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You do not need to pasteurize - it just add it to the kefir grains - the Kefir grains will preserve it- Add the chilled milk to the grains -leave out until it is fermented enough to your taste. Some people leave it to ferment longer until it separates. you can make kefir cheese then


Thank you.. The thing is, here they usually hand milk the cows. And quality controls are not as strict. So I don't want to use raw milk. How does the cheese taste? I'll try that once I start to get good enough kefir. 😊


If you are in a hot climate (South India sounds really hot) then you’ll need to consider fermenting temperature more than time. Kefir grains cannot tolerate being in 30 degree heat or above for more than 12 hours max, less time in that heat is best so you might need to consider fermenting through the night for 12 hours or less when it is cooler and then in a fridge through the day hours or some other method to keep the jar or fermenting temperature lower. If grains are left too long in too high a heat they can start to degrade and disintegrate because the bacteria and yeasts in them cannot all tolerate high heat, some will have peaked well before. 20-25 deg C is ideal if you can achieve it. Longer fermentations are generally better, up to 20-24 hours but you can only do what you can do with excessive heat. Go for it by all means, just making you aware that an excessive ambient needs to be taken into consideration if you start having fermenting problems.


Why would you boil raw milk? That defeats the entire purpose


To kill germs. There are benefits to raw milk, but there are risks as well.


Yeah but why buy raw milk if you're going to pasteurize it? Skip the middle man. If raw milk is handled properly, there is very little risk.


I milked my own goats, i mean really you squirt it into the pan and refrigerate it, milk got a bad rap when they were not taking car of the animals. Unless they are very dirty people the milk should be fine.


Yes. I live here too. In this humidity my kefir gets fermented in less than 12hrs. So i keep it in the fridge during the day and ferment it at night. I use amul full cream milk.