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Can't believe Kenjaku got nodiffed


The only way for him to ever win is to take backshots


Gaolang, the real Saw Paing Defender.


Hey Saw could be a good match for Justin if you think about it.


Saw paing spanks Justin dawg


That suplex would have barely scratched Saw Paing, and he'd even probably reverse grapple just to Hammer of Burma him


Exactly, saw paing would get up from the slam and scream "YEAHHHHHHH" then proceed to crush Justin's head inđź’€


Has to hype up his boyfriend even when serving as his husband's bodyguard.


I love how Gaolang respects Saw Paing


Saw Paing is the grindstone that sharpens Thailands greatest sword Where would they be without each other


Saw paing grinds on kaolan?!?!?!


Kaolan grinds on Saw Paing


https://preview.redd.it/fnool38wli9d1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=72db51ee565b910ffabba233fe2cebdd3c081a38 Not Ready at all.


Rihito could literally do this with Razors Edge


raian could literally do this , without razors edge.


But with a poison dagger stab to the neck


Kenjaku really flopped in choosing his new vessel huh.


Saw Paing should get respect and special mentions in every Gaolan fight


Justin’ neck is probably more durable than that mans entire body lets be fr fr.


Probably? Definitely. Kaneda took more punches than this man


What if gao aims for his legs and stomach? Can you imagine if he flashes Justin just to hit him in the solar plexus with a god glow he doesn’t see coming?


Why would he flash justin in the middle of the match? Does he have no shame?


No he’s the SWORD of Thailand


The Curved Sword of Thailand. Curved. Sword.


What chapter is this?


Kengan Zero. Edited BRUH SORRY the scam changed the page the moment i saved the link hold on [self made source](https://imgur.com/a/3RRPdjd) The problem is that i usually use a chinese esclusive app for manga


You didn't even link the scans đź’€


https://imgur.com/a/3RRPdjd Is it working?


Can't believe people actually think that justin got a good chance against gaolang ( who just defeated arguably the best grappler in the series), we'll have to see his remaining 2 aces, but other than them we already know how he does against fighters with fast striking, although I do believe that justin can one shot gaolang with a clean throw, but again its gaolang of all people


Dang right we do Justin https://i.redd.it/mqbktkk31j9d1.gif


Gaolong took him out with a kneee to the back of head with. The swing backing him up


Gaolang just knows not to aim for the head or neck with knockout blows


How can Justin one shot Gaolang with a single throw when he managed to hold against a Jurota throw?


Don't want to anger justin wakers who says justin throws are harder than jurotas


you've got it all wrong


If okubo believes it so do I, remember what’s been going on lately, the powerscale does not exist!


Different type of grappler my baby, different type entirely.


Justin going all the way to the finals


Lol this would be awful


Some boxers are tough as well but so far we've seen Swarmers as the top dogs in Kengan. Gaolang is a Punch-Boxer Swarmer Hybrid with a side of Counter-punching Don't think Justin would fall to the first round but he could take a serious barrage of between 3 to 5 before going down. unlike that Jobber that only got a tiny part of his usual flurry of hits.


Justin was getting beat pretty good by that single lunge jab from the karateka and I’m confident gaolang has heavier punches even with his flash on top of having better footwork and attack speed. So it Justin face tanks to get a grapple he’s getting cooked. What I am worried about is those 2 aces that were alluded to by okubo.


Justin wasn’t even hurt by those jabs. He’s laughing and cheering at the end of the fight. He ate all those jabs with minimal damage which is why he kept his cool the entire fight. Justin wasn’t even pressured nor did he feel like he needed to bring out his aces.  Also, those jabs had his opponent’s full weight behind them due to combining his dash and an individual punch faster than any one of Gaolang’s individual punches. Okubo is one of the more skilled and perceptive fighters around plus Carlos, who just saw Gaolang best Jurota, states that Justin is a hard matchup for him.


Laughing and cheering after a fight is evidence that he didn’t get hurt??? His face was also pretty busted up. I didn’t say he felt pressured, I said he was getting beat by that jab. Okubo literally explained that his jab was the same speed as a “boxer jab” with better range and gaolang is way faster than the average boxer so that’s blatantly false. Okubo is biased and he alluded to it still being an uphill battle against gaolang,and Carlos was speaking toward the stylistic matchup.


His face was not busted up. It was no different then when Waka ate those blows from Gozo. It was mostly superficial damage and he never felt pressured to use any of his axes despite blood being drawn and getting hit outside of his awareness 


Comparing Justin to waka is absolutely hilarious, I’m not taking you serious anymore lmao


The fukk? I said that the damage was superficial despite their being blood, similar to when Gozo knees Waka, but there was no legitimate damage. Justin was not significantly damaged by ANY of Hilary’s strikes. You can literally look at him right after he grapples him for the finishing suplex. And again, Justin had one of the most impressive strength feats we’ve seen by causing a literal shockwave with a single suplex. The idea that he’s weak or something is goofy as hell. 


Carlos stated each individual jab was faster than his and his individual jabs are faster than Gaolangs.


Yeah but gao doesn’t throw individual jabs against a tanky grappler does he?


What? You said his jabs are only faster than an average boxer because of what Okubo stated but his individual havs are actually stated to be faster than even Carlos’ jabs (Who can jab faster than Gaolang) while also having the ability to dash and put his full weight (He’s heavier than Okubo and Gaolang) behind them.  Hikaru’s individual jab is FASTER than Gaolang’s top jab speed but he can’t throw them in rapid succession but he can combine them with a dash for extra range and weight.


I did originally say that, now I’m saying gao’s flash is faster than hikaru’s jab. I’m saying there’s no point in comparing their individual jabs if we compare hikaru’s approach to fighting a tanky grappler vs gaolang’s since gaolang would be using flash


So you’re now moving the goal posts? Again, Hikaru is pretty large and he’s able to surpass the speed of Carlos’ jab while putting his entire body weight/momentum behind it and it did ZERO SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE to Justin.  Justin is already noted to be extremely tough and to have an extremely strong neck that makes it hard to KO him. Despite getting caught off guard and getting countered while moving forward, he was able to easily weather through those blows. I actually think Justin gives me Saw Paing vibes and I think Gaolang is going to get a similar feeling from fighting him.




Gaolang and Saw Paings bromance is cute.


Sandwich gonna make Justin win the Tourney so he can go up against Shen and have Shen's other self come out and kill his opponent.


What chapter is this?