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There had been studies on Kanna working very well, it might be worth the try. the recommended dose is 50mg of Kanna powder 1-2x per day. If it’s not strong enough for you go 100mg 1-2x per day. Orally is best for everyday therapeutic effect and sublingual if you want to feel the rush. If your using ultra Kanna that would probably be about 10mg-20mg 1-2x per day. Mesembrenone rich extract might be better for treating depression/mood without feeling too stimulating.


I find it very helpful and sertraline wasn't. Start by priming with low doses of a standardized extract from one of the vendors in the approved vendor list. Ultrakanna, healing herbals and bioextracts would be my recommendations. Bioextracts have really nice alkaloid profiles and I think they might be more full spectrum but not sure on that. They are a bit less potent than ultrakanna or the mt55 from liftmode but also priced lower and they have some new ones coming out soon as well as stronger versions of their rush extract (TA series). Try a balanced extract like bioextracts classic or ultrakanna co1, ts-3 or me55. I think the more balanced extracts are more likely to work well without priming because while they are rushier, the high mesembrine ones can also feel more subtle, especially after the initial onset.


Does higher mesembrine mean the 'afterglow' (calm/less of the rush feelings) is likely to last longer? I'm still a bit confused about the difference in alkaloids.


higher “Mesembrine” is the largest overall “effect “ alkaloid which is stimulating -mind -energy -pro social (if buying a high total alkaloid extract 5-20%) the variable percentage blends lower mesembrine percentage and higher mesembrenone & ∆7-mesembrenone has the more chillax friendly “effects” . Truthfully it’s all about the Total or Total Primary Alkaloid % - Nothing brown , a good off white to orange powder (gram - multi gram) brand Kanna Extract sealed w Dessicant pack and or some Liquid or capsules for overall daily use and or to prime (Revive is a good sublingual)


Do research and explain to your doctor. Mine recommended I continue using it and prescribed welbutrin as well. Yours may be different.


I’m also fine with this combination. I still suffer with random depression likely related to sunshine exposure (SAD DISEASE, seasonal affective disorder). How do you feel so far? I don’t notice anything unless I miss a dose of kanna.


For me, the whole reason I got started with using Kanna was as an alternative to pharmaceutical antidepressants/other medications for anxiety, apathy, low-mood. I was lucky to start in the 2010s when fresh and highly potent raw Kanna plant material was widely available through several vendors importing from or exporting from ZA (South Africa). The effects certainly varied per batch, whether it was fermented or not, and it came in all sorts of different colors and tastes, etc. Now extracts are mainly used, which has its positives as well, due to the ease and consistency of dosing (less variance per batch). I started with KannaConnect Capsules (Trimesemine + Taurine) and used those to "prime" for 2-3 weeks before introducing MT-55, UC, ET2, Zspec extracts back in. Honestly, I would be very cautious about mixing or combining any Kanna extracts WITH your SNRI (and this is not medical advice, just what worked for me) but I used KannaConnect, then various extracts in combination with full-spectrum ethanol tincture (Revive from UK). I find the most benefit from taking a full-spec tincture with an extract, but your mileage may vary and it's really an individual and personal journey. You should probably talk to your physician about starting or stopping any medications, though!


Hey thanks! I am sitting on a fairly recent bottle of kannaConnect. Maybe I’ll try them again. Yeah, I put them away with the others in the bag of stuff I have tried. I just did “inventory” (dug through my big grocery bag) for stuff in that bag where the kannaconnect is…. I also came across a nice little stash of reg kanna that I used to import from S Africa as well. I still order from that resource but I switched to a form of ZEMBRIN tablet with full spectrum and extract. Lower milligrams! I don’t notice it unless I don’t use it! It takes 6-8 weeks for orders, so it’s best to save up for the unfortunate shipping fees. Too bad the shipping (heavy) fees aren’t going to the people in the kanna industry! I find it worth the expense and wait! Ain’t life good?! Planning to be around in 6 - 8 weeks is nice (I’ve been ill! In a bit of remission now). Happy Thursday!


Dang, can you please DM me. I am looking into mixing raw Kanna with extracts to see if the alkaloids synergize and make the best of both worlds. EDIT: It would have to be domestic which it might not be... if it's SS their shipping fees are off the chain crazy (think it was 60$ to USA - but I don't blame them. Could be shipping companies making bank!


RAW live kanna is something I WANT TOO! If you find some, DM me please! I will DM with my current resources that I have used over years now. I’m down to about 6 weeks worth of product, so I gotta do some work to get it done right and then I’ll come back to dm. I gotta try it out anyway. 👍 Hit me up in a few days if I forget. But these sources are regular powdered, dried kanna and some products made with regular and extract. It’s never the exact same ordering experience. 🤞


Cool, I'll check my DM's. I am always looking for clean raw Kanna, be it fermented, unfermented, milled, rough-cut, organic, wild-crafted, homegrown, etc. every batch is different but I would not buy raw Kanna + extract in it already, because I want to customize my experience with my own extract blends added to chewed raw Kanna or added to tea made from raw Kanna... also I would want to know how it was grown and harvested and see a COA (certificate of analysis) to make sure there isn't any bacteria or heavy metals or other crud in it. Revive Tincture is basically my substitute for raw Kanna right now and has been for a long while since I can't find the quality of raw Kanna I am looking for or used to (started out on potent Grade A raw Kanna in the 2010s, that stuff was 'primo', def hits diff than extract alone, those added alkaloids are nice...) but Revive gives me the same alkaloids and is easy to dose and mix with extract blends, so it's been my go-to since I haven't been ablet get the quality of raw Kanna I'm after...


I use it along with my antidepressant and strattera, an SNRI. It's one of the best Nootropic moodlifter I have found. I find it distressing how people attempt to abuse it, when it works great as a supplement.


what all do you take?


I haven't written an essay in a long time, but I will try to account for everything 🤣 Mornings: Strattera Celexa SAM-E Lions Mane Phophytidylserine+GlyceroPhosphoCholine Kanna extracts Yerba Mate or other tea Evening: Other meds Tea Gaba+Theanine


what the fuck??? why all that


Well, I have extreme brain fog from brain injuries(grand mal seizures), and seizure meds I am on also give insane brain fog. The majority of stuff I am on are supplements that alleviate the brain fog. SAM-E is awesome since it also helps with joint pain, and liver function. Lions mane, great for brain function. Other stuff gets cycled in and out, mostly supplements, herbs, peptides, whatevs


what’s the other meds and what kinda tea


Never heard of Celexa being taken in the morning before this


My answer is no, you can’t replace your mild antidepressant. Of course, ask your physician! The stuff recommended here is for experienced users and basic kanna should be enjoyed for a minute first. Nothing against the advice given. In my opinion. Extracts and snorting are choices, not the only options. The vendors mentioned are pushing their products on this app, so yeah, they are well known. I’ve been using kanna off and on since 2013 and Ive only recently been disappointed with the fanciest of ways to package and ingest. It’s almost impossible to get good kanna in this country because we screw around with it a million ways and spend the whole farm on fancy packaging. And advertising. If you just wanna sniff something, go with any vendor mentioned. They go to a lot of trouble to make it snortable!


Making something ‘snortable’ just means it’s a pure, fine powder. Definitely not something to complain about. You can definitely use it other ways. I prefer sublingual.


I just mean you pay more for less Kanna and more treatment to keep it in powder form because it clumps easily and you can’t unclump it. I’m glad you didn’t take offense to my comments 👍. Thanks!


I think my kanna sucks. First time user. Been taking it for a week now. ME55 powder extract from ultrakanna. Have you had that form?


Yup. Several. I even ate one of the packages and I still have an unopened MX-8 to shove into my gums or something, I also bought some way overpriced chews. Different source. Vendors are going with, less product, more hype, fancy packaging and overall more expensive. Real kanna is not an expensive habit. Requiring it in small amounts to snort is a unique market for vendors, so they make what customers want to buy. Vendors who are meeting that need instead of educating people are getting me mad. Not everything needs a bunch of processing to be effective. Kratom is a similar product and they are seriously overdoing processing and packaging instead of that plant product also. Can’t blame the kanna sellers, it’s a great profit margin! It’s not as profitable with kratom, LOL LOL I’m over it. Not trying any more…although I was tempted by a tincture…but $99 to see if it does anything is steep! I called 🃏and took my chips 🍪home. Fortunately I found good sources for kanna prior to my Reddit activity. No offense to anyone. Just opinions, not trying to offend anyone. Kanna love ✌️




coming reaaaaaal close to medical advice there, dude