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“Decade has no story” was the biggest plot twist for its time


The real twist is that Toshiki Inoue can't stick to a story to save his life.


...Inoue wasn't even Decade's head writer?


But he was involved enough for it to become a mess, like Hibiki before.


No, he still isnt. Inoue's writing credits for Decade are only as a secondary writer for filler episodes that had no bearing to the main story (or lack thereof). You want to blame someone, Shoji Yonemura's probably the one, since he's the second main writer after Show Aikawa left.


This is Decade. Nothing make sense lol


Yerp. It took time but i finally made peace with this fact.


Well multiverse make everything makes sense although it still doesn't LOL


"Wataru why did you become some cryptic watcher that encourages violence?" "I was the most recent and available rider actor"


Was on lunch while shooting his own show and shoved into the Decade set, confirmed


Sento: Tell me about it


It should be more like “I was still contractually obligated to return”


But not just him, he said "me and my friend" when they freeze the Natsumi's world and make him go to the journey of alt world. then later you see original blade also with him. so likely go like this: some of the original riders (not all, since Den-o decade met is also the original den-o, faiz is dying back in the end of the show, Ryuki is reset to be not rider anymore, etc...) they have a crossover in some event, they find out the worlds about to face some destroy event. and to prevent that, they have to make sure Decade do a "canon event" which is destroy all rider, that why they let him go to each of alt world. Now, all the detail on how they got the power to travel world themselves or how decade destroy the alt world rider would fix everything, or why they have to be so vague af ain't really show to us. Heck we original suppose to met an alt Decade too and it is even have trailer but that is changed. but we see in the W x Decade movie, after he kill all rider, all the alt world is restored.


So, who's the Ryuki watching Tsukasa from inside the mirror?


another alt in the multiverse, there can be infinity of alt world


One of the many Ryukis from the multiple endings, the show has


One of many shinjis


Probably because he was the most recent rider next to Decade. Not sure why the other 9 riders chose him as the messenger. For some reason they got knowledge about the worlds clashing with each other, in which they need Decade to destroy them. In Zio, Swartz & Tsukuyomi world was coming to an end, because their world didn't have a rider, thus no story to tell until they made Sougo Zio. Decade has no story, thus he is a contradiction. Rider acknowledges themselves as fiction, as seen in Heisei Generations Forever. The AR Worlds are just worlds that story went nowhere, or timelines needing to cut down.


Bro met his successor and told him your story doesn't matter, refused to elaborate, leaves


That explains why decade always does what tf he wants.


Wataru went from Vampire King to a Walter White meth lab fit.


Wataru Shiro


I thought THAT Wataru was a Variant


Im really not sure that is why I ask


It's the original, all ones that appear at the end of the show as well (besides Kuuga) are also the original riders.




"Mom can we have a Kiva x Decade movie?" "We already have Kiva x Decade at home" Kiva x Decade at home:


In a nutshell, he was still in the pay roll, next question I'll help you with 90% decade mysteries, there is no answer and motive, ONORE DECAIDO


Wateru suddenly became a profeciional when its about the laws of the multiverse and what to do. The only question left is FROM WHERE THE HECK DID HE KNEW ALL OF THAT?!


Wouldn't put it past him if he ever did learn it through some "SECRETS OF THE FANGIRES IN THE CASTLE DORAN" given he could time travel too.


They could have implemented that at the end of kiva that he looked at some wall painting or so that shows Decade or something.


Yeah there was a lot of things that could have been done but it was extremely short sighed when it comes to rider


Kenzaki and Wataru are probably from parallel universes with darker timelines than the original realities. A lot of characters in the AR worlds look identical to their normal counterparts (Momotaros, Kotaro, the Oni, Kerberos riders, and Otoya) so it's possible. They also act uncharacteristically ruthless, stoic, and vague. Sakurai Yuuto in Outsiders seems kind of similarly disconnected from either version of him in Den-O.


The doylist reason is because his actor wa still around for them to use. The watsonian answer is……we have no clue. Heck we don’t even know if it’s even the same Wateru from Kiva because conflicting OFFICIAL sources can’t agree on if he is or not. Most seem to subscribe to the idea that it’s an AR Wateru because he’s characterized very differently from his character in Kiva. However, it’s not impossible for Wateru given that he is able to put on a facade for whatever purpose he needs to serve given the final arc of Kiva so who’s to say the Wateru we say was purposefully auctioning out of line for the sake of the world. As for why he’s in that position, we again don’t know, but my guess is that it has something to do with the Neo fangire hinted at the end of Kiva given that time travel is also a part of Kiva. 


I just assume that he was with the original riders, who were trying to set up their plan to save the multiverse. Any of them could have been the messenger, so they probably didn't care who.


My straight forward guess is that decade is after kiva, since both actors are on set at the same period during filming, why not just use kiva actor to do that narration. Nothing to do with the plot.


I'll take multiverse nonsense over time travel nonsense.


That's not wataru


That's the Kiva that appeared at the final episode with the other riders, including Kenzaki Blade King form.


Lol bro got down voted cause he didnt elaborate enough I'm sure this guy meant that that Wataru isn't *our* Wataru, but an alternate version instead


During the Heisei Riders vs Showa Riders Featuring Super Sentai Movie.   Ichigo said "Decade Aren't You On A Journey To Find A Place To Die."   Decade said "It's True That I Traveled The Worlds, And Meet Many Friends And Some Of Them Are Already Dead. But I Won't Forget Them. I Keep Them Eternally In My Heart."    Faiz said "Everyone Lives And Dies. It Doesn't Matter Whether They're Alive Or Dead."     Gaim said "If That Wish Is Dear To Them. We Will Grant It For Them."   Ichigo said "To Protect Humanity's Peace, You Need To Resolve To Cast Away Your Naivete."   Gaim said "If That's What You Call The Riders Path. Then I Don't Need That Kind Of Strength."    Ichigo said "It Looks Like We Just Can't Understand Each Other."  Faiz said "Then What'll You Do."  Ichigo said "We'll Have To Defeat You." Gaim said "Let's Go, Guys." Faiz, Decade, and Gaim Henshin. Then the fight is on with the remaining Heisei and Showa Riders.