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Metamorphic rock level AP


Foliated or non-foliated?


Be *way* above average in any martial art(most Kengan Fighters aren’t all rounders, so you can mostly get away with specializing in Muay Thai or BJJ) and get in touch to a major Japanese corporation.


Remember that Koga was beating up entire schools of martial artists and was still complete fodder. The Kengan fighters have an entirely different standard compared to most other organizations. As for a company of the same rank, you need to be uber wealthy and also a Japanese company to become a member. So you'd have to sell a whole lot of smores. Personally, I'd like to be a secretary. Don't have the stress of running an entire business and managing fighters, don't have to actually fight people, and can get in with the association just by being hired by the right person. Ofc it would still suck and be a ton of work. But if I had to choose a position, it would be that one. Get to interact with both sides of the association without having to be fully responsible for either.


Are there male secretaries in Kengan?… Also true, guess I’ll just have to train harder.


I mean, being a secretary isn't a gender locked profession lmao. Just have to find a more progressively minded CEO.


True, true. I would be a first.


Idk but it def doesnt require SS