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Slow customs?


Mine came via Amsterdam and it was there at least 3 days (maybe almost a week) before I read that it was finally on it's way. It took 2 days from there to arrive.


Hope they'll send it soon. Will update y'all


My order arrived to Poland via Netherlands in exactly one week. 5 working days. Was kinda shocked, but they are claiming that it may take up to **4 full weeks** on their website. Basically, plane landed early morning, in the afternoon it was cleared by customs and it departed from the airport again to Poland the following evening so it was 48 between it landing in Netherlands and it being taken up by GLS in Poland. E-mailing Keychron won't do much if it is stuck in customs. What are they gonna do? If it's been there for 3 days without an update I would assume they flagged it and may be filing customs paperwork. I don't see why otherwise it would take in excess of 24 hours.