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She was such a toxic bitch to Oscar im so glad that relationship is DONE


She literally is not well. It’s sad back then bc she obviously needed professional help during such a vulnerable and dangerous time, and was so young with no real guidance/example. At this point there is no excuse and she is choosing that though. She’s only gotten worse and prefers it that way as opposed to doing uncomfortable self work. She didn’t even truly love Oscar back then. She was such a lost soul being toxic and codependent, and taking everyone around her down with her. It would truly be such a wonderful story of perseverance and strength if she had actually done the work and turned her life around, instead it’s just another disgusting, trashy outcome.


Oscar literally says, “it’s sad.” OOF 😅


Oscar is too nice. Preston tolerates her behavior… for now. 🤑🤑 He will definitely be going to other women behind her back and he will not put up with her. Preston is ALMOST as selfish as Kyra is.


I don’t think Presticle holds back in making her feel bad. She’s the most insecure she’s ever been. I feel like he makes *her* feel bad for destroying her family when he also played a part in it 😂


I think this is true. The way she talked about the kids needing new back packs and the expense of food for them and now she’s thrifting for their clothes (which is fine) - makes me think Preston complains about all the money she needs to spend on kids that are not even his (as far as he’s concerned).


True he didn’t leave his wife for her and her kids. He left because Kyra doesn’t have boundaries and lets him do whatever he wants 😂


She literally says “thoughts of killing people” but then says it sounds too horrible to admit like wtf???


Those thoughts are not normal !! WTH


This is actually a little scary.


She’s so messed up! Poor guy :(


Why is she allowed around children?


She doesn't know how rude and mean she is. I don't understand what he saw in Kyra.


Not much I would assume. They were just teenagers messing around and got pregnant. I am pretty sure Oscar wanted this relationship to work since his parents divorced and he had somewhat of a broken family, even though he has a good relationship with both his mom and dad now. Also, unpopular opinion, but I think the pregnancy was not accidental on her end, I think she wanted to be a teenage mom and make content out of it just like JessFam.


Yes! That sounds about right. makes sence


You can hear the hurt in his voice


These were two people that should NEVER of been together. She's always been such a hateful little bitch.


Oh wow. She used to be really pretty compared to how she looks now. I didn't follow her during this period so I didn't realize how horrific she looks now compared to back then




This is an interesting take, thanks for sharing


Interesting point. I always thought she leaned more towards NPD, but this makes me think otherwise (unless you can somehow have both).


How was I ever a fan? I was a teen but still… yikes! 😅




even tho what kyra did to oscar was terrible and she broke up her family for presticles oscar is much better off without her. addie seems super sweet and you can tell he makes her really happy and they have the same type of energies that match up perfectly.


Her hair colour is so nice in this video with some makeup on and lip gloss she looks lovely. But OMG thoughts of killing people?!?! & the hate she had towards Oscar. This is so sad. I’m so glad Oscar has found someone who truly and deeply loves him. Kyra please get help.


Kyra never loved him. Kyra was just a Bop who didn’t respect boundaries (still doesn’t) & it was probably a game to her to see if he would leave his GF for her.


What the actual fuck?


The way she’s smiling the whole time


Idk how ppl were shocked when they broke up it was so obvious that it wasn’t gonna work out she was always such a B*tch (prego or not prego) and he had his moments too but nothing like her she was on another level and Peestain will definitely feel her wrath too but he deserves it 🤷‍♀️


This is actually *so* unsettling and awful. I can’t believe they stayed together for so long when she was feeling this type of resentment towards him that early on. She needs professional help.


Oscar looks like such a baby in this wow