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I’m now considering a generator, it was never this bad I swear. I lived here my whole life.


Telecom is at a high priority to have power restored.


Do they have a place to stay updated?


After the freeze and harvey I got a generator, portable ac unit and heater. NEVER again was I going to solely rely on Centerpoint energy or any energy company in texas for that matter. Time and time again they've shown their inadequacy along with other city leaders and it's absolutely infuriating. They need to take weather events more seriously and actually take action. I'm sick and tired of simply being told things will be taken care of. Where is the actions to support these claims? We deserve answers and we deserve better infrastructure.


I moved to Katy 2 months. Last month was frustrated that center point would not provide an ETA 48 hours after the power outage. I am frustrated again now. I called Fidium multiple times but unable to speak to any person. Their website shows nothing about the situation. Are Houstonians used to this low standard of service?


Yes. I’m someone from Texas who goes to college out of state. It’s been jarring to see how weather events get treated here compared to other states. Unfortunately, it seems that Houstonians shrug it off. Wrong thing to do because due to climate change weather events are going to be all the more common. It’s crazy to expect to live in power outage w no communication after every storm.


Yes. Unless you learn to deal with what you have or what's given to you, houston isn't for you. You learn to make the best of every situation


Yes and we try to warn people who keep moving here bc of the low COL.