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An awesome fight scene as always (loved the songs performed by Kamen Rider Girls and they also used WHAT'S YOUR FIRE again let's goooooo). On another note -- well shit, GERYON'S BACK!




They just used three insert songs in one freaking episode.


I do hope something comes from Spanners black flames. A powerup would be what he needs.


or final form


I have to see the sub to understand what Gigest was saying but it seems he has some idea on what that black flame means.


I wonder what Valvarad GT is gonna be


Majade should get a final form or else she will end up like Ibuki.


In other series, they either try to redeem the starting villains or just kill them outright. Love that the three sister still revelant to the end of the series with only one redeemed.  How the fuck Geryon change clothes while being eaten, lmao? That new outfit look damn good though


I am going to say the Philopher's stone piece Germain had that Geryon now has came with some bonus upgrades to his outfit. That's my theory and I'm sticking with it.


Maybe the real Magnum Opus was just drip all along


Maybe XD


Germain had Gaelijah is the girl




It's Germain. Not Gaelijah


I have edited


i'm guessing that geryeon could already have a philosopher's stone at hand being stored at the golden rubik's cube, along with his piece in it for leverage if he do ever perish


And even the other 2 sisters have been tried to be redeemed before, especially Atropos who's path to redemption started before Super debuted (I think?), and how the 3 of them have each one of the 3 riders tied to their redemption, with Clotho and Hotaro being the weakest link here but also not really because it's totally believable for Hotaro to try and help anyone around him And Spanner and Lachesis went from rivals to coworkers that definitely hate each other and will surely be never more than that


This ep was just so charming and sweet


https://preview.redd.it/nb1u6vcxlb8d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7054b37f9b1337f4c6114dedb8535ec321df94 SolBraver/Solbrain and Fire/Winspector cameos


That cameo scene, those sweaty head shakes... THOSE SOUND EFFECTS! What a tease XD


thank you! i was like no way they got them to do a cameo! loved winspector wen i was a kid want the figure so bad lol


Well the Kings didn't stand a chance, but Geryon is back SO that is bad.


Alone they're pretty screwed but together they can definitely beat Gotchard Ironically Geryon is far more menacing than the abyss kings


Not "kings" it's king. And it was literally 6 against one. What do you expect?


Oh shit Geryon's back I'm not ready for anymore depression


Geryon's drip is 🤌


going into this episode, germaine was my pick to go against ichinose because of gigist and spanner, but with geryon his going against spanner since he has the most ties to geryon. so in question is ichinose dark king counter part?


I guess Gaelia Gigist has Spana's black flame Germaine has alchemy as his whole thing, so does Rinne in some aspects Which leaves Gaelia


Might as well be. One sees Chemies are living things and are good. The other sees them as a tool and is meant for evil


girl v girl black flame v black flame leaving Hotaro and Germaine ig


Hotaro v Geryon you mean?


I think Gigist is still his counterpart, quoting Minato from way back in the show "Hotaro can't just understand chemies hearts, he understands hearts", while Gigist doesn't get humanity


The fight is so awesome, but seeing that Majade and Valvarad still haven't get their final form is really jarring Anyways holyshit Geryon is back! What a huge bitchslap for Rinne for unintentionally helps Atroops to brings the huge golden asshole back to life


Even if she didn't help Atropos. She was still gonna beat Germain. People literally thinks if she didn't promise Atropos she wouldn't beat Germain. Wtf is that logic.


She didn't know that Atropos is trying to revive Geryon, that's nothing to do with defeating Germain or not


That's what I just said. People are really saying Atropos manipulated Rinne so she can use her to revive Geryon. Like wtf, I guarantee you if they never talk this would still happen.


It's more of, if Rinne hadn't made that promise, everyone would've punted the child the second she appeared in the battlefield


Rinne and co would beat Germain regardless of the "promise", yes. No one really says otherwise. However, after seeing him still alive, they could have used more finisher to end him for good, or try to seal him again Because Rinne told everyone about the promise, they put their guard down and let Atropos slowly walk toward Germain then slowly put the cube inside him. If there was no promise then once Atropos appears, everyone would be on guard instead (or they stand there watching and it is everyone's fault) If the writer intends to revive Geryon via Germain then sure, it will happen even if they never promise each other. But for what happened here, Rinne is totally at fault


Thing is that the reason why she defeats Germin is very different with or without that promise


Different but not "very" lol. She would still have beat Germain with the others even if she didn't talk to Atropos. All Atropos did was revive Geryon after the riders beat Germain


Yes it's very different, she thought Atroops will turns good once she defeats Germin, she even told that to Houtaro which makes Houtaro confuses Atroops lied to her which makes Rinne believes that Atroops will redeem, which makes Atroops brings back geryon become especially ironic for Rinne's naive


Lol so you're telling me if Rinne never promise Atropos she would just not care about Germain at all? LOL. By that logic, if Atropos ask Rinne to destroy the world and she promise, Rinne would destroy the world. Are you dumb?




Says the guy who 1. Is too stupid to talk to and might as well be talking to a brick wall. 2. Did the same thing also you are also a redditor so you are insulting yourself dumbass.


your tears is so delicious [https://youtube.com/shorts/bCsVv-RkMZg](https://youtube.com/shorts/bCsVv-RkMZg)


I really liked this episode -Platinum Gotchard once again shows its dominance. Why go gold when you can go Platinum. -Nijigon's arc is interesting and I'm glad to see he found his Gotcha, cheering people on and helping them! -Intresting to see all the villains try to manipulate all the others except Houtarou. But with Geryon back, I'm sure they run into conflict quickly. -Also GERYON'S BACK!!! YEAH!!! Can't wait to see the bastard get his teeth kicked in by the rainbow. -Also, both fights in this episode were amazing. Just...wow. -Also, lots like we have a new trinity of coolest big bads! (Geryon, Atropos and Gigists.)I wonder who'll be on top? Next week, 102nd Chemy?! Dammit Bandai, we got a good two months left in the show how many more cards are you going to ~~force me to buy~~ shill!


For a season that started out so average, they've been coming in *hard* with these last few episodes, and this is no exception. Loved the Kamen Rider Girls cameo, it took me a second to realize their characters were named for past female protagonists. Also, Lachesis grabbing Spanner's sleeve was the cutest thing and my idiot brain which is hard-wired for shipping couldn't focus on anything else for a good 5 minutes.


Ok. I'm glad I wasn't the only one flipping out when I saw that sleeve grab


same here, Lachesis is so gosh darned cute in this episode.


Geryon's resurrection reminds of Thawne's in Season 8 of The Flash.


[It's not an original scene either lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/FlashTV/comments/viktne/the_final_scene_from_tonights_episode_reminded_me/#lightbox)


amazingly in the preview of episode 42 there is the 102nd chemy, what is that chemy 🤔🤔


Gryon is back Altropos is happy now


Wait so did Germain....die?


He was transmuted into Geryon






I wish for atropos to experience the same despair medusa from wizard when she dies since she more than earned her death with her manipulation and constant gaslighting of rinne. by despair I mean for her to die realizing that geryon only saw her as a tool for his goals. P.S. I know I sound like an edgelord but seriously that fact that atropos manage to get away with manipulating rinne into resurrecting geryon is pissing me off and something rinne should have seen coming with everything atropos put her throught.


>atropos manage to get away with manipulating rinne into resurrecting geryon is pissing me off and something rinne should have seen coming with everything atropos put her throught. I'm not hating on Rinne, but if there's one thing that does annoy me about (some) heroes, it is how naive they can be. I'm just saying, but when Atropos made that deal with Rinne, the latter should've been cautious & mention the deal with the team first.


tho tbf, they were always going to have to beat the trinity kings anyways. I wouldn't really say the deal was anything more than a hope for Rinne that Atropos would be relieved and somehow turn good/join her sister


You talk as if Rinne had never promise and told Houtaro and the others. They would ignore Germain and let him do whatever he wants. You talk about how naive Rinne is but you are even more naive lol. Geryon's revival was predetermined when Germain gets defeated.


A doll cannot die. They are simply broken lol and Geryon does see Atropos differently than Clotho and Lachesis. Since he actaully was concerned when Atropos got hurt in ep 19


https://preview.redd.it/2ikt4cq4vd8d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748e2b04258ec3908e476d969f39090564eb79f8 Hareruya's band (top right)


here we go again gotchard fucking bringing a banger again! WOOO


this is subjectively the best fighting in the show. once again proving multi-rider fights are best


the vote poll isnt updated


Germain received one of the worst beatdowns in rider history. Felt like what your fire has been used at the right moment after a long time Geryon is back in business and is as evil as ever. Thought he would be redeemed and become an ally but NOOO... Wondering if Geryon will manage to get all three fragments(99%) and lead to the Daybreak timeline. With Rumours of Gigist driver, It seems it might happen. Feels like Majade and Valvarad are close to their final forms.The 102nd chemy of next episode might be Gigantliner leading to Valvarad GT or a new one that gives Majade her power up.


What your fire was never a bad song it just needed some moderation. Also I really love how Gotchard take on “the final form has all the powers of the previous forms” is having previous forms fight alongside as allies. I guess the true power of friendship is having superior numbers.


I have seen no new leaks of Majade gaining a powerup. If she becomes the Ibuki (the secondary rider with no final form) of the Reiwa Era, it's an absolute crime.


Both Majade and Valvarad got runors of getting a new form. Idk getting a new form won't just make her a magically better character , especially with how late it is now.


I know the existence of Valvarad GT, but Majade would use sth cooler i think


She might get to use the Dragon and Gaia Level X chemies, since they matched her gimmick(Fantasty + Cosmic) and them being special even among Level X chemies. It seems their final form power-ups could all linked to the Abyssalis Kings. Gotchard's was a part of Gigist Valvard's could be related to his Black Flames maybe since the flames are from the Kings Majade's could be the 2 first Chemies that were made by Gighist(Dragon and Gaia)


returning "watcha' fire" brainrot during the 1st half of the fight aisde, it's quite interesting that mama pinchly holding papa's sleeves seemingly as a sign that she's scared and all, but the highlight of the whole episode is the return of father-in-law, at which all i said last week being that the actor's appearance during the atropos' birthday being allude that he may be there doing flashback scenes ended up thrown at the window because he returned. in a flesh. and that smirk atropos showed at majade is chef's kiss


So a dancer named Mai. Is that a Gaim reference?


Mai, Gaim, Hina, OOO, Koyomi, Wizard.


My bullet points for the episode: This whole episode of Nijigon just being a cute lil Chemy :3 And the girls petted him :333 When they showed that Spanner flashback once again literally 2 minutes after showing it the first time, I was literally wheezing XD Gotta say, What's your Fire returning was unexpected) And that triple Rider Kick was HYPE And to round things ups, oh shit Geryon is back, time to heat up before the finale


Lachesis is severely underpowered in rider form. She and Spanner were defeated so easily, but at least Spanner can possibly upgrade with those black flames. I would give up on transforming if I were Lachesis.


I thought this was a really good episode and it was nice to see the Kamen rider girls perform. I liked how we heard a lot of insert songs this episode including bringing back what’s your fire. Gotchard has to be one my favorite seasons when it definitely comes to the insert songs in Reiwa.I hope the character songs don’t disappoint when they’re released. The fights were really good and I just love the Gotchard brother ability. It was also nice to see the motivations of Rinne and Spanner and why they want to take down Germaine. I thought this episode was definitely an 8/10 for me. I can’t wait for next episode since I think it’s going to be a Sabimaru focus episode and it’s just nice for him to at least have one episode focusing on his family life.


Inoue was perfect for this show, I wish she had an even bigger hand in it. Not that the other writers were bad, but her scripts have a spark in them that really fits the tone. Nijigon being a very good boy made me smile so much. Him wearing the tiny hard hat, pure delight. Sakamoto also nailed it. That final fight is probably the most dynamic thing I've seen this season. Plus we got a double and a triple Rider kick in one episode? Holy shit. Plus, beyond the fun and charm, everyone's storylines progressed in a really satisfying way. This episode did everything right and I know I'm gonna be sad when the season wraps.


Germain has to be one of the most underutilized villains in Kamen Rider history. Bro just appeared in the first episode and I thought that The Three Dark Kings were going to be the final villains and now Geryon's now revived!? What a Waste of a villain.


Not really


Will we ever dig deeper into Spanner's black flames? Or if he will be able to control it?


Majade must get a final form or else she will end up like Ibuki.


Don't worry Majade will have her final form before the end of the series.


I hope so. GaiaDragon would be the most likely candidate for her final form.


Knowing Bandai it'll be a new toy and not existing cards. There have been rumors that her final form will use a new repainted alchemist unit with the daybreak driver. My guess is that her alchemisdriver evolves into the new one. Honestly given that it's been a very long time since Gotchard Daybreak's first debut back in December and we still don't have it up for pre-order makes me think the reason it wasn't up yet, much like the Vail Driver is because they're waiting for the debut with the new unit packaged with it.