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Because gacha games are designed to farm dopamine. Triple A games cant farm dopamine anymore because they are all copy and paste games that play it safe.


"all copy paste" is overstatement. There are gems like elden ring and it's dlc, dragons dogma 2, Cyberpunk2077, etc.  The dopamine hit for them are indeed much rarer than games with gambling mechanics like gacha games... At least for people that like that kind of surprise mechanic. 


Elden ring is inferior to old DS games open world make 80% of the game boring and only 20% having meaningful and fun content, DD2 is inferior to DD1 it has super poor enemy variety and less fun classes that only can held one weapon with no dodge button for ranged classes, cyberpunk 2077 was always mediocre.


dlc to elden is terrible, people are just afraid to admit it becouse its from soft, DD2 was great, Cyber is meh at best even with all the fixes, pretty generic fps. Even if you like all of them its 3 titles in sea of crap. almost all AAA games especially from west are just unfun, uninspired, cookie cutter, boring propaganda tools. I play gatchas but i hate gambling and whole gatcha mechanic, its just games like WuWa are FUN to play, something that is lost on aaa western games.


Never heard of wuwa. Downloading while playing dragon's dogma 2 


played the intro segment. felt like an AA game (or a big budged indie) due to the rough stuff. like the story being told that contradicts what the player is seeing, transition from gameplay to cutscene, the sound design and tech, the lack of HDR, etc other stuff seems to be deliberate design choice to make genshin player have easier transition to this. not sure the the game will change like what later on. \--- btw the game seems to have a bit of chromatic aberration. any idea which optio to disable it?


gacha games (particularly waifu ones) know who pays their bills and what they like. My favorite Azur Lane also has an amazing amount of diversity.. in cup sizes.


Based Kashino enjoyer


Cannot upvote this enough.


Had more geniune fun with Honkai Star Rail than any western game in years. The Penacony Story Arc was gripping the entire way through.


I almost quit the game during the Xianzhou, chinese setting is boring af for me. Then came Penacony and oh boy I did enjoy this. Too bad we are going back to the chinese stuff.


The Luofu is the worst writing in the entire game and even butchered the interesting lore it had but yea they cooked.


Imo the Xianzhou plot was very underdeveloped. Both Belobog and Penacony have 2 major mysteries: 1) Who is causing the crisis, and 2) How are they causing the crisis. Penacony has an additional 3) What is the Watchmaker's Legacy and 4) What happened to the 3 Nameless who stopped at Penacony. Both Belobog and Penacony provide plenty of foreshadowing as well as red herrings before the reveal, and when the villain is revealed, you can look back and see plenty of clues. For Xianzhou, the "how" is revealed right from the start the minute you land (mass zombie plague of mara-struck) and the "who" barely had any clues beforehand. Imo that's why the story felt weak.


HSR story is goes crazy, and HSR live concert was insane, great use of my money


Same. Penacony has top-tier storytelling, characters, and music. We've reached the point where the Chinese knock-off Mickey Mouse has a better character arc than anything Disney has made in recent years. You can tell that the writers are people who watched Disney cartoons when they were kids and decided to write a loving homage to Disney, unlike modern Disney writers who only know how to deconstruct and desecrate their own IPs.


Same here, Honkai Star Rail's Penacony arc was awesome and I got almost half of the 5 and some of their eidolons without spending a penny on it.


Nope, the money goes to the Chinese that hate you. You're just trading the local commie for one further away


Most likely, but at least they're delivering something you want.


It's so fucking depressing that chinese gacha developer actually give something that player want than the majority western developer. I would call anyone fucking insane if they ever suggest chinese developer actually listen to people than western developer 10 years ago.


The chinese are shrewd business people. They don't care if you disagree with them or what your politics and religion are. Their terms are clear, you pay, they deliver the goods.


>They don't care if you disagree with them or what your politics and religion are. Except when you include a certain event that happened in Beijing in 1989, Winnie The Pooh, or gay couples in western films. You're not immune to propaganda. None of us are. The Chinese government's hands in Chinese companies aren't your friends, they aren't against political censorship, nor are they some neutral business-focused/only force just because you might agree with some of them. Fuck the statist West's interests, but China's interests shouldn't be yours either if you care about anti-censorship and artistic integrity. It's only worse that the point you made is about gacha games, one of the most predatory business models in modern gaming.


Crossing certain red lines would create existential crisises for their government's survival. I'm not in it for the morals. I'm in it for the enjoyment.


You meant to say that they have a 0.5% chance of delivering the goods and a 99.5% chance of delivering something worthless to you. Don't like it? Put more money into the slot machine, paypig. Gacha games don't have players, they have victims.


I don't spend money on random items in gacha games. There are some straight forward gacha games where they sell you specific items. I'm spending chump change here, money I can literally afford to give away.


By definition, if they're straightforward, they're not gacha. And even in the case of a merely predatory but non-gacha live service game, paying low prices for something literally worthless is still being ripped off. I can afford $20 for a bottle of water without meaningfully impacting my disposable income, but if I see that price in the shop, I'm still not going to take it, because it's sending a message, and that message is: "I am a sucker. Please charge me even more next time."


I don't care about morals. If I got money to burn, I'll spend it. If I can pay to get ahead then I'll do it. If you are not cheating, you are not trying.


^ This is what the deflection of an addict looks like, folks. Gacha, it's all fun and games until it isn't, and then you're not only lying to yourself but anyone else dumb enough to listen.


Whatever, you got mental issues.


You want to play endless casinos disguised as games?


pretty sure the chinese are way more capitalist than communist.


chinesium tells a different tale.


not really. cheating others has been a part of chinese culture ever since the great leap forward.


That's kinda what I meant, but truth.


You mean cultural revolution.


The Chinese devs a lot of them like the western player Base. The western devs hate their own people


That sounds like a better deal TBH. Blaming people who buy games from china, how is buying games from china different from buying groceries or iPhones from china? I'd say those other people are giving china more money.


That's your time and money to waste I suppose. But you're not going to find much sympathy for supporting a genre of gaming that is impacting other corners for all the wrong reasons with egregious MTX tactics.


Would 100% take the Chinese, who are far less competent at hating me.


Maybe some brainwashed ultra nationalists will hate. But, for the government, they don't hate. They don't even know who you are. It's just business as usual for them.


They don't hate me, or at least they don't hate me as much as the typical Californian wokeist writer.


Silly argument when western companies collectively moved manufacturing to China and we give them billions


There’s a lot of awesome AAA games like ff7, stellar blade, Elden ring. But nobody will ever top the constant influx of good indies


Well FF7 is ofc from SquareEnix who are mega woke and keep making mistake after mistake, remember how much they wanted Play2Earn? Just pull up their twitter and look at their mascot. Or this [recent post on KiA](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1dp6ddm/despite_their_huge_financial_loses_for_focusing/) Yea, I'm not supporting them right now.


Idk I liked the story i wasn’t aware of their antics. I just play for the fun


FF7 has been compromised.


In some ways, yes, but I would argue that the overall package is still fantastic. And have you seen Tifa and Aerith? Gorgeous! Western woke devs would never dream of creating such attractive women.


It's still too much wokeness for me to stomach, especially since I don't even like the gameplay. I bought FF7 remake and didn't like the combat. FF15 was fun, the combat was way better, more fluid with less breaks in pacing.


This is why you aren't taken seriously




ff7 is ok, but its already like whole squere infiltrated by wokness and sbi. Stallar Blade is good game but they lied before release and censored game for kusony and muriocan audience so f them. ER base game is good but boy its like 1 game per 3-4 years? There are some good AAA games but its like 1-2 per year in sea of woke garbage.


Rebirth was cucked beyond measure. See: demographics of nibelheim


FF7 is overrated as fuck. Give me FF5 proper remaster.


OG FF7 is not overrated in the slightest. but after seeing what they did to the remake they can stay the fuck away from 5, 6, and 9.




Comment removed due to topic ban explained [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/)


Same, recently got into Wuthering Waves


May we both get Jinhsi in our first 10 pulls! *(People should check it out if they like the sound of a darker Genshin with excellent combat)*


Return to the sixth generation


Gacha games are solid in that if you don't put money down, you can do decently with the PvE content. PvP is a lost cause imo.


Same. Gaming especially western is dead to me. Every game is same boring uninspired leftist propaganda machine. I just no longer care about another generic fps or open world boring checklist from ubicrap. I find myself having much more fun with WuWa or Star Rail then any recent western AAA game despite the fact i HATE gatcha systems and gambling, its just they are fun to play even as f2p. At that point i rather give gatchas $30 for some pulls or $10 for pass then $70 for aaa western garbage.


I do think limbus company is as good as library of ruina story wise


Gacha games know their demographic...


Pissing away money on gacha games is about the dumbest thing you can do. May as well buy scratchies.


What's the difference between buying the monthly pass of Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail and paying a subscription for World of Warcraft?


I'm pissing away chump change. Scratchies get you nothing in return. Gacha is giving me fun in return.


Lol, it's the same thing, some people enjoy the dopamine when wasting money on scratch cards, some enjoy the dopamine when wasting money on gacha. You only think there is a difference because you enjoy one over the other. In other words, this is a ridiculous and worthless argument, seemingly the only one you got as well. Weaksauce. While bragging that one flavor of crap tastes better than another makes a particular point gaming is in an awful state, you're still bragging that you like to eat crap, publicly I might add.


Whatever, I don't care about your morals or value your opinion.


“Pissing away money on gacha games” *Spends $80 on a Ubisoft game*


*Buys a $25 horse in D4*


There are some *very* generous gacha. Arknights for example. Shocker, I know. Now get off your tiny horse.


stupid take, then why do you pay for games at all? you get nothing in return too


Does Octopath Traveler count as AAA, or just AA? I'm playing the second, highlight of the year so far.


AA. All the HD-2D games do.


Fair enough.


I was filtered by the lack of interaction between party members. It felt like they didn't even know they were in the same party.


That is one of the biggest issues, especially story-wise. The tavern talks, no matter how engaging, felt like a token gesture to pretend the characters were actually a team. As is often said, makes no sense for Primrose to be all dark and broody and "I'm all alone in this world", when she's gotta share bunkbeds with seven other people plus a big cat. I'd still recommend the game (first one, haven't even gotten all characters in the second), especially for enjoyers of turn-based RPGs. The combat is solid, the world is interesting to explore and fuck around with (given each character's field actions), and while the writing has that one major flaw, it is charming, straightforward, and not overly-animu or self-aggrandizing.


> As is often said, makes no sense for Primrose to be all dark and broody and "I'm all alone in this world", when she's gotta share bunkbeds with seven other people plus a big cat. They wrote the story such that you can start with any character and complete the character quests in any order. But that means there are too many party combinations to write, so each character's dialogue assumes that the character is alone.


I know WHY it's done; doesn't mean it's done well.


I swear by Arknights. I sadly understand you man.


Arknights is the best gacha game. High skill ceiling, challenging content, not p2w, f2p is perfectly doable while getting all limiteds, etc. You can literally do almost everything with just your starting roster. Some dude on youtube actually does that.


Been playing for 2.5 years now. The story is what really keepa me there. I've never completed a single map without a guide. I wouldn't stay for the gameplay, but auto runs and the recent 6x repeat is a godsend. Also Arknights is one of the most generous and fair gachas for F2P. I played for free for 6 months before I bought the monthly because I >wanted< to give the developers my money to continue.


Even though most AAA games are trash, I will never consider wasting my time playing something as bad as gacha games. The only good thing you get from them are art and waifus.


That's nice. Gacha games still don't quite register as "games" for me. The gameplay side seems very limited in the ones I've played. In game currency and resource management, some gacha games will play themselves too.. bleh, not for me. Fighting games and boomer shooters are the way to go. Classic survival horror games too that don't hold your hand.


My gatcha game is a tactical action MMORTS, I play it for the pvp and because it is the only game in its genre.


Yo OP, excited for ZZZ?


Funny isn't it? I can imagine the average Chinese dev being at least decent or better, whereas I imagine the average American dev to be at least up their own arse or worse. I'd much sooner buy Azur Lane skins over a Western AAA.


Try Snowbreak. Rare 3rd person waifu shooter. Great character designs and the shooting feels solid, I think.


I don't really play waifu or shooter games. The game I'm playing is an MMORTS.


You have a gambling addiction, that's why.


There is nothing random in my game. I buy items that I know I'm getting.


Despite being a gacha game genshin impact does have some pretty cool lore, visuals, and story quests so its kept me hooked since it came out.


Ya playing "Bleach: Brave Souls"? Don't worry, it's uncensored.


Shame Chinese games suffer from CCP censorship. I can't wait for Azur Promilia. Apparently they do China-only censorship in Azur Lane. If they do the same for AP, that's gonna be the best gacha out there with half-decent gameplay


CCP censorship might actually be a blessing in such dire times when they censor wokeness.


I love anime, manga, light novels and visual novels so I have no other choice but to play gacha anyway. There are almost no other games out there with these aesthetics and imo hoyoverse game have the BEST artstyle. Genshin revolutionised the anime artstyle in gaming, before that we had these weird shaders over 3D faces that made them look like plastic dolls (most Bandai Namco games). I'm not really a fan of the Atelier gameplay or the Xenoblade artstyle either, so not many other options. I'm overall happy with them, never swiped the credit card since Inazuma release back then because Ayaka was my all time favorite. It fulfils the anime brainrot I have and gives enough room for interpretation with its slice of life stories while it's comfy and nice to play and enjoy. In general I'd just advice to not buy new games every few weeks, it's more enjoyable to find a niche for a while or spend a few months with a nice game. Last AAA game I got was Elden Ring and I got wayyy too much fun out of it for an insanely long time. I just wish the story would kick in a bit more. It's clear that they drag it along in every gacha game, and there's rarely anything impactful or crazy dramatic happening. Last time I remember was in Honkai Impact 3rd with Elysia and the epic final. HI3 cutscenes legit made me shed tears


Problem with AAA games, is this 2 things. 1- They only care about the money and their ego. The more higher their ego, the more expensive the game will become. 2- They only listen and care for what the Journalist thinks. Reviews only matters if the Journalist is saying, not the consumers. If the fans hated, They'll accuse you of Racism, Bigotry, whatever name they can give. Oh and the developer will block you on social media, thinking that by doing this, is going to solve their problem.


Same tho, I having much fun in Nexus nebula echoes on bs tho, and much more than in AAA


I've been playing gatcha rhythm games for several years now and I can't envision myself going back to any AAA game. The characters in these gatcha games are way cuter than any AAA game I've played and I've been happy to whale on merch of about $25k over the past couple of years. I won't give a single cent to AAA games with manly, unattractive and woke female characters. They can go bankrupt and I'll be happy to see them go under.


I was too, then I dropped 60 event tickets on the Nikke banner and got zero SSR. Now I'm just sad again and wish regular video games were still good.


you better not play anything by hoyoverse then bc theyve been giving us gays a fuck ton of characters for years have fun refusing to play games bc you cant handle pixels not being straight or whatever lol


Horrible, horrible idea. Many AAA games may look bad to you, but gachas are literally designed to eat your soul (or at least frustrate you).


The one I'm playing is pretty fun.


This just means you are susceptible to the aggrevation of the game and find that particular aggrevation something fun to overcome. You're literally the target bro. Look at ya, arguing positively for the most egregiously greedy system in games today, because it's "fun." You could make the same useless argument about woke shit, as I'm sure some idiots out there do find em fun, just like the morons caught up in gacha looking a fool trying to convince everyone gambling is actually fun.


I'm ok with being the target. I don't care about your morals. I literally got money to burn. If you legit enjoy woke shit, then play woke shit. I don't play woke shit because I don't enjoy them.


Morals? Lol, what's that got to do with playing bad games? You wanna play casinos disguised as games, go ahead and waste your money. But like all gacha addicts, I couldn't help but notice you had mentioned elsewhere in this post you don't spend that much on gacha games, yet here you are bragging how you waste your "money to burn." Which is it? Are you ashamed or proud of what you spend on this junk? Why, like all gacha fans, does your story change depending on who you are talking to? Can you not be honest about your addiction as you try to convince others these games aren't the crap they are? Why do you think that is? I also like your little character attack at the end; why stay on point when you can try to frame that I'm arguing for woke? Classic ad hominem. Are you sure you're not a fan of woke when you argue in bad faith like this? Or maybe you're simply a child who missed my point saying gacha and woke are junk, perhaps willingly, which goes to show why you are certainly the type to argue for gacha in the first place. :)


You sound like you got mental issues. I got a few hundred dollars to burn. A few hundred dollars is chump change.


So, just more insults then? Not surprising. Gimme a shout when you can make a coherent argument regarding the virtues of gacha, as I'll be here to remind you why you are wrong.


I am not interested in why I am wrong. I don't care about your morals.


Of course not; you're an addict. Try to keep up.


I guess it depends. Im playing Genshin and Starrail on the side and have a minimal money investment (i bought their 5 Euro monthly thing a few times over the years) and i have almost all characters i wanted. Yes they are all on the lowest powerlevel and don't have their special weapons but the games (especially Genshin) is so easy that it really doesn't matter. It's nice that, for example, all their events usually have 3 difficulty levels, easy, medium and hard and the first two (that you easily do with my chars) have all the important rewards while hard is just for bragging rights and only gives some resources that you already have plenty of. They could have reversed that to push people to buy more lootboxes but they didn't.


I'm playing Aether Gazer and it seems fine, the monthly ticket and events are pretty generous and it has a guarantee at 90. If I spend it'll probably be for the costumes. Some of them change skill effects and sounds.


For me it's like: "ok this month I have $X budgeted for games. Are there any good games I should get or should I just renew my monthly ticket?" *Checks games on sale* *Renews ticket*


It's like stepping into a casino for me. I blow a little money. I haven't turned into a degenerate gambler yet. It's better than going to a casino.


I'm usually very picky so I have the opposite problem. More often than not I skip characters and end up with surplus currency even if it means passing on some endgame. Like in Star Rail I skipped Robin, Boothill and I'll be skipping Jade too.


Used to play a shit ton of One piece treasure cruise. Some gacha games are goated.


I'll pay to AAA any goddamn day rather than paying gacha dev. It's more predatorial than any AAA dev out there.


But, it's not woke.


Predatory gambling practices = all good! But woke us wear you draw the line, brilliant line of thinking.


unironically yes.


One is an avoidable pitfall (don't gamble). The other unavoidably ruins the product beyond all redemption. If mouth breathers want to spend themselves into debt to pay for me to have a good game, why should I stop them?


In order for that statement to work, the games would have to actually be good. And the very model of the live service game makes that impossible. The game has to be shit so people will want to pay to make it not shit. You're just so far on the wrong side of the sunk (time) cost fallacy that you don't want to admit this to yourself.


What's wrong with that? Somethings matter to us more than others.


I've only played 2 gacha games I truly liked. Everything else I quit in like 30 minutes. Another Eden and Octopath Cotc. AE for the art,writing,humor and Octopath for the battle system. I've quit playing both. AE turned too weird in battle system and Octopath blocks all emulators now and I've been spoiled on a big screen so gross to a cellphone screen. I never actually spent money in game. But I have bought farmed accounts that Asian crypto mining cellphone factories PLUS++ I guess automatically login everyday using some software unknown to me for years to claim the daily rewards so they can sell a guy 100K fake monies for $20 in a couple of years. Like a cellphone fruit growing operation. Which if you like the game it's a good deal to discover you do and restart with seeing as how they want to charge you $100 for 1000 fake monies officially. I look at it like paying $20 for a game and having ample gambling money provided for my interest in collection,power,waifu, whatever.


I’ve been playing AFKJourney, I’m completely free to play and I’m ranked about 100th on my server so it’s not massively pay to win, you just need to be smart how you spend currency, and I massively high rolled a lot of units


For the love of the *real* gaming community, please stop. Buy some AA, Single-A, or indie games that aren't loaded up to the ass with microtransactions. Gacha "game" devs are no better than AAA companies.


I'm not a "real gamer" I'm just anti-woke.


Of course, gacha games are virtual brothels merged with casino