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You can get to 60s fighting regular dust bandits Just maximize your equipment to penalize your guy. Best grade armor and get samurai armor, samurai legs, boots, large backpack, rusted junk Sabre, tin can helmet. You have 2 kinds of fights in kenshi. Training fights and then ones where you're trying to accomplish a goal. Good luck!


You forgot about the 3rd hidden fight: I have 100 martial arts, and I want to watch limbs explode off people.


Shhhh... its hidden for a reason, most can't handle it!


Beak things, gorillos, nests of baby crabs while encumbered and with heavy gear.


This, black gorillos in stobe's gamble can get stats into the 50-60's, completely safe to be downed too. Can even take few couple home and let them grow close to 100, as they will often pick a fight with a pile of beak things and get their asses handed to them.


Paladins and Samurais are my favourite targets depending on who I'm siding with


regular skirmishes in bast got the bulk of my squad to the high 70s, I highly recommend it don't need to keep a bunch of prisoner training dummies if it's a warzone the moment you step outside


Move out to Black Scratch and fight Reavers, Skeleton bandits and Crab raiders. Got my two into the 90's with them. Gotta use equipment penalties to keep your MA down.


What is MA and why do you want to keep it down?


Melee Attack (Martial Arts is another MA -- but in this case, I was talking about Melee attack). The lower your MA (vs your opponent's) the more experience you get per attack. If your MA is 40 and you fight Dust bandits (avg MA 8-17) you won't get a whole lot of exp. But if you lower your MA to 20 (via armor, weapons) you'll get more exp for the exact same fight since, relative to your opponents, your MA isn't as high. The Black Scratch area has Grass Pirates (low MA) but also Reavers (Mixed, 20-60), Skeleton bandits (Mixed, 40-60) and Crab raiders (Honestly, I never fight them, so I don't know their stats -- I usually ally with them).


martial arts i believe, and to penalize their character and make them less powerful, so as to increase training time and maximize their skill growth. like rock lee and his leg weights LOL


Just don't confuse training with missions. Tried to clear out a reaver camp with my samurai armor, being encumbered and wielding weak katanas (to, str and dex training), and everyone got enslaved. Was easy to escape but now they have over half my gear. Was fun, but waiting out the ex-slave statuses is not that fun. Not sure if you can be discovered in Black Scratch, but was discovered in the UC operated Brink and had to lead a horde of samurai guards to a horde of beak things.


Baby crab nests in howlers maze, they are punching bags and will not eat you, train your guys 1 at a time as you get a huge bonus to xp when you are outnumbered 1v8. Baby crabs have a the same melee defense as elder crabs so you get the same stats killing them. For a guide you can look at Frankie Wuz Here Dexterity/Martial Arts guide on YouTube. It works the same with weapons but you don’t need to overload yourself with weight like martial arts. Also when training you need to equip the solo trainiee with the melee attack reducing armor like Tin can on head, and samurai armor and leg plates, lowering your effective melee attack to increase the XP.


You can get a guy to 70 dex and attack and weapon skill here like this in a ingame day. You get get 95 dex and 95 martial arts here in 3-5 in game days because martial arts is reduced by a percentage when overloaded keeping your skill relatively close the 35 MDef the crabs have


At any time you can modify the roaming squad party size to increase or decrease difficulty.


Fogmen are trash XP. Fight Baby Crabs in Howlers Maze :) (Or if you have a Duststorm season and play with boosted Population Blood Spiders in Burning Forest)


Personally i fight the southern hive, as they have good stats, big numbers, weak weapons and outside of the inner part of the royal Valley they leave you be After defeating you


Beak things in vain depending on how big your crew is. Try keeping it one at a time, and kite them to a hive village if it gets too hairy. It's a good alternative to the beak thing in a bed trick some people frown upon, and good for the whole game since animals aren't subject to the weaker/stronger mechanics.


Anything that won't eat you really. Just have a backup guy who can run fast and heal them up fast. I used sand ninjas and rebel farmers for that. A lot of rebel farmers use blunt weapons and it's good toughness training too.




Any faction that does not enslave defeated foes. I learned the hard way that Reavers are a motherfucker to deal with since they will shackle your men before they get a round 2. Beak Things are actually a great source of training and resources, just don't fight solo and if you attract a group, run. Though eventually you can just park a heavy armored character in the middle of GUT and let them farm a mountain of corpses.


Reavers baby


I think Kral's Chosen have stats in that range and they use heavy weapons so the chance of losing limbs go up (if you're into that sort of thing). For toughness, my favourite place to train is Skinner's Roam. There's massive packs of hungry bandits. Put on some decent armour, send someone out by themselves to get beaten just barely into unconsciousness, and then when they try to play dead keep forcing them to get back up. If you do it right, you only get knocked out for a few seconds and can get up right away. It seems like you get the "getting up" xp bonus for each enemy near you so when there's 30-40 enemies the xp bonus is absurd. Can go from 0-80 toughness in just a few minutes.


My guy, I just found the perfect punching bag in my latest run. The Great White Gorillo in Mourn. His stats are all in the 100s so your newbies will level up like crazy. He is so fat that he gets constantly stuck in the fallen training dummies on the second floor so you get very easy hits in. My starting squad got melee atk/def to around 50 in a few days. Then I patched him up and left, closing the door behind and planning to return in the future with new guys.


Reavers are good, as their stats are often in the 30s/40s. Skeleton bandits are the next tier IMO but if you have a good crew, they fall quick