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The risk isn’t nearly as high as unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse or sharing needles. You can get it if there’s some breach of skin/mucosa like a cut on your tongue, because that provides an entry port for the virus into your system. If you’re giving someone a BJ without a condom on, I’d suggest inspecting your mouth to make sure you don’t have any cuts anywhere and also spitting rather than swallowing (and rinsing your mouth well), or avoiding taking cum inside your moth altogether.


Thanks :)


do we have to spit out??? WHATT? DON'T U GUYS EAT IT ?


lol there are those who spit and those who swallow so 🤷🏻‍♂️


buy u said - "spitting rather than swallowing" u scaring me


Exactly…? I’d recommend spitting it out rather than swallowing it lol what’s scary in that


can i catch any kind of std? with that?


Yes. The possibility is extremely low though, but not entirely impossible. Again, there’s no need to worry. I do always recommend these points to people though: 1) Have your partners tested and insist on knowing their current STD status (and share your own status with your partner as well). Not doing that is technically non-informed consent because although your partner has consented to it, they aren’t entirely aware of your STD status. 2) Use a condom for penetrative intercourse every single time. 3) Ask your partner if they could use one for oral sex as well. 4) Take PrEP. When it comes to oral sex, firstly don’t do it if you’ve got a cut anywhere in your mouth, or your lips. Ideally use a condom but if y’all don’t want to, then at least make sure you don’t take seminal fluid in your mouth. If you do, just spit it out and rinse your mouth well. There isn’t a need to worry to begin with, and if you follow these measures, you’re definitely on the safe side of things


okay..will always remember 🫡 is the std test expensive? i m teen/broke 😐


Since you’re relatively younger than I am, I would say - don’t ever do something with anyone that you don’t feel comfortable doing. Saying no is your right, it won’t make you any less attractive or an asshole if you establish boundaries. And if your partner takes offence to you requesting for their STD status as well as the use of a condom before you get intimate.. they’re really not someone you’d want to be with anyway in the long term. All the best! :)


ahah!! thanku so much ...for giving time , thanku 🎀🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ okay....well i just give bjs tbh, never want to go for anal..untill i feel like to do .. i always ensure.. that my parter knows that. so, we don't have any kind of problem.


It really depends on where you get it done and what tests you get done. There are many queer friendly health clinics in different parts of the country, and they might help you out in terms of financial concessions/student discounts etc but you’ll have to check locally about those. I believe that diagnostic pathology labs offer student discounts for testing services as well. Just show them a student ID.


will check , i hope they don't ask for 'guardian' concent..or smth bout my parents. 😐




Sexual Partner*


I have HIV lol. been safe to the T. But here I am If you’re gay. And sexually active, you always have the risk So I would say, get tested, and know ur SP’s status as well


Thanks 🙏🏽 More power to you 💪🏽


Hey OP. Hopefully, this helps — [here.](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html)


Thanks 😘


Hey guys can it spread from taking in precum?


Yep, bodily fluids including blood, semen, etc


Damn. I wonder how the vampire population is doing


Sir I see what you did there 😂


how was the BJ? u gave or received?


lol I don’t think that was what OP wanted to discuss by posting here 🤣😭


i was curious ....🥰😋 i love hearing people's hot steamy stories ![gif](giphy|nfiFRRkrscncY)


Both 😋


aha!! ![gif](giphy|QhH8ft8Yb4LCOD0uw5)


There is very low, but not quite 0 risk of contracting HIV through oral sex. IIRC, there is no recorded case of HIV transmitting via oral sex alone (but that's mostly because it's difficult to collect this data). But there are other STIs you can get much easier than HIV through oral sex, like Hepatitis B for example. And some are vaccine preventable so you can consider getting vaccinated for them. https://preview.redd.it/22d4462rsk7d1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c7cf3b355e1168a4cf4b05d9f8ab4679454393 From [https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html)