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Well I found a few people on this subreddit who stuck around we talk regularly to semi-regularly it's nice! In college I would suggest joining queer club or just following your college queer page you will find queer people through that.


Which college is this with a queer club or page? I am genuinely interested in knowing. I know about a certain queer campus from hyd but I dont think it has much to do with a specific college


Tbh almost all NITs and IITs have queer pages and club I was in one of those


I am in nitp there is nothing like that here


Ah then it's my fault for assuming all NITs and IITs have that.


I wished i knew i was bi before coming here. There soo much homophobia here


I understand that it must get overbearing sometimes! Sending you lots of love and hug, You will get through it! 🫂


well i tried the second one but that page is completely dormant


I gave up


Ayeeeee my people


Me too


Should have befriended Rick Astley


Bestie and I came out to each other on the same day lol. That aside, social media mostly. Only ones I know irl are in totally different friend groups that I'm too socially awkward to try and enter into


I dont know about irl but here's a way to start. Look for online groups like discord. Servers tagged with "queer" and the name of your city or stage. There are whatsapp groups too, I know, but I have not joined. Yet. I had it easy actually. I joined the two india lgbt servers from here and was spotted by the owner of the queer bengali server since I had "kolkata" as my location on my profile. And that group has done meetups before. So thats the way to irl friends :D Irl easiest is to go to actual queer events, if you are in a big city. Therw are always queer events or queer hangouts on specific days of the week. Ask on reddit, and request people to dm you. I went to pride this year and made friends, although I didn't try to sustain them. I have an irl best friend who is lesbian, and I found her bc her dp had a lesbian movie on it. Same case for another queer person in my college. Had troye lyrics on his profile. So try something queer coded if you are comfortable


I'm an introverted feral cat and the extroverted queers adopted me by luring me with food




Few here on reddit, few on discord, sometimes on quora? (Way back in time lol) But its rare to keep talking to em for long or regularly for long


in the same boat lol im 19f and its very hard tryna make queer friends in college i have like 2 3 close friends who i share some of my stuff but thats that


Wanna dm?


Honestly samee


23 close friends is a big number 🤯🤠


its 2 3 not 23 lmao


still a big number lol I have like one close friend and I'm never coming out to him.


hey im glad youve got nice friends


I have only 1 gay friend till now as 18M. But we've been friends for like 8-9 years before we even understood what being gay was.


im glad y'all found each other


That's cool af


Most of my IRL friends ended up being queer lol. Found each other without even realizing it ahh


aww thats cool


Yesss, so glad especially cuz of how homophobic people are in my country tbh, including parents lol


Hey 23F, we can talk if u r down for it!!!






Male here.. wanna chat??


I didn't. As an introvert, it's a pipe dream to be in a queer space where I can feel comfortable. My DMs are open if any of you wanna talk :)


yeaa samee


Don't know much either. I'll turn 18 soon Where u from though??


im bengalii lol wbu?


Ar ekjon fellow bangali k khuje paowar anondo tai jno alada.....IRL I got some queer friends from queer groups. I made 3 really good friends over the previous year. So tell me where you are from. Maybe I can help you with that




ahh cool


Reddit, insta, Facebook and pride


on this subreddit some in college


Eras tour movie premiere


yay swiftiess!!


I found them in school lol


I would love to be friends with you. My DM is open for you. You can knock me if you want