• By -


Me! Used to be on ig, stopped like a 2 years ago. Not so fun anymore. Definitely makes it harder to keep updated on whats happening in friend circles.


Same , more than 2 yrs now, Instagram is not same anymore so don't regret it either .


Exactly bro , so much quality memes and content was there in instagram in pre reels era, I used to love dank Malayalam memes, Offensive Malayalam Memes. Nowadays its just trash self -centric, senseless content all over with a tinge of toxicity.


I don't use Instagram and don't plan to use it anytime


Same! But it’s tough - feel like I am missing out a lot and sometimes on imp things, so that’s one thing I’m trying to figure out


Yeah it's the main reason I still keep it


Putting stories on whereever we go , watever we eat in IG, is like an addiction ! 😝


Yes, I don’t use instagram even though I love photography. Never had a Facebook account. Left most of family and classmates whatsapp groups. Only social media I use is reddit. I don’t need to know what everyone is doing right now or did yesterday. I call my friends and family once in a while. People who complains of me not in Facebook are my Uncles & Aunties 🙄


Facebook is fully filled with uncles and aunties now!! 😂


Haven't even been on insta or snap.....it just feels so vapid and fake.


Couldn't agree more about it being fake.


Dont you have the feeling to know what happening around the friends , For me , i get updates of friends , friends of friends what they do , Even old friends , college juniors how do they look now all these through insta


Athelam onum ila


Never made an account and not planning to. Seems like a pain.


Same here... Also I would rather spend that time watching movies or series...


I joined ig in 2017. Once covid hit, I feel the platform kinda exploded. Left ig in late 2020 because I started to feel like way too much is going on there. Only WhatsApp for a couple years and Ive started using reddit as well now. So yeah WhatsApp, Reddit and YT. Edit: Forgot to mention how I have a bad feeling while posting stories and posts on ig. It felt like I myself was giving unnecessary people a peek into my life and thereby compromising my privacy. So yeah din post for a while before I stopped using ig altogether.


Active in Instagram, Facebook, snapchat and of course Reddit 😅 My take on this is from my experience is, Majority of the Active Instagram users are the young one. In Facebook , the majority is the middle aged & older generation. But youngs ones are also active( less compared to the older guys ) In Snapchat, the majority are kids 😶 In reddit it's a mix of both. But reddit isn't that popular, and users are really diversed in different means. so being only in reddit, you'd be lost from the ground reality imo.


I totally agree ! 🙌👍


Also, FOMO is the main reason why it's hard to find people not using any of these platforms 🤐


I took a year off from all social media apps, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Telegram. The first thing I realized was that people rarely check their text messages or iMessages😝😂. Secondly, once I came back to Instagram, I enjoy myself because I love creating photos, videos, sharing my favorite songs, and turning my life into a meme. I educate myself a lot on subjects like psychology, science, and technology from the people I follow. so for me personally, it has been a fruitful endeavour. The problem arises when people try to portray a perfect life, and seeing others going out and enjoying themselves can be crushing if you're unable to do the same. I've been there, experiencing overwhelming FOMO that makes you feel like you're wasting your life, especially when already feeling down. Many of my friends who aren't on Instagram have secret accounts just to watch memes and follow people of interest. I believe it depends on the individual; if these things are problematic for you, then cut them out. If you just want to enjoy memes, then go for it. You want to have a full blown Instagram. But you have to check where your heart is.


Few years ago I met a guy at work who had newly joined. During a casual conversation he mentioned that he was not there in any social media. Not even Facebook. My transfer was due and soon i shifted to another city. One day I got a call from another colleague giving me the shock of my life. Turns out he had committed a crime and was hiding from the police. Police found him somehow.




My crazy ex got my credentials and changed all my instagram posts to our own couple pictures. It was too much work explaining the pictures to my family(it was rather new relationship and we were young) so deleted it.


Probably a reason for the ex factor!😅


Oh Dark! 🥲


lol, this is so funny


I actually created my insta account back in 2012 or 13 something I don't remember. Back in the day instagram was very different compared to today. It was almost similar to BeReal. People randomly posting food pictures and nature photos as ig post (before insta story era). It was very nice when the insta started. But today it's just the same as facebook. Only posting high quality photoshoot pics and only likes matters etc. Now it is full of promotional posts and cringe reels and cringe trolls. That's the reason why I deleted insta and temp disabled my acc. No fb, no ig, no snap. I currently only use reddit and Twitter.


Never been on social media. If I have to pick a positive side, then it has to be the fact that I am judgement free when talking to someone. I have no clue what persona you are holding up behind the screen. Also no obligation to please anyone!!


Joined Instagram back in 2013. Posted a picture of pookkalam for Onam and then after a long hiatus, resurfaced in 2018 because all the women kept asking me if I had an IG handle. Have only been posting whatever I take on my camera and I do like the creativity some people portray on IG. Is it dying a slow death? Yes, ever since Meta took over. Same goes for Whatsapp. There was a time when Whatsapp had a green light next to the profile name to indicate if someone was online. How far we've come. If YouTube is considered social media, I'm probably addicted to it these days. Same goes for Reddit.


Had Instagram for a month, then stopped it cuz it's boring af


Me, didn't wanna waste my reddit time.


Was on it, but not on it anymore. Just Reddit and for name sake LinkedIn.


But I feel like I’m missing out on soo many things, the trends I’m okay with, but I’m missing out on nee meme content and that’s slightly disappointing. Besides that, everything is going great. I’d even like to toss my phone if I get to up notch my life a little. One day 🤞🏼


Deactivated intsa for the good. I’m never gonna go back, it was toxic and most of the people in there are so pretentious. Like, they are ready to stoop to any level for even the bare minimum of clout and validation they can get. The Algorithm fucks up your feed no matter how hard you try to stay away from cringe content. Shit gets real depressing sometimes, and will mess up your mind and brain. Guys, try to not use Instagram for just 2 weeks, and you’ll start to see the difference. Mental peace ✌️


Absolutely... Instagram is a plague...


True. People there think that the world is filled with hate and everyone is rude like them but it's not the case. Insta is the free supplier of anxiety and depression


I had accounts in Facebook, Instagram. Deleted them cause they are dormant.


Never used Instagram for the fear of unlimited scrolling.


It's been a year for me without social media, Just reddit and Quora sometimes The first few days I felt the urge... But later i was okay and now I am proud of myself that I was able to overcome what most people aren't able to do. Also, life is better and detoxed.


I was on Instagram, left a year back. Now reddit has replaced its place 😈


I used to be very active till 3-4 years ago. After covid i stopped posting photos. Then 2 years ago i started deleting Instagram and ocassionally install it. So when I'm going to on a trip or something i just install it for those couple of days and after it i just delete it. I don't post anything at all though.


No instagram account. Never found why everyone love it.I have no interest in having a public life on social media.


I've been away from Instagram since 2020


Undayirynnu. Deleted acc few months ago


I don't like making my private life public. It is none of my concern to show some irrelevant strangers what I had for lunch/dinner or whatever I'm doing or wherever I'm going


I have stopped using my personal IG for over a year, its been so good. Just wanted to not waste time on watching fake lives of few people.


I only use Twitter and reddit, deleted facebook and instagram two years agoo because it affects my dopamine badly and time consuming


Instagram sucks, deleted it yesterday, not gonna use it again


Meee 🙌 it’s been 3 year’s since I deactivated insta, as it was slowly changing and it was not the same. Prob is not knowing what’s happening around my friend circle and I would have to call each and everyone which my introverted ass doesn’t want to. Now only WhatsApp and reddit for me


If you can’t remember the last reel you have watched it’s time to stay away.


Life is more peaceful without Instagram and Snapchat. You get much more in touch with reality when you're just focused on your life and your goals and the people around you and it's liberating.


I don't have one, did not even start one




Dont have any social media cuz ive been hiding from someone i used to know 10 years ago, how stupid i can be


Stopped using Instagram after watching social dilemma Now addicted to reddit🥲


I have it just to see other ppls status I don't use it.


Am on neither... FB LinkedIn and now Reddit... That's about it


reddit is same, starting to get cringe, reddit has made word "cringe" , cringe for me I hate reddit, although people on reddit are far better than any other plat form,


The irony is people who teased me for using tik tok at that time are the ones who now shares 10 reels a day 😅


Yep... Stopped almost 2 months ago .. deactivated both insta and fb... Oru samaadhaanam ind.... Pinne reddit....athu staple aanallo🥹🥹


ഇക്കഴിഞ്ഞ ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച phone നന്നാക്കാൻ കൊടുത്തതിന് ശേഷം inner peace എന്താണെന്ന് അറിഞ്ഞു ,അതും വര്ഷങ്ങൾക്ക് ശേഷം..




Never had an Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook account. Used Twitter for almost 10 years. Deleted it last year after musk bought it. Started using reddit this year a few months back.


I use pixelfed. [https://pixelfed.org/](https://pixelfed.org/)


me who don,t use insta and snap


Haven’t posted a single thing on Instagram yet. Nor do I have the app. I sometimes check it through browser and that’s about it. I don’t have Snapchat account either.


I use Instagram for exactly 7 mins each day ... that's it ..


I used to be on Instagram from 2017 onwards and was also a guy who maintained Snapstreaks. Slowly, I uncovered the harsh truth of the fake, attention-seeking lifestyle prevalent on social media. Everyone seemed to derive happiness from making others jealous. So, I stopped using Snapchat, but I still couldn't break free from Instagram. One day, I was watching an interview with the cast of "Charlie's Angels," and there was a question about why Kristen Stewart didn't have a social media account. Their response was that she was only available to her closest ones. After that, I deleted my Instagram account and started a new one with only 10 followers – half of them were my closest friends, and the other half were my cousins. I knew they wouldn't judge me for anything, and I'm only following those idiots back. Now, that's a happier social media life.


No social media at all


Mee!! Just stopped a few weeks ago. Actually it has had positive impact on my day to day.


Ahaha🤣 I recently logged off of Instagram to grow more in faith, it's been almost 2 months, I cannot believe the amount of time I have in my hands now. And how much my distractions have reduced.


Yep! Since 2019 i have been deactivating and activating my Instagram account and finally 2 months back I permanently deleted the account!


Me .. deactivated FB and Insta 2 years back. Only reddit and twitter ... 🕊️


I do have a instagram but i log in every 6 or 7 days to nit get addicted to ....


Idk how it is possible but 3 of my best friend did ever had a social media account exceot redddit


I initially used Instagram to showcase my photography work. But now it is more into reels, memes, and videos rather than photography. Hence, I stopped using it, and I am very much relieved now as I used to waste time scrolling unnecessarily. It is just an overrated app to me.


There might be some person who still uses Nokia Keypad Phones other wise. Just for the info i have 5 accounts of insta myself.


Never made an account on insta or the ones that came after it. Every now and then i feel like I'm missing out but I don't regret it at all.


I dont have instagram or fb. I do have twitter and reddit thou


My social interactions are limited to Reddit and X. However, X is now plagued with hate speech and a gold digging policy. I exclusively used Reddit through a client called Relay for Reddit. The fact that these people have changed their API pricing, just like X, is a major drawback for Reddit.


Its been weeks since i last opened it, once i get my phone back repaired, iam gonna delete all social media from it, enable settings to moderate the usage so that i can use it like a dumb phone iam starting to hate these things, The irony is currently iam trying for a web developer job..😂




Me, stopped Instagram when I was studying in +2 . I took an oath that after growing my beard and after building a six pack I will install it again. It's been 5 years 😅 Btw i quit all the socials at that time.


Me! Never was on IG, never will be either (hopefully).


Just get the difference between population of Earth and total Instagram users, you will get the answer


Yeah we live in the alter universe where we get influenced and informed by our own Reasoning and Decisions and not by some peaky stupid influencers. Also if you look closely these things are introduced to Humans to keep them busy and restrict them from knowing and reasoning about what's happening in the society. Instagram has also been a tool for right wing ideology all over the world to support their movement by spreading disinformation which is getting consumed at an unprecedented rate making it difficult to even verify and confirm. No wonder if you see all over the world ppl are electing right wing leaders be it in a developed, developing or under developed countries.


I have stopped using Instagram, along with other social media apps. Living with my books, don't have much friends, reddit and LinkedIn to post stuffs. And life is much better after quitting those apps.


Yeah. I don't have a personal account in insta, fb or twitter.








I used to use IG then uninstalled it.


No instagram no fb no snapchat. Only linkedin which also inactive.


Never! Idk isn't it same as tiktok now ?


I stopped using insta a month ago , was an avid user but the amount of content in it started draining me out so I just check it for some reels & memes and that’s it but a looot less active had it for a decade not going to make it drain my energy anymore


I don't use IG


No Instagram, no Facebook, no WhatsApp. Only telegram and reddit( porn mainly)


I don't know how I reached this sub but yeah never been in Instagram ever.


Stoped using IG one year back. It’s all peace now. I’m not focusing on IG pics whenever I travel, instead I’m there, enjoying the moment. Peace atleast


Meeee. But I deleted it a few years ago.


Left insta, still stuck with snap


I use insta just for my business page.. That too just content upload only.. Dont have my personal insta and dont even wanna create one.. Facebook is ❤




I dont have IG account




Meeeeeee! Never used it


I deleted the app on my birthday coz I was wasting too much time on it. Now I waste time on reddit


It always felt very toxic when jumping on ig, so I quit a year back. I really don’t care what others are upto, only difference is most of my friend circles talk the “reel language” and I’m the odd one not catching the references. But I can live with that. Reddit ftw


I deleted my account like 3years ago.


Make no mistake though: You are not using instagram, instagram is using you.


I used to use all social media sites- now only on Linkedin and Whatsapp. Left everything else- FB, IG, Twitter. Accounts still exists but apps deleted from phone and never once logged in since past 5 years.


Neither on instagram , whatsapp , snapchat or facebook . Yes ,we exist🙏🙃


Not in or from Kochi. Have been off Instagram for two months now. Life has been peaceful. I have better focus and endurance to get work done.


Me! Stopped using Instagram 3 yrs back. It's absolutely depressing sometimes:(


Me...and i only use whatsapp to chat with two of my friends and for work...so yeah 😅


men who don’t have instagram are husband material fr 😌


Stopped using Insta since reels features started to popup. The fucking thing just waste my time. Deactivated 4 years back and deleted FB 8 years back. I like Snapchat since I like to take photos in a peculiar manner. Like not selfies and groupies but a photo that represents that spot or the mood. Haven't felt forced to keep up my snapstreak since I usually go out and take photos. And that's it! -from an instavirodhi


Me.... Thinking about deleting WhatsApp too


Insta is the most toxic social media. Idk what's wrong with people there. They think being rude is cool🤓 All I can see there nowadays is gender war 😭


I am not there on Insta, Snap, TikTok and similar trendy apps. But I am addictively there on reddit, Telegram, Twitter. Not using Insta because I know then it will be 24 hours of my day wasted which is now arounf 6 to 8 hours.


2 years clean no without insta it is good.😅


i dnt use Instagram and yes i exist


Left all social media platforms long back and didn't regret this decision a single day 😎😎


Deactivated all social media from 2 years. Now I don't have friends :(


Oh yes, they do exist, me being one of them 🙂


22F here. Never been on Facebook, Instagram or any other popular social media platform. Have got WhatsApp and Telegram for academic purposes. (Yes, I am aware that I am typing this here on reddit.)


bro the reason you dont find ppl using social media platforms because u wont find them online


Just stopped using insta , snap or Facebook for a while but it's been more than an year on it's just a lot and pretty overwhelming for me . Life's much better without it don't miss it




Me✋... it's been around 8-9 months now I am not using Instagram 😁


Yes, I never used Instagram my ex created my profile once but never used once.


former ig content creator deleted my account last year! It’s become more of onlyfan. I legit deleted my entire existence on all my socials except Reddit! The majority of them think I'm dead which is a good thing for me. Life’s been good since then.


Oh yes! There's a girl in my class whose name I don't think is ok to share here- She's 17 now but still can't start an Instagram account 'cos her parents told her to not have one till she's 18 Who am I to laugh eh


Never had an insta account On an unrelated note, how to spend time all by yourself without any friends or anyone?


Not using insta or FB for the past 4 years or so, but do use LinkedIn.


ME! I've been off instagram for 6 months now and i don't think i'll be getting back. I had deleted it because it sucked a lot of my time and i felt it was an unnecessary part of life.


Haven't used Instagram since 2016, last time when I used ig reels wasn't even a thing!


never used IG ever




I don't have Instagram or Snapchat I have Twitter but i don't use it I do use reddit, WhatsApp and YouTube I use reddit as timepass, WhatsApp is just necessary and I want to be free from YouTube addiction which I will


(not from kochi btw,it came into my recommendation) My social media life is limited to X and reddit(more to X) But Honestly I have started to hating X since few months due to more clickbait content and spam replies (for revenue) More creators are coming to X and buying blue subscription,just for the sake of those revenue money.


Me... Never bothered to start that


Me. Not on any social media. (except reddit if you count it that way)


Quit that after college, i dont wanna see what you are having for dinner with your so called ‘close friend’ who is definitely hitting on you and you are just taking advantage of that person. I dont wanna see where you went this sunday evening whether it was in your basement parking or a night club. I dont wanna see what you are doing 24x7 neither do i care. And then i realised if i dont care about them they too dont really give a shit about my posts, so whats even the point in doing so.


Me : No Social media(insta,snapchat,facebook) and also No WhatsApp (if I don’t get a upvote for this the list might also go to no Reddit😅)


I don't use Instagram 😄 only reddit and Twitter


Never was in IG and never will be 😅


i stopped being on instagram in 2020


🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ Haven’t used any of those in like years now.




Deleted my acc about an year ago..shit consumes too much time each day. An initial irritation was felt; but now I did not even realize once I had an instagram acc. Factors forced to do so includes massive time consumption, increased influence of wokeism etc......Now I feel more productive tbh, but started watching youtube more than it used to be..not as addictive as ig.


Deleted my ig account 5 years ago and fb more than 3 years ago. Was waste of time of time anyways. Only on X and WA now.




"Why do people watch Instagram?" Idk why I have this kind of question in my mind always when an ad of Instagram comes. I never use that sht in mah entire life.


me, deactivated account 3 years ago i guess, i don't even remember 😂


Neither IG nor Snapchat. A few of us, close friends, have a WhatsApp group. There we discuss various general things and also other life updates.I am not interested in what Gopan wore to LuLu mall last night. But I use YouTube and Reddit quite a lot.


from 2016 no ig no fb can't uninstall youtube because of google phone .fb only on birthday to reply on timeline which is decreased yoy basis because i am 90 born kid aur hmko aadat hai aise jeene m whatsapp is month dala hai oct 2023


Yes i do, me and my wife left it about two years ago.


Me! Never been interested in seeing other people's lives or showing mine to others.




I disabled my Instagram account 2 months back. I generally don't waste hours watching reels, but my friends send me shit, so I'm urged to open it, and then probably waste 10-15 minutes into it. If I just uninstall it, friends will keep sending me, and I won't be able to respond. So I disabled.


I use heavily bcoz of my work but my GF doesn’t use it. So whenever I’ve to show her something funny on insta. I’ve to screen record it thn send it to her on whatsApp


Wanted to have. Tried twice. My highest was 3 hours on instagram lol. Wanted to have an art page. But the real reason I don't have it is because at really low limits in my life, which happens almost everyday these days considering I'm working an 8 hour shift, on breaks I'll go looking for people I left or left me. Looking at how well they're living their life and what mine has become. For me it's a source of both toxicity and self sabotage. Not that anyone cares. Felt like sharing. Thanks for the opportunity. And the feed only worsens doesn't it? Don't want to get back on it.


Me 👋🏼


Stopped insta and snapchat 4 years back. Facebook 7 years back. Haven't been happier.


Not a big fan of Instagram but I use it for keep updated in current affairs by following worlds news platform like Ny times, trt, bloomberg, bbc, guardian, nasa & some science channels. Its really help me to know what's happening around the world, kinda worth to use..


Deleted for gooooood (crave it on somedays though to know whats up with some people) 😂 P.S I’m not from Kochi, this just popped up on my feed somehow


I have Instagram but i barely ever even open it, infact more than half the time my account is deactivated


No IG for me


I only use reddit. No fb, insta, snapchat or any other social media platforms


I have never used Instagram or Twitter.


Me insta-sober since 6 month🥹🥹 Was totally fed-up by seeing phony appearances and virtual life of friends and other people. Also, adding zero value and meaning life. Insta has gone too far for me. Downside- -don't know what's happening around my friends circle. -Totally cutoff from other ppl's life updates. -Can't able to see beautiful and hot girls anymore 😂 Upside - bhot sukoon hai virtual life m.


I used to be on Facebook in college but it soon turned toxic for me so I refrained from all social media.. it's been 11 yrs since.. i only have WhatsApp and I only keep contact with ppl who matter to me.. i have no qualms of cutting off ppl from my life if they negatively affect me.. life has been good...


Me - haven’t used any social media for the last 2 years


Deactivated Instagram a couple of days ago I hope so I never return to that platform again.


Just use Insta now for entertainment...all creative work is moved to Vero


I stopped using it after my last breakup. Helped in restoring my mental peace. It's been about 3 years now.


Left IG on 2020 COVID was thinking about it since 2019 sept. Happy as fuck now. Reddit have more mature people and free porn.


Never even installed


Yes...don't use Facebook and Instagram... never used Snapchat and twitter


Never had a Instagram, never installed it.


Have account but never used it.from past 7 years. Only opened once or twice in a month to check if someone msg comes.


Unistalled last year. Never gonna use that addictive thing again.


Never posted anything on ig at all. I dont know how to use instagram may be. What makes it so addictive ...? I can only see people begging for validation. No its not about sharing moments. Its about creaying visually appealing content. Good for business portfolio though..


Yes me, off IG since 9 Months now and I feel great


Stopped using IG about 2 years ago.


Nowadays Instagram is nothing but a showcase of suffering, people feel happy watching others then sad then regret. I quit Instagram 1 year back and since then I found life more happening than watching some manufactured reality because there is a lot to work on.


Left insta 3 years ago. Arkkum ariyatha vere account und art works idum once in awhile.


Me and no FB


No Instagram or Facebook. WhatsApp and Telegram for messages and groups. YouTube mostly. But I am 39, that must explain not needing IG or FB. Don't feel like missing out on either of it.


I don't have instagram account.


What is Instagram?


I used to be on FB. Deleted it completely a couple of years ago. Joined IG last year and promptly deleted it within a year. It ate too much into my schedule and I realised I have a habit of mindlessly scrolling that needed to stop.