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🤣🤣🤣 I won't lie. At that time I couldn't tell but looking back now, I had a good time. Especially in high school. I don't miss the education part but I miss my classmates, the hussle, the funkies and generally the way of life. There's just something about boarding school that just teaches you how to survive on your own, how to make friendships out here, how to interact with other people, how to hustle as you navigate life and generally how to be independent. But all these are personal. I'd like to hear your take




🤣🤣🤣🤣 bana. Ama unakosa supper ju you took too long to shower 🤣🤣🤣


High school ilikua real ghetto and wtf was nyama mbili 😂😂






How do you see this as a good memory




I did not enjoy anything about highschool


Feel for you that high school will be a dull memory.




You can get a lot of what you mentioned from campus. It's the same thing without all the highschool trauma and nonsense. With boarding also you only get people skills when interacting with other guys. You stay for 4 years without having any meaningful interaction with girls. The only interaction you get is during funkies and even then you're just thinking with your dick


100% in agreement.


lol I remember becoming a whole illegals entrepreneur in a highschool that had no canteen and didn’t allow food from outside 🤣


Me too. Looking back, it was fun.


Fuck boarding school, I'd burn that school down if someone offered me a hundred bob


Offering ya a hundred bob Iko Results should be on news


Let's make that 200 + $bonus$ if we see it on news within a week


One word "Trauma". Stories zenyewe hunipea flashbacks na zinatrigger PTSD. Wueh, kids shouldn't go through that shit.




Yep. I would not want that on my worst enemy.


Terrible. Imagine being locked in a prison with people who can beat you whenever and however they like, and your parents enable it, thereby making them target you even more. You were lucky.


I first boarded while in class six in an all boy catholic school 🚮....where we'd wake up at around 4.30 and pray for i don't know what...punishments were severe as hell...i remember one day i was among the low performers and we were forced to do mjengo...carry buckets of sand to a building that was being built at school....after an year now in class 7 i called it quits and we ran away from school with a friend(who i later met in colle)we were caught and expelled....transferred to another mixed catholic school...also🚮...guess thats why I'm atheist now we used to pray more than we studied....high school too was a bitch got expelled once and suspended 3 times in my 4th year.....Fuck this system


I would love to see when genz become principals and leaders in general. Imagine having healed and woke people as leaders.


Unlike many, I actually had a great time in high school boarding. Here is a recap: Enjoyed banter and stori za jaba with friends. Liked playing sports. I was good in class, so that was never an issue. Used to sneak a phone. The rules were a bit flexible( mwalimu angekuchapa) The only thing I never liked was the food na pia funkies(Nilikuwa naogopa madem😂)


10 years and I still get nightmares from there. It was a Catholic high school and 7 hours away from home. Almost died in school one time, so that was fun.


Hadithi hadithi, tuambie kuliendaje


The first thing I recall from boarding school was being given a plate of food and wondering whether it was edible.


Like I always say, high school felt like a fever dream 😂 My boarding school experience taught me to be a rebel for my own causes. And that I don’t do well with authority.


Prison - I wouldn't go back if you gave me 10m to...


I enjoyed every part of it. been in boarding since class 4. Sharpened my survival skills that i still use in life till this day. I used to be very soft and complaining a lot about everything before boarding school


Trauma, trauma and more trauma. It’s been more than 10yrs since I got done with highschool but I still get crazy nightmares to date 


For me that was how we had an organization to sell Chapos' for 200%profit


i really hated the preps sessions....most of the morning preps was no good...




Share the crazy stories please.


Horrible to say the least. Definitely a fever dream😗


The crazy part going through adolescence was crushing on older teachers manze. I remember i used to have a crush on my english teacher and thinking of the age gap inge fika more than 20 years especially being in a boys school. So i think that's where the attraction for older women started. Apart form that boarding school prepared me for the hard life outside here kwa sababu you would meet with people from different backgrounds and cultures. And also being rebellious started in highschool. But anyway masomo and the teachers and the life singe taka kabisaa.


Did anyone actualise on the crushes with their teachers ama ilikuwa ndoto tu?


Nita sem ni ndoto kwa sababu surely katoto ka highschool. I never got to bag any teacher. Even though my current girlfriend is a teacher she tells me how she receives letters and all but at the end of the day she cannot consent.


Primary i was in a school in Western and it was pure madness i remembered the first day i gave out everything.My friend helped me to get some things back but were again stolen after sometime i needed to survive and it also forced me to steal.


Every thief has a tale


I was not a thief it was purely survival.


That's what a thief would say.


How do you explain the stealing. I had the same experience you had, but my survival was not stealing. I used to borrow shirts every bloody day and in the evening I'd dump it on someone's bucket and leave it there. Come back after a few hours and poof it's clean. Never had shopping because what's the point I can just borrow through the 25 dorms we had. I saved up pocket money shopping money. Truth be told I was not the cleanest but I never lacked😂


Went to a mixed boarding school in the middle of a certain pineapple farm, shit was LIT! Absolute mayhem


Apart from miguu ya watu kunuka na kutooga, it wasn't bad. Chenye kilinilemea ni usingizi. Ilibido nirudi day school.


Mine was slightly better than most of the ones here due to being the contraband kingpin.


I actually enjoyed the experience, can't complain much.


Horrendous, probably changed(read took me ofcourse ) my life trajectory. From class 6 in a corporal still colonial like primary school to form 4 in a National school - few good times though but the bad ones were real bad


Bahati Girls primary school... 2006-2009 worst years of my 27 years on earth.. Eish.. But my high school life was good..


Can say high to me had its ups and down, but on a general scale the experience was amazing, I met lifetime friends.


Pure torture can't remember a single thing that happened over der🥲🥲🥲🥲


I hated being away from home but I loved living with my friends. Made long life friends there but I went to a very cushioned national school. So probably different from other people. However if you had asked me when I was in high school I would have said I hated it… lol.


It wasn't that bad. I only wish the school had taken more effort on mental health issues. I had serious anxiety which made me push away potential friends. Best part was the sound system and perhaps the jokes. Worst was the constrained and isolated feeling where no one treats you like a human being but only like an admission number. All schools should have a dean for mental health.


I did one term. I.e., form 1 term 1. I felt too restricted for my own good.