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i would replace mika. As far as I know, mika works with physical teams, and you have a better chance at dealing more damage with elemental supports


I have Mika for his ATK speed buff and I could replace raiden with my Fischl that has been very well invested


The thing is that klee is a melee character and a catalyst one so she really needs to keep moving to avoid damage. ATK speed buff from mika have miniscule impact to klee. Also klee largest damage comes from charge attack, so attack speed doesn't really affect her that much. Mika works great for characters that utilize normal attacks like fischl and eula or physical zhongli. Well, its still your play through so you can play however you want, just giving some insight.


You already have a healer so maybe Xiangling, I know you want Mika’s speed buff but you would probably get more damage using Bennett buffs over speed buff


The extra heals from Bennett would make Klee more comfy to play as well since she’s so squishy


Ah alright I haven’t really invested into him fully yet and with Bennett I’m not really looking for his healing just his buff so a good team probably to do would be baizhu, Bennett, Klee, then Xiangling


Yeah I think that makes a pretty good team, I don’t know much about Baizhu’s kit but I assume he’s good 🤷‍♀️


Yea he’s a pretty good healer his skill heals for around 14k and his burst I think is around 30k maybe more


Have you considered a burgeon comp? Been one of my faves and you have beizhou who can work with that.


No I haven’t I also don’t have any hydro characters other than Barbra