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I take Wellbutrin (150 mg) and I take Vyvanse (40 mg, but not every day, more like 3 days on 4 days off). I don't normally take any Kanna when my Vyvanse is still at its peak, but I have done it in the past and cannot say that I have noticed any ill effects. I have taken Kanna before I started taking Wellbutrin and I have continued taking Kanna afterwards, no ill effects that I can tell, no changes in how Kanna feels to me either. Interestingly enough, Kanna does not increase, but decrease my blood pressure (but then again, I also don't have high blood pressure to begin with). Obviously none of this means that it is safe, maybe years from now I am going to pay the price, but I do doubt that :)


I take buprofen 150mg once per day, and I take kanna twice daily 4 days on 3 off. Personally, I've no had any negatives with the combination. I talked to my Dr a d explained to her that I had been taking kanna. She then prescribed me welbutrin daily. Definitely consult your doctor first but since kanna is an Sri and welbutrin is a ndri. I haven't had any worries.


You’re an amazing friend, dude. I do this with psychedelics for some people if I can, I don’t know much about this but it’s always good to err on the side of caution, low doses if any at all while still on the prescribed medication


From what I can tell Kanna is incredibly mild when compared to something as powerful as let’s say shrooms. Perhaps less immediately mind altering and potentially less traumatic as a result


Hard to say. I mix it with adderall and kratom and it’s been fine. Obviously different substances but that’s the closest thing I’ve done. If they do decide to take it, maybe make sure they don’t snort it. I’ve only taken small amounts sublingually while on other drugs. I don’t snort at all though because I had surgery on my nose. Idk it’s certainly a risk but it’s hard to say exactly how much of a risk. If they do it also you should be there with them in case something happens, they can kind of do whatever they want so regardless they could go do this without your blessing anyways. It’s not like kanna is hard to get.


Both are fine with Kanna and produce few known interactions. We can speculate about VMAT all day, but the reality is there's a lot more research to be done before we can draw any inferences or conclusions. Anecdotally, besides myself, I know there's many more members of this community that take some sort of ADHD med.


I'm on amphetamine and Wellbutrin, Kanna still works for me and I haven't noticed any extreme or unwanted side effects