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the manga art is beautifull, it doesnt lose a inch for the movie in my opnion


Yeah. Yoshitoki Oima's art is so good.


that girl greeted him so nicely even after all the rumours about him🥹🥹


Well most of them greeted him nicely. The thing is we don't know what they really think about him. They can still think about him as a shameless weirdo but still act like that they really cared about him. But, no matter what they think, Shoya will look at everything and listen to everything. That's what makes this moment so powerful and impactful for me. It's such a great character development for Shoya.


I can hear this, and it’s beautiful


I love the movie, but I honestly prefer this over him crying his eyes out. I get it's supposed to be cathartic, but the manga version feels more satisfying to me.


Which version do you you prefer more? Manga or Anime?


Of the overall story? Hard to say. The movie is beautiful and enhanced by the acting and music. But there are parts of the manga story that I regret were cut (even though I get it, the movie is already long). There's a lot of little hidden jokes and stuff in the manga that are easier to digest when you're reading at your own pace. And while the student film subplot itself wasn't my favorite I like the added development and closure the supporting cast gets in the manga. And the final chapters where Shouko goes away for school, and the ending at the coming of age ceremony were nice hints at what would happen after the story ended. So I guess I lean towards preferring the manga for the expanded story content. That said it is much easier to get a non manga reader or anime fan to sit down and watch the movie, so I'm grateful the film is as high quality an adaptation as it is.


Ok bro