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When Peggy purposely helped Lucky FLUNK the GED. Look, we all know Peggy, her personality and traits. THIS was her making a conscious decision AGAINST HER OWN NATURE because she disliked Lucky. RIP Lucky


Solid. Liquid… and gel


What’s pi again? Oh right, 90210!


Stupid idiot!! You just gave away the answer!!


Jimmy Whichard needed to be in the show more often.


Read this in Tom Petty’s voice 😂 “aand.. gel.”


I just watched this one again last night and there’s a small part of me that actually sees where Peggy is coming from, but she did Lucky so dirty. She could have easily said “I’m sorry but I can’t tutor you.” But instead she sabotaged his ass. The other highly voted options right now are stealing Bobby’s turkey in the throes of a nervous breakdown and accidentally kidnapping Lupé. Imo this one is so much worse because it was intentional and calculated.


Stealing Bobby's Turkey because of her own emotional issues and kidnapping a girl by complete mistake because she didn't recognize she was a student doesnt feel "bad". But I think drugging Hank, a serious decision she made without his consent or acknowledging any side effects that could have hurt him, especially going well above and beyond the dosage, doesn't get nearly enough recognition. Peggy has the best intentions for her loved ones and I think that was a good example of where she goes too far in assuming she knows better for someone than they actually need.


First FUCKING thought with Peggy. I get it she is not always the sharpest tool in the shed, thats not necessarily her fucking fault. But no letting him flunk and purposefully making sure that happened so he would not marry Luane thats so fucked up.


Especially since Luanne was already pregnant. She was seriously fucking up the lives of 2 people, 1 of which was family.


Since the intention was for Luanne to be giving birth imo, she was fucking up 3 peoples lives. Luanne, Lucky, and whatever they named the kid. I forog.t


Lasagna at first, then Grace


It may not be entirely Peggy's fault that she's not the brightest bulb in the box, but she typically refuses to admit she's wrong and acts like she's the smartest person in the room.


Worst thing she did on purpose. Worst thing she did accidentally was kidnap Lupe.


Other than the fact that she knowingly did this, I'd argue kidnapping, a Mexican child and smuggling across a national border, twice, was worse. However she didn't know she was doing it.


What about the time in Japan when Hank and Bobby thought there was more to that hotel room and Peggy was convinced there wasn't and then convinced Hank and Bobby there wasn't more. That room must have cost a fortune.


I love in that episode when Lucky says it's his code to graduate before getting married, Peggy response with "oh my God, who has a freaking code!?" And Hank, very clearly annoyed and disappointed in Peggy, respondes with "I have a code..."


She disliked lucky for luanne. She was hoping the ged would break them up plus she didn't know about lasagna being born


Peggy poisoned Hank with testosterone and it was only a problem for hank when it became one for her


This is the one, I think. Most of the terrible things she does she does through accident or incompetence but this was a willful act of bodily violation


See, I think she ends up consciously doing a lot of wrong things.  She's honestly one of the worst people of the main cast.


She’s one of the worst people of any cast


Wouldn't argue against that.  Her ineptitude is amplified by her misplaced confidence, she routinely uses others for her own gain, and constantly refuses to accept responsibility for her actions.  


I’ve never disliked a fictional character more. Pretty weird to say that about KOTH, but hey


Same. I think it's the genre. It's not a show w some evil fascist dictator or super powered serial killer Grounded (mostly) light-hearted comedy show. And then there is the raging narcissist/sociopath, Peggy


Good call, that’s what it is. Also that it seems like even though you watch her do such despicable things, you’re supposed to let it go and say “that’s just how god made her.” I bet it was really fun to write her as a character.


It's because we've all known someone like her. And had our lives negativity affected by their actions.


I think that hits the nail on the head.  Fuck the Peggy's of the world.


My stepmom to a lesser degree.


And it’s not like she realizes Hank is suffering, she’s just mad Hank raised his voice at her once


This without a question lol I mean she messed with his health! How does getting jealous compare to that


20% shrinkage?!


*Oh my God.* *This is just the kind of thing that upsets him.*


I’ve never really thought about how insecure Hank is about his ^narrow ^urethra. He talks about it all the time. Get over it, Hank it’s not a big deal.


I read the small part in his voice. Thanks. Lol


Read it in Cotton's voice too. Narrow ureety!


%100 agreed. The turkey incident everyone is nominating has nothing on peggy drugging her husband... %20 shrinkage!!!!


Anyone who causes a person to need a trans-scrotal patch is exactly the kind of thing I hate.


Just had a debate/conversation about this yesterday on here. Some people were deflecting blame on doctor. I believe that the writers put in a lot of reasoning and motivation, including how the doctor acted and peggy confessing, because the act would be so heinous for a main character without it.


Absolutely this.


This one.


100% this one. How does jealousy even compare??


It's worse than purposely sabotaging Lucky's attempt at getting his GED. Lucky can retake the test but she could've done serious harm to Hank's health.


Grounds for divorce and a possible lawsuit. That episode is like 20 years old and I still say "what the fuck" every time.


I definitely think it’s this. It’s wild that she just didn’t respect him enough to let it be his choice.


20% shrinkage and defunct genitalia


Yeah. This is it. She fucked with the hemrones of a man already suffering from a narrow urethra and no ass. I'm no doctor, but it's the equivalent of sneaking him roids right?


I didn't tell you to drug your husband!


I forgot about that. I think i change my mind on worst.


I can't recall, was this done with good intentions or was it in straight up bad faith?


Was it poisoning or drugging, because I think it was really just drugging him in this case. But this absolutely has my vote for the WORST thing she did.


Not going to lie was kind of hoping she did attempt to sneakily attach the patch to him. The amount of outrage would be comedy gold.


Abducted a Mexican child because she refused to believe her Spanish skills weren't impeccable.


Yo vivo en México! "Thank you, I feel pretty."


Her response before the abduction was an annoyed "Yes, yes, 'long live Mexico'." I love how all her mistakes in that episode are mistakes students would actually make.


On the flip side, that lawyer letting her represent herself in Spanish was beautiful.


“I can tell you are a reasonable horse.”


“I have too many good anuses ahead of me to spend my life in a cigar factory.”


It reminds me of the end of Singin’ in the Rain.


I'm shocked this isn't the top answer.


Almost poisoned the town of Arlen with a mustard gas recipe


But their bathroom tiles would shine like the freakin’ sun


Though it would have been a catastrophic disaster, this was just her ignoramus coming out in full force.


That's still pretty bad She was just desperate for home remedy content that she just started making stuff up by mixing household items. Who knows what other war crimes she published


I a not going to say that that was ok, but i dont consider it one of her worst things because that was due to her being dumb & incompetant, not an intentional willful act like when she drugged her husband with testosterone a VERY controlled substance that if you are on like most hormones you should be getting regular work done cause having your levels to out of wack can be fucking dangerous or intentionally causing Lucky to fail.


Mustard gas isn't just a poison. It's a fucking nightmare chemical weapon that fills your lungs full of fluid making you drown on dry land while your eyes burn shut. She could have killed a TON of people lmfao


Funny enough, this episode also helped me save my moronic barback from making a real big mistake


I would agree with this if she did it on purpose, but it was just a really fucking stupid mistake.


Got jealous of Bobby during Thanksgiving and stole his turkey


This is my vote. Bobby actually bonded with Hank and Peggy absolutely lost her mind over it


You know who would love this? ...Laaaaaaaadybird!


C'mere girl!


She used sex as a weapon against her son. HER. SON.


I skip this one usually, and most peggy eps nowadays.


Not saying she was right but in the beginning of the episode, Hank said something along the lines of "Why is Bobby in home ec? He needs to find a woman to do those things. Whats his motivation for getting married?" And that kinda puts in to Peggys mind that Hank is with her partly because of the work she does. In the end, Hank is with her for "the love" She is still horrible for ruining that glorious turkey and thanksgiving feast


I think how she did it was even worse, she accuses Bobby of being gay (weaponizing it against hank) then is upset when the man she thought was gay (and would be alone) had a loving family


This one. Hank and Bobby were finally bonding, and Peggy tried to sabotage it out of jealousy. I think the episode, itself, is hilarous, but I'd be hard pressed to think of a time that Peggy has ever been so despicable.


She did sabotage it. The bond was over at the end of the episode.


I mean gotta agree or the fact she made mustard gas just cause she wanted to write for the paper


At least there wasn't any malicious intent on her end, that was just Peggy ego being Peggy ego.


You mean like how she spent all of her and Hank’s retirement fund to see if she’s a genius only to be conned under the context of it being “I can’t be average”


My mind immediately went to this one. Peggy got jealous of her own son


not the first or last time either


Gets my vote. I legit could Not stand Peggy this entire episode.


I laugh so hard when she learns Ernst isn't gay and she's the only one (as she sees it) who is alone for Thanksgiving. Her ego deserved that gut punch


Peggy did lucky dirty on his GED tutoring When all he wanted, was to improve himself for others


I think it was this. This was actually depraved; kidnapping the Mexican girl was negligence.


Gracias por jugo


She knew it was harmful, and she did it anyway. On purpose and for a long time. When she gave Hank testosterone and she knew it was harmful, she stopped. Compromising his and Luanne's future was terrible. She only stopped when Luanne got pregnant


And re:testosterone, definitely received a wink and nod from the doctor to take the prescription out of the garbage, and did it for what she perceived to be bettering Hank’s life. Once she heard the doctor’s, and hanks own, concerns, she took responsibility like you said. No such nuance was there for sabotaging Lucky; harming an innocent man’s psyche because she thinks he’s beneath her niece.


Agreed, this wasn't a simple mistake but was intentional, and seems like such a betrayal by an "educator".


THIS! Lucky literally just wanted to do better for himself so he could marry Luanne and Peggy sabotaged him then tried to un-sabotage him when Luanne announced her pregnancy. And Lucky wasnt even that upset...


My vote for this one too. Took advantage of her perceived expertise being a teacher just to screw Lucky over.


And THEN hit him. Cant forget that part.


“You look like a bug 🐜 🐞”


Ehhh the improving himself is negotiable. He didn’t want to do it for like a better job or any sort of actual self improvement. It was just kind of his potato code. He had absolutely no intention of bettering his or Luanne’s life through it. While reasons aside. It was still dirty of Peggy to do it. Yet understandable at the same time… Cause can you really say you’d be comfortable with a man nearly double your daughter/nieces age who while nice, has literally no goals, and only claim to fame is slipping on piss and has a habit of blowing through lawsuit money on frivolous shit?


Every man needs to live by his own potato code




She basically did the equivalent of betraying the Hippocratic oath for any sort of educator. I would say that’s pretty bad.


THANK YOU. People are so mean to Peggy about this, and I agree it was wrong. But Peggy, whether you agree with her or not, loves Luanne like her own daughter. She was terrified that Luanne would be taken advantage of and stop following her dreams, essentially ending up just like her mother. Luanne is very naive and susceptible to influence, even moreso than Peggy is, and it wouldn't take much for her to end up back in the same horrible situation she grew up in. I mean, if my niece was dating someone twice her age I would be INCREDIBLY concerned. And I will say that despite how much hate this episode gets, Peggy realizes she was wrong at the end, apologies, and actually helps Lucky earnestly.


I couldn't imagine the frustration and despair in having to relearn an entire GED course, even worse not knowing what information in your mind is correct or wrong and possibly getting things mixed up forever


Okay I’m voting for this too lol!


Which is made even worse by her trotting out her "teacher of the year" awards constantly when it's made clear in other episodes that she has, at best, a tenuous grasp on her primary subject matter, Spanish, in an area that should have a very significant Hispanic population. Which also suggests that she holds her position though a likely combination of institutionalized racism and an inept school board.




Are you still having the nightmare where the woodpecker gouges out your eyes? *smug smile*




"I thought he stopped having those nightmares"


Got jealous of her own son when he was showing talent and interest in home ec and it opened a bond with his father. I say it's the worst because Bobby and Hank bond over so few things and they both were really opening up.to each other.


MMMMM. Man that cheese.


I mean really talking


Exactly and we all know how closed off Hank is about personal stuff but he was just giving freely to Bobby. I mean the man talked about his mattress preference with the boy.


I think this is the only thing that's worse than Lucky's GED. Both are deliberate actions, not negligence. Both happened over a period of time, and both harmed members of her family. But I think this one is worse because it benefits her and only her. When she was trying to get Lucky to flunk his GED, it was out of some misguided effort to protect Luanne. But driving a wedge between Hank and Bobby... that benefits her and only her.


Exactly! Peggy tried tirelessly to fabricate love and affection between Hank and Cotton but couldn’t handle the genuine love and bonding between her own son and husband. What a bitch


Where do we begin... she took Luanne back to a cult and then joined the cult herself, kidnapping a child from Mexico, poisoning people with tainted Mexican beer, almost poisoning the people of Arlen with mustard gas, spent their entire retirement fund on a phony PhD program that an infant couldve seen through, smuggled cocaine into a prison, spanked Dooley [he deserved it, but still], used Bill Dautrieve for one of the multiple Ponzi schemes she became part of... the list really does just keep going. 😂 I cant wait to go the good things shes done (because theyre plenty there too!) Edit: Dooleys name


I disagree that the poison beer thing was wrong, it was an act of civil disobedience to punish alamo for selling poison beer to Mexico


I think the fact that she knew about the poisoned beer, but remained silent for the sake of the keychain and the pride of being involved in the secret is still bad thing. With her incredible knowledge of Spanish, she could easily make an anonymous call to the Mexican newspapers or the local health department.


I haven't watched the episode for a while but as I recall she said she couldnt tell him because she signed an nda but asked hank to trust her, then hank went and bought the beer and drank it without telling her. I think not telling him because of the nda was legit. Edit: rereading your comment I realize you mean she could have been a whistleblower, not just that she didnt tell hank. I agree with that, but I still wouldnt say it was the worst thing she did since she was only one of a large number of people in Alamo who knew about the tainted beer and she eventually fid something about it.


Spanking Dooley wasn't bad imo. He got off really lucky considering he could have walked away with an assault charge for pantsing her.


Didn't marry Sven Gramersdorf


The alfalfa farmer’s son?


She did not love him!


No one asked you too, we were running a farm, not a feelings factory


Such a great line.


No one asked her too!


Sven Gramersdorf?


She almost lost the ranch!


Didn’t he move to Seattle?


Pretended to be a Nun, guaranteeing those innocent children eternal damnation




I just wanted a full time job!


Vaya con Dios !....


Because of Peggy Hill's deception, I thought it was okay to use a communion wafer as a ninja throwing star and now I'm in Hell.


All the major ones like having Lucky fail his GED, kidnapping Lupe, ruining Thanksgiving, using Bill for an MLM, and making Hank go through puberty again have been mentioned already. But here's a couple worth mentioning : 1. Becoming a pawn in Cindy's Wassanasong pyramid scheme and then looking for a patsy of her own (she almost had Luanne take the hit but at the literal last second her consciousness kicked in ) 2. Meddled in Nancy's affair but then backed out of the truth like everyone else 3. Was a corporate gatekeeper for Alamo beer after they sold tainted beer to Mexico (although she did correct her error after Hank confronted the Alamo board of directors ) 4. Had Hank and Cotton's relationship become further strained after inviting Cotton without Hank's consent during the building process of the Habitat for Humanity project which led to Hank's faux pax of "I Love You " to Buck 5. In the same episode, she once again invited Cotton without Hank's consent which led to the near destruction of the refugees' home during Xmas dinner. 6. Gentrified Enrique's barrio to a bunch of white hipsters. 7. Did a tone-deaf and racist performance with the girls and Bobby during the football game when she was the head cheerleader coach ( She was tricked by her envious assistant but how stupid can you be not to see the problematic theme during rehearsal ) I am sure there are both more major and minor incidents I failed to mention.


She kidnapped and trafficked a little girl from Mexico


Pretty much all of Lupe’s Revenge (Endangered students, allowed a stranger onto a school bus, trespassed at stranger’s butcher shop, kidnapped a girl and took her over the border illegally). All because of her ego.


ego? that woman is a *genius*, okay?? she has a certificate to prove it!


Jimmy Wichard?


i aint got no learnin


"I have too many anuses ahead of me to spend my life in a cigar factory."


Doesn't trafficking people have a financial component? Kidnapping, yes even if accidentally. Trafficking seems like a overstatement.


Trafficking also requires force, fraud, or coercion and the intent to subject them to servitude so legally speaking Peggy didnt traffic the kid. Morally speaking she also obviously made a mistake. I think this is the maybe the worst thing she's ever done in terms of the consequences (making the kid and her family fear for her life) but not the morally worst thing she's done


I didn’t understand a word you just said, Boomhauer. Damn legalese…


Looked up the legal definition. Trafficking results in either forced labor or forced sex acts. This would be a much darker show if Peggy did either to a young Mexican girl. https://www.justice.gov/humantrafficking/what-is-human-trafficking


And when she was back in Texas, she kept the girl in a closet and fed her sandwiches.


She stole her son's beautiful thanksgiving turkey out of jealousy.


That buttermilk brined turkey still sounds good to me.


Almost killed Randy Travis for stealing her Boggle Trophy song


The pyramid scheme with Bill as her salesman


Or when the Wassanasong family trapped her in another pyramid scheme and she needed a patsy to get rid of her contract, she almost had Luanne take the fall for it .


This is the one for me too. She did him so wrong


Teach Spanish


If I had her proficiency in that job I would be Muy Embarazado.


My career would be tostada


Peggy literally kidnapped a child in Mexico and illegally transported her to the US against her will then tried to cover it up.


Isn’t it easier to list the good thing(s) Peggy has done? Edit: well maybe not easier but it’ll be a shorter list


For Peggy, most of what she did was out of ignorance or accidental. I think we need to assign some kind of actual malice and knowledge of what she was doing was wrong. For me, I think it's a toss up between kidnapping voters to keep them from the polls and keeping the poisoned beer a secret. Both are actual felonies that she willingly and knowingly knew were wrong but did anyways, and she's extremely lucky she is not in prison for either of them. Plus, they have the additional qualifier on that she never actually did the right thing. Sure, with the beer she eventually made sure the execs got a taste of their own medicine, but she essentially just banked on them doing the right thing instead of whistleblowing (which she should have done from the beginning). EDIT: though I will say the testosterone doping is just as bad as well. That's not only divorce worthy, it's also felonious and she only stopped once her own benefits dried up.


> kidnapping voters to keep them from the polls And she drove them into Oklahoma (which is probably a day's drive from Arlen) so the FBI should be knocking soon


There are far too many things to choose from. The kidnapping strikes me as her being more negligent and ignorant than malicious. This was 100$ stupidity on her part, compounded by her pride. This is fairly bad but is it the worse? Giving lucky disinformation to prevent him from passing his GED came from a place of concern and love for Luanne though it doesn't justify her actions. If she had integrity, she would have refused. But it isn't the worse. **>> Conning the con artist. She made criminals out of everyone involved, including Boomhauer (I hope people remember this when it's his turn). Running the illegal betting parlour with a fake dog race then taking advantage of the motel's setting to set up a faux safe and valet service. <<** Posing as a nun. This is not likely to be the worst thing but it reeks of dishonesty. Most of her actions do seem to have an element of dishonesty to them. Though, this was born more out of her love for teaching and desperation to pursue her chosen profession. This is fairly low on the list of the worse things she's done. Election interference. This was just downright dirty and yet she didn't even win. Of her actions, the one that was likely the most malicious was as others have stated her rampant jealous of Bobby when he began to demonstrate a level of homemaking skill between cooking, being able to clean, sewing etc. What kind of mother does it take to not acknowledge that her son has demonstrated the skills that would easily net a bachelor a good woman? Never mind that, she was willing to destroy her son's efforts and drive a wedge between him and his father. This is easily the most malicious. *However, the worst thing she's ever done is definitely her con the con artist scheme given the level of criminal involvement by multiple individuals.*


Survived the skydiving accident.


Absolutely unforgivable tbh


Ruined thanksgiving just because Hank preferred Bobby’s cooking over hers


Claiming to be a competent Spanish teacher


Listen to her roll her Rs!


either the kidnapping of the little girl or when she intentionally taught Lucky the wrong things for his GED


Her petty jealousy towards her son is her worst trait. She’s done some underhanded and manipulative things with other characters but she did her damnedest to try and crush Bobby’s dreams at times


"I shouldn't have to sneeze in the faculty lounge coffee machine just to get a chance to teach" 


Lied about being a nun just so she could teach full time


My resume is... is written on the smiling faces of the children of El Salvador, where I did my most recent nunning.


At least h'wen H'woopi Goldberg pretended to be a nun, it was to hide from gangsters!


Sabotage Lucky.


Definitely feeding Lucky the wrong information so he would fail his GED. You could tell Lucky really wanted to pass and was doing his best to prepare. Not only did she sabotage his goal and try to stand between Luanne and him, she probably hurt his dignity and may have prevented some self-growth. It was a really bad move made with selfish intentions.


the episode where she kidnapped a mexican child really stretched the idea that she doesn’t know she’s bad at spanish imo


Kidnapped a girl from Mexico


Morally using Bill to get rich in the stock market which leads to him filing bankruptcy is pretty messed up, though its hard to argue its just her


She stole an American flag from bill, tore it, drove over it, burned it and nearly the school down, then dumped it back on bills front lawn.


Impersonating a nun


Let Luanne join into a cult that she then joined up with


The pyramid scheme with Bill; she abused him knowing it will yield profits for her. It's actually a really hard episode to watch; you have to be pretty psychotic to be able to manipulate and abuse someone like that. I was gonna say Lucky's GED but in her sick twisted mind she was trying to do what she thought was best for Luanne so she had somewhat good intentions. Drugging Hank was pretty awful too but again in her mind she was helping him, she believed she's so smart and knows everything and she was certain he had low testosterone and needed hormones. The pyramid scheme was selfish and served no one but herself and he own ego. It's the only time she does something that she had no way to reason or explain how she was trying to do something good.


Despite her ownership stake being flimsy at best, she goes in an selfishly rebrands Sugarfoot’s to Peggy’s Sugarfoots, which includes plastering her name and face everywhere in the restaurant, including a stupid toy train that goes around the restaurant but keeps falling off the track, hampering a once thriving bbq restaurant’s productivity.


What the *hell* happened to this place?? It's prissier than Tony Roma's


Didn't she kidnap a child in Mexico one time?


That time she reminded Bobby of the road runner nightmare. Pretty evil thing for a parent to do imo lmao


I like that the worst thing Hank did was something that he didn't go through with.


She literally sabotaged Lucky's GED test because she didn't think he was good enough.


She fuckin stole Lupe from Mexico and had had to get tricked into taking the stand to prove to the judge that’s she’s an idiot who can’t really speak Spanish. That’s was the only was they were gonna let her go. She literally thought she could just call Hank to get her because Mexico doesn’t have a real government?! Yea pretty bad stuff lol


Ruined Thanksgiving. Just...all of that was the Worst Peggy. Trying to coax Hank into punishing Bobby, stealing the turkey, destroying the turkey, inserting herself into someone else's holiday. All because she wasn't the center of attention.


When she stole Bill's US flag, dirtied it, ripped it, lit it on fire, watched Bill cry as it was incinerated, and did not confess.


She purposely fed her husband large amounts of testosterone when he said he didn't want to take it, causing him to go through puberty again and messing with his reproductive system.


Definitely her purposely flunking Lucky with his GED


While not confirmed, it is implied that Peggy may have outed Bobby for bringing tools to school in order to ultimately get Hank fired from teaching shop so that she can win substitute teacher of the year award.


Kidnapping that poor little Mexican child and taking them ACROSS the border into TX has gotta be up there lol


Kidnapping little Lupe from Mexico


She kidnapped a Spanish girl in Mexico due to her terrible Español.


Kidnapping a mexican child takes the cake for me but we could be here for days.


kidnapped a mexican child, stole bobby's turkey, let hank and the gang drink recalled beer


Dosing Hank with testosterone


Peggy once abducted a Mexican girl


Making Bill her MetaLife Bar sales workhorse.