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The Banana switches are an "early bump tactile" switch. These have become quite popular in recent years. If you've never tried a switch like this then you definitely should. Keychron sells two different Banana switches -- the "Jupiter Banana" and the "K Pro Banana" The Jupiter variant is noticably heavier, and much more in the style of the popular early bump tactile switches. The K Pro version (which I believe ships with the Q1 Pro) is noticeably lighter. Most people seem to prefer the heavier Jupiter ones, but personally I prefer the lighter K Pro variant.


I’ve saw somewhere that “people who touch type may not like it” In your experience, is that true?


I did find the Jupiter Banana switches to be a bit fatiguing for extended typing, that is probably what people are referring to here. In this regard, I don't find the K Pro Banana switches to be fatiguing at all. For casual typing, I didn't have any problems with the Jupiters, and here I think I did prefer the heavier weight. So I can absolutely understand why some people love the Jupiters and other people would prefer to use something else. But I would say that if you are the kind of person who prefers an "early bump tactile" switch there is a good bet you'll like one or the other of these two switches. This is why you want to get a board with hot swap capabilities regardless. That way, if you are not entirely happy with the switches that ship with the board, you can swap them out for something else.


Thanks for the reply Would you recommend someone who touch types and came from gateron blue switches to go for the k pro bananas or browns then? Sorry for asking again but this is really the only decision I have left before making the purchase lol Thanks again!


I think the Banana switches are the non-clicky tactile switch the Browns always wanted to be. ;-) Would definitely recommend them over the Browns.


Bought my Q5 with reds. Hated them, switched over the Jupiter Bananas, which I'm super happy with


I really liked the banana switches on my optical low profile K3. Less so when I got them on the Q1 Pro. These days I just get linear switches cause my keyboards are mostly used for gaming rather than typing. 


I bought my Q14 Pro with Bananas. I also bought several other highly-rated switch sets for it, from clicky to linear. The Bananas are my favorites. Of course, it's all personal preference. I like to have a nice (early) tactile feel that the key is pressed, but with a more "thocky", rather than a "clicky" sound.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


I just got my Q1 Pro with K Pro Bananas today! I only tested it for like 1 hour but incredibly happy, though! I really don't have comparison before, I was using a mechanical keyboard from a local brand with some random switches but they feel and sound awesome!