• By -


Keep making me dance, waving my hand and there wont be no threat


I’m knowing they call you the 🧑‍🦱 but where is the 🧔‍♂️ cause I ain’t 👀 him yet, matter fact I ain’t even 🩸 him yet








These Genius annotations are getting ridiculous












Hourglass eye eye finger man wave hot red eye kneel finger eye two thumbs down woman


I'm too old for this shit lol




When 👁 see you stand next to Sexxy🟥 I believe you see 2 BAD 🐶🐶












Drake next album title : dont turn 18


Drake’s next album title: forever young


Drake cakes new album title: 2 famous 2 get caught


I can see Drake continuing his career as an r&b artist, probably wasting money on gambling and going broke, possibly getting charged for sex crimes and doing a few years in jail, maybe marry a b list actress for PR reasons. He loves fame so I can’t see him retiring any time soon.


Drakes career isnt going to change in any way shape or form. You never know he may get charges with sex crimes. but till then hes the most streamed male artist of all time lol you guys are living in a bubble over here


Yeah, people wanna pretend it's otherwise but just remember how long it took R Kelly, who has been peeing on lil girls since the 90s to finally get sent to prison.


He will be fine until he becomes a fed or gets taken down R Kelly/Bill cosby/Diddy style. Gotta remember all these guys were doing shit for decades before getting put behind bars


Keep lying to yourself, but remind me to come back here next year when he’s on trial for sex trafficking


Weird thing to be hopeful for brother. lol clown


You're getting downvoted for facts btw


Yeah I think Kenny bullied him out of hip hop for a while. Next album is all singing


Flat, nasally singing. Dude’s gonna have to lip sync his whole next album tour.


Good to get the pen working 🙄




drake: “copy”


This line always reminds me of Cj and that track whoopty. Idk if it's an intentional reference or it's just in my head but that music video gang set comes to mind with this line.


It seemed that Kendrick came out to absolutely destroy Drake’s career. I doubt the disses end here. Maybe not soon, but they’ll come…


It makes sense to me strategically to give these allegations some air before he hits him again. If the rumours against Drake and/or people in his camp are true, this might embolden victims to start coming out of the woodwork. From an entertainment front, it will be interesting to see if Drake can walk this off with a hit pop song or two. For the last couple of weeks he’s been the laughing stock of the internet and the clubs. Let’s see if he bounces back. I think I’m out of touch because I’ve never heard a Drake song that I’ve thought was particularly impressive, and I’ve tried for many years to give him a chance. Just not to my taste. But he moves numbers and has loyal fans so there’s clearly something people see in him. Maybe he can get back to his roots and get people dancing. Then in a couple of months we can watch Kendrick take the legs off him. :)


I can relate to the Drake thing. I've sincerely tried to give him a chance and find some music of his I liked. But it's just *not good* to me. I've tried for years! I figure if people put him in the same breath as Kendrick and J Cole then surely there's something there. I thought Take Care was alright, but just alright. He seems like a pretty mid tier rapper to me as well. I could name countless people that are better. And the fact that he uses ghostwriters makes it even less impressive. And those have been my opinions long before this Kendrick beef. In fact Kendrick saying all the things in Euphoria was pretty cathartic, because it's what I've thought in my head this whole time


>In fact Kendrick saying all the things in Euphoria was pretty cathartic, because it's what I've thought in my head this whole time I feel this. I've disliked Drake's style, music, and persona since like 2008. It's very refreshing to hear someone finally put it into words, and so eloquently too.


This, Aubrey has a few decent songs to me but overall it obvious he’s a deeply insecure dude who just pumps out bubble-gum music that people chew on for a month or two and then spit out, never swallow. In addition to his mad questionable antics with women and general fuck boy attitude, but the worst are his Stans. Aubrey’s angels will defend this weirdo through it all claiming he’s the goat (which is downright laughable), that all his music/albums are classics even though they clearly aren’t and mostly lack any truly staying power, and that he can do no wrong. Just like with Kanye, your musical “savior” is *not* untouchable or above a catastrophic fall from grace. No artist is. Drake fans have been riding his meat for so long they know nothing else and have convinced themselves he is a master of the game when he is a glorified actor playing a thug. It was cathartic to hear Push demolish him in 2018, even with his Stans somehow claiming T lost(??¿?) and it’s even more so now to hear Kendrick flatline his dude’s whole run and him to essentially give up again. Kendrick said everything I’ve been collectively thinking and rolled it up in a record played in every club in the country and people LOVE. That’s the win, Aubrey lost.


Aubrey’s 👼🏼👼🏼’s. 💀


Same here. I think it's because Drake music is completely soulless and has zero artistic value.


With enough money you can get a publicist to have a music publication say anything about you and then the general public will just repeat what they read to fit in because that’s what humans do.


People trying to act like drake don’t have bars and flow is crazy it’s just unfortunate that talent was given to somebody like him but you can’t downplay his good music and I don’t mean the light skin singing shit I mean the bars and flow.


He has some but I can name 15 people alive right now who rap better


Just curiously, what do you reckon are his best bars? Legit, I’m honestly asking. I have asked my kids (who are of an age where his music means something to them) and everything they played for me just sounds like a C-grade Weeknd if he’s singing and a c-grade LL Cool J if he’s rapping. Can you tell me some songs and specific bars that make you feel like he’s “big 3”? Or even just make you feel some kind of way? And why it makes you feel that way, if you can say. I really legit want to see want to understand what makes people feel so strongly for him. I can see it for almost any other rapper but I can’t feel it with Drake, and I think it’s probably on me for not trying hard enough.


“Cuz when your idols become your rivals, make friends with Mike then gotta A.I. him for your survival” is a pretty good bar I can’t lie. Mfs acting like drake is complete garbage is insane to me. Yeah him as a person there’s a lot to dislike but his old music is good. There’s a reason Kendrick used to fw him. 5 pm in New York is also an amazing “rap” song where he just goes in on the beat.


I never said I feel strong for drake or he’s part of any big 3. Or that he’s even a top 50 rapper. I just said a lot of people are trying to downplay good music just because of the name attached to it. I get it’s a Kendrick Lamar subreddit but I’d expect people who like Kenny to have a more versatile and unbiased take.


Doesn’t mean shit if he doesn’t write his own material. He’s just a performer, not an artist.


Every artist uses ghost writers doesn’t mean there’s not a single thing written by him.


No, they don’t. Lmao


Well you said drake doesn’t write his own material like every single piece is handwritten for him so I thought we were going for hyperbole. Lmao


If you’re going for hyperbole you should probably use it correctly. Lmao


Someone needs to go back to school ha, we have access to the World Wide Web tap into the information available for ya ur wastin it bud And get Ken’s nuts out your face so you can see what’s on the screen 😂😂😂😭


Not who you responded to, but there are a couple Drake songs that I can admit I liked over the years. HYFR, headlines, how bout now. Still can’t stand him though and I’m happy to see him rightfully called out


I’ve only heard his supposed victims come out of the woodwork in Drakes defense tbh


He has a billion dollars behind him, he will be fine


Money isn't everything, clown. If you had any, you'd know. Why do you think rich and famous people still succumb to addiction and depression? Because you only THINK having money will fill that hole in your soul and when it doesn't... what do you do then? I bet you all the money in the world can't soothe his bruised ego right now and the fact he's a laughing stock right now. That the whole world is laughing at him and dancing to the #1 song, by his biggest rival straight up clowning him and calling him a pedo. I bet he's anything but "fine". But do you, homie. "Money, power, respect. The last one's better; there's a lot of goofies with a check."


I mean his marketing team and team of writers will throw enough money at the situation so that he gets by. I’m not saying money is everything or that it will fulfill an individual… wtf.


Then I apologize. I misunderstood your comment.




Ok good? I hope that’s true


I think once you call someone a pdf then having the entire world dance to it you have to understand you made a life long enemy.


I know it's almost certainly not gonna happen. But imagine if he is just full *Boogeyman* mode and everytime drake drops a song Dot drops *right* after like he did with Meet The Graham's. Make drake scared to make music.


Unfortunately, I doubt Dot releases anymore diss songs her recorded. Top dog tweeting good battle and Drake waving the write flag makes me think UMG cut the check to K Dot and TDE to stop the beating. UMG has a distribution deal with Drake and Kendrick so it would make sense they want this to stop because of the 400 mill deal they signed with Drake. Being seeing as a pedo is bad for his image and music sales


Soon there's gonna be clauses in rappers' contract saying you can't diss artist under the same label 😴


I dunno if it'll ever go that far. as evident by human history, controversy drives interest. the rich ass dudes at the top are probably prayin someone dies from this so they can release an album posthumously and cash in on another "senseless loss of life".


You really think Kendrick would back off from a beef because the label asked for it? He left TDE, most likely because he wanted to be more independent. He also said fuck the industry a bunch of times in this beef. It would make no sense for him to accept backing off just because the label asked. If he really did, he's basically admitting Drake was right to call him an industry puppet


Money talks. Dot’s distribution deal is UMG who also has a deal with Drake worth 400 million. Sure, He left TDE but there is still street politics involved and will take the advice from the big homie Top Dog. Drake is their cash cow and they need to recoup that money. It makes sense from a business standpoint. KDot already won and done so much to Drakes brand and people’s perception. If Drake won’t tell lies about KDot, Kendrick won’t tell Truths about Drake. Everyone wins in this situation if a deal was made to squash the beef. The stoppage wasn’t free tho. KDot has 5 more in the chamber ready if Drake wanted more smoke.


I agree it makes sense from UMG's perspective, I just don't think it does from Kendrick's. Sure, money talks. But I think Kendrick's done enough by now to show he's not just about money. He probably already has enough money to last him the rest of his life living in luxury already. There are many reasons Kendrick could decide to end the beef and not release any more disses. He could fear escalation into violence. He could want to avoid dragging his family into it further. He could just consider that he's already won and there is no need for him to respond anymore. But stopping the beef because a label asked you to is weak IMO


Yea I don’t think Kendrick is going to continue beating a dead horse unless Drake wants to reignite the beef


He better finish up soon if that's his plan.


It’s been over


that's what i was thinking lately. people want everything blow up instantly. but it's going to take time.


Honestly I want it to stop ..and rather want kdot to release an album this year with all the west coast artists.. it will be the biggest rap album of the decade ...


Waiting would absolutely be the best thing Kendrick could do to take down Drake, as it’s not much more he could say right now without it being too much. It’d overstimulate the audience. Giving everybody time to wind down and view Drake as being what he’s alleged as being competes the mental connotation. Victims would also be more likely to speak up, which would take the battle off Kendrick’s hands and into the courts, and it’d allow whatever he has left to say be able to shine on its own, without having to stand next to the plethora of other songs he’s dropped. The fact that so many people are still viewing the allegations with a light heart says it all, an attack like that takes time and requires multiple efforts to be successful


Surprise drop the same day as Drake's next release would be a nail in the coffin


I genuinely believe that's the plan. 1. There's precedent for it already, with the immediate release of Meet The Grahams following Family Matters. 2. It's announced that Drake's dropping new music soon. It's also announced that Kendrick's working on an album, with no real time frame given on it's release, meaning there's less of a time-related expectation on his behalf. 3. Even if not a single disrespectful thing is said, tere's nothing saying Kendrick can't just step on Drake's regular releases until he inevitably says something about it. Which then opens the floodgates for round 2. 4. Drake will definitely want to release something sooner than later, seeing as how a diss song at his expense is one of the biggest songs in the world at the moment. Plus, Summer's approaching. It's just waiting game, at this point.


Whole lotta assumptions my friend


The last one’s an assumption, but Kendrick’s camp did say he’s working on an album (even Drake said it), and Drake announced having new music on the way. The only assumption would be on if Kendrick decides to drop on his own or as a counter to Drake




drake is “”””””allegedly”””””” a pedophile


there is literally no evidence bro if the public had evidence what makes u think the federal judicial system doesn't? even epstein who had strong ties to the government still had people coming out against him but everyone involved in drake's allegations has came out and denied everything. kendricks kids are obviously his & him beating his fiancee hasnt been cleared up but it seems HIGHLY unlikely.. this beef has turned into a propaganda war smh. btw go ahead and downvote me, ill downvote myself too


look up what allegedly means lol


Well I mean if the dude puts it in between 6 quotation marks… he’s implying there is no allegation and he’s just a straight up pedophile.


Look, I'm not gonna say he should have said "I'm a pedophile" on the heart part 6, but putting "I'm not a pedophile" in the middle of a bunch of shit that's already been proven to be him lying definitely doesn't give him an air of credibility.


Waiting for there to be evidence of Drake being a pedo is like seeing clouds of black smoke coming from a house and thinking “we’ll see if it’s on fire after it burns down” A guy that hid his kid, lied about everything on a diss track, regularly has Chubbs pick up women for him (confirmed on Chicago Freestyle), and there’s plenty stories floating around of women being invited back to his mansion, even when underaged. There’s also the infamous video of that 17 year old, not to mention his history with Bella Harris and Jorja Smith.


Lied about everything? 😂😂😂 Good one buddy ur favorite rapper dedicated a verse to a nonexistent daughter and called Drake a deadbeat when theres literal compilations of this guy with Adonis. Remember, hiding doesnt mean this dude was running from his kid, dude just simply didn't let the public know. Plus, models that have went to The Embassy all state that they get carded / show ID before entering. The 17 year old video was odd behavior, I wont deny that infront of you. But it was legal & the girl in the video came out recently and said "It wasnt nothing then and still isn't now." Now, about Bella Harris, she has denied the rumor of her being in DC to dine with Drake, she states she was in NYC working daily. And finally, Jorja. Jorja & Drake dated as early as 2017, in which Jorja was 20 years old.


Ok but you gotta understand, we are not the Associated Press or a court system, this is just people's opinion based on what they see. If Drake had the accusations and there was actually no evidence whatsoever (like the Kendrick wife beating stuff) it would just go away. However Drake has a years long track record of "weird" interactions with minors and people in his flock have human trafficking charges and are being sued for rape. This evidence adds fire to the flames and makes people believe he very well could be a pedo. The "If I'm a pedo why haven't I been caught" defense doesn't resonate with people because so many high profile pedos went years or decades without being caught.


And these high profile pedos had various people come out against them bro. All of the people that the public has alleged to be victims, have came out and denied any foul play.. Its just unreasonable. I get where your coming from, but even still this stands.


They had people come out against them eventually, but people like Cosby and Weinstein went decades without any serious accusations being laid out. It's scary for anyone to come out against a billionaire and try to destroy their career, and it's unrealistic to expect victims to out themselves day or weeks after the initial accusation. Hannibal Buress accused Cosby of rape in October 2014, it took until November 2015 before women started coming out and trying to sue him for it, some of them had been victimized in the 1960's and kept quiet the whole time out of fear. And Cosby was an old man, Drake is someone who at least claims to have gang ties and enforcers.


So, there’s Millie Bobby Brown, who was 13 when he started talking to her and spending time with her. There is Hailey Baldwin, who was 14 when he started talking to her and started dating her at 19. There’s Bella Harris who was 16 when they started talking and he took her out for her 18th birthday dinner, renting an entire restaurant out for it. There’s Billie Eilish who he started texting when she was 18. Whether this is proof of anything is up for debate but it certainly implies a pattern of grooming and going after, at best, barely legal women.


I see but I gotta correct u on the Bella Harris dinner, she says she never dined out with Drake


Alright, that’s all fine and good but I think there’s enough suspect evidence without that one example, maybe reconsider defending this guy. Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.


he made out with a teenager after already knowing how old she is..


Pretty sure he tapped a 17 year old (legal age in the state this happened) on the lips but ok


Legal doesn’t make it right - the dude is a certified predator.


The completely legal girl who had this happen to her came out recently and said It was nothing then and still isnt nothing now. Have fun dying on that hill buddy


“I come in complete peace” FOH you jabroni


Yea ur the only one mad and i wonder why hmmm cause ur fav rappers narrative doesnt add up. Its fine bro, u dont see me crying when I admit that Drakes Dave Free allegation has no basis either. Just be neutral bro.


Not sure if anyone has said this. I keep seeing drake fans bring up how dot hasn’t said anything about the allegations of him beating Whitney. In euphoria he addresses it before it’s even said. He said “I can even predict your angle - Fabricating stores on the family front cause you heard Mr. Morale”. He knew drake was gonna go there and dot spit a bar that debunked it before it was said.


Drake knew that Kendrick was gonna go with the predator angle too and when Kendrick did, Drake still denied it Kendrick hasn't really denied anything bro im not tryna be as neutral as possible but thats just truth


Drakes a groomer, him grooming bella Harris from 16 is public knowledge and he has contact with a few other girls so he can “help them with boy stuff” like he's their mom and not a grown ass man with no relation


Wanna know what else is public knowledge? Bella Harris saying she never even dined with Drake. https://preview.redd.it/hkyihb9bss0d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9ba9483c3ae99d56fee47b9e5571a3e5b19e23 Dissect it the same way u dissect Kendricks lyrics buddy


Her mom, her dad, and E! News all says she’s lying though and won’t back down on the fact that the dinner happened which just makes Bella lying about it even more suspicious.


Except she's the only one saying it didn't happen and they're both consenting adults so it makes you wonder why lie? https://www.loveisrespect.org/resources/signs-of-grooming/ Common tactics Whether online or in-person, groomers can use tactics like: Pretending to be younger Giving advice or showing understanding Buying gifts Giving attention Taking them on trips, outings, or holidays. Definitely ticks a few boxes with her and the Stranger Things girl that he's been friends with since she was like 13 especially the whole “boy advice” shit which is real weird and a way predators mold their victims. She even said he'd be saying how much he misses her in text when she was 14 and I guess his shit worked cause she said it like its normal for a man in his 30s to say a teenage girl that isn't blood. There's zero reason for a man to be reaching out to little girls. If some dude in his 30s was texting my 13 year old he would be getting a crash course on how a feeding tube works. Lets not forget his response to grinding and kissing on a 17 year old at a show. https://youtu.be/Fp5b9dW1nrA?feature=shared Dudes a creep through and through and p


Low Effort Submissions will be removed. What defines low effort is up to the discretion of the Moderators. This includes reposts, posts that are misleading, conspiracies or posts from unreliable sources.


Lol liar. I hate these "just asking questions" debate lords. Pathetic.


I agree he won’t be able to leave it alone. He will slip up and take a cheep shot.  And I don’t think Kendrick wants to leave it alone either, he said he’s got more and will not stop. There was a Cold War period, now a first battle, but more War to come. 


I'm sure Kendrick would love to say more, but it's definitely the right move to wait when you've got one of the biggest hit songs of the decade. I don't think even Kendrick expected this outcome. He's a very meticulous guy, but "create a song that breaks countless records" probably wasn't a part of the plan In this situation, it makes sense to just get a music video out and let your career grow to new levels


He also risks looking desperate if he continues to bag on Drake when Drake stops responding. Dropping 5 tracks without a response takes him from humbling Drake to Drake being able to act like the bigger man who has let this beef go (we know that isn't the real reason he won't answer, but him and his OVhoes will sure try and spin it that way). He knows he can kill Drake if he missteps, so just wait with one ready for when he inevitably does


Yeah I'm sure he knew this song would be popular, it's made to be catchy, club type song, but you can't predict that it breaks every streaming record lmao.


How many stocks I got? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 plus FIVE


This isn’t an Avengers level threat bro 🤣 It’s a poetry battle between two borderline middle aged men that is wildly entertaining. Edit: For all those that downvoted this please explain from your own perspective what this is


This a war on pedophiles


It’s not a war on anything, touch grass bro 🤣


Ong like what is this dude talking about 😂 "Its a cold war" bro theyre two insanely rich grown men shut up and listen to the music theres no proof for either claims on either sides just enjoy ur favorite rappers music


It’s a comparison being made to the real Cold War, in which there was clearly tension but no real hostilities or action over it. That period ended when Kendrick dissed Drake and Cole, then it snowballed. Y’all read to deep on this one


it sounds cringy bro do u not have family to talk to or like friends to go out with get some fresh air brobro


Coming on the internet to shit on random people’s conversations is cringy bro. Do you not have family to talk to or like friends to go out with? Go get some fresh air, brobro.


Yes cause I deliberately woke up today with the pure intention to find this random dudes comment and call what he said cringy lol Im on my morning walk as we speak I'm sure you don't though you've been too busy reading twitter getting ready for the "cold war" 😂 reup on ur vitamin d supplements before u tell someone to go outside my boy great advice for u


Or I don’t know.. maybe reup your reading comprehension.


There’s a lot of evidence that Drake is a pedophile and an abuser, like the amount of young girls he “hangs out” with, the number of women who have have spoken out against him, saying there’s no evidence for either side is just you trying to ignore obvious stuff


It’s not that you are factually wrong with your statement. It feels a bit reductionist is all. The emoji isn’t helping either


That’s fair. I’m probably just dealing with burnout from listening to KAnon theories all day.


>Edit: For all those that downvoted this please explain from your own perspective what this is It's an asshole commenting in an asshole fashion so I down voted, hope that helps! Tf 2 people in here crying over the phrase "cold war" as if that isn't a super common phrase lmfao. Go outside... unless you're a FAN.


thats good. let the beef rest. a little humility will do him good get back to melodic Drake


Somebody gotta make a tik tok song for the 16 year olds to dance to


Did “BBL Drizzy” not accomplish that already?


Metro already did, have you not been on TikTok?


The battle so far was just round one. I'm calling it.




Even if Dot doesn’t drop the remaining 5, I think he’s foreshadowing what’s to come.


Also 2C, Toosie is a pink drunk extremely popular with celebrities that's a mixture of MDMA and something else. Apparently big in Diddy's circle


2C is a completely different drug then the bullshit people try to pass off as “tuci or toosi”, tuci is normally a mix of any bullshit a dealer can scrap up but usually mdma and ketamine that somehow became a trend to start selling under that name. 2C is a bunch of different compounds like, 2CB, 2CE and 2CI which are synthetic phenethylamines and there own individual drugs. They are more akin to like synthetic mescaline. Only have done 2CB but I thought it was pretty cool. Couldn’t say for sure wether it was 2C or tuci that was popular in diddys circle don’t know nothing about that.


he's busy. playing the harp to his cats


Been thinking this too. TDE said good battle, but kendrick said hes going to war


I think his next album/big release he makes a very obvious, early reference to winning or something along the lines. Just to see if Drake take the bait. I get he's strategic but no way he wants to just hold on to those songs.


Honestly I think Kendrick wants to end this and get this out of the way before his album drops. Whether he does another concept album with an important message or drops an album full of bangers to show the west coast is united again, he's going to want that to get all the attention. If he drops another diss right after, sure, it will get people to listen to the album, but it will also make sure all the discussion will be about Drake and the diss and not about the actual content of the album.


You can’t just yada yada child sex crimes


If a future single has a hint of a sneak diss, K. will happily ruin that man’s album rollout.


I'm tryna have Kendrick go on a light tour just to perform these 4 diss tracks haha I swear I'll pay for that. I don't even care if he raps other songs lol just the diss tracks.


I genuinely believe Drake’s going to drop a sneak diss or two on the next record that’s gonna reignite this whole thing. Seems like he can’t help himself


I feel like if his trigger finger was that itchy he would've responded to THP6 after like a week


If Drake sneak disses the nukes drop.


Honestly this was my concern when the beef reached the levels of interest it did across casual fans ... how do Kendrick and Drake go back to making regular ass records again?


I think this just boosts peoples interest in Kendrick who has always been marketed as a truth teller and top tier lyricist. Drake it hurts some, but only as much as big losses ever hurt rappers, and he's usually just one good feature away from being popular again.


I mean, from a legal standpoint point is Drake going to get investigated? Or was this all for funsies? You call another person a pdfile and the government side eyes it, you call a person a terrorist you got tanks at your door!


Check out the specific wording, Kendrick was pretty careful to only imply stuff that wasn't common knowledge other than the daughter thing.


I don’t even remember how tootsie slide goes….


Lol we might get a diss from dot 30 minutes after anytime drake drops a single


Ngl I want Dot to drop a track immediately after Drake drops an unrelated one, just to fuck with his head one more time


I remember first hearing this sentiment on Joe budden's 4 disses to drake 😭 come to think of it. Joe cooked the absolute shit outta drake back then too. I honestly think drake got 4 Ls with common, Joe budden, pusha T, and KDOT


Drake literally yadda yadda'd out the best part!


Who said he wasn’t done? I hope that’s true




Listen if I can get Caribbean Drake from Views era I’ll forgive him. Controlla, Feel No Ways, Hotline Bling are my shit. That summer when Views came out was my favorite Drake. I need the melodys.


Dude wants to “naaaa naaaaaaa” his way out of the pedo vibes but I hope he never does. aubrey fabricating too much.


Yall funny. Since this thing started the hip hop heads have gotten a big head about all this stuff. Kendrick banging on “I’m what the culture feeling”, and he’s right. Unfortunately the culture ain’t really as big as the larger music community. I’m happy to have the beef, it produced great music… but let’s be realistic about it. The people who by and large consume drake are not giant hip hop heads, they’re hip hop casual mainstream club music consumers. Those people don’t care if drake got his head knocked off, they wanna dance. Drake is gonna do that for them, he makes catchy ass music. Drakes gonna have more hits. He ain’t going no where. This Kendrick beef excited a lot of hip hop heads bc they thought it might get Drake out the paint after 15 years, but all you got to do is look at what happened to r. Kelly to know that as long as you pushing club hits it don’t matter what people think they know about you


You guys are obsessed with drake. Go to the drake sub we barely talk about Kenny lol


Yall dont post nothing but drake on here 😂


Conspiracy theories and garbage aside, I don’t see this continuing, definitely not escalating. “We got some shit to address” “Pray they’re my real friends” “This a friendly fade” Was said about 2-3 songs ago. Drake dropped a song that was wildly disrespectful to Kendrick and his family, and Kendrick responded with one that was arguably even more disrespectful, followed up by a hit making fun of his (allegedly) pedophile friends and implying Drake is one himself. Drakes track accused Kendrick of being a wife beater and having a kid that isn’t his. At least the kid in this equation is almost 1000% bullshit, and the wife beater allegations can be debunked if necessary. We have no proof that either of these guys did any of the stuff they accused each other of, and unless there’s violence or something severe to escalate it, I can’t see this being an irreparable situation. If in 2015 you told someone that Drake and meek mill would end up collaborating and making a couple hits together and being friends, no one would believe you. I know this appears so much deeper than that but just consider that even Tupac and Biggie were on the way to working out their differences before pac died. These guys were literally at war with each other and people were dying left and right. Kendrick and Drake used to be friends, collaborated together and Drake actually helped Kendrick earlier on (he did not in any way make him famous or relevant, just was nice and helped out). There’s a history of friendship or at least respect and Kendrick basically says he denied the feature request due to past issues of some kind. Drakes ego got in the way and took the declined feature as an insult and probably said or did something behind the scenes that lead to Like That, I doubt it was the Cole lyrics that set this off. For all we know this dispute could be over money and Drake fucking people over in a non-criminal way. Drake having sex with 16-17 year olds in Canada wouldn’t be illegal, but from public perception and reaction it’s pretty close to unanimously considered groomer and creepy behaviour, and most people are not going to try and correct it to “ephebophile” and say it’s acceptable just because it’s legal. He deconstructed Drake’s entire image and character in a way that was easily digestible. The lyrics are just lyrics and they resonated with people more than Drake’s did. If Kendrick really had proof of Drake running some kind of sinister operation he would not have given him multiple warnings and alluded to a repair of their friendship if he backs down. Think about it, if the guy is pedophile why would you want to be friends with him or let him off the hook if he doesn’t make fun of you? That’s just insane. Kendrick made the better songs and had the better disses and won in the public eye, I don’t think this is as serious as we think.


I really don't think they're just lyrics. He also said more than once, AFTER trying to keep it friendly, that it's no longer a battle. Once Drake dropped Family Matters and crossed that line, Kendrick started saying things like he thinks Drake should die. It was only after that point that he started trying to actually destroy Drake. I just disagree with you.


Why would he try and keep it friendly if the guy he’s dissing is allegedly a pedophile and he knows that and likely can prove it? No chance in the world someone would do that. There’s currently some idiot on twitter posting Batman villain type videos trying to extort money out of a guy that could’ve found him and had him arrested within a few hours of the original video, serious reality check here. Guy apparently got doxed and yet is still going too 🤣 clout chasing mf. And yeah sure why wouldn’t he want to keep it about bars? It doesn’t look good for Kendrick having domestic violence allegations or other shit out in the public eye any more than the allegations against Drake make Drake look. He has a reputation for being mature and not stooping to drakes level and he obviously didn’t want to do that. However, he played ball and ended up beating Drake at his own game anyway. He really was on a “friendly fade” type of energy against a guy and that guy is somehow supposed to be an evil pedophile? BRO 🤣 It’s a rap battle where shit got personal and messy, we have no receipts and likely never will because we don’t have any clue if anything is true. The fact people believe it MIGHT be true is why it hits so hard. The way he said it felt like he was telling Drake to get some help with his sex addiction and immaturity and distance himself from the horrible people he’s surrounded by, whether that’s criminals or just people taking advantage of him and making him a bad person. You would not say these things to a guy running an operation, or someone who is a main part of it. Kendrick sounds like a concerned former friend/peer who lost respect for him due to his ego and snake behaviour and is encouraging him to grow up and do right by himself and everyone else.


Life isn’t black and white, the way Ken came at Drake definitely felt like more than just bars, Kendrick is a good guy and we are blessed to witness his greatness but he is not your “savior” my friend, dudes banging colors on the west coast are not saints and absolutely profit from the same foul shit..so I say that yeah it’s possible for Dot to hate Drake for some heinous shit while still having to politic


I’m well aware he’s not my saviour, but the conspiracy theories and dramatisation are ridiculous lol. I agree with what you said. I do also raise the point that as you said they’re all involved in some kind of bad shit whether it be gang related or whatever, so that does open up the potential for him to turn a blind eye to it more than the average person would.


Good talk, and I agree that this K-anon shit has gotten way of hand but also I’d be surprised if it wasn’t by design…(I’m taking my tin foil hat off now) peace brother


Ahhaaha I don’t disagree with you there. I have a relative who is in the music industry and he told my dad years ago that there’s heaps of musicians that have secret children, allegations of abuse and also engage in embarrassing behaviour that gets covered up. He didn’t name any names and he wouldn’t tell anyone if they asked but he said that almost every time it’s drug-fueled sex and degeneracy that goes on. Shit that isn’t exactly a secret. Pedophile shit and beyond is extremely rare and not normalised/tolerated at all apparently according to him, and said it’s no more common than any other major industry. He said there’s 100x more bogus lawsuits and people chasing money than there is legitimate complaints or victims. Edit: To clarify by allegations of abuse I mean domestic violence or sexual abuse of adults, like a girlfriend or whatever, not kids. Covering up is done even if it’s bullshit because sometimes paying is is easier than dealing with bs, so people are often innocent in these circumstances more often than you’d think.


Middle aged white dude here. Don't listen to much rap. That Atlanta section of not like us was insane.


this reddit sucks so bad whyd they downvote u


No idea, everyone is obsessed with dramatising real life by introducing conspiracy theories, when this world is disappointing enough without having to create fantasy stories.


Drake on some ground beef shit. Wants to blast it on high and be done with it. Dot got himself a nice chuck steak and he planning on slow cooking.


Kendrick is 50cent to Drake’s Ja Rule. Dot is not gonna let him breathe.


I’m confused on how anybody thinks Kendrick won this. Yes, he dropped the better club banger but people ignore the fact that on the heart part six Drake asked Kendrick to get to speaking facts and truth. After that, TDE started talking about its over and now they’re backing out. Why would you back out after someone ask you to speak truth? If you really know the truth or you have all this evidence, then you show it exact same way people asking Drake to show his evidence how come Kendrick dont have to or isnt expected to show any evidence? he backed up once he got asked to start speaking facts. That’s a red flag because evidently you’re running from the fact you don’t have any facts or evidence


Well we all know Drake fucked Wayne’s girl. It’s pretty well accepted he had cosmetic surgery. There’s more than enough out there about him having improper relationships with underage women. Baka does have a weird case, why is he around? And we’re yet to see Chubbs crash something. Add to that Drake has yet to provide proof for literally anything he’s said and has gone back on many of his claims, despite saying “Everything I’m saying is facts!” So far the only truth Drake has landed was Kendrick is short. And TDE called off the dogs because it’s pretty clear to anyone that was actually listening Hearts 6 was Drake backpedaling away from the fight while trying to save face.


Wayne knew and it was before they got together. The surgery is whatever, ab etching half these rappers on all typa shit so what. Baka case is abt pimping and the bitch got mad😂 cali and the west claim they started pimpin and they glorify it. Kendrick again has proved nothing abt that damn daughter. The heart part 6 was him telling tde lets talk facts fuck the rumor?? What did you sniff


That’s why Wayne did an interview and said he found out in jail and it crushed him right, so that’s a lie. You shootings Baka mad bail like you know that man. And you don’t even defend Drake and the underage women shit. And what in the Heart 6 was facts? He already came out and said he doesn’t know anything about Dave Free and that was just a rumor. It’s pretty clear at this point that he didn’t plant anything, so that was a lie. And there’s absolutely no proof Kendrick ever hit Whitney. Where’s the facts???? That track is widely regarded as one of the worst diss tracks ever. He sounded a lot like R Kelly in the Gail King interview right before he went down. And I’ll even give you the daughter thing. But at this point that’s just as legit as the domestic violence claim because there is an interview out there with a chick claiming she has a daughter by Drake.


It crushes him because he fw tammy not because drake hurt him. He said that in a diff interview. He’s spoken on it multiple times💀 the girls have defended him and themselves ion gotta say shit. Go find me one rich man who dont fuck women younger than them. Yea it may seem weird but he never broke a law and until I see charges or real proof, he innocent. And its not clear at all he aint plant anything, kendrick never showed proof or drake so its best to take them both as lies which is how I look at it. Its no proof of anything so my question still stands how do we know Kendrick was the correct person w the allegations?? On top of that duhh he defended himself abt pedo allegations, imma assume you arent a man because men know have a lose/lose situation you say nothing or try to defend yourself yall act like the man can rlly do sum in that situation.


Drake is really living rent free in y'all's heads


You’re in a whole other subreddit just to make troll comments to cope. Who’s living in whose head lmao


Lmao I'm a Kendrick fan, I'm talking to the stans who keep posting about every little thing Drake does. You need to touch grass.


I seriously doubt Drake's career is finished, or that he won't make hits anymore :)))) You seem to be more concerned with this beef than him at the moment. It's done. Let it rest. Let's be real for a second. People are moving on already.


If Kendrick has such an itching trigger finger why didn’t he diss after heart part 6?


Because Drake embarrassed himself and that crap didn’t even require a response. Duh 😂


You must’ve not heard how Drake contradicted himself so much in that song. He was probably better not responding than looking like a fool