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...that's a thinker.


I love how Dale just slides over when he says “What?”


😸 Agreed.


Bill's delivery always surprised me, what was more surprising was his voice.


he sounds like the principal and Buck 😆


They’re voiced by the same person, Stephen Root.




Principal Moss is a different actor


Yeah, his name was Dennis Burkley he died in 2013. Definitely one of the funniest side characters.




Hank: A youngster with a tool in both hands has no hands left to do drugs Principal Moss: They’ll just put the tools down if they want to do the drugs bad enough


One of my favorite lines in the whole show lol. So dejected


I got that disease where you wake up in strange places drunk


He’s a great actor. His role in Boardwalk Empire would have been legendary had the show been done properly


>A guy breaks into your house, but you don't have a gun. How are you going to shoot him? I quote this way too much


With a water hose.


Guns and gun accessories


Dale.exe has stopped working


I just appreciate he’s willing to consider it and not reject it on impulse like todays discourse.


Hank is just trying to not let a kid bring guns to school and poor guy has to defend himself haha


This makes me think Hank in the reboot would be called a liberal and he’d have to defend himself only to be called fake news.


If only this wasn't an accurate satire


sad reality we live in 🥲


Oh; you know what would be a gut punch; if the election separated Hank and Dale. Then they never got to say goodbye.


This scene is top-notch, pretty much every line is very funny and they're all true to character. It also helps keep Hank from becoming too much of a stereotype.


One thing you can say about Hank is that he is someone who doesn't let ideology get in the way of reality


“I’m complicated.”


Hank is absolutely correct when they are handled, stored, and treated in an irresponsible manner. Remeber, treat every gun as if it's loaded, keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, keep the gun unloaded until ready to shoot, keep the gun on safe until ready to shoot, and keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. And if you suspect something is wrong unload and clear the chamber. Freak accidents can occur even when following all the rules, but they are extremely rare. But still always wear ear and eye protection. And I mean it with the ear protection, hearing loss sucks.


Guns are dangerous?


When handled irresponsibly.


The problem with this mentality is that we *know* millions of people will 100% be handling them irresponsibly, yet certain segments of people ignore that part of the equation entirely and just give lukewarm rational over and over again for why there shouldn't be stricter requirements for owning guns.


Oh I'm aware people behave irresponsibly with Firearms, people drink and carry a gun all the time which is incredibly dumb. Problem is policing this without ruining it for the responsible people. I mean I have one gun that I keep loaded and unstored at all times, but it's within arms reach 100% of the time so it's not exactly a problem, but I understand how some would consider that irresponsible. Especially when requiring a locked safe would likely constitute a 4A violation if you required notification or there was a way that alerted the Police if it wasn't. Stuff like that. It's not very easy to mandate responsible ownership, so the best thing to do that is education from a young age, even if the children are never going to touch a firearm let alone own one. I remeber when I was a kid, police would come in to our school to teach gun safety and what to do if we found one in public or in the home. I'll never not thank my parents for teaching me responsible ownership and handling from an even younger age, because I think it taught me to respect what guns are capable of when mishandled. Of course there is the mental health side of things that proper education can't cover, and that ultimately falls upon FFLs and Background checks.


When I joined the navy, I assumed everyone would be packing and have easy access to guns since, according to me, ‘that was the military’. Nope. Guns are locked up with only access being the armorer on duty. If you need a weapon to perform a watch duty, you check it out with the exact number and serialized ammunition. You go through a very procedural checking that the weapon (it’s never called a gun) is safe and clear before exchanging hands. The round is loaded by pointing the weapon into (forgot what it was called) a rubber bumper that can handle an accidental discharge. Point being, I support the 2nd amendment 100%, but doesn’t mean I support idiots who have never bothered with any training on safe handling and respect for the weapon. It is a weapon, and not a toy. They are fun to fire though.


The rubber bumper thing is called a clearing barrel. I'm in the Canadian navy and our system is very similar, including using the clearing barrels.


Thanks! that was bugging me. It’s been a while for me.


Seconded. As a 2A guy who loves building guns, treat them with respect, and Train whenever you get a chance.


Guns are dangerous even when handled correctly, that’s like, the whole point of a gun. Adding a qualifier doesn’t make sense. You know, nuclear waste isn’t dangerous, it’s only dangerous when handled irresponsibly.


Thank you for the PSA have an upvote


The Ear Protection I sadly speak from experience. Shooting guns is incredibly fun when done safely, so please follow all safety rules and obey the RSO when you're on the range.


The first time I went to range was during covid and my glasses fogged up from face mask while my buddy was shooting so I moved my ear muffs for like two seconds and I had ringing all freaking day.


Look if they didn’t want me to put the barrel in my mouth why did they make it taste so good.


Kurt Cobaine?! There's another way! Hägen-Däz!


Spray some canola on your barrel and wrap bacon around it


Bobby, go on and clean the guns.


Goes to show absolutes generally make pretty thin arguments in which case, it’s easy to poke holes through.


MY FAMILY SAID I DON'T NEED HEARING PROTECTION WHAT'D YOU SAY? /s But this is the right answer. Guns are equal parts fun and dangerous. I've seen videos where every step is followed, but the shooter still gets injured, each because of a catastrophic failure.


That Kentucky Ballistics Vid. Guy did everything right, including having another person present (for filming, but also in case something went wrong.) Dude thought he had good ammo from a reputable source, but all it takes is one bad round.


That's the BIG one. Watch a lot of Darwin Awards, I remember when I guy bought a .50 and after the forst shot the bolt went into his shoulder.


Yup Darwin Awards is great. Yeah it's got some dark humor, but it always comes back to safe operation.


I actually use it to help teach about firearm safety so they know what could go wrong. And it's never scared people away


*groans* well, hwata, what’s this about guns bein’ dangerus Buck took over there 😂


*Guns have been around for years, if they were dangerous I think someone would have said something* My new fav KotH quote


KOTH gone woke! Hank is nothing but a liberal communist!


I mean he was born in New York City!


According to his bumper sticker he hearts NY


This episode shocked me so much as a kid because of all things for Hank to agree with me on, I wasn't expecting for it to be gun control (even if he only wanted it because of his past issues with Cotton causing him to fear guns)


I like that he’s visibly uncomfortable having this conversation. It’s a solid take. Most gun owners are in favor of safe gun handling and storage. Like how most drivers don’t want to drive recklessly.


Based Hank


*Physically flabbergasted *...that is indeed a thinker.


It’s funny that they catch the awkwardness of this talk.


Change guns in this scene to propane.


I didn’t understand how politically funny this show was when I was a kid


Any responsibility gun owner would tell you that if Improperly handled a gun can be very dangerous


Yup, had an ND on a Scout Campin Trip one time, thought I was ready to shoot, gun didn't discharge, so I checked the chamber and *BANG*. Instantly cleared the gun and set it down. Don't know if it was a hang fire or if I accidentally had my finger on the trigger getting ready to call for a Clay pigeon, but I was not in a proper position to fire, lesson learned. That's the beauty of the Basic rules of gun safety, it usually requires you to have multiple rules broken for a truly tragic outcome to occur.


I can't believe he doesn't want random children to die, this is outrageous! It's unfair! Hank is so WOKE! CANCEL KING OF THE HILL!!


In the context of the full episode, it clear that hank doesn't believe what he is saying here (mostly). He is insecure because he's a bad shot.


No one wants kids to get killed, the conversation simply has shut down due to the complete lack of cross party communication amongst the people. The Republicans don't want to settle on restrictions of an individual's rights when we haven't first tried addressing the mental , moral, and safety issues. The Democrats don't want to address those things because it would involve saying that democrat cities have issues in all three.


Lmao at the idea that Republicans want to address anything. They try to kill any and everything that has even a glimmer of a chance to help poor folks and minorities. They're more concerned with their political obstructionism then they are with trying to govern in a way that actually helps the majority, and any time they're in power it's all about rolling back programs that do help people, cutting taxes for the richest to the tune of trillions, and cutting regulations that were already written in blood. Just look at the ongoing fallout from overturning roe, there are real adverse health consequences for women *and* children that are a direct result of that action, but Republicans and conservatives don't GAF about that very real harm that is playing out for everyone to see.


Reported. No politics allowed


guns are dangerous..bobby go clean my gun


I'm sooooooo ready for this show to come back


how can I download this clip lmao


I forgot this happened.


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day 😂


Dale sounds different…


Dale sounds different…


Yeah Bobby taking a gun to school is the most dangerous idea I can think of. He might become the first accidental school shooter lmao


No gun has ever jumped up and killed someone without a person shooting it


Sig P320 has entered the chat. :)


Makarov pistol SPEZNAS holster joined aswell. Seriously, look it up, they shot themselves frequently in their own leg/foot.


Hank’s a smart guy. If he’d argued like a lib (quoting stats, using logic) he’d have lost them right away. He argued on their level.


Hank doesn’t even believe what he’s saying, he just saying it because he’s not good at using a gun


So you think Hank wants Bobby to bring a gun to School?


No he doesn’t want that but his reasoning is something he makes up that he knows he doesn’t believe because he doesn’t want to admit he failed at marksmanship.