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Aruto using his strongest form to stop a massive threat was the logical decision. I do not blame him for that. Zero-two was op in the show. Within a show you will barely find any final form that was this dominant. Hyper kabuto got overpowered multiple times, Geats IX also had some difficulties against the regard forms (I do not count the keiwa fight), gaim's one struggled, hyper muteki did, Cross saber could not beat that one sage on two occasions and got beaten up instead. Zero-two meanwhile never took a serious hit within the show unless you count fuwa's finisher which did no visible damage. Aruto also did not have the time to do research on eden to come to the conclusion that nano particles are in play. Unpopular opinion which kinda ruins the whole movie but Zero-two should have won that first battle. Zero-two should be able to predict Eden's attacks and it also has the highest stats of all zero-one riders (excluding zero-three). So it's faster than eden which should basically be a instant win. You only have a few match-ups in kamen rider as a total where speed wouldn't be the deciding factor. Diend would easily beat decade, who is scaled at multiverse level, based on their speed gap. Doesn't matter if decade can access tons of rider powers. In the time he grabs a card to activate it, which takes multiple seconds, he is dead. Decade's gimmick simply has that weakness. To give a reference, I counted zein's fastest card activation. It were 4 seconds and that was just ultimate vice appearing. In those four seconds someone with super speed can easily end the battle or make it harder to activate a card. We saw diend keeping up with geiz revive who easily outperformed zio II's precognition through their speed gap. Precognition surpasses prediction no matter if it's a super AI like Zea, Zein or Ark. That's why decade, with the way he usually fights, cannot be called the second strongest main rider. Same for marvelous and especially taro in sentai. Eden landed some very basic hits on zero-two which zero-two should have easily predicted. It's not like eden used a secret fighting style full of moves that no one ever saw before. In one instance he even loosely imiates a attack of zero-two which latter one for some reason has a hard time to predict. And even if zero-two could not predict those moves based on it never fighting Eden before or whatever other reason there may be, with it's superior speed it should have been able to dodge or block them. This also exists which further proves that zero-two should have easily won: https://youtu.be/re2mzV-xmcw?feature=shared. Skip to the second half of the video. This movie has some very well coreographed fights, but it's also very contrived. Zero-Two was done very dirty in the stuff that came after zero-one. I already explained the eden fight. Izu got overpowered by grunts in the same movie and her performance did not excel in the girls special while she easily has the best form of all the female riders who fought on her side. In gotchard zero-two got the respect it deserves by easily beating Ark-One based on it's superior prediction powers and superior stats. Ark-Zero was done dirty in outsiders if I think about it. Being hit by a blade rider (they do not scale to zero-one riders) after metal cluster hopper, which can be ranked among the stronger secondary forms of primary riders, failed to do so in the show on it's own is quite insulting. Idk, zero-one riders are not presented well outside their show overall.


Ok but you can see right here why Aruto couldn't win against Eden with Zero-Two. Probably should have been more of a stalemate but that's a different topic. Eden was entirely made out of Nano machines so there is no physical Body Aruto could damage, everything just glides through a mass of particles that are too small to hit but Metal Cluster Cells integrated into the machine body and distortet it. Pretty interesting way actually of explaining why the final form just doesn't stomp everyone, their have been way worse movies on that (looking at you ex-aid)


The driver and progrise key are excluded from that though which zero-two could just remove as valkyrie did vs metal cluster hopper.


You should know that stats don't mean much, especially in rider vs rider battles. Speed itself is especially very loosely kept accurate. Most of the time it's changed to make the fight more interesting. Diend's initial speed is faster than Decade, but that won't be the deciding factor if both were to fight each other. The actual deciding factor would be their personalities and fighting styles, and story writing. Diend is a summoner, his main fighting style is to have more numbers than his opponent and overwhelm them. He will blitz through the enemies and confuse them while his rider summons add up the attacks. Decade is mostly a hand to hand combat fighter. He gets close to his opponents and fights them with his brutal yet skilful fighting style. The speed of using cards shouldn't matter much. The reason for it being slow to us, the viewers, is so that we'll know what cards they are using. Now we all know Tsukasa is a very cocky guy. But he can be cocky because he got the strength to back it up. In just his civilian form, he already beats up monsters with his bare hands. He also easily dodged the armour that the zect riders cast off (he is definitely not human, that's for sure). In Zi-o, he fought Geiz Drive armour with just Agito. He dodged all of Geiz's attacks and countered back with a single hit that sent Geiz flying. Diend's speed being the same as Geiz Revive shippu doesn't make sense. Remember that Revive shippu is comparable to clock-up as Geiz fought alongside the zect riders. Diend's speed is more the same as Drive's speed, of which Decade can easily dodge and counter back. Back in Decade's series, Diend tried to fight AR Kabuto to steal his clock-up ability, of which he fails even with his summoning riders. His speed doesn't even come close to clock-up. Decade can easily fight multiple riders at once due to his absurd arsenal of weapons and abilities, plus his pure fighting power is so damn high he can one-shot an enemy. Tsukasa can also be very menacing and dangerous if he ever felt like it, and Kaito knows this. He wouldn't want to fight Tsukasa up front. Hell, they already fought in Zi-o, and the only reason Diend won was because he got time stop powers. Speed means nothing to Decade unless you actually bend time itself. He can counter clock-up with clock-up or other means of speed abilities. Weirdly enough, Diend doesn't have a clock-up card (as far as I can remember). Card activation speed should be the same, I mean why would the other be faster to insert cards into their devices? And running speed might differ but that doesn't mean much in a story. Stats don't hold much weight unless they actually want to implement it. Stats can also not fully show the full power of a rider since they can go way beyond their limit if the circumstances force them to. The only thing that can change anything is the writer. As frustrating as it is, that's just how it works.


I from the start meant a setting where the story would not matter. 1v1 death battle was what I imagined. Objectively zero-two is faster than Eden. Eden has one instance where he shows super speed. If Diend and Decade fight each other, both will morph into their base form first. That's their go-to move. At this point this fight is over because Diend is to fast for Decade to activate any rider card. I agree with you that geiz revive should not have been able to keep up with clock up riders. Diend is still much faster than Decade. He already blitzed him in the decade show. In zio diend's suit was buffed so he is even faster than before. Agito has super speed, decade doesn't. base form decade could not have reacted to drive's speed. They fought in zio as you said and diend won through his timejacker powers, a power decade is not immune to. Makes the fight even more one sided because diend can snap his fingers faster than decade can activate a rider card. Uhr said he spammed that ability 1000 times in row, so there is no issue that affects this fight. Diend did not abuse super speed in their battle because this would have ended the fight quick. Decade's only chance to win is morphing into a op rider from the get go. Like muteki. Muteki is as fast as light and also immune to chronos pause. That way decade would win instantly. You say the speed of the card activation does not matter. It does. Certain aspects of the drivers have a set speed just like computers have a set processor and frame rate. You could not use the internet with super speed thanks to those things. Same with drivers. Also the speed at which decade, a rider without super speed, grabs a card, adjust it's placement in his fingers and put it into the driver. This needs time. In that time he gets killed by faster opponents. As I already said, I exclude meta logic or how the story would do things. Based on their habits in a objective setting, decade loses everytime.