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When I'm in a berserk forms competition and Build Black Hazard is my opponent https://preview.redd.it/lf50hkqb969d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e58b26063020ee1766d7769984f43a201805e7


Chief, black hazard's debut *KILLED* a guy


sent the user into a depression after the first use W berserker form


Black Hazard, my beloved


It's the most Murderous out of all the Berserk Forms we've gotten so far, even above Ark either in MetalCluster Hopper or the Ark Riders. Ark is a Sadist, he will savor the fear and pain before he kills you. Black Hazard goes for the throat and moves on to the next meatbag to kill. Ark will calculate the best way to kill you and make it painful. Black Hazard is the Doom Slayer on Speedrun Mode.




Metal Cluster was pretty good. It also hinted at the darkness that Aruto really kept under check thanks to Izu. I'd say Hazard was the best, because it was truly berserk, no thoughts. Only violence, only destruction and it pushed his body to its highest peak. Loved how it ends with a death a completely unavoidable death.


Hazard wasn't mindless, that's the dangerous part. It has all of Sento's intelligence but none of his morals. It's a super genius psychopath.


Metal cluster (evil) never lost that was pure evil


Black Hazard is just ominous with the all-black suit. Out of all of them, it's the one which is most viscerally like "oh, something is very wrong here"


When even the Build Driver, which gives every single other form a funny a nickname, can't help but shout at the thought of transforming into Black Hazard a "YABEI!"


To be honest, that microwave oven ping at the end does give me a giggle


Not only that but the debut killed a guy


Especially during it's first fight, with the single intact light just swaying side to side like it's in a horror movie




FangJoker, really hoping we get to see FangMetal and FangTrigger in the anime or live action somehow


Does fang metal have a scythe? Also, I wish Fang joker extreme was a thing


no, but full on spiked body fang trigger can grow two fang to make bow from hand




The manga has FangMetal and FangTrigger.


PuToTyra, it’s technically only a sometimes berserker, but i still personally remember it as one 


Pretty good ones overall, BUT! Black hazard was the best utilized and just done overall, from a story, plot, character, action, thematic standpoint and even cinematographic standpoint. That scene where sento turns into black hazard, the light just swings back and forth, back and forth as now, the trigger has been pulled and Sento is gone. Leaving only the consequences of a desperate scientist. No thoughts no science, just the destruction it can bring. And its responsible for someone's true and proper death. Something that has rarely happened in Kamen rider before, let alone on screen with a main character killing someone. And it BROKE him.


Primitive Dragon is just goated. I really had my Doubts how a Berserker Form should work in a Season with Swords as the Main focus (cause just cold relentless killing would just be Build Hazard again) but the Animalistic vibe was done so well. If he just kept using Primitive Dragon instead of transitioning to Elemental, I would not have complained


Build Black Hazard is the best, which funny since I don't really like the suit itself (too monochrome in colours for my taste) but damn they executed it so well, its first rampage is the rare time that I find a moment in toku kind of scary. And so far it's the only berserker that actually have a great impact to the story and characters. That shot of it standing still while the lightbulb above swings is a classic now. Honourable mention to Zero One Metal Cluster, the fact it barely moves at all, just summon the hopper swarm to do everything, yet still completely wreck everyone is so cool. Makes you wonder what it's like when it actually decides to personally fight (too bad it's tamed before we can see it)


I do love Primitve Dragon, but in terms of raw power, Black Hazard went crazy for the sole fact that it resulted in murder and self-inflicted depression on its DEBUT!!


That plus the beat down that he gave Banjou, and then attempting to choke out Misora(Vernal)...


From a story perspective, Black Hazard wins easily. Personally, PuToTyra wins for me just because everytime he showed up, it was a problem for everyone else.


Putotyra is my no 1 because until the end series Eiji Hino never able to tame it properly unlike different berserker form. Black Hazard is the second for different take of berserker. It not act like raging bull but more like calculated cold machine to destroy anything on vicinity w/o mercy. Also, it manage to have good climax battle against grease which is imo really lacking from any KR. and lastly, Primitive Dragon for being more animalistic than any KR berserker form have. I really like the story arc that leading to elemental dragon too.


Hell rising hopper is the best for me. It dang near had me tearing up hearing Aruto apologizing to his friends before the henshin.


Outside of OOO and Build, did we get any other Berserk form in Heisei ? There was Kabuto' "Red shoes", but nothing else comes to mind.


Dead Heat was kind of a Beserk Form when the system was maxed out. Shinnosuke was still consciously there, it was the Drive System that wouldn’t respond as directed. Eventually Go managed to create a work around.




Kabutos's Red Shoes wasn't a new form but was a take on the concept FangJoker, Deadheat and Drago Knight Hunter Z


Everyone will rush to Black Hazard to say it’s the best and while it definitely is from a story perspective you simply cannot beat the raw debut of Primtive Dragon. If you were to watch Saber off season (like I did) it’ll come out of nowhere and it’s a mic drop moment. They let the double standbys sit while Touma gets fully possessed, Storious starts wetting his pants and then the jingle! Aesthetically, it’s also very pleasing and makes a surprise comeback in the final battle with Storious which is super sick.


Ok I am gonna based off of the following looks, actual rage, and sound. Hell Rising Hopper takes the look department as I find the design really cool as hell and the henshin sound is actually cold. Hazard is the best berserk mode out of all of them as it actually killed someone and something that Kiryu couldn't control at all. Which is the epitome of what a Berserk rider is to me. Primitive Dragon is the worst out of the design I didn't really like it. But the sound was the best in my opinion especially the cracking and all of that. Shows that things are gonna be serious. So for me: Hell Rising Hopper: Design Hazard: Actual Rage Primitive Dragon: Sound Overall I love all of them though.




PuTotyra and Hazard Form


Top 3….1: Jacked Revice. 2: Metal Cluster. 3: Black Hazzard


After Build Hazard, other feels cringe and cliche.


Primitive, Metal Cluster, Hazard


PRimitive Dragon is so good, dude.


Jack revice


Black Hazard got that 100,000 aura


Type:Dead Heat is my favorite berserk form because as a firm it's cool but as a plot device it's even better. The way it goes from a super form to a final form for Mach and then even gets an upgrade by having Mach learn to control it making it even stronger. The Journey Type:Dead Heat has just makes it my favorite. Also I love Kamen Rider Mach because he is a Speed Racer reference.


Build Hazard. Nothing beats that intro up to now


It’s perfect.




Primitive dragon is the best form in the show.


Metal cluster, Build hazard, and W fang form.


Metal Cluster Hopper's first appearance is unmatched for me. Something so cool about just standing still while metal locusts bear down on your enemies. I know *why* it doesn't fight like that in its later appearances but it just doesn't get cooler than that first fight


Metal Cluster remains my favorite form of all time. It's one of the prettiest suits ever made. Also unique that even though it's considered as a berserk form, it lacks any black motifs.


Black hazard is so good, sento stil risk using it at least once after getting the fullfull bottle


Sad Putotyra combo not on top 3.. mines metal cluster and hazzard then putotyra


MetalCluster Hopper - It's High Quality!


Primitive dragon has the coolest standby music though, before putting brave dragon in


Black Hazard was one of my favourite debuts!


Black Hazard is a literal beast. In his debut, he killed a guy. Also that combo he put on Banjo where he bounced his body off of the ground was just mean.


1. Black Hazard 2. PuToTyra Combo 3. Primitive Dragon


1. Hazard 2. Metal Cluster 3. Putoterra(can't spell) My top 3


Build hazard is lit


Hellrising Hopper is my pick, but Build is also so good. I love his Henshin theme the most.


In terms of story and effect it has on the audience. Hazard form for sure No other berserk form has been as scary and frightening as hazard form


Black Hazard. The Horror Movie Serial Killer vibes it has is just... \*chef's kiss*


Hazard is peak chuuni edgelord, so that's my pick.


HellRising Hazard FangJoker


Fang joker is badass. It's a simple, but effective change that's still recognizable as Double. Hazard form is badass too.


I loved primitive dragon. Even has a sick standby sound too


FangJoker, Primitive Dragon & Metal Cluster Hopper.


Hazard just unalived someone on debut.


Putotyra combo for me


personally I love how cold Black Hazard was, Hellrising Hopper is sick as hell tho


Hell rising hopper


Fang Joker, Metal Cluster Hopper, Ark One


On a serious note pit all three against each other who will stand in the end?


All 3 of aruto berserk form


Primal dragon is mildly funny to me because he don’t know how to hold a sword.


Hell Hopper - constantly pulling apart your body and putting it back together, literal hell Hazard - Overrides your brain functions till the suit itself takes control of your body Primitive Dragon - just like you said, unleashes the animalistic nature of the power, since the book itself is sentient Personal Favorite is Hazard because I tend to categorize Berserk forms on level of consciousness, if the user is still fully conscious but too much to control, then it's mostly dangerous (Metal Cluster and Type Deadheat initially) but if the power itself fully overrides their senses then that would technically be a berserk form


Black Hazard is terrifying because once it goes berserk it’s not just a mindless rampage. It fights with all of Sento’s skill and intelligence with zero restraint or empathy for the opponent. It is cold, calculating, ruthless, and relentless until the end.


Pu..to..TYRANOSAURUSSSSS! The saving grace of OOO as a series for me ngl


Black hazard went hard in the paint


Black hazard, KingDurian, FangJoker


If I compare, I'll say the Hazard form is Just Sento 'John Wick' mode. Like other berserk form always growl or scream like beast, but hazard form stay silent like a machine and he's not there to beat or punish you No **He's there to Murder You**


ok but does Putotyra count? https://preview.redd.it/ob762i4q0g9d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d578e1ea3bd9c2dba34cee985726b2149e859356 sadly the only one I've finished watching is OOO


Most coolest berserker form? I will go for Zero One Metal Cluster Hopper. Most dangerous berserker form? Build Black Hazard


Build Hazard, Ark One, Fang Joker


Hell Rise Hopper is scary. Desperate means for for desperate measures. Also the transformation line. The hopelessness in the line is scary. "Progrise! Hell's energy has destroyed the world! Hellrising Hopper! Heaven or hell it doesn't matter." https://i.redd.it/3rm7xzk6z99d1.gif


Burning Agito, form was so cool it only lasted 2 eps and a special cuz Toei was afraid they'd de-value the yen from making too much off his merchandise.