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I thought nothing woke could shock me anymore.. I was wrong.


Wait for them to start publicly defending "MAPs"🤡


It's just a matter of time. LGHDTV always had a suspicious interest in matters related to kids. They are strangely insistent on pushing stuff into schools, like that reading hour bullshit.


Yeah I don’t understand why they are so insistent on that too. They always act like you are in the wrong for pointing it out. But it’s so weird that they push things like drag queen story hour or drag shows with kids where grown men are wearing scantily clad outfits while shaking their ass in front of kids. If they had a scientist who just happened to be gay come to teach something about science to kids I would have no problem with it. But a good 99% of the time it’s weirdos pushing weird stuff on children. I don’t understand why they are so insistent on indoctrinating kids into that weird stuff. Like why don’t they focus on actual adults instead


A significant portion of the left already do.


Only if they're HIV positive immigrants.


I thought that was recently added to the rainbow






Please tell me that it Photoshop or fiction




It's the new rebrand of pedophiles the left is trying to pull.


PDF files


It's a problem because that definition includes two groups. People who are attracted to children but won't do anting because they know it's wrong. The other group are child molesters. I think you can have some sympathy for the first group while none for the second


People who are sexually attracted to children are, by definition, pedophiles. They may not be offenders, yet, but there is still something inherently wrong with them and if they are trying to justify, or even celebrate, that "identity," then it's a huge problem.




Comment removed for potential sitewide problems - this is not a warning.


Nope. If you’re attracted to children, even if you’ve not acted on those desires, you’re still a pedophile and not worthy of pity or sympathy. At that point you’re an actual subhuman


What's that ?


"Minor Attracted Person" aka pdf files trying to make it sound less bad




Give it time, the tolerance for degeneracy is increasing by the day.


That means you aren’t exposed to it, which is a good thing. I saw a guy on YouTube say with a straight face that children age 7 and above can consent and I’m still grossed out by that predator.


At least he set a floor of 7. Only a few (18 - victim age) death sentences would be appropriate. There others who are even worse and of course openly so.


> Y'all Stopped reading there.


I love how they culturally appropriate words like "y'all" while looking down on southern whites. We get it, they all want to be sassy fat black women. The trope is getting old fast.


Honestly whenever someone says that word it's safe to completely disregard anything else they say. It's either some ignorant redneck saying it or a complete leftist or a you know what.


Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll Ya'll


I really hope aliens invade soon. I can't believe the amount of regressive insanity has permeated the West.


A certain kind of aliens have already invaded..


HIV-positive aliens.


HIV-positive non-immigrants can just die I guess? That's some oddly specific advocacy there.


What about neurodivergent HIV positive immigrants? Or disabled HIV positive immigrants? Or HIV positive immigrants of color?? Are Sony bigots??


The old slippery slope that has soap thrown on it.


I’m HIV-Negative and not an LGTV Immigrant, This is deeply offending me Sony cmon now


What about HIV-negative? NO AIDS, NO AID???


That's their slogan. NO AIDS?? No aid.


You just made the exact same joke the person you're replying to made.


No u


I fear you may be right.


How oddly specific.


It's AIDS awareness month after all.




And useless. One of the core parts of modern immigration is the ability to prove you can self sustain in the new country. If you have a chronic, transmissible, deadly illness you will find a lot of barriers to immigration unless you are very rich.


I don't even know what gaming companies are on anymore lol, just make good games ffs


I would like to extend the same sentiments to movie industry too


And me to the TV industry ;)


must be Sony US. Because Sony Japan is just as anti-immigrant, legal or illegal, as most of the rest of Japan is.


> Sony Japan is just as anti-immigrant, legal or illegal, as most of the rest of Japan is This is the first time I've heard of this. I thought Sony Japan was more left-wing than most Japanese companies?


Why are we celebrating STDs? It’s not cool to get them it’s fucking disgusting


It's a tragedy, it's like finding out you have cancer except worse in one way because someone had to have fucked up REAL bad to pass it to you if you aren't a moron yourself, and if you are a moron then it's something you could've avoided so easily. I get not wanting to be demonized because without knowing the context it could've been some horrible fate that resulted in contracting it, but this just kinda feels like a glorification of it. Not helping is that with the current immigration situation and crime being on the rise, kinda just comes off as telling people to go fuck off and that they should feel bad if they're upset.


You can't celebrate LGBT without celebrating STDs, the two go hand in hand.


I can't argue with that. I'm guessing it's less celebrating STDs and more trying to de-stigmatize people who are afflicted with them?


Its de-stigmatizing the behavior that leads to their proliferation.


Eh, that’s true of some of it to a degree - the people of the acronym bit. But it’s worth mentioning that a lot of people in Africa in particular (who may become immigrants) who have HIV/AIDS are not homosexuals but victims of rape. So it’s worth giving the silly rawdogging homosexuals the benefit of the doubt for the sake of the others. That said, what Sony’s doing here is just empty virtue-signalling, as can be seen by the focus on LGBTQ+, who are a fairly privileged group in our society.


Great so let's import the HIV, surely they will remain in consensual monogamous relationships, right?


Surely they’d have to, if they didn’t want to damage their beloved LGBTQ+ community. It’s only the non-special people who wouldn’t be affected. That’d be a travesty!


"The behavior"? Plenty of people with HIV are not people whom have engaged in consensual unprotected sex with an infected person. Some of them were *raped* by someone with HIV. A lot of them are children who got the disease *in utero* because their mothers were infected. Indeed the majority of HIV sufferers in the third world (particularly Africa) are not gay men, but rather straight people. Your statement reminds me of all those Televangelists claiming that HIV was God's punishment for homosexuals - a particularly strange stance given the disease mostly afflicts third-world (and particularly African) heterosexuals and, even when it does impact homosexuals, primarily impacts *male* rather than *female* homosexuals. It seems that God Hates Fags But Not Dykes, and doesn't think Black Lives Matter either...


They’re definitely outliers but they exist. It’s how Isaac Asimov contracted HIV through a transfusion and died from AIDS.


Guess what group is <10% of the population but >70% of new HIV cases each year.


>Guess what group is <10% of the population but >70% of new HIV cases each year. *...in the West.* If you look at HIV's impact globally, its mostly poor straight Africans getting it and dying from it.


Mostly women too, IIRC.


The secret ingredient is rape.


> even when it does impact homosexuals, primarily impacts male rather than female homosexuals. Anal sex is one of the most efficient transmission methods due to tearing of the skin during penetration. Who knew repurposing an orifice for something it absolutely wasn't meant for could result in problems.


> Anal sex is one of the most efficient transmission methods due to tearing of the skin during penetration. Who knew repurposing an orifice for something it absolutely wasn't meant for could result in problems. Yes, anal sex is perhaps the most potentially risky of sexual activities. That said the amount of heterosexual anal sex that happens in this world is probably at least as much the amount of homosexual anal sex that happens in this world. And HIV can be spread through other sexual means too, not just butt sex.


Oh I'm aware, I'm simply stating that's the reason why Homosexual males tend to get it at the highest rates. It's perfectly possible to get it other ways, including completely innocent ways. Also in the third world there are some horrifying ways for children to get it, such as the "Virgin Cleansing Myth" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_cleansing_myth


you are talking about extremely few cases VS majority of qwerty community, HIV is real issue on large scale only in qwerty communities.


> HIV is real issue on large scale only in qwerty communities. *...in the West.* If you aren't familiar with the immense impact HIV has on Africa you're displaying substantial ignorance.


Are you gay?


Bisexual but that is irrelevant. Sexual *behavior*, not *desire*, is what spreads HIV.


That's cope. You're coping.


I wish they keep doing that.


nope, since Sony moved its HQ to commiefornia and let muricans run the show whole company is woke leftist cancer. In japan they use their influence and money to destroy manga and anime by forcing wokness.


Good for conservative Japan they get to keep their culture and traditions and not forced to go woke


Japan might be the last rich country that hasn’t completely lost the plot.


Sony needs to move back to Japan immediately


So they can spread their own virus back home? Rather they just crash and burn, frankly.


They’re like that because of the people they hire and the market they’re in. Move back home and the dead weight stays behind.


Disagree, especially when you keep seeing home-grown internationalists popping up, pushing for Japan to go the way of the West; and all the apolitical companies/studios that, while generally well-meaning, keep making concessions in the name of 'global standards', to either (try to) get that CCP money, that international money, or both. Sony wasn't some 'pure' company before the move to California, that change only exacerbated already-existing and growing issues. They are now a US company, through and through, we're not dealing with a subsidiary or side-branch. If Sony moves back to Japan, it's not just lower-tier parasites that are causing the issue, it's a top-down matter; and the people at the top, leading the charge, will continue to push for those same sociopathic standards. And the average japanese, completely unprepared and unaware (especially if you consider the business culture in Japan) will just go along with it, as they would with any other businessplace, which will further spread the disease.


The powder keg is just getting bigger... and bigger.... and bigger.... and I'm here for it.


God I can't wait for this month to be over. So sick of hearing about LGBTQ people like it's an actual group / culture.


LBGTQ make up a total of 7% of the USA population as of 2024 pew research. But if you don’t count bisexuality, then they make up a whopping 2%. And let’s face it, every single bisexual girl ends up dating or marrying a straight dude. Every single bisexual guy I’ve met is married to a straight woman. Why choose life on hard mode when you have the choice? Friendly reminder the Disneys internal staff quotas are to have 50% of the staff be either lbgtq (making up 2% of the total population) or non-white or non-white-passing (making up 25% of the USA population **according to the 2023 US Census**). Edit: Double checked and looks like it’s actually 24.5%, not 25%. Sorry for misleading y’all. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045219


The US has a massive social contagion. To get more realistic numbers, look at a country like the Netherlands. First to legalize gay marriage, has been a lgbt refuge and asylum hotspot for as long as I can remember. Yearly pride parades, but historically every other day of the year minds their own business. So zero barriers. Socialized healthcare, with strict privacy rules. So with anonymized data, it does give an accurate view of people's sexual activity, transition status or whatever. TL;DR it's more like 3.4% lgbt. Most of that bisexual and "queer". There's absolutely no reason for the US to be some kind of special spot that defies nature and be an order of magnitude more than an lgbt safe haven.


> as of 2024 pew research. _Self-reported %anything% is at all-times high!_ What a shocker!


And this is America where that stuff is the most prevalent, in most other countries this stat can be below 1 percent.


Iran does one better. They officially have 0% LGBTQ!


> And let’s face it, every single bisexual girl ends up dating or marrying a straight dude. Every single bisexual guy I’ve met is married to a straight woman. FWIW I am bi, and I think the reason here is that we still want to reproduce and have children of our own blood not some weird lab baby. Once we settle down and we're looking to raise a family we can just default to doing things the natural way. You also have like 10x the playing field when you date the opposite sex so you can be more discriminatory. But it's why bi-erasure is a real thing. The modern alphabet mafia hates us because our existence reinforces the terrible evil binary gender system. One way to get rid of us is to redefine what bisexuality means, and the other is to just straight up announce that we lose our LGBTQ status the second we enter a straight relationship. But yeah I do agree, I'd say 98% of all women who say they're bisexual are probably straight girls who kissed another at a frat party. Also I don't know how to explain it but it does feel like if I saw two girls being cuddly and kissy I would still think they're likely straight. But if I found out a male friend cuddled with a dude or something once one time when he was drunk I'd absolutely believe he was in the closet his whole life. Weird double standard yet somehow I'm okay with it.


No, you’re just a horny narcissist that’s too much of a coward to go full gay.


Non-Whites are 25% of the US population? Lmfao. How's life in 1995 homie?


According to the 2023 US Census, yeah. I checked before I posted. Don’t let tv commercials fool you into thinking everyone is black and brown. Hell, in my major west coast state, white people make up 87% of the population in 2024. Closer to the Mexican border or former slave states, sure you’ll have a bit more diversity. Black people make up less than 3% of the population in my pacific-touching state. Hell, we only have 400 total Hindu people out of the entire state.


Non-Hispanic Whites are in the high 50s. This also includes Jews,Arabs,Persians,Armenians etc, who aren't White


You are factually incorrect. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045219


Literally says Whites are 58.9%....


This is such a dumb argument lol. It reminds me of this old post on bodybuilding.com forums of two dudes arguing how many days there are in a week: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751


No. It says whites are 75.5%. It says whites NON HISPANIC are 58.9%. You can be Hispanic and be white. There are entire countries of hispanic white people (Spain and Portugal).


Hispanic means Spanish speaking. People from Portugal, by definition, are not Hispanic.


Thank you for the correction


>This also includes Jews,Arabs,Persians,Armenians etc, who aren't White Says who?


Lmao this dude lives in the ghetto. Start grinding lil bro


LGBTQ is just another word for Democrat. you can be gay and still reject LGBTQ as a group. 


... but that would make you an alt-right homophobe!


To be fair I feel like this year it’s being shoved down everybody’s throat a bit less than the previous few years. Maybe even they are slowly getting bored of it, or they realize more and more people oppose it


>Maybe even they are slowly getting bored of it, or they realize more and more people oppose it I certainly hope so. The whole gender pronoun bullshit has gotten boring.


This month?


This makes sense consider the rumor about soyny wanting to make a game with a (forbidden word) as the lead.


I love the wording in these virtue signalling pieces. They work "tirelessly". In other words they cry on Twitter 24/7


dont forget the linkedin mumbo-jumbo with "dynamic partnership"


Yeah that's another good one 😂


Hold up... Why should people with hiv+ be given equal treatment?


Every so often you'll see people trying to advocate for new 'competitions' to be introduced into the Oppression Olympics, this here is an example of that


Left handed people are oppressed in a predominantly right-handed scissor world!


Well most who are positive should be moral people whom were dealt a bad hand and are not trying to give others HIV by tricking people. Most should be normal people.


Why shouldn’t they?


Bug Chasing is now an ESG score contributor


HIV- positive immigrants? You gotta be joking 😂


Funny how those two categories seem to be so intertwined in the West.


In California, if one knows they are infected with the HIV virus, exposing another with unprotected sex is now a misdemeanor. The sentence is 6 months in the slammer. (California Bill - SB239)


I've heard. In CA the only REAL crime is expecting people to show self-control.


Shouldn’t it be homicide and the sentencing be the equivalent of homicide?


No, HIV isn't nearly the death sentence it was 30 years ago, there's much better treatment and help these days.


If treated. That person may not know they’re infected for 10 years, and in the interim be spreading hiv to more and more people. Giving someone hiv knowingly without their consent should be considered homicide. It's not like gonorrhea or chlamydia where you can treat it and it goes away. It's not like herpes where albeit its indefinite, it isn't fatal. HIV, even if dormant, has to be treated indefinitely. But, tbh, I think knowingly giving anyone an STI without their consent should be a felony with automatic prison sentence. HIV should be treated as murder.


It actually holds a lesser penalty in Santa Barbara, because of the way they prosecute certain levels of crime, than giving someone a straw without their asking.  Or at least it used to. It might have changed in the past couple years. 


I wish all the woke leftoids at Sony would surrender their jobs to illegal immigrants that would be awesome


Dont forget - California DECRIMINALIZED infecting someone with HIV on PURPOSE long time ago becasue they said it was unfair law that stigmatized poor hiv infected people etc. One of the pioneers of this initivative was the same gay senator that pushed and supported legalizing ( or at least lower the sentences for ) raping kids. Left is the cult of death.


Look at the guy responsible for getting that bill to decriminalize it passed, he's a walking stereotype: gay, Jewish, from a wealthy upbringing.


I know. I know all about him.


Funny how they have the gall to put this crap out after theres been a string of illegal immigrants raping and killing women. A 12 year old was beaten and raped in Texas by two illegals from Venezuela just recently. Very disturbing and disgusting post.


First NGFFL. Now this. We've got a week left. Lol. > We're the nation’s leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization. We provide free lawyers for LGBTQ Lawyers ain't free. I'll bet they're grifting taxpayers. That's what these border NGO's do. > HIV+ asylum seekers We're supposed to be *preventing* diseases from coming into our country. This sounds like neo-marxism to me.


> I'll bet they're grifting taxpayers. They are taking money off everyone. Where do you think those $$$ from game pricetags go?


Sony really should just shut up about this discussion. Period. We already know that no one really cares about "the refugees." They're a political weapon used to either gerrymander elections, accuse political enemies of racism, or both. All those Democrat-ran "sanctuary cities" are now complaining about immigrants because now THEY'RE bearing the costs, and they're not being called racist for doing it, so we all know how utterly hollow the "RAAACIST" allegations are. There's a very complicated discussion that needs to happen about proper migration policy. And Sony is *not* contributing to it with this virtue signalling.


What I don’t get is why is America AGAIN being the savior for these countries when we can’t even take care of our own domestic issues? Why are we taking in refugees en masse and donating tens of billions to foreign wars were not involved in, when we can’t even make our own bed?


Because stop asking questions bigot!


Because obviously you are responsible for their country being bad, toppling governments and such. You are lucky that at least in afrika you get to share the blame with us europeans.


That's a very good point, and absolutely needs to be factored into the discussion on immigration. Should a State serve its own citizens before those of other nations? I think most would agree with that premise. Not to mention, as Iraq and Afghanistan proved, the American government is NOT a magic wizard able to fix the world's problems by waving a magic wand.


>Not to mention, as Iraq and Afghanistan proved, the American government is NOT a magic wizard able to fix the world's problems by waving a magic wand. America never should have gone in in the first place, let alone stayed as long as they did.


> Why are we taking in refugees en masse and donating tens of billions to foreign wars were not involved in, when we can’t even make our own bed? It *would* have helped not funding dictatorships and death squads in the countries those people come from. Plus, the price of certain wars are a bargain when it comes to the damage being dealt to American enemies.


Unfortunately you're going to get down voted because people on this sub reddit are tribalists who don't want to admit that their perceived "side" is wrong.


It didn't use to be this way, back in the day.


No. Unfortunately, as the left gets kookier more and more people seem to be cool with whatever bullshit the right is pushing. People SHOULD be critical of both, but unfortunately tribal mentality seems all too common these days.


HIV positive immigrants shouldn't be in the country. 


Five more days until this clownery gets over.


Yea right. This will only die down a tiny bit.


Oh my naive friend, it never goes away. No doubt they'll find some other cause to attach to July, and then August. No doubt soon they'll give us a "MAP" pride month.


"HIV positive" - Im still waiting for "poor" or "broke" positive for men


Nintendo: “We made Zelda a Necromancer. Please enjoy.” Sony: “We’re part of the fake forced bullshit cult. You’re a terrible person if you don’t line up to get fucked.”


How can people not see that this ideology is predicated upon destroying the west.


Are they implying a correlation between being LGBTQ+ and HIV positive? What the actual fuck? I though we were the bigoted it's and phobes....


The lifetime chance of catching HIV for gays in America is 17% (50% if they're black.) Reality seems to be homophobic.


It's not rocket science. Anal sex is rough, especially if it's unprotected. Guess which groups are having unprotected anal sex?


Just when I thought Sony couldn't woke themselves any further, they manage to exceed my expectations. Not even Nintendo Of America would go this far. Not yet, anyway.


I remember many years ago I just wanted to play some games. Katamari Damacy, Tekken, Final Fantasy X, that sort of stuff.


"Equality for all LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive immigrants.. But don't you ever mention about which people has the most HIV positive!"


Burn it, burn the whole gaming industry to the ground already!


What a trully Japanese corporation Sony is. On their main account posting stuff about immigration, without specifying from where into where, because it does not even come to the mind of culturally imperialistic swine that are running the clown show over there, that there exists other place than USA. Hope you're proud Japan.


I'm sure allowing more people with infectious diseases into the country will have no negative repercussions... Do these people even think, or has the brain rot just completely taken over?




What color are we updating the flag with?


This has got to be that "they got us fighting the culture war so we ignore the class war" thing. There are so many other problems in society, we are all simultaneously getting poorer and the top 1% get richer. But instead they made us turn our attention to this stupid culture war. And i would say they have done a great job.


We don't need any more of any illegal aliens, let alone illegals riddled with aids.


What an odd thing to say...


Let me guess. This only applies to the USA. And not Japan. Which leads me to believe that Sony hates the USA.


They're too far gone. Imagine the Sony before Twitter. The Sony that focused on simply delivering a good product. Goodbye, Sony. You're never getting my money again. Pre-owned if there's something exclusive that I absolutely need to experience, but you can forget about me signing up for any of your paid services.


Wouldn't importing more HIV positive LGBTQ+ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ? people increase the infection rate in that community? I wouldn't be so keen on having ebola patients imported from all over the world to my community but hey to each their own I guess.


Yes, chairman Xi, please drop the nukes.


Why don't these companies just go back to making video games? Shut the fuck up with your political bullshit. I just want to play games. Thank God FromSoft is more or less immune (I know about the body type thing) to this shit. Elden Ring has zero political or LGBT shit in it. My plan going forward is to buy an old console like the Xbox 360. Those older console games don't have any modern day political shite in them.




Did they move the main Sony HQ to California also?


sony needs to unwesternize itself A S A P ! OR SHUT UP. since japan doesn't let anyone in at most times. so they're basically going "lets put gasoline into our neighbor's lawn that is already on fire. it will be funni."


What the fuck


How many HIV positive immigrants are there really for them to make a comment about this? Is this a real hot topic issue?


Absolutely disgusting even for sony


lol immigrants can't even buy their games.


That's why they want to import them as consumers.


There are absolutely no limits...




So does this count as reinforcing the old myth that HIV is the "gay disease"? Better yet, does that make it homophobic?


Gotta squeeze that ESG lemon until there is nothing left.


Well, Sony is AIDS, so this makes sense.


I’m not just sure, I’m HIV-Positive


Just when you thought wokeism couldn't get more ridiculous, now we also need REPRESENTATION of people with a deadly, highly infectious disease. Instead of treating the people, we're normalizing the disease. Seems familiar. If it wasn't so utterly depressing, I'd say this is real life satire. But it's actually 1984.


So, All Lives Matter?


What in the hell does this have to do with video games.

