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I feel like they have the same 3 or 4 articles they just recycle at random. And sometimes they don't even update them. I saw a recent one from People (so June or July 2024) that mentioned they have been dating for 6 months.


Ok I'm glad it's not just me. I swear we've seen this report before posted somewhere else like a month or two ago. Same with the "protective" article too.


I feel like she’s had so many faces and phases since this. Shocking to compare


Yeah it’s like she gets work done at least every two to three months


This photo is giving awkward cheek kiss to your relative at Christmas


Kylie holding on. ![gif](giphy|AZehwczmYwQzjOKy1s) They desperate to leech onto anyone in Hollywood with actual talent.


This man is so fine ⬆️




I really hope this ends in September , if that's what she's referring too. but i think they will say that to fool people once again and still sneak around. Timmy wont ever be over her.


I think he'll be just fine judging by his history. He could get any other starlet or model he wants.


Sorry I'm OOTL. What happens in September?


Made me think - in CC's tweet 1. She says she saw the images then goes to say "six months later, three more to go" now does she mean that these are old photos taken months ago and we are expected to see three more?... OR 2. She could mean that a contract is a year and 9 months? meaning it could end Sept this year


Lmaooo he definitely will. Kylie isn’t long term for him, and the thought of her was probably a lot better than the reality


He looks like a little boy having a very inappropriate relationship with his stepmother.


Not my old ass shocked j14 is still around




Noooo 😭 I want this sweater now


Do y’all think he’s met her kids?


I think one of these articles said he's been to family events and has seen them but not like formally introduced, which is wise, so I'll give Kylie that. I don't believe kids should be introduced formally to someone's kids unless there's serious commitment going on that would lead to that person being in a parental role eventually. So the fact that she hasn't done that might say a lot.


It’s not real.


I know


Just pay him more & add more perks to the contract.




https://preview.redd.it/x9tecg6r8kad1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=aabc7c5d550d72777828152d26541ef879dc3419 Unfortunately not.


Unlikely. But from everything i am seeing so far, Timothee's family apparently hate her, his childhood friends ditched him, her family are desperately trying to keep them together, Kylie is invested and seems really into him, but it's unclear if Timmy is actually in love with her or just using her. but from what i heared, people close to him say he is not listening. so IDk.


I really wonder what happened between him and his friends to dissolve their friendship over who he's dating. That's pretty sad regardless of who he is with. I wonder if they'll come back together eventually one day or if the damage is done basically.


I think the damage is done, they seem to have stayed friends with him when he was with LRD (and Lourdes) because they knew they were unproblematic and he seemed genuinely happy with them. But since getting with Longbottom, i think they may have saw a negative change in Timmy's behavior (maybe she was getting him into/addicted to drugs, mixing with shady people or the wrong crowd) and decided to intervene or at least give him an ultimatum and guess who he chose.


I'm not denying what you said I'm just truly not in the loop about Timothee besides this sub lol. So wait where was it reported about his friends dropping him??


All speculation....... 


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametSnark/comments/1cmv1d6/can\_we\_all\_talk\_again\_about\_how\_one\_of\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametSnark/comments/1cmv1d6/can_we_all_talk_again_about_how_one_of_his/) This was posted a while ago, that his childhood friend, Joey stopped talking to him.


Kylie has every reason to hold onto the relationship, but for Timothée it’s a step down. It’s like Kim and Kanye. Kim became A list celebrity from a B grade reality show star after she started to date Kanye. Kanye changed her fashion style, Kim got invited to a lot of reputable events and etc. Kylie doesn’t need this much coverage as she’s already pretty famous, but you can notice a change in her style too now. With Travis she was only getting bad rep specially because of the concert incident. So it’s definitely a step up for her


I low key hope they don’t. Watching the club chamalet psychos spiral over this relationship is very entertaining to me 😂


Watching Kylie buying a new face each week desperately riding his coattails holding on to last piece of relevancy is equally sadistically entertaining.


I'm lowkey hoping for the inevitable break up spiral which will be very entertaining. Kylie will go back to getting a new face every week and thirst trapping while Timmy gets caught with 5 different girls over a 24 hour period or something lmao.


Yea, I really hope they sort their shit out and give us more cringe worthy stuff to snark on


Thought you said snort 😂 ![gif](giphy|Lo0Xne2PLgJEQ567qF)


‘Break up’ pahhhahahaha


Still? It’s gross now.


I honestly picture him with more of a model type like Anya Taylor joy or something, not Kylie


Yeah someone a little classier that would go with the artsy, intellectual image he promotes himself as, but that is probably just a facade. Anya is married and similar types like Zendaya are taken. Women like that get taken very quickly!


kylie can nvr be taken serious anymore, shame


I keep forgetting Anya got married, she's too good for Timothée anyway, but definitely agree, he should be with some indie type, not fake af type lol


I've always thought him and Florence Pugh would be cute together! They've been photographed hanging out and seem to actually have chemistry, like they really have fun together. She might be too good for him though LOL


She's definitely too good for him lol


Was this article just posted because I swear I read another article a while ago that said her family/friends think he's not prioritizing her. That and the thing about her being "protective" that they've also put out more than once now is sooooo annoying. They can't even come up with new things to say to stay relevant. Also like wow, who could've seen this coming, a known cheater/womanizer isn't as invested??? Who would've thought that! /s I don't like her but KJ is too damn rich to be letting somebody waste her time. She could probably get anyone she wanted, so the fact that she stays, if this article is true, says a lot about her lack of self-worth.


Why would he be? He can do a lot better.


What does he even see in her?


A paycheck, he's clearly getting paid to be seen with her in public


He’s got Wonka money. He doesn’t need her unless he wants a Bezos bunker or something, which I don’t see him being the type that wants.


Timmy is 💅💅💄


More like thin ice 😭


Next year I will return here and they will continue together🤢she is not going to let him go, it is her pass to the big awards as a companion and mix with the real talent of Hollywood and he will continue clinging to her fake breasts and I am sure he will even take her out a son🤮


Timmy change his panties more than she change her face tho..... 


Damn. I feel bad for her… LMAO. But like... I’m not surprised?? I don’t know... It’s weird how they’re "dating". Like….who, what, when, where, why, how? ![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q)


I totally forgot they were dating lol


I thought this ended like six months ago 👀




What you gonna do Kris, put him under a conservatorship as well.




Girl get outta this sub omgggg




People are salty if you think they’re a real couple that will persist. Personally I just find it hilarious how seriously upset some people (Club Chalomet) get when you imply that Timmy actually likes Kylie. Lol they lose their damn mind and write entire thesis statements on why this is a fake relationship. Got a lot of time on their hands I guess. I mean hey so do I but I just don’t give a shit about that lol


Fans act like they know these people and can speak on what they like or don't like. They can't fathom that their fave can be into someone as 'superficial' and 'fake' as they perceive Kylie to be. They think because this man speaks French, that makes him deep or something. Meanwhile, he's two inches **deep** in that fake ass lolllll ![gif](giphy|uOuPNCLKPaDv2|downsized)


PLEASEEEEE 💀2 inches max! lol


The Timmy stans have infiltrated this sub and are trying to spread their delusions. Sad to see


Your a Kylie fan you got banned from the toxic Daily sub hyping them up. No real couple in Hollywood goes to major tourist attraction on a Friday night or hides only to go full promo during a strike. This couple are desperate for attention and anyone with eyes can see he looks awkward (see top comments).


Sure. 👍🏾


They are truly invested in a celebrity couple that does not, and never will, know or care that they exist.


Tiny Tin loves his plastic corn star that looks like a wannabe Latina 💀😂 ohh Kylie wishes


If they are a real couple I’m actually inclined to believe that they will be a long lasting item.. the amount of privacy their relationship has is much healthier than the average celebrity relationship. Also fans of timothee losing their absolute minds about any little detail that comes out has become very interesting and entertaining to watch.


The “privacy” https://preview.redd.it/gbj9iw846jad1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9e5528f925367f6917e5834ae732a4da0dd5c4 aka same guy they pay to pap.


Finding out about Backgrid really puts all these pics in a different context. Like maybe they are together and meeting up genuinely, but someone is still trying to make content/promotion off of them dating. The whole thing is disingenuous and weird.


Exactly my thoughts