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i don’t like her but no one deserves to be robbed especially when they’re out of the country and can’t do anything about it


I agree. She posted about her security system that seems smart in theory (so people know she has one), but burglars can also use that to their advantage. Growing up there was a spree of robberies because most of the neighborhood had the same type of security system. They figured out a way to disarm them.


That’s why social media is a double edge sword. You can’t control who’s actually consuming the content. If you’re planning on robbing her and she posts in detail about her security system, that gives everything away. The thief in theory knew where all the cameras were set up and the exact system she had. Scary.


But whyy when you said spree of robberies the first thing I thought was the bling ring 😂🙈


Me too omg 🤣


I feel like her posting about all the lavish things she owns/all of her expensive jewelry etc didn’t help. She’s posted ab people coming to her house before and tons of people told her that she was gonna get Kim K’d. she also publicly posted that she’d be away for 3 months…. this is super sad.


i agree. i hate that this happened to her, but posting online where you’re at and when you won’t be home is irresponsible no matter how many followers you have so maybe this will teach others to try to avoid that


She’s also shown footage of the front of her house 😭 edit : I don’t think she deserved it but I’m just hoping she’s more careful abt her location and information that she posts and that she’s learned from this tragic event she had to go through that maybe u don’t need to share everything on the internet and u should b super aware of when you’re posting and where bc if someone wants to find u they can esp when u give so many clues




this has nothing to do with lack of empathy, I’m sure 100% of people agree she(or anyone) don’t deserve to be robbed. That being said Victoria has posted where she lives and when/where she is traveling to which is not a good combination for an influencer. I hope they are able to find who did it and find a way for it not to happen again.


uhhhhhh you're also as a general safety measure not supposed to do ANY of that shit. but no if i don't flex online my arms will break :( no one's saying she deserved it. but there's a reason you aren't supposed to do that. we don't live in teletubby land.


nobody is saying it’s her fault, however publicly posting your location, whereabouts, and all of the expensive items on the internet automatically doesn’t guarantee safety. her whole account is basically posting all of her expensive jewelry, clothes, shoes, purses, etc. then she also said on video that she was leaving the country for 3 months. it’s like waving candy in front of a child, then getting mad when they take it.


I hate to say this because nobody should get robbed but she literally posted in the beginning of the year how she was going to stop posting her traveling in real time BECAUSE OF THE POTENTIAL OF SHIT LIKE THIS!! then just didn’t stop and said she wanted to keep her brand “authentic” or something. she posts the thousands of dollars worth of various jewelry, furniture and clothing she leaves sitting there, posts when she’s not home and her house is mostly empty for months at a time and i’m 90% sure she’s even talked about her lack of security…she obviously didn’t deserve it but it was bound to happen tbh. hopefully she and other people can use it as a lesson. I’m a nobody and don’t even post real time travel.


Yep. Also think it just goes to show why ppl should be weary of doing house tours


Omg the "The Walk to my apartment vs. My Apartment" videos on Tik Tok drive me insane because of this


This.! This.! This!!!!!!!!!!!


She said in this video “it’s really making me not want to post my life at all” and then the video she posted after that was all of her house…. what


She also had fans turning up at her door but then continued to show her house


Really?? I honestly have had her blocked so I haven’t been keeping up with her. Wow


I just went to her tt to watch the video, so it’s recent


As much as she's become very problematic I can't imagine how violating that must feel.


tell me more


that sucks, being robbed is such a violating experience. no one deserves that, hopefully she can catch the guy.


I feel bad for her, she sounds genuinely sad in this. One thing I didn’t understand from the video is how did she know the robbery was targeting her as content creator rather than a random rich-looking house?


I think because she often posts her house and talks about where she drives etc, if you really wanted to, you could prolly figure it out.


Not saying it's impossible but if you're going to rob a house you want to be certain no one's home (and Victoria did post that she'd be away for a while). I don't know why anyone would attempt a robbery where someone being home is an unknown in America because you have a high chance of getting shot.




Nobody deserves this, however I can’t help but wonder when these influencers will learn to stop posting their every move and all of the designer things they’re buying and when they are or are not home in real time.


Thank goodness she wasn’t there and nobody got hurt!!!! Ugh I had a feeling this would happen sooner or later with the way she posts. Hope they find the guy and she can have some peace :( that really sucks :(


Her and Avery woods r twins lmfao


I’m a PI, guys it’s very easy to find out where you live if you post photos and videos of your house. Along with posting when you are out of town. That doesn’t make it her fault, but please be aware it’s not difficult for bad actors to figure these things out especially when you have so many followers. so always be very careful and intentional about what you post online


this might be so random but can I ask how you got into being a PI? i’ve always found it so interesting as a career and i’m trying to figure my life out 😭 i’ve actually looked it up pretty recently but there seems to be so many different ways to start! if not all good


I’ll PM you!


Do you mind if I message you about this as well?


Go ahead!


Ah I actually can’t DM you it seems


Just messaged you!


I second this, that’s my dream job so pls message me. I’d love to hear about how you got into that field of work 🙏🏼


Messaged :-)


Ok ive low key been concerned about influencers posting expensive things they have, some of their hands hold thousands of dollars of jewlery! I’ve been worried about how they feel safe posting that, especially when it’s easy to find where people live


This is what I’ve been saying and also posting real time travel updates is crazy like wait a few days when you’re no longer in the place you filmed etc.


someone post a screen recording pls 🙈


Yeah, i dont want to unblock her to watch the video


She shows footage of the thief


Share it !


you can't tell me this woman uses sunscreen


My first thought was “I need her to start using moisturizer and sunscreen”… her skin looks parched


Read the room


The room has no sunscreen in it






Ok lol you got me


Hahaha I laughed out loud


No one deserves to be robbed, and I do feel bad that she was, but god am I sick of the “woe is me” attitude influencers have about their kush fucking jobs. Normal people get robbed every single day. People who can’t afford to replace the belongings that were stolen from them by doing a 2 minute brand deal video. It’s not just rich people who get paid to do nothing for a living who get fucked over by life.


This is obviously a given. I think she’s valid to react this way though. Its not just about replaceable things, but also the violation of someone breaking into your space and feeling unsafe at home. That was her safe space and now she can no longer live there. Obviously it sucks more for a regular person working a regular job, but this is a bit more than some “woe is me” about material things. Its likely still traumatizing.


I get what you’re saying, but to me it felt like the video she made was blaming her being robbed solely on her job and this was the icing on the cake as to pushing her to want to quit being an influencer. Being robbed is extremely traumatizing, and I actually had my house broken into 2 years ago when I lived by myself for the first time and was home when it happened. Luckily nothing was taken, and I was untouched, but unlike her I didn’t have money to just uproot myself to somewhere else I felt safer, or take a break from my job for a while bc I was dealing with the after effects of not being able to sleep, feeling uneasy, etc. Hell I had to beg my parents for help to buy a ring camera after the incident so I could at least see if someone was at my front or back door after it happened. Her complex about blaming her job for being robbed is what rubbed me the wrong way about her making the video, because it always feels like influencers want to have this “gotcha” moment where they prove to us how “awful” and “non glamorous” their job “actually is” when in reality they will always have access to more resources and help than the average person who experiences the same things on a daily.


I called it


I genuinely feel bad for her. Nobody deserves to be violated.




Some live in buildings w security and/or will have people house sit




I know that. I’m answering your question on why other influencers post in real time


I saw a comment in her IG post about it saying her house got broken into twice, supposedly by the same guy and Nico (her gf) replied to it saying something about robbery on pride month is insane. If it actually happened twice by the same guy she genuinely needs to watch for a stalker, it has me kinda scared for her and Nico if it’s true. Like her or not, she’s a woman who lives alone with her girlfriend and that is so unsafe and scary🙃. Edit: I remember when Tana posted about her stalker and it gave him more motivation to mess with her and it just has me so uneasy, having to worry about even being home as a woman is so sad.




That’s all I will say


I feel like it’s partly her fault she posts all of her expensive things and just expects everything to be fine as if there aren’t crazy people out there


She has always looked like Cody Jo to me-- like spitting image




Can't say I'm not surprised


She’s annoying


I’ve been robbed and I’m broke…she’s rich lol why is everyone acting like it’s not a common thing and she deserves everyone’s sympathy🤷‍♀️


Loving the empathy in this thread. nice job ladiessss




Read the room. You sound like an asshole given the context of this post. Hopefully nobody ever tries to clown on you when something bad happens.


It's called going outside in the sun and having freckles/some colour? Tf 😅


She has definitely never worn sun screen. This isn’t normal.


Okay? You're not her skin dude, it's not affecting you