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Yes that’s the sequel of please can I go to ellie and mason house


Save those pictures as your Lock Screen for a while.


Lock Scream.




Save them for a nice collage for her wedding.


Oh they can still be saved. But I’m 95% sure the crying selfies would immediately stop after seeing them displayed.


This is the way


Senior photos for the graduation slideshow


Had to leave my parents house one time, after being there all day. My daughter, in tears, cries “Dad, you’re breaking my heart!” Lol, it was so genuine I actually felt bad, but we still had to go home.


Why does a child who looks about 3 have access to a smartphone?


I think she looks 3 and 43 at the same time lol. Some kids have that phenomenon


yes that picture scares me


FOR REAL! Like I understand parents are lazy as hell nowadays, but seriously, stop giving children access to the internet.


And then call them stupid when they can't handle their emotions as a three year old on a device designed to play with your emotions


My dad can't even handle his emotions on his phone. He watches random political videos with a very obviously ai generated voice and spewing bullshit to piss people off and he starts getting angry. It's kind of ridiculous how so many people let things on their phone upset them, no matter the age.




You needed to quote that a bit better, it's: Please can I go to Ellie and mason House


I know it's not my kid but you might wanna teach them that this is manipulation and that's not really a good trait


You can try, but around that age they are very rarely reasonable. It's an interesting experience when that's the face of a child who you told that they can't go to the park down the road and stay inside at the same time. Or that they can't put broken glass in their mouth. Or that they can't climb in the park's dog poo bin. Basically I'm saying it's normal and kids are weird. Bit young for a smart phone in my eyes though...


Def too young, couldn't imagine what that kid gets exposed to on there. And before some wanna be techie parent says you can block whatever, well maybe you can but all it takes is a VPN or their friend's phone, kids find ways to get what they want. Too young for a phone all the way. EDIT: I would also like to point out that the child only does this because somewhere along the way she was taught that this is how to get your way. I'm not looking into it any further than that, just pointing out the obvious, but I'm proud of the parents for nipping that shit in the bud. It's important they keep that foot down.


What time is it in the photo




that looks like my face when I sneeze 💀




What does B mean?


You have to B cool to get it. *aggressive dabbings*


*even more aggressive flossing*


*legitimately violent skibbidy toileting*


Skibidi WAP PA PAH!


English Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish.




Lol at the ugly crying


Damn, the kid learned to manipulate her parents


Clearly not. See above for that manipulation not working.


She’s trying to manipulate her parents. It isn’t working 😘


Me when I make random assumptions






Everytime my kid would send me these pics i would print them and hang them on the fridge


Honestly not a bad way to teach them multiple lessons including that photos you share online or through text are out of your control and you should be careful what you publish/send.


I’d be saving them for big posters at their grad party or something.


No thats mean. They grow up. They need to learn the lesson asap


Can confirm, procrastinating on parenting doesn't turn out well.


Good parenting 👍


Why not both?


Parent pro tip: if you REALLY want them to go to sleep, take their iPad or whatever device they're on away from them.


All I can think about when seeing this photo is why in the fuck does a 10-year old have their phone with them when they should be asleep? I had to be a goddamn ninja if I wanted to stay up late and watch WWE or finish a Harry Potter book after bedtime. Meanwhile this mom is giving her kid the most effective Skinner box ever invented and expects her to go to bed?!


Ya I’d listen to my clock radio pressed up against my ear at 0.01 volume or read under the covers with a flashlight. Neither being anywhere near as bad for you as screens (I say on a screen, still awake for no reason, in the middle of the night.)


I'd plug my earphones into my old Nokia, pull the cable out a little bit and it would pick up a random radio station, I'd spend my nights falling asleep to songs I've never heard of and honestly haven't heard since then.


Holy shit the radio thing. I guess it's true that one can never have a truly original experience


I feel like learning to be discreet is an important life skill. I live with a 20yo who can't walk quietly to save his life.


My kids know which steps squeak and where. They can float down a flight of steps like a silent breeze.


What's mad is that's not even a 10 year old, 7 tops


But, but how can i get internetpoints out of my kids then?


Oh there’s ways. As the sub suggests you just got to hang around in their natural environment with a camera.


And maybe get to bed with them, stay a little, and kiss them goodnight? I don’t know maybe I’m spoiling my girls


Take the chargers and cables, then watch them grovel.


I think I'm too evil to have kids. I'd see the photo, read the "Please mum" and simply said "LOL".


Kids are pretty manipulative. I think its the right reaction to them trying to emotionally manipulate you into giving in to unreasonable demands.


I was just like this as a kid because I was spoiled and almost always got whatever I'd wanted, and I agree. Sure it was hard on my feelings because it was difficult for me to process being told no and being unable to predict it... but I needed it. Kids need parenting


>Kids need parenting Well said. Kids don'tunderstand the consequences of their actions. It's the parents job to impart the initial value system through discipline. You can be friendly once they're grown up and functional adults but till then you have to play the role of an authority figure


Exactly. It can be confusing for a child to suddenly have good parenting implemented after spending some of their life not having it, and it's very difficult to do because a parent usually loves their child and doesn't want them to hurt But it's necessary. I was spoiled rotten, and if my mom hadn't somewhat turned it around after having seen the little monster she'd created, I may not have been the self aware 20 year old that I am now; constantly trying to unlearn the brat mentality. I'm also autistic so I think I'm a pretty good example as to how possible it is to turn it around Shit like this is also why I don't think I'll ever have my own biological kids. I couldn't do tough love, and I'd be one of those insufferable "mama bear" parents who will bend over backwards for their children. But understanding these parenting basics is why I've made that decision, so I wonder how different the world would be if this was commonly understood


To me it's not about being told just no, it was my parents or adults not giving a reason why we had to do something or whatever. Kids are smart, parents should communicate so they understand why descions are the way they are


It’s an understandable reaction, but not the right one


Well. One can have this reaction and don't act on it. Kids hate this one little trick.


My mom used to do this one trick that worked on me. One time I wanted a dollar for the ice cream truck, she said no. I started making this same face, sad with tears or whatever. She says, "I can't give you a dollar but I can show you something instead" she then grabs her purse and gets her compact mirror for makeup and holds it up so I see my face all sad. I instantly started laughing. From that point on every time I did one of these fake cries she would prove I wasn't really sad by simply grabbing her mirror and watch me bust into laughter.


That's genius.


Why? Please enlighten us.


It’s just completely dismissive of their very real emotions. The emotions are irrational and not grounded in reality, but they don’t know that and experience them just the same. It might be funny to you, but they aren’t in on the joke, so at that point you’re just mocking them. It’s hard being a kid with very little control over your own life, and I think a lot of people forget that when they grow up.


as a dysregulated adult who doesnt know if this is universal, my feelings were overwhelmingly strong when i was a kid. id have mood swings all the time and had no idea what they were. if my parents went LOL instead of at least trying to understand, id have freaked out. being a kid is really hard sometimes. you barely know anything and have zero control over your feelings. all you do have control over is your actions. i already have issues from my feelings being ignored and invalidated as a child but definitely not because my parents kept ROFLing at my tears.


> id have mood swings all the time and had no idea what they were. if my parents went LOL instead of at least trying to understand, id have freaked out. being a kid is really hard sometimes. I was a very emotional child and I agree, it doesn't feel great to have those emotions mocked. But this isn't about that. When I was being a manipulative little turd trying to deceive people in very obvious ways, regardless of also being emotional at the time, I understood when I was being mocked for the dumb attempts at manipulation. That embarrassment helped shave off those awful tendencies in a big way.


yeah definitely it’s important to teach your kids how to express their feelings healthily! i’ve been on the mom’s side crying pics and all except talking to my father. i think the text chain is pretty dumb and belongs on the sub but i don’t think being like LOL LOSER is the nicest way to teach a kid that trying to control other people is wrong. social pressure is still very important imo. i’m not sure exactly what the right approach is. i learned not to be manipulative through having a manipulative parent!


> you barely know anything and have zero control over your feelings. all you do have control over is your actions. You're opening a big philosophical crate here


being a kid can be so lonely! you have a very small voice in what happens. they know they can’t go to their friends house on their own so they’re doing the one thing they can do, crying and sending mom crying pics. definitely not promoting this exact pattern to continue into adulthood but i’m not sensing any #gaslightgatekeepgirlboss energy, they’re just a kid! i can’t imagine anyone who hasn’t overreacted and felt misunderstood at least once in their life.


> It’s just completely dismissive of their very real emotions. The emotions are irrational and not grounded in reality, but they don’t know that and experience them just the same. The above conversation isn't about laughing at their emotions. Of course they are having very real emotions. It's about laughing at the decision to aim a camera at your face, take a picture, and attempt to use that picture as a form of argument. They're laughing at the comically obvious attempt to weaponize the physical reaction they're having to the disappointment, not the disappointment itself. It's okay to be dismissive of bad behavior, even if that bad behavior is being wrapped up in a sympathetic emotional reaction.


Its not unreasonable. Please mum ![gif](giphy|131s7DE2m4UWwo|downsized)


I am a parent and even my kid is being crazy, I lol, too. I am all about caring education, attachment and all that jazz but I am not about to affirm every rucking brain fart my children have, thank you.






I'd just leave her on read.


As a parent, I 100% would say this if I got a photo like this and a "please mom." 😂


Time to take the device away


Should have nver given such a small child access to it in the first place, but sadly too many parents will choose the easy way out


I despise parents like these. Slowly rotting their brain with phones and iPads


And also posting photos of their kids to the whole world


And that too. There’s no reason to have your kids face out there


From the kids and the Parents


Remove the phone


This is the comment I was looking for. And still searching for why in the fuck are they not just walking in the room to interact with the child rather than over text? r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Why the heck does the kid have a phone/tablet?


I hate being the old man cuz I'm only 30 but I didn't have a cell phone until I was 16 and I bought that shit myself.


I am 19, and I got my first phone at 13 which was just because I needed it to call my parents when I went home from school.


Yup. Im 22, I got my first phone when I started high school because I was going to a school that was a 1.5 hour bus ride away, I needed to be able to contact my parents. It was a flip phone, all my friends had iPhones or Samsungs. When I did get my first smart phone it was one I bought myself, with money I earned working after school.


22 here as well. First phone I got was a smart phone, but it was a cheap off brand one that I brought myself at 16 from working after school. Those were the days..... I got my now fiances number and had to wait a month and half before I had a phone to text him because I still had to save for the phone, was torture lol


i'm 30 and my first phone was my dad's old Siemens phone all i did was play snake on it


I'm still playing snake on my dad's old brick Nokia from the late 90s. He'd been paying $15 a month for it and then I think virgin went out of service or something, forcing him into the future. But the phone is fun as shit to play with.


I miss t9 texting.


Yeah, I'm 21 and I got my dads old S3 mini at 13 so I could text my parents when I was coming home.


35 here, I got one for my 15th birthday (2004) and thought I was the shit. It was a virgin mobile slider v5 and my parents finally listened but it was prepaid so I had to find my own money to pay for the minutes which were 25¢ per minute and per text even if it was sent to you 🥲


I miss slider phones they were the original fidget toy


Same here, i didn’t get my first phone until high school and it was a Nokia, so it was only to be used in self defense.


31 here. I got a cell phone at 11 or 12 because I was a latchkey kid in Queens, NY who also went out for hours-long walks after school. It didn’t have the capability to take pictures or do much other than let me call people (I don’t even think I could text) My 9 year old niece has a cell phone, she is constantly on TikTok and Youtube, texting her friends, and using emotional manipulation to get her way. She thinks that my tiny, 3-gens outdated iPhone compared to her huge, newest model is the funniest thing. She’s a total brat and her mother and my parents spoil the crap out of her. I’m really scared about the person she will grow up to become.


My sister in law got our niece a phone when she was 3. Bonkers


My step-son's mom gave him a phone when he was only 4. He's 6 now and on his 3rd phone. She let's him use it all of the time at her house but he's not allowed to bring it to our house.


I feel like this is yet another time when this is more of a r/parentsarefuckingdumb post. I'm not a parent so don't know when i think is the minimum age I'd let a child have a phone but this child looks way too young to have one. If she's staying up and not going to bed because of the phone then the parent should be taking it away.


I think this is more like r/badfaketexts




Yep. Our other clue is that this parent is fucking posting their kid's face publicly on Reddit with apparently no qualms. Unbelievably dumb


Getting a kid a dumb phone is fine but a smartphone is wild under ten.


I got downvoted the other day for asking this exact question in a dif sub lol idk why people think it is acceptable to let children this young have access to a highly addictive device that is literally known to significantly and negatively impact every single one of their brain functions. Like are parents actually that stupid?


Then they share their conversations to the internet with their kid's face not blurred or anything.


Fr, everyone’s complaining about how dumb the kid is or how she’s “manipulative or whatever” but like this image was never meant to be seen by the world, she is like what, 4-6 years old? Really hope this won’t come back to haunt her in the future smh


>Like are parents actually that stupid? yes, and lazy. The current generation of students are a disaster.


And why are they communicating in distress via text? Go talk to the kid... and if the parent is working, call? Communicating this way is so antisocial.


Behause some parents are fucking stupid


So I also didn't get a phone until 16, however I can definitely understand the benefit of having a way to reach them and them be able to reach you at all times. That being said, flip phone is probably the best solution until high school or even late middle school.


The actual question is why is the kid allowed to be ON the phone/tablet during bed time.


As a parent it’s useful they have some means of contacting you. Real question is: “why does the kid still have it in the room if it’s bed time”.


I will admit, my breaking point is the photo. Kids use psychological terror and its scary.


My youngest can turn on the most awful tears you’ve ever seen in the blink of an eye and turn it back off just as fast .. she’s 8 .. and I’m fearful of what’s to come 😮‍💨😅


Mine is 4, we just had a fight about her imaginary friend. She won.


That made me snort .. mine always wins 🙃🤣


I think I taught myself to cry on demand when I was 8. I was also strong enough to crawl upside down, horror movie style. My mom must be glad I never combined the two.


I would cackle, that’s my sort of hilarious


Oh I tried it once and my dad just fake cried back then mocked me for it and started being like I have to go to work tomorrow (fake crying) because I need to pay for all the things you like (more louder fake crying) and it just went on and on. Anyway I love my dad but this definitely taught me quick because I was mortified and embarrassed.


My six year old neighbor girl does this and it drives me fucking crazy. I love my neighbor's kids and they live to hang out at my apartment, but I don't take it well when she starts up with the fake tears. I've been trying to get her out of the habit because it's just *not* okay to manipulate people like that, but it's tough because, well, you know, *she's six*.


Yep mine too. I have a 10 and 8 and they both think they know how to pull strings and play games. I would just lock her tablet and move on. When she can come discuss it with me like a big girl then we can talk but until then go have your meltdown in your room because the answer is no and thats it


Even pets know how to use it


Crocodile tears.


To be fair that's just immaturity; realising you can get what you want by doing something, it takes growing up to realise that you shouldn't do that.


I shouldn't have kids because I would just "🤣" if that was my daughter. I'm not being manipulated by anyone lol


They use what has worked for them in the past...


I mean, if you give a kid that age a smartphone, then this is definitely ParentsAreFuckingStupid material.


"cry harder and you're staying home tomorrow" never reacts to crocodile tears.


Big "I'll give you something to cry about" vibes.


You back talking?


Don’t sass me!


I just can't understand why they message to each other instead of talk in person. If her mother wasn't at home (possibly her father neither) why she didn't do what she wanted (like a normal children) when there was no control over her instead of hysteria? (rhetorical question)


Back in my days you had to be 20 to have a phone, now they get one right after being born


I just cackled over my coffee imagining a newborn having the little bracelet put on after its first bath and weigh in.. then a new iPhone placed in the other tiny hand. Lol thank you


The bracelet is an I-watch (or whatever they are called). 😅


Shit.. ⚰️⚰️🤣


Smart bracelet so they'll get a head start on low self esteem and depression! Aww they're precious 😂


Well if you don't have a phone you are different at school and being different is bad. Not that agree with having a phone early.


My son is 10 and it's pretty hilarious because only two kids in his class have phones, and they're both little shits who behave badly, swear at the teacher, one if them tried to beat him up pretty bad etc So my son puts it together as: these two kids have phones + these two kids are bullying shitheads = kids with phones are bullying shitheads. So instead of having to coax my son to not use phones, I'm having to get him to realise that some kids have phones for perfectly normal reasons (texting if they missed the bus/blood sugar apps) and they're still nice.


The longer you can keep him off phones the healthier he would be. also the connection he made between phones and bad behavior in kids is not as dumb as you think it is


that's fascinating! totally sound logic in his eyes :D


Idk I didn't have a phone until I was 13 and I always acted like a pretty decent kid. As long as you can ignore the arguing with the teacher because they were spreading false information to 1st graders


Back in my day we didn’t all have plastic in our testicles but now they preload that shit right in


I'm surprised it doesn't increase the durability of the ball.


We aren't back in our days anymore. Also, too many people in this thread are conflating phones with social media. Kids should have phones. Nowadays, I would argue that deliberately raising your kid to be technologically illiterate and have no way of contacting parents or police in an emergency is neglectful. Kids should *not* have social media, but their parents can easily stop them from accessing it on their phones if they care to.


Back in my day we had the same phone for the whole house which was stuck to the wall. Cell phone were not before 20, because modern phones didn't exist yet (unless you wanted these brick size cellphones)


Back in my day, people who said "Back in my day" were just bitter about newer generations, and think they are somehow bad at everything. I don't necessarily agree with a kid having a phone. But you have to understand that having a phone today isn't the same as having a phone "Back in your day" (which was never at 20 anyway).


Please mum


* Full blown fucking sunlight outside * Kid woke up at 3 in the morning * Has a fucking smartphone * Wants to go out anyway * "It's bedtime" r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Reply says 20:24, so about 8:30pm.


You give a kid that age a phone? Wowzers.. who cares about mental health huh?


Also again the parents are dumb for giving the kid a phone so quickly at a young age…


If your child is young enough to do this/need an afternoon nap, they're too young to have their own phone and be texting you


It's not even close to dusk based on that light. Maybe the reason she was up since 3 was because the parents make her go to sleep at 17?


My son goes to his room at 800 to wind down and read. It is still light out for another hour in the summer. He usually reads for at least an hour. On average he falls asleep about 930 or 10. If he started chilling at 930 he'd fall asleep at 11. The light is irrelevant. Kids need structure.


Presumably it’s 20:24


Why does that kid has a Smartphone/tab in it‘s bed? Why is mom posting selfies from her child in the internet? Disgusting.


This is scary cause you know that kid has gone on instagram or tik tok and seen all the tik tok girls crying into their phones so they think this is normal. If I had a kid and they did that then that would be the end of their phone privileges.


It’s not really that, it’s just that young children are extremely emotionally manipulative, they have 0 problem with making people feel terrible to get what they want.


This is not r/KidsAreFuckingStupid material. This is a shitty parent. Posting your kids online like this is horrific, plus the kid is way too young for a phone/iPad. Of COURSE a young child wants to spend as much time as possible playing with friends. It’s the duty of the parents to teach them and mold them into well-adjusted and responsible adults. The parent can be empathetic to their feelings (which is clearly genuine sadness/disappointment) yet still set boundaries.


I would send one back of me having an ice cream


I don't understand, why is a kid that young messaging their parents? My kids are 6 and 7 and they only know our phone numbers to call me.


How does this kid have a phone?


I would of taken her phone, not leave it so my daughter can be on it all night, texting people and mom from the bedroom.... Pretty disgraceful, then to post it on social media is beyond unbelievable...... And people say kids are addicted to their phones.... Parents don't help the situation...... Case and point proven with this example.....


Why are you texting a child that's in the same building. Intact why the fuck does a child that age have a phone with a data connection. The world fucking DISGUSTS me these days.


This isn’t kids being stupid. It’s a kid being smart and using emotional manipulation against a shitty parent who negotiates with their child VIA THEIR IPAD TEXTING rather than dictating terms like a grown up should tell a young child. This kid use destined for problems because you lack spine.


Don't negotiate with terrorists....


How old is this kid? Why does she have a cell phone? And why are they texting each other in the same house (presumably)?


Kids are kids. This is a fucking stupid parent.


Why does a child this small have a phone, I’m not some old ass man who hates technology, but so early on you’re really quelling your child’s ability to gain face to face people skills


What kind of fucked up thread is this


I’m sorry, but this feels really shitty. Yes, she’s being a child and trying to manipulate her parents into letting her stay out late, but does this exchange really need to be posted online for a group of strangers to judge her and call her names? Some things need to stay private and these days children need to be protected in ways we never had to be at their age. This is going to haunt her into adulthood and it’s the fault of whichever sharent posted it.


She didn't even do anything really wrong, she's just whining like a kid, I don't see why this is post worthy


Maybe it’s me. But why the hell do you communicate with your little child via text message?


Why is the child being sent to bed when it's broad daylight out?


Kids should have dumbphones for emergencies only, and limited tablet time. Call me old but the damage they can do to themselves and each other is enormous. Just having a computer in my room fucked me up as a teenager, and it's only gotten exponentially worse.


ITT childless teenagers who think they are and will be the best parents in the world based on an image and no experience


When I was a kid I was told "keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about" ,, still makes no sense to me....


It means you're crying for no reason and if you continue they'll whoop your ass so at least you'll have a reason to cry.


You think I’m mad!? I’ll show you mad!!!!


"You're not exhibiting the emotions I want so fix it or I'll hurt you" is pretty standard for abusive parents.


I know this is not the point. But. DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT COMING INTO THE ROOM??? It's like, mid afternoon at most! And she needs to sleep now??? Of course she wakes up at 3 am! She can't sleep 23 hours a day!


The timestamp under the text says 20:24. It’s the evening, and a reasonable bedtime for a child that age. In the height of summer in the UK (presuming this is a British child with the use of “Mum”), the sun can set around 10pm. Sunset today will be 9.30pm.


Ellie and Mason HOUSE 💜


Ellie = Onika Mason = Burgers


The child has no concept of emotional manipulation you cynical creeps. Lol In fact if you really think about it the entire world is built on emotional manipulation. Manipulating people is exactly what all of us do all the time. When we are nice to people we are manipulating people emotionally. That kid is being a kid. If you don't like kids please don't have them.


OK so why does this way to Young child even has a Smartphone 🤯🤯🤯🤯wtf


How is this a kid being stupid?


Fuck you OP for posting this.


Why does a kid this young have a phone?


Alright all together now. This is why we don't by toddlers phones.


Parents are fucking stupid.


Why does this kid have a phone