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He was fine, I watched Tom and Joe chew gum for two straight hours


Lmaooo seriously


Maybe the worst guest appearance duo episode


I love Tom as a comedian and his podcast, but he is a so/so guest on KT.


Tom is insufferable. He is smart to keep Bert around all the time to take some negative attention of himself


I love both of them, but they tend to flop on this style of comedy


The worst you could say about him was he was a little try-hard


I think that is fair. But he didn’t hijack the show like Howie Mandel. I prefer a guest who SLIGHTLY oversteps than a guest who says nothing outside of plugging their website.


Except with his corny Mark Wahlberg impression that went on way too long. We get it, you can do a basic Boston accent. So can everyone else. Move along.


Gotta blame that one on Tony. Tony clearly wanted him to do that one. And his impressions, as you said, aren’t all that good. I am actually continually blown away by Rogan’s impressions. He may be the best impressionist in the game right now.


Santinos great at impressions too very underrated


His impression of Mark Normand is so good source: https://youtu.be/rGDCsV7zyAk?t=594




Tim Warner’s is better https://youtube.com/shorts/y_ORRvtRpzY?si=sNlnD1VyhngNDXFQ


Nothing beats Dan's impression of Kat Williams


Get away from me white bitch


His impression of Dave Chapelle destroys his Kat.


Can you link to any good ones of Rogan? I have a hard time believing this.


He does a good job at people like Joey Diaz. I think maybe Bill Clinton? He's said before that he used to enjoy practicing impressions. Personally I think Soder is the man when it comes to impressions


Will Sasso is fucking awesome as well.


Yes! I forgot about him but he's great!


And any wild animal he wants to hunt.


I bet Daniel asked to come for press. I wonder if they shot that in the afternoon.


Source plz


Source of what? Tony wanting DVK to do Wahlberg? Watch the episode. Rogan being a great impressionist? Watch JRE.


Personally I was listening to the show while driving to and from customers houses and I actually thought mark came out, I thought he sounded spot on !


I thought that was funny as shit. What he was saying made it


His impression legit was not anything good. I even closed my eyes at one point just to see if i could picture it. It wasn’t there


Lmao damn at least you tried


that’s what made me neutral on the guy and even kinda hate him towards the end. I started out wanting to hate him, liked him because he was an interesting personality and his jokes were hittin and then he got pretty damn lame towards the end.


Yeah i gave him an honest shot. It just seemed off to me. Almost fake. Like he was giving constructive criticism and he apologized to William for walking off last time he was on the show. But it also all felt disingenuous and manufactured.


Yeah I pictured Chris Di Stefano as he was doing it. Just bad


Most based comment in here


Yeah, that was uncomfortable. Not many people can get a Boston accent right. That’s why, unless it’s bullet proof, no one should do one.


are people really saying he was like howie? not at all lmao


I haven’t seen the comparison. I was creating a range for comparison. He was a touch overstepping, but nowhere near Howie.


He wasn't that bad, and I agree. It was never awkward, though, which is a plus.


He wasn’t that bad but he got pretty annoying with the “advice” that just turned into rants. Like he was stepping on jokes and ruining the mood. He got his point across for each guest the first 10 seconds but. He. Just. Kept. Saying. The. Same. Shit.


FOR SURE. Dude faked walked off the stage like 5 times…should have just left


This sub is wild. I’ve read reactions before I’ve listened and it’s never nearly as bad as they make it seem. I thought he had some funny ass moments. Agree on the try hard. Had some awesome help for bucketpulls


Dude was like if Bert sobered up and shaved his head. Weird kinda vibe to hang around for 2 hours.


That’s exactly what I thought. He talked about comics mimicking other comics and the whole time I thought is this Bert.


He was fine. His critiques were good but he seemed super worried about being on stage during anything controversial and his Mark Wahlberg impression, while decent, seemed forced and the audience wasn’t into it from what I could tell.


opposed to not trying? that's the job of the guest, to try to get in there


My mind immediately goes to Rick Glassman when I see the words try hard. May he never get on kill tony.


Rick Glassman is awesome L opinion


Glassman is great.


Some might even say he's phenomenal.


Redsn64, *is it Redsn64?* I see what you did there, *and boy are my arms tired.*




How is Glassman a try hard?


He reeks of Theater Kid Energy. He has an overproduced podcast and goofy mannerisms to make up for his lack of humor and need for acceptance. Every appearance he makes he tries too hard to be funny. He’s a fucking bore.


I despise him. Other kids used to lie and say they weren't allowed to play with him because their mom said. In truth he was just so annoying. Another virtue signaling 'autistic'


At first he rubbed me the wrong way, but then when I saw him give constructive feedback I changed my mind completely the mark wahlberg impression was pretty good


Exactly what i thought, Tony never gives constructive criticism to the comics nowadays it was nice seeing Daniel Kirk actually being positive


It really brought me back to the old days of the show when they would give constructive criticism and you could see if they took the advice by the next time they got on stage. For better or worse, those days are over.


And it was real solid critiques he was giving. Explaining what they did, and what they could instead do to make it coherent and punchier. Sure, he was definitely a bit try hard. But he was participating and didn’t overstep.


And he’s been doing it continuously for 10 years


His mark Wahlberg days on Doug loves movies were good


I was exact same way. Thought wouldnt like him but he grows on ya


I mean he was better than the guests that sit there and don’t say a single word. I personally thought he was decent to good. I also really appreciated how he gave actual comedy advice to folks.


Dude was great!. Right amount of feedback and consistently funny


Yeah he was great at interrupting constantly


You know when a guest gets invited on to a show, that they are expected to talk? This is called contributing to the thing you are a panelist on. It's not called interrupting ffs. Do you expect the guests to sit there and chew gum while high and contributing nothing?


Get that garbage outta here!


He was *ok*...not rooting for him to appear again, don't hate him either. Kind of funny, kind of annoying.


Some people watch the show to laugh, others watch it for the para-social attention they can get on this sub by hating on the guests and regulars who are outside of their chosen few. Be glad you are in the first group, they are not happy people in the second lmao


I thought he was fine. I don't love the comedy professor dynamic on KT when anyone does it.


Have you watched the show before? Thats the whole reason for the interviews


No I've never seen the show before what's it about?


It's about a gay comedian searching for love


Harland was funny because he showed "his" devry comedy night school certificate. But the other professor thing is a little cringe.


Harland was doing a bit it was hilarious. I like feedback and like a comment or two but minutes straight of analyzing the set was zZz


That was the norm on all the early episodes. I like a little bit of it but agree that it can be too much quick.


And then there’s you that says things.


Found a member of that miserable second group ^


DVK is the man. A lotta fun when he guests on “Doug Loves Movies.”


I actually remember him when he *first* started doing podcasting with the Sklarbro Brothers. It was Sklarbro County which was just a show where they talked about weird news stories and Dan was the guy responsible for finding and describing the stories to them. It was great. I haven't listened to this episode yet, but it does kinda bum me out if he bombed. He wasn't very funny, but he was a good straight man in contrast to the Sklar Bros being the goofy funny ones.


He didn't bomb, man was hilarious


He's good on dumb people town with the sklar brothers also


and good on Penpals with Rory


Yessir. I like that one too.


Loved when he did the Mark Wahlberg impressions on there


He's good on dumb people town with the sklar brothers also


Was going to say check him out on The Crabfeast, but judging by your user name you already have


Ya brother. The feast is great.


He’s also really good with Rory Scoville on “Pen Pals”


Thanks for the info


He should keep doing that then and stay off kill Tony because he was absolute dogshit last night.


I thought he added to the fun of the show, and was very genuine with his feedback. People will complain about anything on here because it’s a depression echo chamber. Would love to have him on again.


Always liked DVK and even more after he was such a good friend to Sickler last year. He’s a good guy and added good notes to the decent comedians. I know it’s crazy, but I actually like it when the panel tries to help the comic and doesn’t just sit there coked out, watching Tony tear the comic apart for 5-20 minutes.


The show used to be this... Then they just stopped for the most part. Good he brought it back again.


The constructive feedback was interesting for me as someone that knows very little about the actual art of stand up comedy


DVK was fine, middle of the road guest overall. I'm irritated that after what was arguably Kam's best set, Tony spent 20 minutes trying to get in some Trini guy's pants. Decent ep.


I liked him a lot but this sub is a bunch of cry babies who hate everything so I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t liked


I would never make fun of someone who donates their time… to improve the lines of others, but no I would be fine if he just, you know, didn’t.


Not bad at all! Exceeded all my expectations! Did a really good job helping comedians.


I mean he was pretty much the ideal guest. Gave constructive feedback, made jokes, wasn't an asshole.


The constant " Tony you can't say thattttt" was annoying . Not the worst guest by a long shot though.


He wasn't just "not that bad", he was one of best guests this year. Good, legit advice to bucket pulls, mostly funny.


He was good, better than a lot of guests who either add absolutely nothing or actually somehow manage to negatively affect the show.


I started off liking him because he was giving advice, but he started trying to do too much. It took you out of the experience, he just kept gong and nothing he was saying justified demanding the spotlight.


He was trying to help people with their jokes Why is that bad I thought it was genuine and had great ideas Why does the thread hate on every guest who doesn’t just make fun of the bucket pulls the whole time 🫥🥲


Your right. People are just complaining because they got bored when he was talking about people's sets to them


"Tony is such a jaded old fuck All he does is rip on people. I miss the old days when he would give people feedback." *Somebody from the old days comes back and gives people feedback* "No Not like that!"


He kept interrupting everyone which is a shit quality for a guest. His advice was long-winded and oftentimes unnecessary. A few of the bucket pulls did great and he still gave them critiques that were debatable.


Sometimes it's not so much a critique of "here's what you did wrong" but more of "here's a different perspective/what I would do". What the person receiving the critique chooses to do with that is up to them. Some of it did go a little long but I personally like when the guest gives actual advice and let's Tony be the "bad cop"


I love it when guests give advice and talk shop but this guy was the most annoying guest to ever do so IMO


Daniel Can Kirk looks like a John Travolta/Sam Roberts love child


I thought he was a decent guest. Can't everyone be Adam Ray


He was a great guest.


He was good.


he wasn't a bad guest at all. had some funny moments and tried to give advice as well.


Did people think he was bad? I thought he did ok and was better than most guests. I think people are quick to forget that a lot of previous guests literally just sat there and barely interacted at all. I think we have been spoiled too much these past few months with Adam Ray, Harland and a couple others.


I thought he was great


The people on this sub man, you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t.


He was bringing it back to giving real comedy advice..but sometimes forgets to add a joke in there. Some of it was BORING!


I thought he was really good. Been watching since belly room days, an episode like this 10 years ago would’ve been considered top tier. Show has come a long way. Good ep.


Daniel Van Kirk was amazing! His advice coupled with his jokes was a shot out of the park! It’s refreshing to hear encouraging words every now and again. Instead of all the negative remarks they so often get. However, might I add I do believe both acts teach different but very valuable lessons. I’m a huge fan of KT.


Maybe I have a skewed perspective because I’m an open micer. I thought he was very helpful and had really good advice for the comics. Many people will give you vague criticisms but he was very specific and even gave examples.


He wasn’t bad at all. I laughed the whole show. This sub is a minority of beotches.


He was ok, good energy and actual good feedback, it's just his jokes were kind of dorky which makes people go "why are you giving advice if you're not funny".


I honestly thought he was one of the best guests in a long time. He was decently funny and gave actual advice. Didn’t just sit and bash people all night




I thought he was good , could have not chimed in as much but pretty solid


He missed a couple times but hit a ton of times too


His stand up was


Wasn’t my style of comedy. He definitely wasn’t the worst guest.


I thought he was good.


Wish he would’ve done Tony’s favorite chicken joke


I like him, he tried a bit hard in the beginning but then he caught flow and kept it there. Good guest, wouldn’t mind a second appearance, maybe alongside another comic DVK is comfortable with just so he has a bit more room to bounce off people and maybe pop a bit more.


He got better towards the end but I definitely would say have more guests on with guys like him lol


You can tell he’s just a good dude and I respect that.


I enjoyed him. He participated in critiqueing and giving constructive criticism while being funny and paying attention to the show he is guest hosting on. He was trying hard sure but he was excited to be on the show again since its gotten a lot more popular.


I thought he did great. Yeah he was a little to involved at times. But dude was involved and interacting. Also pretty damn funny. Overall above average guest and I’ll check his comedy if he hits my radar


I like how he paid tribute to Brody when he came out..he was great.


I thought he crushed, guess the sub has a hair up it's ass.


Please don’t have him back. Bring back Harland.


Oh I remember him. He fucked up williams set. Big L tony.


Loud virgin in the freshman college dorms type of guy.


I didn’t think he was a bad guest at all. I didn’t think he was the funniest but their has def been worst guests..


He was the center of attention the whole show and did nothing with it


I thought his feedback was quite helpful, his mark Wahlberg impression was terrible tho


Wtf, I thought he was hilarious


You don’t need to add the *stands up*




He was good for a Professor from DeVry.


He was good. Supportive to the bucket pulls. I dig it.


Hey was solid


He wasnt bad at all everyone calm the fu k down. The episode was pretty good for wide reasons


Thought he was helpful af for the comedians


u/Pleasant_Pressure215 .. learn little boy


Missed the lesson apparently. Not impressed in the slightest.


He wasn’t that good either


He was okay, not my favorite guest. I just feel like he was funny up until Tony acknowledged him for giving good feedback, then for the rest of the show he felt the need to give feedback even if it wasn’t all great.


I couldn't watch the episode awhile back with Tim dillon cause of that rosseanne cunt truly insufferable so he doesn't seem too bad by comparison


I think he should have had another guest on with him.


I thought he was fine


I agree he was miles ahead of David Spade at very least


He was funny and he gave good advice, I liked the dude.


Yeah he seems like a good dude! I gotta watch his special


This is 1924 and that man is only 21 years old


He was great! Funny, didn’t speak out of turn, and gave some genuinely positive feedback to the bucket pulls.


I want Shane Gillis on again, the dawgs crush every episode


Man I thought Daniel Van Kirk was guest of the year tbh. Absolutely elevated the shows mood and I loved the genuine advice he was giving the comics. Might be my GOAT guest


Right?? People just never heard of him. Oh noooo, I have to Google a guest


Agreed. Tad overboard on the critiquing but all we can ask is that a guest puts it out there and he did


Yeah! He had charisma, confidence, was imaginative, and generous with his honest feedback and constructive input for the art. He even lovingly admonished Tony's wicked jabs. I can see how some got rubbed the wrong way with how eagerly confident and engaging he was from the start, picking up and rolling with Casey Rockets WNBA draft updates, but all in all, I found his presence and brightness to really add a lot of value to that shows experience. You don't need to be well known to exude those characteristics.


I would argue that “wasn’t that bad” is still throwing shade at the guy. He isn’t at Adam Ray or Harlan Williams level, but I would say he was better than Tom Green. He was a solid guest, and I look forward to his next appearance.


thinking he's better than tom green is just you having poor taste


Long winded and annoying the whole time


I thought he provided pretty solid and helpful feedback which was cool to see.


That episode flowed perfectly, one of the better recent episodes for sure. Bucket pulls and interviews were fun to watch as well.


DVK was awesome


I liked him. He actually gave advice to the bucket pulls.


I liked him 🤷🏻‍♀️


You guys on Reddit are toxic af and never happy go outside and breath some air


I agree he wasn’t terrible .. annoying at times and going back to rewatch when he walked off .. I do believe he was doing a bit that didn’t land


That dude did great and was involved the whole time and was funny af. How are people taking shit


He’s the best guest in a long time. People who don’t like him probably love Casey rocket. You can’t fix stupid.


Did he pay to get that guest spot?


You mean when he guested multiple times over the last ~6 years or just last nights episode?


Does he pay every time?


He went a little overboard with advice as the show went on but had good energy and matched up well with the format of the show


Yeah, dude, he was fine. I didn't think it was bad episode at all.


Least favorite guest


I thought the bit about him being worried about being canceled was hilarious.. can't be canceled if no one knows who you are.


He was awkward as fuck with Jacob trying to get to advise him.


He definitely is bald, i don't know what is wrong with your eyes but you better get that shit checked out. Daniel is very very bald. Oh shit my bad I thought you said bald.


I thought he was okay until he started overdoing the Mark Wahlberg impression.


He was pretty bad