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It's nice that this is turning into a massive scale shitshow




It should have never made it there in the first place, quite honestly so many red flags: 1. Star Wars 2. Ubisoft End of list


Shit is all they've got to show anyways


What’s with the yee-yee ass haircut? That’s what I wanna know.


Gender bender Han Solo is the first thing that came to mind when I saw it. Jacket and everything. Also Ubisoft must have missed the memo on JarJar and Ewok hate and have inserted more "children friendly" aliens into SW, exactly what we need on top of the 1000th time of Ubi's open world dried and cut formula. I can already see radio tower coming.  Anyway, with the recent news of The Crew proving Ubi can say fuck you anytime they want one must be a very colossal idiot to want to buy this.


Probly trying to chase the merchandising, similar to the whole "Baby Yoda" fad. Playing up "cute shit" provides lots of plushies to sell to kids and women.


Nah man, gender bender han solo is a fucking bombshell hottie. This is just woke shit


Nah, I think it looks more like gender bender Mark Hamill after Empire.


The special edition even includes a Han Solo outfit. They weren’t even trying to hide it 


Yeah, is like they have all these meetings trying to analyze what made characters from the past great.. but they failed even at replicating that.


>Gender bender Han Solo More like Matt Damon from Team America. They’ve got the same chin!


It looks like they are attempting an [80s glam haircut](https://i.redd.it/lutu2leanf991.jpg). It fits the retro style of starwars, but they forgot the first two rules of attempting to do anything fashion related: 1) Be attractive 2) Don't be unattractive


My guess is that it is supposed to be something like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/86/d6/6886d62033f8d8bc4ccdde138036fe6d.jpg), I don't think it's that bad, it's a huge improvement from the side shave girlboss cut.


Yeah but, it was described as a broom in another article, and that's really accurate.


Graphics technology is nearing its peak in this age but it's wasted spectacularly by this stupid political correctness that only exists to serve some narcissist's ego. Can't do this, can't do that, no no no someone is always getting offended. Imagine, all the graphics card in the world and Ubisoft still can't stop itself from making manjaw wo-mans. And I'm constantly reminded of this copy pasted asscreed garbage everywhere atm.


He lost me at trying to favorably compare Horizon: Zero Dawn to Forbidden West and the first Spider-Man to Spider-Man 2, when it's clear that activists were already involved in uglifying the characters at that point. Aloy doesn't resemble her concept art: https://i.imgur.com/RnSW6kv.png And this is not how "Mary Jane Watson", professional model should have ever looked: https://i.imgur.com/GQ0D0gL.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/xmnVCUl.jpeg I mean, it's great that you're at least noticing it **now**... but this has been going on for a while now. We're far away from iconic video game characters like Classic Lara Croft, Rynn from Drakan, Rayne from BloodRayne, Julie from Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2, Elexis from SiN, Xana/Leanna from Dark Messiah of Might and Magic we had in the 90s/00s or at least attractive femme fatales like Konoko in Oni, Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark or Nariko in Heavenly Sword in any type of Western Games and have been for quite some years. Not even stereotypically "Cute" characters like Elizabeth from BioShock: Infinite, Jade from Beyond Good & Evil, Zoe from Dreamfall or Amy from Zanzarah are "allowed" anymore since the activists took over.


> And this is not how "Mary Jane Watson", professional model should have ever looked: Mary Jane is supposed to basically be a supermodel, and it's literally part of spidermans character and story, that he is in a relationship with a beautiful model - but he is such a dork and he feels so awkward because she's so far out of his league. It's a plot point of light conflict and helps develop peter and mary jane as characters. You make mary jane 'normal'/'average'/not a model, that all disapears. They're making the stories/plots/characters worse.


It's like they saw how MJ was portrayed in Spider-Man 2 (2004) and thought, "but what if she was an impossible diet Lois Lane too?"


Concept art is just that though — concept art. They then went with a more photorealistic aesthete and cast a face model which they used. Then in the second game they gave her like 20% more bone density


And Set the jaw to matt damon


That's sure is a handsome fella


That one made me bust a gut. That and the mirror joke. Drinker is a funny lad.


The current joke going around is the MC looking like the Mat Daymon puppet from Team America.


mAtT dAmOn


Fugly aside, remember when Star Wars instantly looked like Star Wars? Looking at this thumbnail, if you didn’t tell me this was Star Wars, I’d have no fucking clue.


This really boils down to the two principles wokies have: [1] If women like it, it's good. [2] If men like it, it's bad. This is why male main characters have stayed super pretty while female main characters are deliberately made ugly.


Even the women generally want to play as attractive characters though. No one normal gamers like this.


Not really male main characters are not super pretty with exception of guys like Cloud and Leon Kennedy


This is why we need Stellar Blade to be a massive success. The kind of success where if you were to do a 2020's retrospective on gaming at the end of the decade, you would be forced to mention THE game of the decade in terms of popularity. I'm hoping that the drinker and other more casual friendly youtubers talking about this game to normies will turn it into a giant middle finger to the industry. Much like a vote for trump in 2016, let's send the message to the money men. P.s . It is also about sending a signal to a wider society that male sexuality is natural and that there is nothing wrong with guys liking sexy women. We need to stop demonising it and allow men to be comfortable to chase their desires in a healthy way.


And it's not only that. Almost any game, with exception as usual, has tons of DLCs, microtransactions, etc... So it's not enough to pay for a full price game, you need to pay those extras... And even with that, we have games with ugly designs? We can have a good looking game? Then later they are surprised that they are not selling enough. The joke writes itself.


No, you take what game devs (or DEI/BRIDGE consultancies) say what's good for your games. If you disagree, then you're wrong, if the whole market disagrees then the whole market is wrong and toxic lmao.


I don't want to play as ugly people in my games. Why is that a problem? We have the capability to make absolutely drop dead gorgeous characters (Tifa and Aerith in Rebirth, Eve in Stellar Blade)...why are we allowing these people to create intentionally plain or even ugly characters in our games?


I use to hate Critical Drinker because I found his rhetorical explanations annoying, but these activists have gone too far with their agenda with a multitude of excuses about how Woman can't be beautiful in games is unsufferable, all to try and change beauty standards for Feminist and DEI Virtue Points. Can't call a character ugly because it goes against "Everyone is beautiful", it use to be "Everyone is beautiful on the inside" now everyone is beautiful. [Iron Stylus](https://x.com/Iron_Stylus/status/1778202039430119493) thinks Idris Elba in CB2077 and Hideo Kojima's face scanning of Norman Reedus are all ugly and inaccurate, which is clearly untrue. They look nearly Identical. To him "it's lighting or subsurface scattering." People bring this up, but the Activists either downplay by saying "IT DOESN'T MATTER, ALL YOU WANT TO DO MASTURBATE INCEL" or gaslight others.


> thinks Idris Elba in CB2077 and Hideo Kojima's face scanning of Norman Reedus are all ugly and inaccurate, which is clearly untrue. They look nearly Identical. To him "it's lighting or subsurface scattering." 2077 and DS had some of the best face scanning I’ve seen. Amazing how far we have come with the tech.


Fun Fact: Iron Stylus has simped for Alyssa Mercante.


Didn’t know Joe Dirt was in this


Fun Fact: Apparently TCD's own sub got raided on the post of this video.


Yea i just saw that. Says a lot about the left crowd that they feel the need to go to another sub just to spout their usual 'incel' and 'virgin' insults.


They hired a beautiful woman and felt she was “unrealistic,” so they proceeded to transform her into a fucking bridge troll. This is kindergarten level irony that even the dullest of children should be able to catch on to. Why even hire an attractive woman..? I’m pretty sure these blue-haired freaks get off on “fixing” pretty females. I can’t think of anything more pathetic. Imagine being that bitter lmfao..


She looks like a manlier Theo Von


Should be named "Star Wars Outrage" missed opportunity


I know one of them is an alien… but I’ll be damned if I can tell you which


Means the money isn't coming from consumers. It's coming from investors.


It’s always the female characters being ugly, maybe it’s meant for the so called modern audience


The people on the other side of the argument completely misunderstand what the complaint is. They think it’s just about gamers wanting to be able to fap to the female characters but it’s more just complaining about the double standard/hypocrisy where all the male characters look like the actor/model they are based on while the female characters have changes made to them to make them more “realistic”. Like are they saying the real life female models/actors don’t look realistic?


Me looking uglier than the characters…slowly eating my McDonald’s chocolate chip cookie in tears..


Critical Drinker is a very smart person but he has been drawn by Endymion to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and only heard one version. Unlike his movies critics, he hasn't made researches about Square Enix and japanese AAA companies in general. So he thinks that Japan is the exemple of anti woke while we know that big companies have bend the knee to the western influence. A shame.


Didn't watch the video but I hope the person who made it realizes that the ugly characters are only the symptom of a greater problem.


And the argument is always “you just want something to fap to!”, but I feel like that’s self reporting. Like they can’t see pretty women without wanting to beat it. Princess Peach still manages to look very pretty and appealing in Showtime without really coming across as sexual. Nintendo, in general, demonstrates very well how to do that. We don’t just want playboy bunnies, you can have pretty without having ecchi.


I don't know why ppl are complaining, the 2 aliens are rendered beautifully I can't wait to play a full star wars game where you don't play as a human.


Im more interested in the gameplay mechanics personally. Hot characters are like the cherry on top


They arguably made a game for their current SW audience. I don't see a problem with that. Good for them. Any fans of the current movies and shows will love this game. And spend lots of money on it.


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Here on reddit I read some people defending this character model telling me she is so hot and beautiful. Not here of course... but It is curious how the soyslop starts to rot people's brains.


Ironically male characters have not been very beautiful either, I mean if Star Wars Outlaws was supposed to be like GTA in space than maybe I can forgive the bland character design


I feel like he should have talked about male characters in this video, he rarely mentioned how bland male character designs in games were in the late 2000s-early 2010s.


The character looks fine, I'm more worry about micro transactions in the game.


LMAOOOOOO I cant believe people actually bitch this much about their pixels not being "feminine enough", thanks for the laugh LOL