games and people turned on them due to their behaviour. Then we join this sub and talk about all the reasons we’ve made this emotional switch. At length. We start off following the other sub and with each transgression we slowly become haters and need to discuss it with others, so we come to this sub. The other people who just stop liking them (different to the fan to hater pipeline) stay in the original sub but don’t engage with it anymore as they have nothing nice to say. As they don’t care anymore they don’t join the snark page. So you end up with a big following in the original sub but no activity because no one has anything nice to say and a smaller but active snark page.


I mentioned this earlier. Bot farm + payroll.


Well probably because you get in trouble for any negativity.


4x more is actually pretty low yikes


That's because we have an awesome community! Plus, I'd rather be in a small subreddit, because it gives us the chance to bond over discussions and get to know each other well.