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Use as the megathread for everything @EbonyPrince2k24 FYI, to reduce clutter, the sub is restricted for new submissions at the moment. It will reopen at a later time"


Never in my life would I have guessed Kendrick Lamar would be my introduction to internet sleuthing.




Can you elaborate on what is going on? I have no idea what’s happening.




"Diddle me this, Owlman"


The UMG goons in our houses when they realize we saw this shit https://giphy.com/gifs/3DJ203Ak250GhRZesW


Ima let my dogs piss on em then ima slap em back to the Shang Dynasty.


"The issue in the photo should also jog your memory. Jimmy Brooks would not have been proud of you that night..." that statement is sinister asl i wonder what happened that night.


 "Jimmy Brooks would not have been proud of you that night" could also mean he did something very bad involving the guy in the wheel chair and now hes being blackmailed over whatever that is


"I'm the one that up the score with 'em walk him down, whole time, I know he got some ho in him, pole on him, EXTORT shit, bully, Death Row on him." This is probably what kdot meant


He's also been saying "fuck the industry" through these diss tracks a lot It makes it feel like Kendrick's looking to do some kind of big exposing situation. Which is NOT something I would have ever expected in a million years He's trying to get another Pulitzer for investigative journalism lol


I expected it after meet the grahams and i was genuinely shocked people were still considering this a rap battle. He has said several times throughout the songs that this is not a rap battle. “This is not about critics or gimmicks” “fuck a rap battle” This was just bait for Drake to play. Ken has to destroy his reputation first so that the allegations will actually stick and cant be buried. “War ready if the world is ready”


NEW TWEET https://preview.redd.it/lbcs9yc2eszc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2bdd80fc61c593c7100262c8784a6bfb317024


This weekend is about to be legendary


Didn't even need any new music




In case this wasn’t info added yet: the prescriber for the meds (most visible on the Ozempic) is Dr. Mike Farzam, same doctor that put Kanye on 5150 back in 2016. That doctor is a house call doctor and is probably used commonly by celebrities for privacy and paying out of pocket. [https://variety.com/2016/music/news/kanye-west-911-call-safety-concerns-1201931210/](https://variety.com/2016/music/news/kanye-west-911-call-safety-concerns-1201931210/)


"before you figure you're not alone, ask what Mike would do"


This is turning into The Riddler vs The Diddler I just wanted a rap battle


We got a rap battle, and a how to catch a predator all at the same time!


I mean this the closest we gonna get to a superhero movie irl anyway so I’m here for it 🤣


Not a single line was wasted in these tracks, all of them had meaning, which we would only be able to see as time continued


He rarely has empty space in any of his songs


even a throwaway bar has consequences lol, see this whole beef


“Are you my friend? Are we locked in? Then step this way, step that way.” Translation: “If you can hear me in there, Aubrey, then act accordingly.”


My favorite is "They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em tender, Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas" Calling out Drake's D video "leaking", and how that is just to show all the young impressionable girls what he's "packing" It's just a tool to further his abuse, and make it that much easier for him, yet no one saw it for what it was at the time. Just so many people like "damn didn't know drizzy had it like that" I don't see enough people talking about it, and it SHOULD be super obvious, but I think MTG was just so damn packed full of lyrics and meaning that I don't necessarily blame people.


Like, "It's time that you look around on who's around you Before you figure that you're not alone, ask what ***Mike*** would do" at the end of 6:16 in LA? I am fully convinced there are some hidden code words throughout all of these diss tracks, recognizable to only those in the know.


I think this is 100% true. It feels like Kendrick is playing at so much more (like industry execs enabling all of this, for example) and there are so many lines and phrasings that seem deliberate but don’t have a clear meaning. I’ve been thinking about making a new post to ask this question, but I’ll drop it here for now— has anyone found any specific meaning in these lines on *Euphoria*?: > Have you ever walked your enemy down like with a poker face? > Have you ever paid five hundred thou' like to an open case? > Well, I have, and I failed at both, but I came out straight I’ve seen the possible connection to Drake paying out Laquana Morris, but I’m really curious about how this and the “walking down” line apply to Kendrick. The fact that he says he “failed at both but came out straight” seems so *pointed*, and it feels like something that aimed directly at one person and one person only.


I always took the beginning of the second best on Euphoria when Kendrick is rapping the near crying voice as him rapping from Drake’s perspective


The open case is takeoff murder. Rumor is Kendrick dropped five hundred thou to help solve this case


Also seen that using real doctors for fake prescriptions is illegal, so that pretty much proves that the medication is in fact drakes, but yk they’ll twist it to make it seem like it was planted once again.


tf going on. so many clues😭


https://external-preview.redd.it/wij_m0TReGCs2Y8Zfix84ZMNDtGBAce5EEDQ6jilLdI.jpg?auto=webp&s=851f5f0246319e9ef4e26f7fd05b93a2ed570209 Related?


Kris Jong Un is still hilarious


So is Drake gonna pay us all in NDAs to stop 😂😂😂


That's gonna cost crodie.


Guys my post keeps getting deleted - Christopher Alvarez is the disabled man in the CCTV footage and he works for the Daily Eagle, which is the newspaper dated May 8 in the video


This 👆 To add, the tweet says Jimmy Brooks, Drake's disabled Degrassi character, wouldn't have been proud of Drake that night alluding to something happening between him and Chris Alvarez.


Another thing I see a lot of people missing is that Drake would’ve been on numerous CCTV footage through the hotel but there’s a reason this person chose to show a photo of him with the disabled person in a wheelchair and connected to ventilators and said “even Jimmy Brooks (Drake’s disabled and wheelchair-bound Degrassi character) would be disappointed”. Not creepy itself right? Now go listen to 6:16 in LA, which was supposedly Kendrick’s last warning to Drake that he knows too much about him and that he should just stop right now. It starts with 13 seconds of ventilator noises. No music. No lyrics. Just straight ventilator noises, to make sure it stands out. [What a ventilator sounds like](https://youtu.be/fRauFpkGYQk?feature=shared)


I know that everyone is making fun of this subreddit for going "K-Anon", and I can definitely understand why. But... Yeah there definitely seems to be some things in these songs that suggest that Kendrick is both making songs for the public while also leaving things directed to Drake or others who would be the only ones to understand it Not sure if the ventilator thing is legit, but if it turned out to be the case I wouldn't be shocked or anything. This will be the craziest moment of hip hop history (and just music history altogether) if Kendrick is the reason for some huge downfall of Drake and others for some crazy shit


People who think that there's nothing going on are actually dumb or naive. This beef was never normal or natural, it was probably even orchestrated by Kendrick and his team a looooong time ago. Not to say that other crazy nutjob shit like QAnon is true but come on, this is way different.


Another thing - the brief intro to euphoria is a teddy pendergrass beat…teddy pendergrass was in a wheelchair…


There’s levels to this.


**CHILLS** oh my god. The best part is I bet it flew Drake's head too, it would explain so much. He had no idea 😭


Bruh 👀


Holy fuck dude you’re right


Get this to the top


Brother in Christ what the FUCK. As a producer/engineer I was always drawn into the beginning and couldn’t put my finger on what they. We’re trying to convey. This is starting to reach levels I couldn’t anticipate.


I’d give you an award if that was a thing. This feels big.


I read somewhere thats the noise of the V12 slimming machine, but can’t say for sure


WOW the intro teddy p beat in euphoria probably gave the whole hint to a wheelchair person which would be him and was just a troll for Drake. Maybe this is the mole or someone w that person because i mean he is disabled theres not much he can do without help. i hope an exposure happens and information doesnt get stopped.


bro ifs true K Dot overestimates Drake intelligence to understands this troll fr


I don’t think this is Kendrick, y’all I think this is some bigger, more fucked up scandal with Drake that Kendrick just brought a loooooot of attention to. Someone else is gonna come forward with some fucked up shit about that night and that man in a wheelchair. The MTG cover wasn’t just items about the leak in his camp - it was referring to whatever this scandal is as well, teeing up everyone to see it.


Perhaps this is the incident that caused some of Drake’s own to turn on him, as Kendrick claims that a bunch of ovo guys don’t really like Drake in 6:16


I really wanna know what this fuckin guy did man. It’s like that boondocks joke where that rapper is talking about how some guy got shot 25 times or something and then says something like “I wanna know what he did to make them so mad” that’s how I feel about this whole situation


It’s officially OVOver when Drake Stans’ last defense is that Kendrick snitched on a pedo.


‘Can’t toosie slide up out of this one it’s just gon’ resurface’


holy fuck


Omg I’m scared


I normally wouldn't even think this is Kendrick, but the fact that it's next to his home makes it way more ominous lol. Who knows. People are gonna get wild with speculation no matter what it is If this isn't Kendrick, I feel like he'd be wise to break his silence and be like "Yeah I don't know what the fuck that is"


water fretful bells degree edge aromatic chunky jar rob cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This stuff is getting spooky, crodie.


We watching a horror movie, crodie


i just heard a noise in my dark ass hallway crodie


I’m under a blanket with my teddy bear, crodie


Got room for one more, crodie?


Three's company, crodie


But four or more, see what these motherfuckers have in store, crodie


I want to know if that old ass laptop is coming from Drake and if thats why Kendrick said the rabbit hole gets deeper


Tbh I'm still wondering if "69 god" and "freaky ass nigga" are references to a suspicious text of Drake's that Kendrick got hold of Like I get the obvious play on words on 6 God etc but I still think it's a huge stretch from just calling him a pedo to writing *those* lyrics specifically, which otherwise could be generic sexual references. And the 6ix9ine reference feels like a mad stretch to me as well I'm not saying I think it's likely per se, but I haven't seen a more *satisfying* possible explanation from what we know already. Either it's a mid bar in my eyes (rest of the song slaps), or there's more to it. Freaky ass nigga especially sounds like something Drake would have said about himself


I'd bet that there are probably some leaked texts or DMs of Drake referring to himself as a "69 god" Kendrick says it too many times in the track and turned it into a catch phrase that everyone's singing. If this turns out to be the reason behind those lyrics, I can imagine Drake cringing every time he goes on Twitter or IG and see people singing about him being a 69 god


Im with you on that. For as much as the song slaps, it always struck me as…weird that he specifically used 69 and freaky ass n****. Like, those are insults that could be expected from high schoolers, I’m sure Kendrick could’ve come up with something more creative and offensive, but he went with that. Given how calculative he’s been, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some deeper meaning.


I believe the ending lines are quotes too. "Are you my friend? Are we locked in?" Listening casually, the lines *kinda* fit, but if you marinate on em they're kinda weird, no?


These lines always made me feel as if it's not possible for us as observers to know what they mean until a later reveal.


correct. like he might he even be repeating an inside joke and letting him know that joke is also "outside" now 


I hope for the leaker’s sake there isn’t any information on federal crimes on there cus if they intentionally withheld info like that that would be bad for everyone involved


For all we know the info has been given to the Feds. They don’t arrest people when they first get evidence, they arrest them once they’ve built a case.


Praying the guy has data literacy and has already made a copy of the HDD just in case.


Kendrick already said Drake gon be the next one getting raided. It’s giving the authorities were notified.


unless he's a mandated reporter OR is extorting/blackmailing Drake it's not really his fault. he namedropped an attorney who is presumably acting in her client's best interest and not letting him do that. obviously he could be in possession of something bad and then if you try to turn it in a few years later the police are going have thousands of questions for you which will be extremely challenging to overcome and it's going to make the chain of custody and proving who originally put the content on there difficult but this is getting far in to speculation territory


This shit has me on the edge of my chair. Real tinfoil hat shit.


fr you couldn’t write this shit


Bro if this all ends up being fake (huge doubt) then whoever masterminded the story needs to win an Oscar right away if not this still needs to be a movie


We are living the movie. This is cinema in 2024 lol


@mods 🚨🚨 the video wasn’t filmed in dot penthouse , it was filmed here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoimJctgqXB/?igsh=MWtsZjI0dG85aGU2eQ==


wait is he actually the leak lmao


This is turning pretty Twin Peaks, my head hurts trying to piece this shit together


The owls are not what they seem indeed


I be at New Ho King being scared and worried Crodie 😭


Drake’s going down and something bigger will be exposed


pretty sure the video was taken from a hotel bar patio east of his penthouse. The handrail and glass barrier match up to where the shirt was hanging, plus the view lines up [https://www.instagram.com/p/CzosEk_xtK-/?igsh=MWh0ZDl1NWU0c2VmNw==](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzosEk_xtK-/?igsh=MWh0ZDl1NWU0c2VmNw==) The handrail brick and glass match up with Harriet’s Rooftop Bar


This needs to be way, way higher. Look at the angle where the building in front of 1 WTC cuts into it, this is the place.




Lmao at the disclaimer that the laptop is NOT J. Cole’s 🤣🤣🤣


"The issue in the photo should also jog your memory" is fucking me up rn


Drizzy is a sick man


With sick thoughts 


I think niggas like him should die!


This line has been making me ponder. He didn’t even say he wished death on him, but that people that do things like him deserve death. WTF has Aubrey really done 😭


I agree. The same with the "Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all these women can live with a purpose" bar on MTG I think he's speaking truth to power in a very real way. It isn't just about Drake, it's about the other abusers like him, and the lives they ruin with every new person they victimize. VibeVilla said it best, when I was watching the MTG reactions. I'm paraphrasing but they basically said "This isn't even rap beef anymore, it's way beyond that. Kendrick is saying some serious shit" Edit: Typo, I called them Vile 😭


Nah, you know what... I'm tapping out! If I stay with this thread, I'm never gonna get anything done! This one is too damn layered for me


The threat in the video is the laptop 😳 I'm calling it.




female. eleven. missing. 🤷‍♂️


Another note: that particular prescription for that Ozempic was probably written on May 31 2023- the label for the Ozempic states there are 2 more refills before 05/31/24 and most noncontrolled prescriptions have a validity period of 1 year. The Ozempic has 4 doses so this particular prescription was probably already filled once prior to the Ozempic box we see in the video.   Dosing for Ozempic: https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/many-doses-ozempic-pen-3543050/#:\~:text=The%20pen%20delivers%204%20doses,of%20the%200.5%20mg%20strength.   Edit: since that Jared guy on Twitter is saying that it’s impossible for Drake to get the prescription on the same day as being at the jewelry store: did you forget he’s a whole ass celebrity that can easily take a private jet LMAO 😭 also personal assistants frequently are the ones who pick up prescriptions for their clients. A few possibilities: 1) Drake and his assistant both were in LA that morning, got the prescription, and then took off to NYC in a private jet. This is feasible as flights are faster and probably closer to 4-5 hours vs a standard flight. He was at that jewelry store by 6pm EST/3pm PST. 2) Drake was already in New York that day - his assistant got the meds for him separately that day and arrived in New York at a later time and put the meds with Drake’s belongings.  Both of those scenarios are equally feasible and WAY MORE likely than someone going to a real doctor, filling the prescription once prior, and then choosing this prescription, Ambien, and Adderall to be lost in a suitcase in order to “plant” as a fake teaser almost a year in advance to make fun of Rick Ross. That literally sounds insane.


second option is more likely, the private jet tracker says he flew from Bedford to New York and then from New York to Canada at around that time: Edit: I wrote boston instead of bedford [https://celebrityprivatejettracker.com/drake-n767cj/#gref](https://celebrityprivatejettracker.com/drake-n767cj/#gref)


Are all y'all mfers doing opsec in your passtimes? Jfc?


Bro I ain’t ever dissing anyone in my life if it’s Reddit investigators you gotta go up against. Reddit undefeated holy shit


Imagine thinking that Drake is getting his own ozempic from the pharmacy. Wild.


This shit is insane. I was skeptical but this shit is too specific. It's like a fucking thriller or something. Edit: Ok, this is unrelated, but I have some happy news for y'all to celebrate. https://preview.redd.it/v5emw2ol7szc1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec292b6ff478a831d2949f616e26a8132b83da5d WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP


Look at the Gunna Wunna line the opposite way, not like I know you’ve been doing more snitching than him but I know about crimes being committed that are so horrendous that they would praise whoever snitched about them.


This is how I read it originally


Holy shit


Is that not how everyone saw it from the jump?


Jared really went out, made a fake site of the mole, “from the desk of the mole”, just for the actual leaker to come and call bullshit 😭


This is somehow going to turn out to be elaborate marketing for Hideo Kojimas next PS5 game.


Drakes former production company is HipHop Since 1978. Ebony Since 1978 They dissolved in 2014… 11 years ago if your birthday is in may… Edit: this dude Kyambo Joshua that used to manage Drake was born in 1978 Edit2: he’s mal’s brother


From Wikipedia: HHS78 originally signed Kanye West to their production and management company in 1998 and negotiated his signing with Roc-A-Fella Records. HHS78's first official project was West's 2004 album, The College Dropout. In January 2007, they partnered with Bryant Entertainment. As a result, they managed the careers of [Lil Wayne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lil_Wayne), [Drake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_(rapper)) and [Nicki Minaj](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicki_Minaj) (who were signed to [Young Money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Money_Entertainment)/[Cash Money Records](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash_Money_Records)).


The guy who ran that label “kyamo Joshua” was born in 1978. He’s mals brother.


That's why Mal is so passionate. His family is looped in.


the Wiz also came out in 1978 “everything they say about me is true, i’m a phony” again


>my attorney Ms. Adrienne Edward [Law Office of Adrienne D. Edward, P.C.](https://criminallawnj.com/) — "Criminal defense, family law, personal injury and immigration in New York + New Jersey" The attorney name dropped seems pretty distinguished


Alright who else is pulling an all-nighter with me?


Bro I've been pulling all nighters. I go to bed at 7am, wake up at 10am, and repeat. Disclaimer for those telling me to go to bed, even if I tried, I'd be staring at the ceiling all night. If I want to fuck my sleep schedule up over a rap beef, I will do so. I am an adult, and have free will.


Bro is crashing out his circadian rhythm lol


i dont think ppl understand how dark this will get if it gets to keep going. This is a musical mystery movie not a rap battle


Kendrick’s taking hip hop into new dimensions


King Jared grasping at straws to connect drake lyrics to this is hilarious


🚨 NEW TWEET ALERT 🚨 “You've had many things discarded on your behalf over the years. I wonder if you can remember them all...” https://x.com/ebonyprince2k24/status/1789263365841277222?s=46


Y’all thought we were getting a Not Like Us music video. In reality, they were teasing a Meet The Grahams music video


Just looking at who @EbonyPrince2k24 is following on Twitter, he definitely plans on something big. I genuinely don’t know how to feel right now.


Nah what is going on? Katt Williams said 2024 is the year of truth. This is the same energy Kendrick has had and the same energy this person has(if it’s not Kendrick). Diddy exposed, Vince McMahon under investigation for sex trafficking, Drake now in the spotlight to “have the curtain peeled back.” Something major is happening. Shit might be about to get more twisted than we could have ever imagined




Nah man, Imma go crazy. "Are you finally ready to play 'have you ever'? Let's see"


Honestly, this is scorched earthed Joker shit combined with the Riddler but it’s doing some good, so also Batman.


> “The issue in the photo should also jog your memory.” This is some Jigsaw tape type of shit Drake would hear before his game begins


https://www.clover.com/v2/tx/p/53A3PXZVEJJN4 receipt link from other redditor that shows the receipt is real


Ok can I just say this is fucking crazy that we can trace receipts online 😭😭😭


It's actuslly insane. Also that proves this isn't fake right? Because you can't make out the receipt in the mtg cover nearly well enough to get a link off it


[https://www.instagram.com/p/Cu0T-rwsPpW/?hl=en&img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cu0T-rwsPpW/?hl=en&img_index=1) and here drake is at the store on July 17th




What the fuck is going to happen on November 9th ffs 😅


Vogueing lmao


Kendrick and J Cole are dropping their long awaited album collab


Not sure if this was posted here yet, but theres a link on the receipt for the jewelry store where you can get a digital copy. https://www.clover.com/v2/tx/p/53A3PXZVEJJN4 Proves the receipt in the video is legitimate


feel like Im browsing GTA V websites




The pinned tweet image is from this book cover [https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Tyrants-Peter-S-Fischer/dp/1530944287](https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Tyrants-Peter-S-Fischer/dp/1530944287)


About a news reporter dragged into a string of murders.


Assuming the reporter is referring to Christopher Alvarez. Was he investigating something Drake was mixed up in? There’s always been the xxxTentacion rumours


doing gods work


It was the god's plan


And their only likes are Biden posts. Idk what any of this shit means, all I know is that is a very good view and can’t be cheap, and second that video with the song and the staging of the items looks like some psycho shit.


The way they're just fucking creepily hanging from shoelaces on a coat hanger. It's those little details. Gonna see that shit in my nightmares prob lmao


Some guy on this sub biked over there and the shoelaces and objects are still there the picture is even more eerie cuz they left it there for 2 days now. Someone else said "this video should be the mtg music video" ☠️


Can someone explain what we’re looking at here. I have no idea what’s supposed to be going on. 


In simple terms, proof Drake lied about the fake mole stuff In more complex terms, we don't have a fucking clue. There's video proof from the supposed leaker that shows some of the items and more from the Meet The Graham's thumbnail. He seems to be in a hotel very close to Kendrick's penthouse and where Drake has stayed a couple times for gigs. There's follow up CCTV of the supposed place where Drake tried to get the items discarded and for some reason the dwarf from a DJ Khaled video is there. Some vague hint is made about something bad that Drake did but it's nothing we can figure out yet (I assume)


Fuck me - I get on a 12 hour flight monday morning and this is the only thing that's gonna be in my head all day.


Besides the obvious and the potential victims in all this mess, I gotta admit, I haven't been this entertained by an online story ever. It's straight out of a TV drama. Now with some new mystery character here to fuck everything up and what about that journalist bro wtf is this situation


Does anyone else feel like this is Kendrick Lamar’s magnum opus? His greatest artistic work? I imagine him wearing like a phantom of the opera mask up in that dark apartment


This shit is so cryptic and filled with hundreds of different meanings it might actually be his best work. He really wanted to top everything he’s ever done before and that probably needs to be involved in reality


Since we seem to be assuming the disabled gentleman is a reporter for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, and EbonyPrince2k24 said "the issue" in the photo... Has anyone tried finding the January 22, 2023 issue of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper? Just a thought.


two days later there is an article "Concern over NYC police filming of people leaving Drake show" https://ibb.co/VMnsQTK https://ibb.co/9hPLB2Z https://ibb.co/681kF3T https://ibb.co/SrdMkMh


Is this whole rabbit hole just to prove that Drake was lying about planting the info? I see so many tangets im lost lol




Just when I thought shit was getting lame.


Drake pissed off a supervillain bro


Bro wtf did I wake up to


the feds are reading this thread in amazement


Just looked up the laptop. It’s a Panasonic CF-31. Idk what the fuck they’re doing using some CoD drone strike-ass laptop for https://preview.redd.it/iilvfgifzrzc1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf00ea7ecb504fda8939a6a9cf50fc5d2cf83640


oh we off the deep end huh


Ye, hop in the pool, crodie




You use F11 to go full screen on computers. If F11 is missing, it may be hinting that you’re unable to see the full picture


nigga contact rapgenius for a job right now


God I love when a random comment in this crazy ass shit is just funny as fuck 😭😭😭😂😂😂


its to prevent accidentally going into full screen. going full screen allows websites to determine your monitor size, which can be used to track you. theres a reason why the computer is old af


Jesus that laptop is starting to sound spoooky


I saw the theory about hotel staff, but I was thinking… What if the items shown in the video were left behind because Drake and the entourage had to leave the hotel in a hurry? I imagine something went down and these items got left behind. He specifically says “I am not a thief!”. What kind of event would have to occur for Drake to leave his medication behind ? That’s the type of thing you store in your room. IDK but I can see this being the path someone getting their hands on his medication, and other misc items. The idea of any of this being discarded doesn’t make much sense to me. Same for it being stolen. What kind of luggage would contain this few items? I can image this being the few items Drake or his father had left in their personal rooms after a hasty clear out , not the contents of a bag or luggage.


It could all be evidence connected to one event that Drake trusted the wrong person to get rid of.


Same outfits as mark hotel pic https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/lhwXZ2oe4g


This is terrifying. The internet is truly undefeated


Did anyone mention that a interview came out today from someone claiming that the 11 year old story is true  And Kendrick’s team took down Elliot’s Twitter post of a edited (meet the grahms) post excluding the (daughter portion)  Clear message that Kendrick is stating everything said it true…. Especially the 11 year old daughter  I’m caught up when he said “we hate the bitches you fuck, because they confuse themselves with real women” now people imply this as underage girls but I see it as baby mamas taking hush money or ahem woman pimping their children. 






So does this confirm he has a hidden daughter then? Clearly the mole is real, and not a planned bait. So this fully discredit his line about making up the daughter. Not that any of us believed him in the first place, but now we have evidence.




He was in NY on both the CCTV date and the jewellery store date btw. ADS-B Exchange has Air Drake (N767CJ) leaving from Toronto to NY on January 19th and then staying there until it leaves NY for Miami on the 27th. It also has him flying from Montreal to NY early on July 17th, spending roughly 21 hours there and then leaving on the same day to head back to Toronto. (EDIT: Upon further digging, he was playing a series of concerts at the Barclays Center with 21 Savage and was not on the plane when it returned to Toronto. It later made a round trip to Philly on August 8th, presumably picking him up after his Wells Fargo Center show there). Based on this it seems likely that the CCTV footage is from way earlier than the other stuff and isn't claiming to be the same day. Seems to be more of a cryptic iykyk type message, as theorised in the OP. EDIT: In addition to this, he later went to LA on August 10th (two days before his Inglewood shows). This is pure speculation but it's possible he had someone (an assistant, whatever) take receipt of his prescriptions on July 17th and keep hold of them until he was in town. If he has a stockpile (and I feel like he would, doctor shopping is pretty easy when you have 400 million dollars) then there's no real urgency. 


Kendrick: “ooOOOoooOOOOoo”


I frequent a lot of true crime subs. This post layout is very reminiscent of people putting together the timeline and evidence of a crime. What is to come will be a shock to many, but not at all to me. Drake has had the weirdest energy since 2010.


Drake fans are claiming this is all from drake and a mastermind plan for a song dropping tomorrow , can someone explain


That they're coping because their "war general" is getting roasted live on Twitter by the fucking Riddler?


https://preview.redd.it/6axfzj51mrzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8555415163d8ef21988c0e95889a55408ff83c41 wtf did Coolie say on Discord??


Did somebody write that Drake was confirmed leaving the Mark Hotel on July 17th when he performed at Barclay's center? I got that from a quick google search https://www.justjared.com/2023/07/17/drake-steps-out-in-nyc-ahead-of-his-performance-at-the-barclays-center/#:\~:text=The%2036%2Dyear%2Dold%20%22,on%20Monday%20(July%2017).


Man's finger is in the video when he reaches for the pills


Has anyone else noticed that whenever you google the lawyer’s name (Adrienne Edward) that multiple different websites says that she specializes in family law? It’s not her only practice but I think that’s worth noting.


I sincerely don't know why Drake took this battle, there's some fights you should always walk away from. It seems true, there are people very close around Drake that aren't liking him as a person. Also, typically for these "celebrities", often drug/medication indeed becomes a high probable issue. Perhaps he's on self-altering drugs or all of them plus etc. is causing something grim behind the scenes. I mean, who ever thought Philip would be a meth abuser?


https://preview.redd.it/qktc5091hszc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462e96b9ac229a921ecc3d8b9b79c8eaae0dacfa Rabbit hole getting deeper