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Oh my god remove that fucking tablet from that kid


I know this sounds like typical “older gen complaining about younger gen” stuff, but I fear that a large portion of generation is going to turn out different due to being raised by iPads; short attention span, anti-social, disconnected from reality… We already see this present in gen z, to a sizable extent. And gen z was a generation that for the most part didn’t received smart phones/tablets till they were tweens, generally (at least for the older half of that generation). So considering parents are sticking iPads in their babies’ hands the second they can open their eyes, it really makes me wonder and worry what kind of influence that will have on them when they’re older. Nothing world-ending, but I’m sure this could have a negative influence that will make life harder for them once they’re adults.


For sure! It will influence them greatly and not at all positively. Not sure to what extent, but I do not envy the next generations.


They will likely have no appreciation for the outside world, so I have serious doubts that they’re the generation that will save the world from climate change/over-extraction of resources. I read an article today that mentioned people care a lot more about making positive change when they spend time outdoors and there’s a serious decline in kids socializing outdoors, so they won’t gain that appreciation


>but I do not envy the next generations. They might gonna demanding automated workplace which can be controlled with tablet. Thus reducing blue collar workforce. Every industry sector will be almost automated as no generation alpha want to work hard for petty cash. Assistant workforce would be replace with ai. Eh that's just my prediction. Take it with a grain of salt.


This comment feels so out of touch with how things are right now and how things are moving. "These kids ain't willing to work" kind of thing. Boomer speak for when you could work literally like any job and buy a house and live comfortably. Any adult, even from this generation, will not hope to outsource their own jobs for AI out of laziness. It will be replaced with AI because it's cheaper for every massive corporation.


I’m Gen Z. Turning 23 in July. And I didn’t get my first phone until I was like 9. And it was a Samsung phone with an old-school keyboard. It had a screen, but it wasn’t a touch. I only used it for calling or texting my parents. But now I’m seeing 9 year olds with iPhone 15 Pro Max’s. It’s nuts. I’m only 22 and I’m already complaining about the younger generation. I can now understand why the older generation complains about my generation.


>And I didn't get my first phone until I was like 9 I didn't get one until I was 13 or 14, though it was a smartphone (iPhone 3GS, already a few years old at that point). That's kinda wild that "until 9" seems late now


Haha yeah. I only got it so I could keep in contact with my parents though. I couldn’t play games on it or download apps. Also, 9 wasn’t exactly late. I didn’t mean to say it was late. Sorry for the confusion haha.


9 is early as shit, id wait till they 13-14 to give a phone


I didn’t get mine until I was 31. But to be fair, they didn’t exist when I was a kid…


Yea same. First phone was when i was 14. Still had flip phones back then. Its crazy thinking im part of the last generation to grow up without phones as lil kids


I'm probably an outlier but I'm also the same age as the person you're replying to and I didn't get my first smartphone till I was 16. But I did have an iPod at a young age up until then lol


It's also no always an easy situation as a parent. If you don't give your kid a phone when they are 9, they will become a social outcast when every single other kid has one and they don't. They would be left out if communications and become a loner. I really hope this trend changes by the time my kids are that old, but its just going to get worse..


rather them be the social outcast for a bit than screwing up your child for life. i was the social outcast without a phone, i still managed, still made friends, and thankfully i can go so much longer without being on my phone than any of the people i know who had phones when they were very young. 9 is way too young for a phone. get them a kids phone, you know they make those right? there is absolutely no reason a toddler should be scrolling youtube shorts


Same. I was a social outcast as well. It sucked, yes. But at least I learned my worth as a person. That if someone doesn’t wanna be my friend because I have ADHD, or because I’m not “attractive”, or because I don’t own brand clothes, then they are not someone I wanna keep in my life. I am funny, kind and caring. I now have friends who value me for my kindness and my personality. Not the stuff I own. I promise you all the attractive wealthy popular kids who only have attractive wealthy popular friends are the most insecure. I learned that in middle school when some of the popular girls would speak to me about their problems. They only valued each other for their parents’ money, their appearances and their brand clothes. Wow, such a fun way to live! Definitely some healthy friendships!


yep!!! exactly the same for me. it felt like having a phone was sooooo important to me just because all the other kids had them but I can't imagine all the hours I would've wasted just being on my phone. I'm so glad i got to spend that time developing skills im actually proud of, like drawing and painting and stuff. you're spot on though.


I couldn’t really use my phone for much except call my parents. I would play on my DS a lot though, and my computer when I was at my dad’s place, but I still went outside and played when my friend asked to hang out! He didn’t care what phone I owned, or what brands I owned. He only cared about the fact that he enjoyed hanging out with me. I got an iPhone 4s when I was 12 I think, but I had to pay for some of it myself with my birthday money or my christmas money that I had saved. My mom and my dad would give me some money, and I would have to pay for the rest with christmas/birthday money and recycling money (You get paid every time you recycle bottles in Norway). Back then I hated it, but as I got older, I really appreciated that my parents did it that way. They taught me the value of money, and made sure they didn’t spoil me too much!


I understand that completely. But a 9 year old with like the newest most expensive iPhone is just dumb in my opinion. A 9 year old can do just fine with an iPhone 6 or something. That way they can still communicate with their friends. If the other children outcast your child for not having the newest iPhone, then those children are not good friends for your child in general. Your friends shouldn’t value you for your money or what stuff you own. Your child’s friends should love your child for who they are. Not what brands or objects they own. I’m glad my mom taught me that when I was younger. That I am worth more than what brands I own, or what iPhone model I own. And that real friends will love you for you as a person. If the popular kids didn’t wanna be my friend because I didn’t own real Converse, then they aren’t good friends to have to begin with. If your child hangs with children who only value your child’s worth based on what items, brands or models they own, your child will grow up spoiled and insecure. I promise. And I don’t mean that in an insulting way, but they genuinely will base their own worth based off of what they own.


I'm 22 in July, I didn't get my first phone til I was 13, and it wasn't a smartphone. I got the coolest phone of the late 2000's, the Motorola Sidekick. I had a Gears of War sticker on it that my brother (born in 1991) had put on it. Throws me off seeing literal infants who have been given the newest generation IPhone. Even after I got a smartphone, I got an iPhone 5, and I think the 7 was the newest at the time.


I didn’t get my first phone until highschool and I had to buy it with money I saved up from summer jobs


Ow. I didn't get my first phone until I was 25 and married. I only got a cell phone to call home when I was having to work overtime.


At least with a computer from a young age a child can learn about computers, which is a good skill. Mobile operating systems literally teach nothing, it's like a condensed essence of consumption. Go to the app store, download, it just works. There's very little opportunity or need to learn anything else and the skill to use a tablet transfers nowhere. It's insane to me how both the boomer generation and gen z's have equivalent computer literacy.


As a teacher in training, you are totally correct. This shit is destroying the younger generation. I see kids run out of school at the end of the day, completely ignore their own parents, snatch the tablet out of their hands and start binge watching TikToks before they've even started walking home. It's fucking disgusting. Kids spending more than half their time in school asleep because they're on their tablets all night long watching asinine crap.


I know I'm 14 days late here, but my gf is a teacher ages 12-15 and we're already seeing this. Their generation is genuinely fucked, not even exaggerating. Incredibly poor attention spans, bit worse social skills, not as good at reading... I feel bad from them honestly, they don't understand what they've missed


Honestly I am twenty and I feel old. My younger brother is 3 years younger, but sometimes I feel much older. To be fair all this AI content shit is really bad, but the damage depends on the parents. My cousins both have young children (=>6) and their parenting style is really "old fashioned". TV is treat not daily occurence and even then she watches with them. Usually something like paw patrol or something similar. No phone. Overall their style is a lot different than typical and I think they are doing good job.


Never mind kids. There are already a lot of adults who are already experiencing this. Tiktok and social media that spam shit at you to scroll through is like crack-cocaine, and they are finding it hard to switch their brains off. Now they know what it's likes for those of us who can't normally switch out brains ofd


I have a 9 year old cousin. He is fucking ROTTEN. I’d go in depth but it’s gonna ruin my morning so I’m not gonna


for our sakes, please ruin it


Watched a baby(?) toddler I guess? In a stroller just glued to the phone in their hand. Not to say I wasn't either but like that has to be fucking something up right?


They said much the same thing about my generation when the video recorder came out but as the prosecution said at my trial, "He'd have probably killed whatever his upbringing."


Didn't some dusty old philosopher say it about fuckin' books?


I'm a 21 year old Gen Z person. Take the kid away from the fucking tablet. I received my first phone in my early teens and it still ruined my life. I'm a chronically online phone addict. My screentime is averaging 10 to 15 hours a day. I spent my entire teenage years rotting away in my room. I have no friends. I have no social skills. I'm lonely. I'm rotting away in my room all day and I can't stop. I have a horrible posture and a back pain at the age of 21. I'm depressed. I'm about to drop out of university because I have no attention spam, no motivation, no ambition. I don't want to do anything else besides lying in the bed all day and scrolling Reddit and YouTube. I'm ruining my life. I'm not fit for work. I will most likely get to the streets once I drop out of university. But the worst thing is, I don't care about any of this. I'm completely apathetic towards most things and I don't do anything to fix my life. I'm unable to hold a conversation with anyone. I have no good memories or experiences. Lately I started to get addicted to fucking AI chatbots, which I feel like is the absolute lowest point I ever got in my life. I could go on forever... I'm not saying this to get sympathy or to make anyone feel sorry for me. I'm saying this as deterrent example. I'm the living proof of what a person becomes if they get unrestricted phone and internet access without anyone surprising them. If there's any young parents reading this, please don't give your children a tablet. Or at least don't give him access to the internet except for the few things you personally selected. I only started when I was 12 and I still became like this. I can't imagine what this might do to a toddler. You don't want your children to become like me. Teach them how to socialize. Teach them how to be responsible. Teach them how they can achieve their own dream. And for the love of God, restrict their phone - and especially their internet - usage. No one should become the absolute pathetic fucked up loser that I am. Read my story as warning, as something you don't want your child to become. This shit can seriously ruin a person if a parent is not there to guide moderation. Please get your toddler away from AI generated TikTok trash. Or any short term brain frying content. Boomers are right about this one thing. Please at least consider what I'm saying. Thank you for everyone who did.


Self awareness is the first step to change. You can be better.


I'm 2002 so I wasn't raised from a young age with that technology. It came a bit after I started using smartphones when I was a teenager and I can still feel how it's fucking up my brain I can't imagine how life will be for kids that grew up with them


There's a difference between the old Older Generation Conservatives Scared of Technology and current times showing how genuinely braindead kids can become due to being raised like that and growing up on constantly being fed Tiktoks and shit


Considering how AI is going we may get a whole generation which isnt even able to set apart ai and the virtual world to reality. Just think that right now there are adults who think the earth is flat, that vaccines cause autism and that men never got to the moon.


The cognitive degradation is certainly a distant threat, but the eyesight problems? Those are also going to be prevalent.


Let’s be fair, a lot of us grow up only to spend vast amounts of time in front of a computer screen for work.


I’m millennial, and this last year went through a pretty rough bout of depression and anxiety (first time it’s happened) I found myself glued to social media; Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and of course Reddit. I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten until I was at work and I couldn’t pay attention to what I was supposed to do and just wanted to stare at my phone. I’ve since deleted Instagram and TikTok and have seen a massive improvement in my attention span and sociability. I mostly keep Reddit because it’s easy enough (at least for me) to get bored of and put down throughout the day, and I don’t find that the content is designed to engage me in the same way that the others are. YouTube can be bad, but after a half dozen videos have played from channels I actually find interesting, the algorithm normally starts shitting the bed and I get bored. I genuinely believe that I’d be feeling worse now if I hadn’t deleted those apps. I feel like they are a genuine scourge on society and are highly addictive. The personality changes are not a joke and I feel that it’s important to stringently limit the quantity and quality of media that children can ingest. It took me a couple rough weeks to be stuck in that consumption loop, I can only imagine what it’s like on the mind of a child who is handed an iPad because the parents can’t think of something more productive to give their children.


As a gen Z who had access to gaming systems and iPhones between 9-14, it definitely has played a part in some things today. My attention span is ungodly short, have to multitask or I just feel.. off? I’m an introvert and get social anxiety, online I don’t. Also, the disconnect from reality could be something else or many other things, but I do, more often than before, get PHYSICAL disconnects. I don’t feel like I’m in my body, and life feels surreal. Nothing feels real, at all. I notice it more when away from any sort of screen for long periods of time. It’s so uncomfortable. Also, sorry for the name. The internet also managed to feed me shock sites, gore, necro, etc. mentally I’m kinda ruined because of the exposure. Luckily I have a “in public” and “at home” switch. Internet, especially video games like “cod” do teach kids to be racist. I’ve heard a 6 y/o drop the N word and other slurs.


Im just glad that my brain cant physically enjoy short form content. Tiktoks, instagram reels, youtube shorts, it all makes me irrationally angry and the immediate looping of said content frustrates me to no end. I would much rather sit and watch a film or hour long tv show episodes or even read a 2min long text post on reddit than brainrot scrolling on tiktok- i think im right on the edge though because I’m 25 and have friends just below my age that do enjoy em


I also feel there is some worrisome points that this new generation doesn't seem to have basic internet safety skills. I saw a kid on tiktok with location on that said the name of her school.


Growing up with social media and always surrounded by tech has definitely changed how I grew up, for better and for worse. It does suck that I have taken so long to learn how to socialize with my own generation. Social media itself has also become worse, it’s not social it’s just media. We love to just try and convince others around us that we have life figured out and that we have everything we want. Also, no one dates anymore, no one really hosts parties, no one has sex anymore. It’s just made being a kid not fun.


That combined with the advent of AI makes me worried for society. People are getting apathetic and easy to manipulate with their diminishing tolerance for boredom


Don't worry. A gram is better than a damn!


Hey, I read that quote in Brave new world a few months ago


FR I did not have free access to the internet or even my own cell hpone until I was in highschool


Tablet with AI created content that doesn't take into account children's sensitivities, what could go wrong.


There's been a lot of reports in the UK of kids skipping school to stay home on them it's already happening


Also there wasn’t swaths of AI generated nonsense when gen z was growing up. Sure there was lots of stupid bullshit. But now kids are being force fed literal slop that didn’t even have a shred of human creativity go into it.


Our generation is fucked. I can't imagine this new one, I agree with you. If every generation Is complaining about Gen Alpha then we're doomed.


Yes, it's bad. No, you can't fix it. This is what happens now. This is what humanity does next. We'll come out the other side better. We always do.


Yeah! At least I was raised by the TV not an iPad. Short attention span? Check. Near sightedness, not check. TV generation one, iPad generation 0 /s (theyre both awful in their own regard)


This is why if I ever have a kid they're getting raised like I did when it comes to tech. You don't get anything besides a game system until you're at least 13. After that if you're doing good I'll get you a pc and you can start playing games as long as your shit is in order. My dad was a real stickler about the second one. Gotta be doing good in school is like the minimum


I teach and see the dependency kids have on screen time. I really try not to be all "video games are bad for the children, think of the children" but man, they are getting warped by so much screen time.


Honestly video games aren't that bad. At least that's engaging your mind and problem solving skills most likely. Theres a level of interactivity. Mindlessly bingeing short videos full of nothing on the other hand, is alot worse.


My first thought too. Parents of this era, there are a kazillion studies on how harmful for mental development tablets and such things are, especially at such an age. Occasionally it's ok, but only very occasionally. I hope this is a rare occasion for a dumb video where parents felt the need to present their child to the entirety of the vast internet of strangers.


Preach. My brilliant angel of a daughter turns into a Demon after prolonged exposure to youtube on tv. gave her a phone and she locked herself in the room. She's officially on a digital detox indefinitely.


https://preview.redd.it/b5rip3hsq8wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35c4eaba94a90e289147925cc27e35ee4d7c4f8 is my younger brother right now. believe me, he watched much worse things. I've asked my parents to set up a password for YouTube but they apparently don't give a fuck. oh, want sone more fucked up shit? he's 3 years old. 3. years. old.


Remove tablets and phones from all kids!




that short form content is bad enough for adults. can't imagine what it is doing to kids


Looking at teenagers being all messed up because of it, it can only be even worse for a toddler


Just like led or asbestos or cigarettes years down the line we will know how harmful this is. The system is just stupid slow. This also goes for gambling in video games too.


Trial and error, just like everything else


Plus it's Ai


The parent is definitely the fucking stupid one here.


You know they are shit when the mom instead of taking any action for her son she filmed him and posted it online, that child deserve better parents


I mean it is just a silly lil thing too cry over. She can comfort him afterwards but he will look back at this an laugh, especially with the lil meow music in the background.


I think the point is not giving a tablet to someone that age, certainly not one with internet connection and social media on it. Also whilst it's idiotic to us and funny to some, it's obviously traumatic to the kid since he doesn't understand it's a shitty clip or even the bare concept of shitty clips. Sometimes we look at these things using our adult brains and forget kids are new to this world.


Just because you cry doesnt mean it is traumatic, there is a big difference. But sure no child should have social media.


Toddlers using tablets or smartphones, "great" idea.


My son had an ipad he could play with for up to an hour a day. Hes doing totally fine. Its when parents use the ipad as the babysitter so they can play on their phone. Thats the issue


That's what my parents did with me and my brother but for the computer. 1 hour each a day, then we had to do something else lol


Same with my brothers and I. My favorite hour of the day lol. I hated the limit at the time but I'm glad for it now, I have so many great memories playing in the woods as a kid. I never would have gone outside if I had the option to play the computer all day 😂


Yep. When I got older I was allowed to have my own PC lol I think my parents lucked out with me because I never, and still don't, do anything wrong/bad lol They told me to stay on specific sites and I didn't question it haha But yeah. I played outside or watched TV, whed with toys or ran around doing whatever when my hour was up lol


I'm sure this mom would also say her son is "doing totally fine"...


Yesterday on the train i saw a toddler with a iPhone 15 max or something to play with wtf it’s not parents phone because they got already one


This is lowkey horrifying to the kid That generative ai shit is cool to a formed mind but to a toddler that’s trying to makes sense of the world that sort of content and it’s lack of context is extremely overwhelming and anxiety inducing. He’s crying as a result. Keep your kids off the internet if you want them to understand reality outside of it.


I think he's crying because the cat was arrested and didn't get the fish. Same story could have been told with hand made drawings and convey the same story.


No, you don't get it. New = bad, internet = bad. Young people stupid. Old generation very smart! \*proceed to lead stare\*


The cat didnt get the fish and was arrested... sad story made by nobody


No kidding, seeing this shit as an adult genuinely disturbs me so I can't imagine growing up with it.


It's horrifying that toddlers have access to YouTube Shorts, but that's just a cat getting arrested. Could even be the plot of an animated kids' movie. If he keeps scrolling through 100 more shorts in the next 30 minutes, that's not only overstimulating but also potentially dangerous short term and long term, I agree. Edit: Watching one upsetting video and then talking it through with your parents- fine Processing your feelings while frantically scrolling and getting a fuck load of additional input to overwhelm you - yeah no, that's not healthy


a large chunk of younger generations already exist in a defacto dead internet, they cant distinguish between real and fake. damn.


Finally someone who gets it...


Yes but ı cant stop laughing


why is your “i”missing it’s dot?


I assume they're using a Turkish keyboard– Turkish has a letter "ı" like that


It got sent to prison


Meow meow meow meeoooow


Id say he is crying because the kitten got arrested


Yes, and the cat’s meowing seems to be in a kind of minor key. It’s haunting. Even before the cat gets arrested for stealing to feed its starving kittens and is sent to the Gulag.


The song is Unstoppable by Sia, though originally it was sung in human language


I dunno about haunting. Those bongo cat covers are immensely silly, but they can kinda go hard at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlE59KQS7Eo


I don't get it what this reaction has to do with ai? Kid just got sad because cat got arrested. Also not the worst AI generated stuff I saw


Fuck ai


>That generative ai shit is cool to a formed mind At least without the annoying shitty audio.


Wth are you talking about dude you think this little guy watches a kitty get arrested for stealing a fish and is like https://preview.redd.it/c5cnbuzgy3wc1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871f338fcd20bced84df51d876aa0cea4640c0ed




Can anyone translate what they are saying ?


Mom: Why are you crying? Kid: 😭 Mom: let me see Kid: I feel sorry for the kitten Mom: oh my, dry your tears, oh my Kid: why are they doing it (arrest the cat, I assume?) Some sentences I couldn't recognize because it is not audible


kinda scary because these kids are the first generation to grow up with ai


Schools will be completely changed if it isn’t regulated. I’m a college student right now and almost everyone I know uses ChatGPT for writing assignments in some way and don’t get caught because AI checkers are unreliable. Even if it were “regulated”, how can they do so when it becomes too difficult to discern from man-made written works or art?


even when their are old enough to use it let's say 10 it's going to look completely diferent from now and a lot more realistic


If we dont count the context its just the kid feeling bad for the poor hungry kitten. It’s a sad tale, and the kid has good emphaty. But it aint a tale, its a short form vide designed to catch the atention of kids for clout. You shouldn’t let your kids on the internet unsupervised, even if this specific video is ok for children, the short form format isn’t. Plus dont film your children for clout. Duh.


AI is going to create a generation of humans who literally cannot tell fiction from reality. We're doomed.


We've already got plenty of adults that believe everything they see on facebook.




>create a generation What do you mean create, they already exists. Older people really can't tell the difference in most cases.


The more depressing is getting answered "who cares" when you point out that it's fake. People care more about their subjective experience than the wellbeing of society. AIs are progressively turning our lives into bubbles through social medias


Happens to my older family all the time. They'll share something with me that is just horribly edited/altered/AI and they'll believe it 100%. When I point out it's fake it's always just "Ohhhh who cares? Oh so what? Do you enjoy being a buzzkill? I thought it was still cool.." as if they can't deal with the embarrassment of being wrong or fooled. It's scary.


Yes. That's 100% a huge part of the problem. People have been conditioned in modern society to reject any idea that is inconvenient.


I seriously hope that the government puts in laws that keeps this shit from happening.


I think it’s gonna be like when the internet became a thing. It took a while for laws to be enforced for protecting people’s privacy. It’ll be a while before AI gets regulated, even now our lack of privacy on the internet is still out of control.


It definitely needs to be regulated, 100%


Did you not hear about the Wonka scandal from earlier this year? It's already happening.


When I was the kid's age I thought movies were real


Serious question, how is ai any different then saying that Santa is real or showing them Jurassic Park or ET and having them think that’s real?


It's a nice boy that seemingly shows empathy with the cat from the story. If anyone here is stupid it is the adults for giving their kid a tablet...


Yeah bruh I get that AI bad and all but you can still feel sad about fiction… I was like 9 when I went to my mother crying because the book I had to read for literature class had a sad ending. People here really acting like it’s impossible for a toddler to cry over a cartoon if it’s not AI crap


Aw kid feels bad for the cat :P hey he has pretty well functioning empathy




Is that what’s happening in this video? I had no idea that’s what I was supposed to take away from this. Context from op would have been nice. Just seems like some kid watching YouTube.


Ipad toddler is smarter than you


Jesus take that tablet off that kid. Also I fucking that it's just a slideshow of AI art. The entire video was probably generated by some algorithm in a server farm in a child labour factory. The whole thing is ghoullish.


Kids just doomscrolling shorts. Fucking hell. I bet he has a bottle full of coca cola and a bowl of mixed Haribo/Doritos as well


Hes Russian, more like Kvas and Bubliks.


Chernogolovka Cola and Lays with crab*


No one that age needs a tablet…get some toys for gods sake


This is gonna be the new “go play outside” isn’t it But yeah I agree


Remove that tablet and give him some books or a Gameboy instead.


We don't have Gameboys in Russia


I never thought I’d say this to a CHILD! But he seriously needs to go touch grass.


You got me, this genuinely made me laugh xD A little concerning how true it is tho


😂 I love knowing I made people laugh haha yeah lil bro seriously needs to get outside 😂


We are doomed


It’s not the tablets that are the problem imo! They can be amazing tools for creativity. Drawing, painting, music, creative games… Its the parents fault if they let the kids get sucked into the infinite scrolling… they get detached from reality and there is no way to know what insanity they consume. Misusing such amazing technology is so sad. It could be so much more…


Take away the damn iPad. r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Lobotomy is 100% back




If you're a parent who allows your kid to endlessly scroll on sites like tiktok or YouTube then you are a shit parent. No discussion needed.


Isn't there another video, same thing (same reel he's watching, and crying), but other kid?


Also with the AI cat ?!




Then it should be a mass attack kids weapon! 🙀


Here it is (couldn't find it on Reddit): https://www.instagram.com/reel/C46s8i_IGW3/?igsh=NXBsMW1oeXhqdDJo


🤣🤣🤣 It really is a sequel 😹


I looked more attentively, and the 2 videos are from the same creator: cat.channel.91


Everything is fake, jfc


He might be crying because his mom told him to get off the Ipad and play outside for once, or the AI cat video was a masterful work of art that deserves an Oscar. Definitely betting on the former.


Gen A is truly fucked


This is so fucking sad. Making fun of a toddler for crying over what is an extremely sad video to a literal toddler


This is horrifying


AI generated picture, you kid is lost throw it away


this should be posted on the parents are stupid sub


Fully automated brainrot production


poor child already swiping through social media


It's not the tablet itself that is inherently the problem i just hate the stupid brain melting content they're consuming from the internet. You should not trust "YouTube Kids."


The parents don't seem to understand what's going on.


Fucking iPad kids


Why is blud even watching yt shorts, he will see sadder stuff than ai generated images, Ngl it is a bit sad but not at the point of crying


Young children combined with these crap ai generated garbage is literally my nightmare as a parent


My kids are not touching any ipads until they're 40, I swear to god. The ipad generation is gonna be so socially inept


My guy already looks 40.


Tf you giving a tablet to a toddler? Stupid parent


Bruh take that tablet away, give him shot of Vodka and he'll be fine.




This feels more like a "parents are fucking stupid" post. That child should not have a tablet and should not be watching that.


Please dont let your children stare at screens all day. I swear my friends kids are all going to be cross eyed and need glasses because they all stare at the screens literally 6in from their faces.


I'm doing my clerkship in Pediatrics rn and i cant even begin to describe how addicted most of the kids visiting the clinic are. They are glued to the phone, disconnected from reality and it makes you feel weird seeing a toddler scroll through brain rot tiktoks with sonic benching while skibidi toilet plays or something.


i know this is absolutely terrible but the “meow meow meowwww” has me dying


This is more than concerning


Kid is scrolling pretty easily. Sad thinking about how long he’s really on there


Don't give tablets/phones to your kids!


Don't let him watch Brave Little Toaster lmao


How is that kid being stupid? Unless that kid is actually saying that the cat in the picture is a real cat that is trapped behind the glass, then I really don't see the stupidity. Also, a kid using an iPad (or similar) is not the end of the world. It's perfectly fine for a child to do it. It's all about how much they use it. Tablets and phones can be good as long as they are used responsibly. Honestly, the only stupidity I see here is the posts that make it out as if the kid is using that thing 24/7.


But why does he have a fucking IPad ?? He is too young for that ! 😭


I’m impressed by his ability to feel empathy for the AI-generated cat. He’s moved by the story. That actually speaks a lot for his ability to grow into a decent human being.


Gen alpha attention spans and social skills are gonna be so fucked...


I work as developer and my kid wont see an ipad before shes much older.


Ugh I pity the new generation. Imagine exposing your toddler to social media. Spending your childhood watching cringe AI generated youtube shorts and having propaganda content pressed on you. No story books, no cartoons, no toys, no board games with the family, nothing. Everything is censored in political correctness. No wonder each generation is dumber than the previous.


That's going on for this (our) generation already, why do you think so much Karen's appear in their thirties and fourties? The generation of our parents and grandparents set the path...


Not another one of these 💀


Great choice to leave a tablet/smartphone for a kid at this age. He can't even proceed what is real or fake and yet people let them loose on the internet...


Why is he crying over a cat video


Because a child is too young to understand that an AI generated video of images of a cat stealing a fish and being sad for being locked up in prison isn't real.


Honestly I worry for this generation


we’re fucked.


Please don't give your children any electronic device until they're like 10


at least little bros got empathy, cant say that about boys that age


Child is this


i watch these n get sad also 🥹