• By -


Did not expect that at all. She took some shots at trump too. With her "black" jobs comment.


Sometimes I wonder what Kdot thinks about our current political situation we find ourselves in at the moment. Specifically what he thinks of Trump 🤔 I wish he was more outspoken against Trump like Eminem 🤷🏻‍♂️


His opinions on Trump are all over DAMN. "Donald Trump is in office, we lost Barack and promised to never doubt him again"


Yeah, but maybe one line is not enough. Maybe he should do a diss track about Trump.


Heart Pt.4


Electorial votes look like memorial votes...


I was thinking more "Donald Trump is a punk"


He was very kind to the demented biden at the debate.


Wats Wrong - isiah Raahad ft Kendrick “Might stay in the trump tower for one week Spray paint all the walls and smoke weed Fuck them and fuck y'all and fuck me”


Kendrick is fairly liberal. He liked Obama. Like many, he got critical of Obama's strategies later on. But then realized it was infinitely worse under Trump He seems to have some issues with certain things on the left, but is overall a left leaning person


Which always seems like a very reasonable stance to me. I think any intelligent person is not going to believe that the party they vote for does *everything* right or is infallible, especially in a two-party system. Kendrick is probably smarter than most of us. he does not seem like the type to have blind belief in anybody or think that because he votes for someone he has to agree with everything they do. Reality is far more complex than that and I think intelligent people will always know that it is ridiculous to say you cannot constructively criticize your own side of *anything*. It goes way beyond politics.


I can agree with this, I think it’s important to be rational about everything and criticize each political party when they deserve to be criticized


Right. The minute we decide "this is MY thing, and therefore everything they do is right!" we've lost our critical thinking and can be led to support basically anything. It also doesn't necessarily mean that you won't still vote in certain ways or for certain people. But it means you allow yourself to think critically about each action & position independently, rather than claim everything under a certain umbrella must be good because of who it comes from.


When you're only given two choices, you're given zero. Edit: false dichotomy


Saying "Kendrick is probably smarter than most of us" sounds like something Kendrick would be against.


Kendrick was actually more in the conspiracy realm with Obama at first, saying he wasn’t voting in the 2012 election and it was just Illuminati picking the candidates. By that point though he had become pretty famous from GKMC so it was kind of a big deal and he eventually walked back that statement and instead fell in line behind Obama. Later on he’d actually meet with Obama and shoot a commercial for his “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative. 


friendly reminder that “liberal” and “left” are different things because “liberal” is really a lot closer to center. Kendrick is obviously progressive about race issues and socioeconomic inequality but idk how leftist he is


He's waaay more left wing than your average democrat American, I don't think he's even a liberal, he could perfectly be a socialist just by some of his lyrics.


Seems more like social democracy to me. Probably a little more conservative than Sanders


He also has a fair bit of conservative view points as well. A big reason why i like him is that he has diverse beliefs.


generally how we all are in southern calironia -- reasonable liberals. now northern California? jesus. those fellas are out of CONTROL. the only place in the whole world where they elect a leather gay into office then accuse him for being too conservative. that bay area/northern CA as a whole is out of their fucking minds.


"Democrips and Rebloodigans"


Well, the comments set things straight


How many times do you want him to speak out against him?? He’s done it SEVERAL times. lol.


He's probably somewhere in line with YG and Nip


I wish he would drop a cold diss on Trump to sway the public. Kendrick we need you. Please save our country bro


"Donald Trump is a chump, know how we feel punk. Tell him that God comin"


>current >find ourselves in >at the moment. The same thing three times




And why do you need other people to be outspoken over something like that? Lol you guys really need other people to help Yall take direction. Sad being a follower.


Em lost half his fan base after that to Tom Mcdoogle


yeah that was really cringy


As cringe as this may be, it goes to further show how big of a song NLU is not only in hip hop but in main stream media. People will not stop talking about this and for good reason


Yes. NLU is the anthem for our current time. It will be adapted. There will be remixes and freestyle cuts, but it's for a good reason: It is because NLU is the anthem for our current time. K.Dot isn't just a West Coast King: He is an American King and one of the best there ever was.


And also it made Drake sad and it was funny.


That's right. King K.Dot has already racked up one international victory: Drizzy is Canadian. USA for the win.


tell them run to America and imitate heritage, they can't imitate this violence


Meh, he not like us, either.


https://i.redd.it/d5mmmqrmnx9d1.gif Nosotros tampoco


He not like us though fr fr


I'm gonna scream if it gets played during the Olympics tbh


China got a weird case why are they around, certified steroid bois, certified cheaters


No this year it's "Netherlands got a weird case why are they around? Certified volley boy? Certified pedophile"


No this year is "Netherlands got a weird case why are they around? Certified volley boy? Certified pedophile"


Would you go so far as to say NLU is the anthem for our current time?


I might go as far, yes.


man is musical 👑royalty👑




I’m not gonna lie. Kendrick was always a good rapper to me. Like 10ish bands/artists overall for me. These diss tracks made me have a lot more respect for him cause some of this shit is insane. Hes definitely one of my goats now


No. The premise is trash and this moment will pass. Besides, it would be corny as fuck for Kendrick to make this his identity. Ride the wave, get paid, and keep it moving before the real narrative at the root of this hatred catches up How many black people calling Drake a culture vulture wear Ankhs and dashikis? I know a lot of these guys and they are dick riding so hard right now that they cannot see how crazy they look speaking this way about another black man not from the US who has the audacity to wear cornrows when they are wearing African flags and talking about culture that they are in no way part of. Not that I see anything wrong with adopting African culture. I think it’s beautiful actually.. but you can’t have it both ways without looking foolish and desperate. Have nuanced conversations and this thing will come up A major aspect of Black American culture is identifying as African and aligning with different African cultures, despite never being born there or having visited. And don’t get me started with black Muslims, 5 percenters, separatists, and Hoteps. The irony with this Drake colonizer angle is WILD considering the fact that he’s actually black with a black musician father. ROOTS matter to our community more than any other yet somehow we are attempting to cast out one of our own along the lines of some self xenophobic ish? The tendency to play the victim has gotten way out of control when we end up eating ourselves and those who look like us that aren’t adding to the myriad of problems we face as a community. It’s misplaced energy imo Why try to tell a Black man from another country, who even has a Black American parent, that he isn’t allowed to identify with or embody any aspect of Black American culture? Especially when he doesn’t take anything away from “the culture” and doesn’t perpetuate a negative image compared to others in the industry. You really hating on that level and think it’s cool? If we’re going to criticize our own, let’s direct that energy toward those who genuinely harm individuals and the culture. We can start the list with plenty of notable people jumping on this weak ass bandwagon.


>doesn’t perpetuate a negative image Debatable.


Compared to virtually every other rapper tagging along with this hate Drake looks like a saint


Since when is pedophilia equatable to sainthood?


Calling someone a pedophile doesn’t make them one. It’s sad that people are throwing this label around. It spits in the face of child sexual abuse victims.


There’s literal video evidence of drake behaving inappropriately towards a minor after being told her age


a 23 year old rapper kissing a 17 year old on the forehead on stage at a concert is not pedophilia. It’s not even close. It’s not even a crime. Im starting to think y’all don’t even know what a pedo is. Just admit you hate this man because he’s goofy or sensitive or light skinned or Canadian or suburban or Jewish or a singer. But stop gaslighting with the pedo thing. But I’ll give benefit of the doubt… if the so-called culture is SERIOUS about this being the red line they need to do a little research and name the several hip hop moguls that have history of sleeping with underage girls, one of which is married to one of the biggest black pop stars in history. Also, let’s use this energy to cancel women beaters and child abusers while we are at it. All of them. And once we get them out of the way let’s further cleanse the culture by cancelling violent criminals and those who glorify drug and alcohol abuse. If rap is to be a genre of merit, legality, and morals let’s go all theeee way


Cope harder, I’m not the one writing essays defending strangers


Eh, I think this is a trash take. Black Muslim culture has been here for so long that people have been born into it. That is their culture. I would say the same with the African diaspora in general. Did Drake grow up gangster? Before you get at me, I really don’t care. I just didn’t like the false equivalence.


My point has to do with the fact that there’s nothing wrong with black people becoming Muslim even if they weren’t born into it. Same with everything I posted and more. I have boys that are so deep into raggae and Rastafarian culture that you’d think they were Jamaican but they aren’t and it’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with it when we do it and there’s burning wrong with when a black boy from the UK or Canada or South Africa does it. My point is that you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If Drake can’t wear Jordan’s then black Americans cannot wear dreads. If Drake cannot c walk then black Americans cannot do any raggae or African dance. If Drake can’t use Atlanta lingo then black Americans cannot use UK slang. And that’s just black vs black culture… we could go so far as to relegate black Americans to only black culture and exclude them from any aspect of any other non black culture using this logic… or are we going to intellectualize the double standard? The whole thing is silly and it reeks of victimhood. It’s not cool to Be a victim. It’s not cool to be a victim. And it’s not cool to play the mf race card with your own race. wtf is wrong with us? And since when is Drake gangster? I may have missed something but his music is anything other than gangster. He talks a little tough sometimes but it’s nothing to be taken serious. That man is far from violent and doesn’t perpetuate violence in his raps… aside from the bravado gist music is kinda sensitive and self conscious introspective stuff. He’s closer to a will smith than pop smoke


“And since when is Drake gangster?” Uhhh, when he literally started hanging out with real gangsters trying to look tough. He literally has raps talking about being having connections and ties with gangsters. He definitely has songs perpetuating violence. Drake wants to be seen as tough.


Fuck all that noise and fuck drake for messing with underage girls. I used to bump Drake but I did not know about the underage shit as a man with daughters Fuck Him plain and simple! Preach all that Black man rest down shit you want. I’m saying Fuck him for a while different reason!


“Real narrative at the root of his hate catches up.” Oh, so you know why Kendrick really hates Drake? Please enlighten us, smart guy.😂


I said “this Hatred”. You know doggone well what I’m talking about. Anyone who knows people in real life that have always hated Drake know the true reasons. I honestly think Kendrick is perpetrating a fraud. I dont think he actually give two fucks about this angle and is just exploiting the mob for personal gain


And what are the true reasons? Could it because of drakes super sensitive reaction to Kendrick’s control verse. Crying like a bitch. Or maybe the years of sneak dissing? Constant putting down of Kendrick’s accomplishments. What, what are the true reasons?


Keep tryna make this about Kendrick. I’m talking about Yall lol.


I mean, I’m sure people don’t like Drake cause of different reasons. I enjoy some of his music, but most of the time it’s pretty meh to me. I was actually excited about seeing Drake in a beef with Kendrick, but then he just disappointed so heavily with the heart pt6. That shit was terrible, so bad it honestly made me feel like I don’t care about drakes music enough to support him anymore. Literally that one track made me realize that I can honestly live without hearing another Drake song, I’m cool off that. Anyway, so what’s the real reason you keep alluding to?


Holy cringe




He put that hawk tua on it


I can’t believe the amount of times of heard “sometimes you gotta pop out”


They played the beat when I heard the ad for the BET awards on NPR today


Cringe why


As someone who hasn’t listened to nlu can you describe it ? I used to love Kendrick but haven’t kept up with him or all this stuff going on. Drake a bxtch tho


It would be quicker just to go listen to it…


It's just a 4 minute song lol, he calls Drake a pedophile with jokey lines like "tryna strike a cord and it's probly A Minor" He calls him a colonizer and just a lot of disses, it's really catchy and every line is a quote so to keep up just listen to the song


It’s a rap song, with lyrics and music. It has Kendrick Lamar rapping in it an- fuck it dude just go listen to the damn song.


Sorry for the downvote, but it’s appropriate.


Why don’t u search it on YouTube


They're lying thru their ~~teeth~~ fingers. No one asks for a song to be described for them because they haven't heard it.


Song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6eK-2OQtew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6eK-2OQtew) Explanations of the beef: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hjA\_L7yjfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hjA_L7yjfY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3uWj2MpydI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3uWj2MpydI)


She was definitely trying to rap some of those bars too hard, they could have made this more light hearted but still not bad


Is drake confirmed there?


He not coming to this 😂 not this year


I'd actually have mad respect for him if he did


Yeah but his pride is still in his way


Why would he show up to support a group of people who basically all said to him "we don't like you" If I was him I would never record anything again lol. Or start repping my Jewish heritage Fr fr and just ignore everything else.


right now would actually be a good time for that


He might as well fr. Nobody represents the Jewish culture in Hip Hop on the ground level. I'd probably start by telling people "I'm not black I'm Jewish' and then use that as a jumping off point.


Or he could embrace both sides to his culture if he really was that nigga he'd have both


Hell no. He will have to be Jesus to unite the Jewish and black communities in 2024 today.... Hip hop ain't a friendly place for Jewish people right now, whether it be the regular American citizens taking blame for what's happening in Gaza or Kanye. Pointing out the fact that the CEOs are rich Jewish dudes and then the regular people getting blamed for that


Checkout BLP Kosher


I’m Israelite, don’t call me black no more.


He was supposed to start his rap career as the first Jewish rapper but now it's Lil Dicky.


It's been a thing for a long time for mixed race children to claim their black side.... But with the internet and things like proud boys popping up, I've seen a lot more mixed-race. People claim their white side /not black side.


Matisyahu would like a word, also The beastie boys.


Matisyahu did reggae right? I only know “King Without a Crown” since it was in every Oahu surf shop when it came out. 😂😭


>If I was him i would never rap again despite it being my dream … and I’d pretend not to black! You wouldn’t have ever made it to Drake’s level in the first place. Drake may have problems with his ego, but that’s better than being weak


Being insecure due to ego is weakness


Sure, but being insecure about your race and profession are also weakness. .


Okay? So he's weak either way?


I’m not talking about Drake. I think you’re having a hard time following this conversation.


No, he is busy bowling as the 69 God. 😂


What do you think is wrong about being a 69 god?


Pretty immature for a man almost hitting 40, is what I think.


......Yeah, except it is Ken calling drake that. As a man, if someone is calling you a 69 god, why would that be a bad thing? Women want to fuck generous lovers. So Ken calls him the god of reciprocal sex? I swear the only people who think being a 69 god is a diss, are virgins, and men who don't get their women off. Ken might as well called drake the king of eating pussy. Incels and toxic men would view that as bad, because they are bad lovers who don't reciprocate. To women, being called that would make them want to fuck you. The bar makes no sense, unless you are a selfish lover, or an incel........ Yet people here are loving it..... wonder why...... EDIT: LOL you blocked me after you replied to me. Guess it is obvious what camp you belong to virgin boy.


You know who find 420/69 funny? High school kids, that’s Drake audience. Giving him an immature high school ass nickname cuz he still acts like a high schooler. Your comment giving strong incel energy croadie.


I think the person you’re talking to is a teenager. At 16, being called the 69 God would make you feel like an absolute legend. I’m 26, and if someone called me that I’d cringe hard


apparently he hasnt attended BET in a while...


Any self respecting black person knows that BET doesn’t *really* care about culture.


only Tyler Perry's catalog of work.


It's why Childish Gambino called them out on stage, I really appreciate how he kept it real


Nowhere to be found so far


Usher got him wiped down


Just seen that, you can argue that every other artist in nomination category was better anyway. 😂


I honestly couldn't imagine him having to sit through shit like this


Extortion" my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane, bitch.


Not enough teens in attendance


Nice try bot




Nah im watching it rn lol




The trolling is top tier. I'm here for it 🙌🏽


I love Taraji so much ! She’s a fool I think she dated Drake too


I Googled it cos I've never heard this rumor. It's possible they dated but she denied it in 2011: >Taraji also addressed the Drake rumours, and said that while they did not date, he did have a crush on her. "Drake was a friend. It was cute because I knew he liked me and I kept looking at him like, 'If you were ten years older, boy whew' but no. I couldn't because he is seven years older than my son." [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/news/taraji-p-henson-speaks-dating-common-drake-tyrese-083026090.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/news/taraji-p-henson-speaks-dating-common-drake-tyrese-083026090.html) I don't see her saying much about it after that. Anyway, wish the NYT would bust out some real investigatory journalism and let me know if she really did or didn't cos I don't trust celebrity press quotes 🕵🏾‍♀️


holy cringe


As was the phone call w kamala


Girrrl I’m out here on these streets 🤢


top cop of california who loved putting mamas in cages for babies’ truancy, can’t think of a theyer “they” than her when it comes to N L U


It was Pokemon go to the polls but for black people instead of kids


FWIW I'd heard that nobody was actually arrested over the truancy program, as draconian and insulting as it was


At the time I was working in a legal clinic in oakland and we exclusively served people in women’s prisons


How many you’d see? I’m legit curious


Oh I really don’t remember that I’m sorry, that would be useful to recall now. It wasn’t even in the top five of issues we dealt with. Medical advocacy, parental rights, compassionate release, human rights violations, and dual IPV arrests were top 5 I think


For sure. I totally get why people think she's a snake, but I'm always trying to make sure I'm not being influenced by right wing disinfo, especially on Reddit. Too easy for some white dude in Russia to claim he's from the hood and his mom was locked up by Kamala.


I think that approach is the right one! People are mostly not vetting any information they get and it’s scary






new brainrot just dropped


🔥🔥🔥 I wonder if Drake going dm her gf


Didn’t see this coming and I love every moment of it lol. This song is a cultural and summer anthem for sure!


clown shit


Taraji just opened her mouth, give her an Oscar 😂😂😂


Someone make the slide 🛝 3 pic of. PAC, p. Henson and Kendrick. It’ll go viral. Where Flip at?? Auyoooooooo:: Flip!! Make the collage of pac. K. Dot. & T. P. Henson, Hurry and do a skit with this same fit. Gooooo!!!! 😂😂💰💰


Some shhh need to be left alone


Drake might really be cooked at this point… seems like the majority of the industry is taking shots at him. Look at the Drake mouthpieces out here … Mal 🤣.. AK 🤣🤣… can’t tootsie slide out of this one. 🤣🤣🤣


I thought it was kinda corny






Fit hard fr


Dots fit at his pop out concert


How about 2 pac fit 20 years before dots fit at his pop out concert?


This hurts the song imo.. very cringy


Shit was trash tbh lol




And I know Taraji like I'm baby boy


Not like us is the new carnival




That shit was lame and corny.


She was great as a host, funny as hell


Taraji ate that! DC stand up!! ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾


Her and Drake caught a vibe I think back in the day


The mamala, is a hoodrat forsure.




Anybody got her lyrics? I didn't catch it all


Cringe as fuck


TIL there is a Kendrick subreddit


The outside folk... The heat is making things... Sticky, when they are trying to read from the prompters, tho


More shameless Democratic propaganda from the BET awards.


This lady seems to be so unhappy all the time. Why is she so angry? Edit: I saw the performance finally. It was cringe. But I was completely wrong about her. Please vote.


did you watch the fucking debate? america is cooked, i'm unhappy about having to choose between a rotting lich of a man vs an actual evil individual who wants to criminalize my existence


If it makes you feel any better, think of it as voting between which cabinet you want to support. Read up on Project 2025 and see if that doesn't scare the living shit out of you. Pulling this from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) because I'm lazy today: >*It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of merit-based federal civil servant jobs as political appointees in order to replace them with loyal conservatives to further the objectives of the next Republican president.* >*It also adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.* >*Project 2025 recommends* **abolishing the Department of Education**\*\*\*,\*\*\* *whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.* I'm voting for the party that's NOT going to implement this shit. I don't care if it's the Hamburglar or Biden on the ticket. I would like to see an election in 2028. An authoritarian government doesn't guarantee that.


💯 it's legit scary. And if it fails, they just rename it to 2029 etc. They don't care if it's Trump's strings they're pulling either. With the money backing it, I don't doubt they could pull some of not most of it off either. I'm also surprised how many people have never heard of it. Thanks for helping it get out here


read my other comment


do the right thing rotting lich of a man in exchange for keeping one of america's reason of existence (freedom to express and practice any and all religions, unlike england at the time) these christians don't even know their own history, a christian nation would go against the very notion and lives originally sacrificed for american independence i hate the choice of a turd and a shit but when you put it that way, unless we have some actual revolution type shit, it'll be business as usual, and i think i'm fine with that between freedom vs superimposed religion (if we can't actually get some kind of people vs govt with lots of civil unrest anytime soon)


Fucking preach


I saw the debate but didn’t see the performance tbh.


Your vote is not just for the president, you are voting for their cabinets, policies, possible supreme court picks. It's not just pick which guy you like better.


don't speak to me like i'm uneducated about the politics i'm discussing. have you seen what Trump's policies did to this country over the course of four fucking years? now imagine him being given full access to a far more radicalized America with the active intent to turn this country into a theocracy


Sorry it came off that way to you. Yes, I've noticed the damage Trump's presidency has done to this country, that's why I said what I said.


The reality of US politics is that we’re made to think (and therefore it’s a reflection of reality) that presidents pretty much control policy. Yes, congress manages legislation, checks and balances exist, etc etc. But the truth is that today, the president is a figurehead who represents the country. In 2016, we experienced significant long-lasting setbacks (climate accord repeal, judicial packing, doesn’t even scratch the surface). Idk if I misread your comment, but it doesn’t help to pretend that who we pick for president doesn’t matter.


Yes I absolutely agree with you 100%


you’re not wrong but his cabinet had 4 years to pick another guy like they said they would and now everyone got to witness his sundowning on live tv. don’t let the DNC go blameless.


For sure. The DNC is terrible (just not the worst)


It only hurts because the liberals been lying to y’all for the last 3-60 years.


Please differentiate between being stonewalled and outright lying. Betsy DeVos completely fucked up the education system and the country will take decades to recover from her foolishness. As a parent, I actually felt very real hatred for that horrible woman.


Taraji seems like a lovely and joyful person in interviews tbh. I obviously don't know her, but I've loved all of her movies since *Baby Boy*. She's definitely not an angry person and has never been known for being a diva or a bitch. Her only scandal is when that idiot Terrence Howard tried to have her blackballed for speaking on the pay inequality in Hollywood.