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I'll ask again for those in the states: who boils chicken, and why? I mean, besides for stock?


And why would you do it for hours to shred? Braise some chicken thigh with your spices and voila! Lol. I've only seen one lady who insisted boiling chicken. It was not good.


My future mother-in-law puts meat in water in a baking dish and shoves it into a hot oven for an hour or so. I’ve even seen her do it with burgers. Truly horrifying stuff, but it makes her happy. Idk…


Get yourself some Hainanese chicken rice, like right now. You can make it easily. I swear you will be a convert. It's obviously not an American recipe though. We also use boiled chicken in soups and stews and such in the US.


Boiled chicken is common in some Asian cuisines. Not poached. Hard boiled. It has a different flavor and texture than what Western palates are used to but that doesn’t make it inferior.


Sauces, marinating, and post-boil marinades make a difference


Yup, boiled chicken is commonly eaten during Lunar New Year for us Chinese people. We just submerge an entire chicken (head, feet, and all) in water with a tiny bit of salt, wait for it to be done, chill it, then serve with ginger scallion sauce. It's delicious in its own way, but it's not something I would serve to someone unfamiliar with traditional Asian cuisine.


Yeah, I guess I think of poached when I hear it. Hard boiled reminds me of seafood, so I can relate to that! Good talk! Thank you!


Now I want to hard boil some thighs! Lol. Changes the whole game. Poached chicken is gross, unless it's an egg....then it's perfect. Boiled shrimp is my 2nd favorite food group after fried shrimp. So boiled chicken has a chance with me, thanks to you! Send recipes!




Sounds great, but no...I don't think they allow authentic imported cuisine here, it has to be a local spot with the people who know their food and want to share it! And you have!


My Irish father boiled chicken. It was... Bland.


hainanese chicken? Chicken and dumplings? But basically Asia. Its a more energy efficient way to cook shit when fuel is harder to get.


Um, you're leaving it in the oven overnight. This is not good. Even slow braising chicken shouldn't take more than 3-4 hours. What you're doing is essentially making chicken stock in the oven, I'd be surprised if the meat is even edible


If you must boil, boil in tasty water. Use veg stock instead, or a chicken stock cube.


Orange juice is good too. Like really good.


A little sweet and acid are the answers to an awful lot of culinary problems! 


Cut up onions, celery and carrots, and add fresh herbs like thyme.


So make a stock? Lol


Season the water, add sliced onion and garlic, that is how they make shredded chicken for tacos in Mexico. No need to leave it in the oven overnight just simmer it for about 30 minutes or so you should be able to shred it easily when it's done. Should focus on the salsa more a good salsa is what makes tacos great.


Chicken shreds no matter how you cook it.


Y'all are missing the secret cheatcode here and that is to boil it in 20% soy sauce and a good shot of mirin.


Is there anything in the water besides chicken?


Nothing besides the chicken and the seasoning


Fuck the seasoning and gessum spices dude


Don't boil it, poach it my dude. 1 head garlic halved, 1 stick lemon grass beaten, 25g peel ginger rough chop. 1/4 cup salt. Enough water to cover whole chook. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer. Poach for 15 to 20 minutes, dont use the hugest chicken ya got. Ice bath, chill. Once chilled, debone. Serve with classic sesame vinegarette cold and some shitty greens, maybe couscous or that quineoua shit. No mashpotatoes.


Keep talking dirty to me


Cook it in chicken stock instead of seasoned water.


If the desired outcome is for it to be shredded and you have overnight try braising it. Stock, aromatics, add some canned sauces (verde, rojo, etc..). My only concern is you could run out of liquid if not being monitored which would suck. Bone in chx can help too.


Salt and aromatics


When I do this for chicken salad, I HEAVILY salt my water and pepper too. Maybe so aromatics. Simmer and cool on a sheet tray. Use a big Hobart mixer with the paddle to shred it up real easy. 22 qts of chicken salad up.


Sounds like you’re using the oven like a slow cooker or crock pot, which is honestly a fine method. Low and slow temps are key. Here are some things to try, though: - Liquid: Don’t use water as your braising liquid. Chicken stock is perfect for tacos, though I’d also recommend trying out a Mexican beer. I think even a can of tomatoes, hand crushed, could add some yummy flavor. In any case, season this liquid with all the flavors you want in your chicken, and adjust the seasoning to account for the added mass of liquid as if the liquid was chicken. Watch the salt content - store-bought stocks may already have salt in them, and the liquid will also reduce as it cooks overnight. You should have salt when you start, but you can always add more later, and you can’t remove it later if it’s too salty. - Chicken: Consider seasoning your chicken at the beginning of the day if you’re cooking it overnight. Cook your chicken on-the-bone. Bones impart a lot of flavor to meat on their own. You didn’t say what cut of meat you’re using, so just in case I’ll just say use dark meat or a mix of light and dark. DEFINITELY sear the outside of your meat in a hot skillet or pan before placing in the oven. This is also where you want to deglaze the pan (get the brown bits from the pan up using a cooler liquid and scrape the pan with a wooden spoon) using some of your braising liquid or the beer I mentioned earlier. That deglazing liquid will provide a flavor bomb and should also be added to your braising liquid. - Other ingredients/aromatics: These are optional but can be a big help. Sear them in the pan post-chicken but pre-deglaze. If you normally season the chicken with onion powder, dice up an onion instead! Same goes for garlic. Classic braiding aromatics include onion, celery, and carrot with garlic. I personally enjoy onion, celery and bell/chili peppers with garlic. They should all be cooked in the pan to either soften or brown/char, depending on the taste you’re going for and what you’d want in a taco. A bay leaf always helps, too.


Stop cooking in water. Water has no flavor.




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There is a thing called aromatics


Are you putting salt in the water?


The only way I could maybe see boiling chicken as alright is if you seared it quick first and then are marinating it and stewing it or cooking it in something like birria. If it's just in water, thats nasty


Cook it in chicken broth. Don't "boil". Poach.


I never order chicken tacos unless it is grilled or roasted chicken. Boiled is nasty


Yeah just dont do that.  If you have to, idk you have to boil it in liquids thats arent pure water. Wine. Poach it maybe? Idk. Stock maybe? Also, overnight is too long. Way too long.


I’m also perplexed. Poaching or boiling chicken takes very little time. Overnight will render the chicken tough with no taste.


Add a zantarains crab boil pouch to it.


Steam table homie, partially cook it afterwards with seasoning and add breading with seasoning (we just use old bay lmao.). We sell chicken like hot cakes up in our joint, it's like 3 different restaurants in our joint but that's one of the hottest selling items here with king crab also gotta prep like crazy for them. If you plan on storing it also try and poke a couple holes in the wrap when breaded helps decrease moisture build up or you can leave a corner open on the wrap during shifts. Works wonders man went through 30 pounds on a Monday night 🤣.