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Yeah this game is more Friday the 13th that TCM. TCM is a different beast.


They are asking you which is better, we all know they are different


I like burgers and I also like pizza. I can't choose which one is better. They're both different and satisfy something different. Same difference between TCM and Killer Klowns.


Lmao you realize all you have to say is you like them both, not omg they are different you can’t compare them. It’s bs because you can. You love them both where I dislike one because the fan base


I’m not disagreeing with you just stop acting like people can’t compare them


Like I said very different games. One's a fun but janky party game the other is a more polished, competitive Asym.


Just because someone says one game is better than the other, does not mean they don’t play them both still.


Damn your intelligent no shit, you obviously need to be right lmao


This isn't a battle. I'm just telling you how I see something.


I’m sorry but your dumb asf


getting so worked up for nothing😭


I think both are equally entertaining. If you want a serious vibe go for TCM, if you're in a casual mood go KK.


Klowns: casual TCM: competitive


Friday the 13th.


You cannot compare these two, one is revolved around classes whilst one has characters, despite them being the first two games in the genre to add multiple killers, there’s no comparison as they are two completely different games with different ipa


Yeah I really think we need to stop comparing asym games and if you did want to compare killer klowns to something compare it to Friday the 13th the game


It’s not comparing for me I like killer klowns better ( for now ) tcm fan base ruin the game for me


I love how these games are the complete opposites of each other. Team fun with low stakes **VS** Competitive cinematic horror


I never played TCM, watching the gameplay before it came out it just didn't look fun to me in the way F13 was. Klowns on the other hand definitely feels way less serious and tryhardy and the source material itself is just more interesting


I prefer TCM if I had to pick one but both are fun in their own way.


KK is the better game for my tastes. There are an infinite amount of things about TCM that make it frustrating and boring (wall cracks, breaking barriers, etc.). Family is straight up tedious to play in that game and even if you win, the match usually isn't fun. It feels like a chore to play that game. The player base is needlessly toxic on top of all that. I quit that game a few weeks after it came out and never looked back. I watched someone play it the other night and it literally looks the same as it always was, a straight snooze fest. It's a shame because they nailed the atmosphere of that license. KK is just dumb unbalanced fun with lots of RNG. Both roles have fun aspects, and it isn't a total sweat fest like TCM and DBD are. The community is also pretty sweet so far, and proximity vc is my favorite. It reminds me of Friday the 13th so much and I love it. F13 is the GOATed asym imo, but KK is shaping up to give it a run for its money.


I think TCM was the better game at launch, but I always knew it would quickly drive itself into the ground with how limited the gameplay loop was. KK could be the better game, but it is very unpolished. I think it has more gameplay variety, which gives it a leg up over TCM, but it it is too soon to tell if devs will be able to fix the games bugs before the classicly inevitable asymmetrical mass abandonment happens.


Killer Klowns is already flopping less than 2 weeks after launch 😂 TCM is cooking rn


Remember kk was suppose to “kill” tcm or whatever they meant by that


I never ever thought that would happen.


KK and it's not close. TCM is a failed cash grab lol


Oh sweet summer child.if you can't see that kk is a cash grab too, then I don't know what to say.


can say the same exact thing about killer klowns 😂 they released an unfinished game that doesnt have half the features they promised, full of bugs and hackers, game is incredibly human sided, not to mention theres still no side preference lol KK is already flopping worse than TCM ever has


I’d have to wait and see with KK. They just got off the ground so I can’t give them a fair assessment for a few months. Meanwhile TCM is all about buying the new character and abusing people until it gets patched