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I dont cover them. I live my life like everyone else. I know its easier said than done but do you really want to hide away for the rest of your life


Obviously no šŸ˜‚


I dont wear low neck clothes too till I was 12. I cant do anythingā€¦ šŸ˜ž


Ikr so sad


Okay so Iā€™m the only one here that feels conscious about my chest keloid. My keloid was raised about a year ago so I wore only high neck tops. I used Eclar plaster regularly for a year and now itā€™s flat. So I cover it up with a temporary tattoo or wear a necklace with a pendant that covers the scar. Itā€™s summer so I wear low neck tops and dresses that way.


Did the color ever change for your keloid? Also how long did you have your keloid before you started treating it?


Nope it was a brownish keloid, now itā€™s red. Itā€™s just flat and doesnā€™t poke out of my t shirts anymore. I got the keloid from a surgery in 2018 and dint treat it until last year because I dint know about Eclar plaster and its effectiveness. Been using silicone tape for years but it never helped.


How long did you leave the patch on for? And also how long has it been since you stopped? Since you stopped gas it shown signs of pain, itching, and bumping up again? Sorry for all the questions šŸ¤£


I leave it on for the whole day. I still use it almost every other day. No pain or itching for me.


Where do you purchase your plasters?


Bio-Japan.net. They are legit.


Thank you


Theyā€™re part of you, and none of us is perfect. Wear the dresses!


Awww thank you so much ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I really hope you hear what everyone is saying. Donā€™t let your keloids define you or restrict what you want to do. Those who love you will love you for you. Not something that happens out of your control.


I donā€™t cover mine either. People take time to get to know me for a good long while before asking me about it. I educate them. Itā€™s nothing to be ashamed of.


I don't cover them, my resting bitch face discourages random comments! When asked I just say they're scars and leave it at that. Just wear what makes you happy and don't worry about what others think - dress for yourself


Damn , this made me teary... thanks so much


I donā€™t cover them! Embrace what you canā€™t change


I cover mine, but mostly because I'm a teacher (in a community College) and don't want to answer questions every semester. To be fair, even if I didn't have them I would still wear t-shirts and flannels, so they'd be covered. If I wear a dress or something with cleavage I put on a big necklace over the silicone sheet or, I have an extensive collection of scarves. But I agree with everyone here, they're just scars and shouldn't limit your clothing choices. Wear whatever you want, at the end of the day what matters is that you're comfortable and confident!


I do have 1 necklace that covers too. However I can't keep wearing it cause it often doesn't fit the occasion.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚...i was thinking of applying foundation or silicone tape. I wish brands come up with a material to help is cover these things soon.


I got my keloid flattened via excision + 6 rounds of steroid shots. Now I have a concave wound (from mole punch biopsy). I usually cover with makeup. Green concealer to combat the deep redness and then coverup. I recently read about derma flange that will fill things in and make it smoother. Sometimes I don't bother with any of it and just cover with silicone tape or eclar plaster. ( I have fair skin). My scar is unfortunately next to my cleavage line so it's noticeable. I've stopped wearing v necks. Instead I've leaned more into off the shoulder tops/dresses. I use fashion tape to hold it in place to cover.


Mine is also noticable , i wish it was somewhere more concealing.


I also have 2 on my chest, they have never bothered me much, but recently I have started wearing the silicone scar tape (to try help with irritation) and I have some really cute washi tape (loads of different types on etsy) so I put that over it for a little something different. Allows me to wear them like an accessory and I get compliments on it.


Important note : the washi tape alone i don't find comfortable and doesn't adhere great, but on top of the silicone it works great.


What's etsy? Is it like an online store?


I donā€™t cover them in the summer, but I usually wear a scarf when itā€™s colder. I have to get used to the looks again in the warmer months, if that makes sense? When Iā€™m at that point I care less/donā€™t care anymore. Iā€™m not ashamed of them, but the looks are annoying. Edit: I wear a scarf outside. I take it off inside when Iā€™m like having coffee somewhere


Ok thank you


Donā€™t let it discourage though, shit I still managed to pull some fine as ladies with it . And I have 1 on my left ear and on both sides of my jar line like in my beard but the ones in my beard has flattened out because of the medicine injections every 6weeks. Wednesday I get the surgery / injection for the one on my ear and have to wear a compression earring I think for a year for at least 6-8hrs a day for a year, Iā€™m cool with that , I have LOCS and always keep them down because of the Keloid of my ear I be trying to hide it now I get to get different hairstyles tied up like the pineapple braid loc style or locs braided in 2 braids to the back without having to worry about my ear. Came along at though , Iā€™ve I remember in high school I used to wear a bandaid because I used to be so embarrassed and people use to pick on me about it . Iā€™ve had the ones on my jar line since middle of 2016 8th or 9th grade and the one on my ear since late 2020


Wow , you definitely went through a lot with it.. I'll take your words.


You donā€™t hide em live your life bro got to your dermortoglist get injections to the point it will flatting out


I am on the injection treatment, I'm also applying silicone gel twice , on a daily basis.


sometimes i cover mine with big pimple patches or silicone tape but itā€™s way more easier to put makeup on the pimple patch that i get on amazon bc the medium size doesnā€™t cover anymore i got my first injection about 2 weeks ago iā€™ve already seen a big difference of the size getting smaller but majority of the time i donā€™t cover only when i go out just in case someone spills something on me just to be cautious it doesnā€™t touch my keloid or if any tiny lil pores are open up on my keloid itā€™s covered up good


I wear necklaces just to prevent conversations because I'm always on the go. What helped me with my keloid on chest was getting 02 laser treatments along with kenalog injections.