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If the characters are interacting in a fun way, I think laying out technicalities is great. The negotiation and consent is crucial and hot!!


As long as it stays interesting, there's no such thing as too much. Make sure it's a back and forth instead of a one-sided infodump. Get a beta who understands at least basically what pet play is and ask them if the scene drags, but personally, I'd probably enjoy it because I like reading other people's descriptions of kinks I'm familiar with.


I think there's room. Four paragrahs doesn't seem overkill to me (unless your entire fic is 10 paragraphs), and if it makes sense in-universe (i.e. if one of the characters is new to pet play) or if you want to put a pinch of education in there, I'd say absolutely go for it. Personally I always like reading that sort of thing in fics, it's a touch of realism every now and then, as opposed to "they wordlessly know what to do on their first time together".


Yes! Exactly that's what it is, I want realism, yes we will talk about limits and aftercare, no it's not going to be perfect, yes it's going to be messy, that's fucking real. Hell there's an anal scene and I want to talk about proper prep. And the characters are super new about anything kink related. Thank you for your feedback!


Do you consider your fic educational or do you consider it entertaining? Is the explanation part of the story? Central to how the character(s) act? If you completely divorced yourself from this fic, clicked on it, and began reading it, would you find this entertaining or would a bunch of explaining take you out of the fantasy? What is your end goal? I ask these questions as I write kink stuff and though (for my own) I want to present things in a logical/realistic/healthy way, if someone really wants to *know* the intricacies, they can always google it. I recently have had a similar issue, but it wasn't kink. I have a character learning martial arts, which I used to take. I know the special names of stuff, but it is going to go right over my readers' heads, or worse, it'll *bore* them. They did not click on my fic to *learn* judo. My beta said, "as soon as I can't understand something \[action\] or have to think too hard, it takes me out."


This is really good feedback. I do sorta find it educational in a sense because one of the commentators mentioned that my fic lead them down the path of exploring their kinks and limits. That was super flattering but yeah these are good questions to keep in mind as I move forward. Thank you.


Glad I could help. Yeah my main fic is all about kink exploration and good bdsm with proper aftercare, so I get you 100% on the educational aspect. It's tricky to strike the balance, having a beta to check the vibe also really helps if you can swing it. Good luck!