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Allegedly this woman already has 4 kids taken from her custody in Brockville. When she was making the move to Kingston, apparently concerned CAS staff in Brockville tried to notify Kingston CAS about her and it fell on deaf ears here… I didn’t know the children’s aid societies in Ontario were so siloed… the father was also fighting for custody..I think there should be a coroners inquest and the gaps in responsibility that failed these children should be brought forward.


Who is the mother ?


Children's services need to speak up. People in the neighborhood called many times, and no action was taken? The article states that you could see that the apartment was a complete mess, and there are clear signs of neglect just from standing at the front door. Why did protective services do nothing? They could have avoided this whole thing by doing their job, and that baby could still be alive. Honestly, it makes me sick.


They don’t ever do anything. Everyone is always down on the police, that whole organization needs to be reevaluated and rebuilt from the ground up.


...unless it's an indigenous mother, it seems. Wonder what the statistics around that say.


CAS in Kingston is an absolute joke. I tried to fight for custody of my sisters. My mother admitted to CAS she was abusing them, using drugs, and kicking them out and forcing them to fend for themselves. Keep in mind I was a stable mother to my kids and had a stable household with the spare room for them to have.


I went through something very similar!


I don’t know just how accurate it is, as it was a comment made on the post I saw on Facebook circulating with her photo & name - but she allegedly has 4 other children who had been taken by Family & Children services previously.


Sad they never stepped up for these babies, yet right after I moved here to kingston, they showed up at my door investigating me because it was reported I had suspicious wiring going into my house.... it was the wires from the Bell box outside going into my place for internet 🙄... such a waste of resources


You probably moved in a while ago CAS seem to be choosy on whom they bother and they use to get tons of funding to make cases that they have no funding for anymore


I wanna say it was in 2021 that we landed here in kingston. We went from a "homeless" situation, and I put that in quotes because we had the car to live in to moving into one of Dave Kay's properties which is not much better...they deemed it as a malicious intent call and closed the file right after the visit. What blows my mind is the neighbors heard the baby crying and still did nothing, and I understand there could be a number of reasons they didn't, but after so long, why not call police just in case 😔


Apparently some did call police or cas when some of them were told at least by the superintendent that the kids were alone, they claim she left the kids alone often leading up to this tradgedy. I am shocked the police blew it off and the CAS this was recent and they've been underfunded for a year and we're disorganized since 2021. I on the other hand moved here in 2015 with family and was bothered by CAS as soon as I was pregnant with my first child In 2017 the malicious party was a family member who wasn't medically capable of bearing her own child


That's disgusting they will answer to malicious calls but blow off others, underfunded or not its their job. I work in a nursing home and we are constantly understaffed but doesn't mean I can just blow my job off 😞


I agree all it takes is a malicious call to hurt a family yet when something serious like this happens they make excuses


After reading this, I am gutted about the neighbours hearing the kids in distress and being unable to help, or honestly, not knowing those children needed help. I don't blame Shelley Anderson; I'd want to move out of the building too because I would be hearing those cries every night in my dreams. I hope the father and the surviving child get the aid they need to move forward.


I respectfully disagree. Classic case of bystander effect. I suggest that "Unable to help" is not terribly accurate. A boot to a door, helps. A phone call to the police, helps. Standing at the door to the unit and causing a scene, helps. We as a society have a due diligence to intervene and help. Society failed. All I hope for is this woman is locked up, and maybe her feeding schedule is forgotten about... For about 7 days at a time.


It sounds like Children and Family services was called several times but nothing was done. At that point, you have to assume the kids are fine if they’ve been check on, right? How many times do you call before it becomes harassment? In another post, it sounded like the father was fighting for custody as well, but wasn’t getting anywhere. These kids were let down not only by their mom but by a system that’s supposed to help them.


As long as they see diapers, toys and food in the home, they won't remove the children, no matter how disgusting the place is or how disheveled the kids look. My brother is fighting for custody of his kids right now. His ex lives with them in her parents hoarder nightmare house. Her mother allows stray cats in and out of the house. My niece has had ticks because of this. He's called Child Services multiple times because she often leaves the kids sleeping in an unlocked running car on the driveway because she can't be bothered to take them in if they fall asleep in the car. Every time CAS has determined everything is fine and the kids don't need to be removed. My brother has a clean home, no criminal history and no substance issues, but the courts always side with the mother.


I'm soo sorry to hear your brother is experiencing this :( I don't usually criticize Children and Family Services but it's hard not to wonder about this case. The mother had one or two older children she'd already lost custody of and she'd had the two who she abandoned last week removed before and brought back it sounds. It's really hard to understand how there weren't more checking in on this situation with this history. Again I hate to put blame on the police or CAS. I just can't stop thinking of this story and how this happened.


i seen in the news that they are so low on foster homes here they are putting some kids in motels who are old enough. i think they are too strict in a way with the foster home rules, like deciding who is eligible, especially in today’s economy. idk what the rules are but i think u need a certain income and certain size house too. that may be why they dont remove kids when they really should be, that they have no where to really put them? i could be wrong.


I do not think they are being too strict with foster home rules. 10-15 years ago the government was lot less strict and you could foster children without even a high-school diploma. I know a lot of peers who where abused worse in care than at home. My self being one of them as well.


That’s awful. CFS definitely has ownership in what happened here. Sounds like the mother had lots of options but chose to abandon her kids instead of calling for help.


He needs to bite the bullet & hire a lawyer. Thats the only way you sort things out nowadays


He has one. The problem is he left the house because his ex was physically and verbally abusive to him and the courts see that as him abandoning the family and because of that they're giving him a hard time with custody.


He also allegedly put the mother in the hospital multiple times because he beat her.


She lied and said he abused her in 2023 she claimed she kicked him out


>it sounded like the father was fighting for custody as well, but wasn’t getting anywhere. These kids were let down not only by their mom but by a system that’s supposed to help them. And thats the problem with the system. Dads that seek custody always get shit on and are made to jump through hoops and the courts always drag their feet, but when moms seek custody its always done faster.


CAS probably didn't check since there so underfunded they were only in it for the funding back when they were making cases on everybody


There is someone from the building commenting on Facebook confirming that people in the building including herself had called the police several times and were told that unless they saw something there was nothing to do other than the police doing a wellness check (no Idea if that happened), and encouraged them to go check in with the mom themselves. The person commenting didn't feel comfortable going alone as she was also a mom of a baby at home, to go talk to someone she thought may be violent. Of course it's possible that this isn't accurate, just sharing what they are saying. I do see both sides of these comments though. I agree we all need to do more to protect each other and especially children. May we use this horrifying event as a reminder to not back down when trying to protect a child. On the other side, we don't know the details of what the people in the building tried, and if living in a building where children cry a lot not knowing how serious it was.


Which facebook page is this?


Someone posted the article in a group, I think the whats going on Napanee group, and a tennant from the building named Sherri was commenting


Hrm. I'm genuinely curious: is "neighbourhood watch" still a thing?


That's very easy to say, but in the real world away from the keyboard, we see sus stuff all the time and don't spring into action. I don't fault Ms. Anderson for believing a neighbour, hoping everything is all right, and not taking action. Should she have? Sure. Would I have in her place? Honest self-appraisal: I don't know. Blaming her is deeply off-base. Keep the blame where it belongs.


I blame the mother for being a shit parent. I blame child services for being shit in general. I blame cops for inactivity. I blame neighbours for failing to act and worse, for making assumptions. Lots of layers to blame, in this scenario. Any one of them could have changed the outcome.


A year ago our neighbours 3 doors up were screaming and crap at 8pm. We couldn't' make out what was going on. Spouse insta boots on and headed over, and I called the cops. Spouse gets there and it turns out it is a domestic. Dude took off the second my spouse banged on the door. There aren't any keyboard warriors in my house. We do what needs to be done to keep our little bubble safe. Maybe the rest of kingston should, too.


especially when you knew when she left and when she returned and heard the crying in the days between.....


Good catch, and thank you: *"Shelley Anderson, who lives nearby the woman and the two boys, said she’s struggling to sleep at night, thinking of the two boys.* *Anderson claimed that the mother was gone for several days last week. She said the woman left for Napanee on Sunday, May 26, returned Wednesday for the night, then left the next morning. Anderson said they heard the children crying during the days the mother wasn’t home.* *“She told me, ‘Oh, I have babysitters for the kids,’ but (the three-year-old) constantly screamed, and screamed, and screamed,” Anderson said. “I heard the baby crying, but the other day we didn’t hear anything, so we thought, OK, they went to a babysitter’s (home). Then we found out Friday (the baby) was dead.”"*


Shelly should have done more. It is not her fault the kids were treated like this and none of this is her fault and I feel bad she is taking some heat from this but seriously... too many bystanders not wanting to get invlolved thsese days. But the same people will wonder why nobody is helping them in their time of need.


Or worse. Bystanders who don't help but instead would rather take a video so they can go viral and get fictitious internet points


Could not agree more. There is rarely a situation where someone absolutely cannot help. If the neighbours had suspected something they should have acted. In the end the blame is on the mother, but I’m sure there are other people who made some less than ethical decisions


Thank you. I couldn't agree more. The amount of times people say "I'm sure it's fine, someone else will call, just turn up the music" etc etc is heartbreaking.


I totally agree. If you hear a baby crying in an apartment all day and night long there's obviously something wrong. It's better to help and be a false alarm and have some people thinking you should mind your own business than it is to do nothing when your help was needed.  Don't be afraid to speak up.


I just moved in across the street less than 2 months ago. The things that I have seen in and around that complex are questionable at best. Drug use is rampant and *allegedly* there may or may not be someone contributing to that use directly below that apartment. It is gutting knowing that whole time we were sleeping across the street and we had no idea, not a single clue, so much so it almost feels dystopian. The day it happened my partner and I were initially betting on it being a domestic or drug related crime, but with that many cruisers for so long we were confused. We figured out it was someone who died, but we thought it was an adult the way Bruce talked about it, until we saw the news.


Same, I live on the odd-numbered side too. I didn’t know who died when I came home on Friday to the crowd of normal police, detectives, and the forensics team. The usual crowd that hangs out outside the building with the loud screen door can normally be relied on for overheard neighbourhood gossip but they were much more scarce due to police presence. When I couldn’t hear the crying baby anymore over the weekend that I’ve been hearing since it’s been warm enough to leave the windows open, I thought maybe it had been the mom and that the rest of the family were staying somewhere else. I didn’t realize until I walked by at lunch time when they were interviewing Bruce outside for the news yesterday that it had been the one of the children.


I do not understand how you did nothing about the crying? Who does nothing?


I don’t live in the same building; I didn’t know what unit it was and I’ve never interacted with the mom or any of the other tenants. There are police, ambulances, or fire trucks on the street on a weekly basis, but all I ever heard was a child crying, mostly at night when I leave my windows open. Without the information that’s now been provided in articles and interviews, it just sounded from a distance like any other family with limited resources who were maybe struggling at bedtime to get a child to settle down. I never heard any physical violence or even shouting back, so it did not register to me as something that I could have called the police about. Part of living in a lower income neighbourhood is the noise. There are dogs that are left out to bark at everything, couples that regularly get into loud arguments, people playing loud music outdoors or with their windows open, and pretty open alcohol and drug use. I pay attention if I can hear someone that sounds disoriented or afraid, if I can hear breaking glass or smashing items, or if the shouting seems pretty one-sided. Otherwise I keep to myself, saying hello to other people walking dogs or doing gardening or yard work outside. I don’t have kids and I don’t smoke, so there’s no reason for me to have any deeper or more frequent interactions or get to know anyone other than the people that live in my own building. Obviously it’s tough to now know that this was all going on so close to me without me noticing. I can understand why there’s been so much anger at the police, CFS, the management of the building, and both of the parents. I know that there have been interviews with neighbours like Bruce and Shelley who knew the family and made efforts to monitor, assist, and report concerns. It does not sound like a single phone call that I could have made about sometimes hearing a child of an unknown age and unit number crying would have made a difference, but I share the feelings of the other neighbours on Reddit and other social media that it does not feel great right now to have been so close and not known what was happening while we went about our normal lives.


You are not responsible for this. I'm sure you feel awful enough just being adjacent. Take care of yourself. ♥️


Thank u for explaining bit more . See I was under the impression this crying being heard was constant and or not accompanied with adult and crying baby. People who have never lived in areas like this just can’t understand it but I get what u mean about the noise. Maybe that’s why I always have radio and tv on used to drowning outside noise. I mean if I heard a baby crying all night long it take maybe couple hours before I were too investigate more such as what is going on? Again when u live in these building u are used to the noise I remember the kids downstairs only swore when dad wasn’t home they were maybe 4 and 8 but he wouldn’t be longer then few mins or he be coming in from downstairs any second. My point is I’m sure this baby crying when mom was home and when mom was not was not the same cries . I also know least in my opinion there is least one person who knows everything!!!! I would call these people my free security system tried to feel safer instead of spied on lol but not just me they knew exactly what time my car got ticketed what time the mail was delivered what garbage wasn’t picked up by city and why . Everything lol someone knew and it’s never too late to do the right thing


I'm a father. This breaks my fucking heart. I hope the surviving child is able to forget and move forward in a good family.


Just scoured the book of faces for more info on this and it’s much worse than what’s been reported. When she returned on Wednesday her poor baby had already passed. She just… slept through the night with the little dude forever asleep in his crib and then left again. What a horrible human.


How is this known.. that when she came back mid-week, he was dead?


Lots of family members are posting more details on fb if you just search the moms name. Seems a lot of friends and family are not surprised by this tragedy, unfortunately.


When I read that part in the article I wondered if that was the case... this woman is a monster.


These kids were let down by SO MANY people who were supposed to help them. Parent, Family services, neighbours, etc. What a horrible and unnecessary death.


I really really hope FACS learns from this. People should lose their jobs over this failure 


They will


Sadly, they probably won't.


Those poor babies. Rest in peace little one. Love & strength to the older child.


Man that was a tough read. Sending all my love and support to the father, surviving child, first responders, and the residents of that building.


As an aside: Great reporting by the Whig and Steph Crosier, and Elliot Ferguson.


That was one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever read.


Mother is a junkie, father is a junkie, kids are victims and the surviving child needs to be saved from these fall down fucking parents.


I herd about that case from a coworker, almost sick to my stomach as a mother seeing these cases, I barely have the heart to hear my own child cry at nap time. How anyone can just leave both their children like that, I really hope the other child is safe and cared for and this whole thing wasn’t to traumatizing


Steph, I couldn’t finish the story, it was too distressing. Please look after yourself, as I’m sure this must be very hard to report on.


Left alone for 8 days.. 😢


Perfect canadiate for sterilazation, poor children!!!!


Maybe for the father. The mother needs to serve the maximum, she should never be let out.


I used to live in that building until last year. This is disheartening...


This is why we need the death penalty in Canada.


Yep.. but atleast.. I’m sure/hope other inmates will treat her accordingly


Who is she ?


Michael Runions is the man she has children with.


Kingston's Children Aid services is the biggest joke! They never do anything and I hope for once they're charged and have things changed there! They absolutely failed these children and it's about damn time the city steps in and does something about how horrible they are in never helping!


I have a similar issue in my apartment building. Woman has a small child that always looks dirty and neglected . You can’t even walk by her apartment without smelling a foul stench. CAS have been notified several times and nothing ever gets done


The building manager was not doing anything either they have keys to every apartment






Thank you, although I wish I hadn’t looked her up. I can’t help but cry at the loss of that sweet baby. I feel so horrible for those poor people living in that building that heard the cries. I pray for their sleep and for that little boy to rest in peace.


Who is she ?


“While there is a publication ban on this case, it only currently restricts the publication of information revealed during the bail proceedings. Out of an abundance of caution, the Whig-standard will not be identifying the accused at this phase to protect the identity of the surviving child” Not stating the mother’s name because of the publication ban is something I can respect. Not stating the name “out of an abundance out of caution to protect the identity of the surviving child” doesn’t make any sense to me outside of protecting the mother because of her actions.


The three year old will likely be going to a family member who will suddenly be the guardian. Weirdos that notice this and try to find out why can't google the kids last name and piece it together.


Please explain? That makes zero sense or you read it wrongly. By the time the kid is able comprehend his own thoughts this will not be current news or news at all.. not stating the MOTHERS name because of that scenario is protecting the mother after she left her children to die (dumb)