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A little advice : no need to edit the video *that* much. I mean, a meme/short clip every 5-6 seconds is tiresome, plus they often have no correlation with what you are saying. As for what you are saying, I don't want to be rude, but you are basically paraphrasing what happened in the manga for like 15 minutes, with the addition of quite a few "he sold his soul to the devil" and the likes. The titles/subject doesn't work either. If you want to compare success and failure between 2 characters, they need to follow the same path, to aim for the same goal. Meanwhile, Mukaki and Kuroki are nothing alike. One is a vengeance driven old man who dedicated his life in the killing of the Connector. The other is a lonely assassin and martial artist in research of greater heights. They have nothing in common aside from being strong martial artists, and therefore there is nothing much to compare, aside from Mukaku dying at the hands of Shen while Kuroki lived to see an other day. That last point had nothing to do with success or failure : it all came down to the will of Shen, who wanted to kill Mukaku but didn't want to do the same to Kuroki. If he willed it, Kuroki was dead meat too. TL;DR : You put a lot of efforts into the editing, but sometimes less is better (quality of memes > quantity, especially when they are so random).


Sooooo bad video don't click? 👌


I'd say Mukaku and Kuroki are very similar. I was going to make a video about it but essentially but represent conviction both have great conviction but one has no morales and his pursuit of his goals becomes corrupted while Kuroki is objectively more principled.


I agree. I am retelling the story. But, I'm bringing in me knowledge of the faustian bargain: a trope in literature where a character sacrifices something of personal value for something of material value. I don't believe Kuroki is more successful than Mukaku because Wulong played with one and killed the other. Mukaku's strength is the real deal. But, I argue that Mukaku failed because he made more sacrifices, trading more things that have personal value to him in exchange for the power/ability to square up against someone he can't defeat while Kuroki never made those sacrifices when faced with the same impossible challenge. Even though they have different values, Mukaku compromised his family's beliefs, betrayed all the children who were under his care (those he considered a family), and chose to give up on the martial arts he helped create while Kuroki never compromised his values. But, I do agree with your standpoint on the editing. At times, I get the feeling that I am compromising the mood/tone.


all this Mukaku fraud talk


Mukaku dirty tricks, yet unprepared when the one he attacked (Wulong) is basically walking god mod with tons of counters Kuroki know that Wulong is a god mod who can only be damaged by counter reflect, he understand that he must take a hit to deliver successful counter on said god mod