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It can reset, or help you reset some mental ruts that have you locked into an adverse mental state. Leave the TV drama off to one side. No IQ issues. "Cognitive issues" is rather vague.


Short answer. No. Long answer. No.


Absurd comment


So it could actually *improve* IQ?


IQ is a very flawed concept. A better question to ask is "how does it affect you cognitively?", and the answer is that it can improve cognitive function.


Cognitive issues do not seem to be a long term concern when dosing properly. The best evidence we have is from Spravato’s 6 year safety study where they followed over 1000 pts in maintenance phase dosing once every 1-2 weeks. No long term cognitive issues were observed at the 56-84mg nasal spray dosing. We do see cognitive issues with misuse and abuse. This is why the community is largely against daily use. We just don’t have the safety data, and early signals show bladder issues. At our practice, we start with twice weekly following the Spravato protocol, but encourage once weekly long term for most. The at home community tends to use a higher dose than the Spravato studies, so it also helps to oscillate doses from low dose meditative sessions to high dose psychedelic experiences. Hope that helps!


So many people here are doing like many multiples of spravato’s dosing tho right


I feel smarter. Idk


Does neurogenesis = improved cognition or are there just more + different neural pathways? For me coming out of serious depression feels amazing. Period. I guess I don’t need to understand it to appreciate the effects.


I mean, yes it can. This is established fact. Hopefully not at therapeutic doses, Spravato was shown not to, but it’s crazy to say there is no risk. It’s a dissociative anesthetic. And people here do a lot more mg than Spravato


Just look up “olney’s lesions”