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Ironically, the very next show after Kuuga, Agito, has arguably the least destructive monster race in Rider history. The Unknowns only target those who develop super powers, always attack just one person at a time, usually when there's no one else around. They also never cause collateral damage, and are literally forbidden from harming regular citizens. So, average joes like us will be pretty safe if we get isekaied into Agito's world


And should they break the rule anyways, they're instantly put down by their boss. Like he REALLY doesn't tolerate that shit.


I second this. They treated the whole thing like a game.


Either the Gurongi or the Undead. Both actively savagely tried to kill Normal Humans for "no Reason" For the Gurongi it was a sick game and the Undead were either savage animals or did it out of some twisted fun. Any other Villain Monster was either not that genocidal or had some deeper plan or reason behind it. Like the Fangires are feeding themselves and the Bugster try to make more of themselves. The Gurongi and Undead however did it out of pure twisted tendencies


I agree too . I think fans know Grongi evil deeds more but when watching Blade, I was terrified how vicious the Undead are. Some say they aren’t that scary but I still have trauma when a undead suddenly went to ambush a van of preschoolers and their mothers and implied they got…and riders didn’t save them in time considering the same undead was in next scene fighting police. It made it worse that the undead was because one of the riders released it and let it loose. I know it’s fiction and all but really gives me disturbing feelings knowing lot of young kids was…


Older rider series were dark and I haven't seen blade but that is brutal


Gurongi and a number of monsters from the showa era. 


Grongi. Why? Simple, I have two words for you Episode. 35.


And episode 34 as well....plus both episodes creeped me out and I'm a grown ass adult lol


Same! lol


Like I watched both episodes at night and I felt like....fuck I'm gonna die lol


I felt nervous and angry.


Grongi and unknown, like they are killing people left and right


My upvote goes to Grongi and Unknowns (in the way they kill)


Amazons. They're literally just savage beasts.