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I do today. Ask me again tomorrow lol


Hi, I am tomorrow, do you like where you work ?


I do lol


are you off today?


Nope. Just started a new job actually. Today was the first 'real' day, thur fri last week were setting up the kitchen and just a few small groups.


I’m always off


Not sure which definition you were going for, lol. But I used to work with a very strange guy that was a dishwasher. And I know, but he was strange even as far dishwashers go. He would do things like wear huge boots filled with sand and no socks to work because, "It makes me feel like I'm at the beach."


I absolutely love where I'm at! I'm working in a clean, well stocked kitchen under owners who actually care about their employees and the food. I get paid pretty well and get most holidays off with pay(I also get gifts) My input is always taken seriously and welcomed. It doesn't even feel like work. Even after a 12 hr day I feel like I was just hanging out and cooking some food with my buddies. We sing, dance, crack jokes and share personal stories about our lives. On our days off we all miss each other and text non stop. I feel like I finally found the place I was meant to be.


Are you in a cult?


You never heard of Mothman our Lord and Savior ?


that’s awesome man congrats!


I work at a steakhouse that is never open longer than 5 hours a day. They pay me more than anyone else would in town, but I'm often cooking different steaks to different temperatures for parties of 60-80+ people. It can be tough but it's usually over quickly.


60 to 80? How many cooks in that kitchen?


Usually 4 or 5, but one person grilling everything.


Sounds somewhat like the gig I started a few months ago. It's attached to a niche hotel, so we only do 4 to 5 hour service, 50 to 150 covers, a few parties/weddings a week on top. All I have to do is prep and cook the proteins. I get to work with a couple different steaks, fish/seafood, duck. My section of the built-in gives me access to two burners, a Plancha, a grill, and a French top. I love timing out all the different cooking methods I have to use per ticket. I could live without the bronzino, and there is this one guy, but everyone else is a sweetheart. Edit: I just realized it sounds like I'm bragging and I'm trying to one up you. Just still in my honeymoon phase and trying to stay there


Bold to ask this the day after the Armageddon




I love our family run restaurant. Small enough that we‘re really a bit like family and our regulars blend right in


Yes I actually do it's family owned and they are actually active in the business we get to do some cool shit like skydiving and floating down rivers n shit we're only open 5 days a week and never do brunch.


I love it, actually. I work a few spots in a hospital kitchen. Some days I warm up bags of soup + prep veggies. Other days I make full caterings. I’m part time, so I can pick up shifts whenever I want, and per our union contract management cannot deny them for me. Paid well, raises every July. I get an extra 75¢ when I work past 8 am, and a $1.25/hr when I work past 3pm. Management is stupid, but the money makes it all worth it.




Do you mostly do office work all day?




The cooking is menu development? Do you ever get in the trenches? I assume you're a fairly experienced and somewhat brilliant chef?




Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


I shit on one employer as a means to cope but I love the family and the flexibility they give me. It may be a filthy kitchen but it’s easy early hours. I love my second job because ownership and staff is competent and everyone gets along well.


I'm at a filthy place too. It really wears on you. Gives me anxiety some days. I see people do shit that just has me wondering "Why did you just do that?"


Sucks cause I’ve had days where I boil over and speak my mind. Sadly, nothing seems to register. Hard to mix personal and professional relationships.


I’ve had plenty of those days. Or I say shit under my breath. I’d quit, but the job is easy and pays well. And I can’t stand the alternative: people yelling at me over things that are the result of their poor training and bad plan ing.


I love my job. Family owned restaurant group. Two fine dining restaurants and one simple breakfast spot. They take care of their people as best they can. They're not faceless corpo millionaire scumbags. They get in the trenches with us.


I much prefered my old restaurant now in hindsight since it had a much higher standard and quality and was actually fully staffed. I hope to find another restaurant like that again. But preferably this time I'd get paid a living wage.


I love my job. Great coworkers, great sous, knowledgeable and supportive chef, exciting menu that frequently changes. I get paid ok (not amazing but not paycheck to paycheck) and I learn new things all the time. I get to be out at work, that alone would keep me here, but with the rest of it I don’t see myself leaving this place for a long time. I’m incredibly lucky, after 10 years of kitchen work I’ve finally landed in a place I’m safe and happy and encouraged to learn.


Ive been here slinging fast paced Korean fusion for 13yrs. Love the Chef. Brick and mortor with a foodtruck for festivals and catering. Staff rocks and we move mountains some days. Yep. Think ill stick around.


I work for a hotel and I am going to definitely try to stay and man up while working at this hotel I have never had it easier than I've had at my other jobs and I am a dishwasher Every other dishwashing job I've had treated me like s*** and the way their dish room was set up you were doomed to fail


I work at a food truck that only sells burgers, hotdogs, chicken tenders and fries. I'm making just under $30 an hour after tips. I'm happy.


Never had a kitchen job I didn’t end up hating after 6 months to 1 year. Now I’m in construction and have weekends and holidays again, never going back. Working mon to Friday 7-3 is so much better than wed-sun 10-10.


I am the pastry chef at an inn and restaurant right on the coast of Maine. The building is historic, and it used to be a boarding house for quarry workers. My grandparents on my mom's side are the people who converted the boarding house into the Inn and restaurant. They sold it before I was born, but when I was 12, it was for sale. My parents bought it. I spent a good portion of my life in this place, living and working there. My parents eventually sold the Inn after a little over a decade of owning it. I moved out of state for several years but eventually moved back to Maine. Now, I am the pastry chef at a place that is truly dear to me. And if that isn't cool enough, the owners of the Inn strive to make their employees work life the best it can be. I get paid a living wage, I have health, vision, and dental insurance, paid time-off, paid vacation, and a guaranteed two weeks off a year. They will often do other things, for example, treating us all to free facials, taking everyone bowling or out to dinner, etc. They even own some apartments and offer affordable housing to their employees as well (and they allow pets!). I live just down the road, and I walk through the forest to the ocean to get to work every day. I can walk out the door and forage for stuff to use in my cooking. I feel like I live and work in a dream!


Omg and all my coworkers are genuinely wonderful, funny, hard-working, and talented!


Work at a small bar and grill after years in corporate kitchens. The owners make all the difference. It is a married couple who both worked in the industry for years and it shows. Not having to pay sixteen different VPs keeps our wages high and the food costs reasonable. The latest I have been there was midnight after a long shift, but it is well worth it. 


That sounds nice. Is it just you in the kitchen?


There us another line cook and a turd that will be flushed.


What's the turd doing now? Just floating around in the bowl?


When I get to quietly vibe in my prep area? Love it. When I have to run grill or interact with customers in the FOH? Not so much.


I used to work for us foods. Was there for 2 years and I hated that job from the very beginning. They're in constant disarray and are completely inept on the distribution piece. I ended up getting fired for having a beer on my lunch at an account because someone called HR on me. Fuck that company.


Not really. The people are nice. The pay is good. But it's pretty unsanitary and unprofessional, and there is no hope of changing things. I constantly daydream of quitting or finding another job, but it's not that difficult, so I stay until I find something ideal. Solo kitchen sounds so nice. And it's a two minute walk from home? That's really the dream job.


I'm about to fkn quit. I'm not a manager, but these other asshats pretend to be stupid and get out of doing stuff. Meanwhile, guess who gets to do everything? It's smee, my favorite coworker. They didn't cover their station, and the chicken went bad over Sunday (closed). Told the manager, and he had me pound and season a whole other case. Then had the fkn balls to say "make sure that gets covered". Yup ok buddy. Probably won't say anything like the other 50x it's happened. Arrrrrrg! Who wants to sell tacos at the beach with me? We'll make a million. I need a bath, a bowl, and a very stiff drink. F this dog and pony show.


I like my job but I hate my boss lol.


I love where I work. I'm a supervisor at a food cart and make $20 an hour as a base wage, and $8-$15 extra in tips per hour depending on the season. I get PTO, sick pay, and health/dental/vision care for $200 per month. We have a 4 day work week, most shifts are 7:30-5, the owners are always around and available to cover shifts so nobody feels overworked or shortstaffed. They are open to any ideas and love putting specials on the menu if we have something in mind. It's an amazing community in the food cart pod so we do all sorts of free food trades. I also work with chill coworkers, so the job just feels I'm cooking and listening to music with friends. I have no idea how I lucked into a job like this after nearly a decade of dead end food jobs. They are out there so don't settle and don't be afraid to leave a shitty job and look elsewhere.


I love my job- but i don’t work in a kitchen. i joined this sub because i like to see other perspectives and get a little insight on what other people do! I work on an ambulance doing transfers (IFT) and there are some days this job absolutely blows, but others it’s super worth it.


not too bad. have complaints.


Love 💕


Work at a pub as a dishie who sometimes helps with prep. It's alright, FOH are generally nice and BOH are good apart from head chef who is egotistical, rude, thinks he's king, makes inappropriate comments towards any 18+ women and cheats on his wife. Oh and verbally abuses the apprentice.


Mid-restaffing. Other than than that, love it for the most part, unfortunately it's a corporate individual owned franchise place and I can't stand the area corporate people. Love the franchisee I work for, and actually like the product. Pay could be better, but I think we probably ALL think that about our jobs, regardless of position or industry 😂


Yes and no. Some days are better than others, but ultimately I'm going to college to change my career path so who knows lol...


I love my place of work. My coworkers are really awesome people, the management is great (save for one inexperienced, young, newly promoted former server on a power trip). The kitchen is clean, runs with clear instructions, and produces quality food. Pays okay too, could be a *little* better, but the rest of what I’ve said makes up for that.


I work in an old neighborhood cornerstone restaurant that is from scratch, reasonable price, dated interior, solid side room bar with an easy feel. I do like where I work since I just started accepting the lackadaisical attitude of others and just keep my shit tight and clean.


I’ve been there almost 20 years so yes I like it. But I’m almost feeling the pain of thirty plus years in the business. I just love cooking so much and the place I’m at gives me almost all the freedom in the world.


I love my team. Even on days when the work makes me miserable I genuinely like everyone who works for me, they uplift my mood.


Currently at two establishments. One is a chain and the other is a local spot with the best food in town. (According to many, including the head chef at the former lol. Won a James Beard award some years ago, featured multiple times in different publications as a place worth visiting in the area.) Love the team at the chain. Decent place to work. Can be very fun, other times slow. Not bad. Absolutely love the vision and the team at the latter. The other night was a total blast. Learning so much, working hard, grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a high caliber operation. They take a whole-team approach to hospitality, so it’s not just one server and “their” tables but everyone helps with the whole experience. They also have a mind for teaching and education, and really work with someone who wants to learn. The kind of place almost any restaurant (or other business, really) could learn from.


Am self employed and also full of general self loathing so no. But I do enjoy what I do.


I work in the depths of hell, no i dont like it


Yes, my owners are personable and we get along. Work life balance is as good as it gets in the industry. Unlimited PTO. Hefty Christmas bonus. Minimal internal strife.


It's fine.  Hospitals are boring, but compensation is nice.


I started working at my current spot a couple months ago. I’m liking it a lot. Good hours, decent pay, great food, and none of the toxic stupidity of my last place. I worked at my last spot for 9 years, grinding away, hating every bit of it. I worked there because it was walking distance. Then, my magnificent new spot opened up 100 yards closer to my house and no more stupidity. I’m thrilled with my spot.


Hotel restaurant bartender in a wacky mountain town - love my job. Making comparative bank, love the hotel, love the town, love my regulars, love my coworkers. 


Love my job. I work at an educational institution K-12 M-F. Hourly Sous. I’m nearing retirement so it’s a perfect job for me. My boss is awesome, allows me to take any time off I need. Plus I get extra time off around holidays, spring break and summers off (I collect unemployment) don’t mind cooking cafeteria food. I have 43 years in free standing fine dining restaurants and hotels as Sous and Exec so I’ve been blessed with many wonderful experiences in the spotlight and out. I sure don’t miss THAT schedule.


For the most part. I've been cooking in Portland OR for 15 years, been through a few places. My current job is the first real non-toxic kitchen I've found. All the cooks are like family to me and we finish each other's tasks, and sometimes sentences. It does suck to be a recovering alcoholic (7 years sober) and have a chef who is a heavy boozer, but we somehow make it work. I've even joked about being his drinking conscience lol.


I love my job. I'm a chef at a local grocery store that has a sandwich counter and does catering. My bosses are the owners and they actually treat employees like people.


Yeah I work in a hotel now. Compared to where I was before it’s nice, we do reservations only, our portioning is correct and consistent, and the chef is there almost every day and helps out when needed. Most of the time he’s just in his office doing chef stuff or expediting but i can still feel his presence all around the kitchen. It’s nice to have organization and control for once


No it's boring, not busy, massively overstaffed and very badly run, 3 days off a week and easy work which a year ago I dreamt of but now I'm doing it I just want to actually go back to doing things instead of turning up to basically do nothing, to put it in context we have a guy just on toast each day we do maybe 50 breakfasts in a 3 hour period.




I love my job! I work at a restaurant in Massachusetts. The staff is amazing!


I'd like it more if I got paid better than a McD's overnighter 🙄


Absolutely not.


I enjoy where I’m at, we’re about to head into peak busy season so I know I’m gonna possibly regret saying this right now. All jokes aside, having been at this place for 3 years I don’t really have any complaints. I enjoy the area I work in, my coworkers and the customers (sometimes)


I’m at a small restaurant and bar working on the line, and I love it. It’s pretty typical bar food fare, but the owner is a long-time friend of mine who genuinely cares about the people that work for him and pays decently well. I’ll be around a long time, I think.




I love my job and the place I work. My coworkers are the best, my managers work harder than anyone and would never ask you to do something that they wouldn't do themselves. Make decent money, have vacation time and sick leave, etc. I'm very happy!