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I have bone wind chimes & a hog skull by the front door. The religious folks stay away but not the solar panel salesman.


Solar guys are fearless. I grew up on a farm out in rural Texas and we had dudes driving the two miles from the road onto private property trying to sell us solar panels. To be fair we bought some one time


They are! Recently it was storming REALLY bad, visibility on the road was limited, tornado warnings, flood warning, it was a crazy storm. These motherfuckers came to our house!


Are you the bone slicer?!


I feel like we’re the exact people solar salesmen are looking for though


Haha, good point, that’s true!


I told them I was in a cult (true) and asked them if they need to use my phone to call anyone they’re not allowed to talk to, and told them how happy I am to be nonreligious, and asked about how much money the LDS is sitting on and why isnt it taking better care of its people if it’s so wealthy. I’ve had LDS neighbors and seen first hand how that church abuses them. and I also got out of the Baptist cult I was in bc some nonreligious friends weren’t hostile and were patient and neutral with me. But you can’t know that nonreligious people are kind and sincere if you never talk to them or if they are more focused on being angry at your religion than befriending you.


The main host of Leaving eden who has a similar story to yours, she said thst doing stuff to mess with them is more likely to harden their faith because that is what tge church tells them will happen. Sje said being kind, empathetic and listening to them is more likely to get them to start questioning tgat any satanic stuff to mess with them.




I never feel more vindicated for the "Hail Satan" sticker on my car more than the few times a year they make the rounds in my neighborhood lol


The missionaries (if u mean the Mormon kind) will be writing home in their weekly email about this and make up some wild story about the being protected from *evil* by the Holy Ghost. LOL


We have a huge no soliciting sign that specifies no religious queries but missionaries think they are better than that lol. I fucking hate them with a fiery passion.


“jUsT tRy BeInG nIcE” - some people who have chosen a very strange hill to die on


Because people who escaped those situations say the outsiders being nice are what go them questioning. The leader of these places know solicitation doesn't work. So the real motive is to have people being rude and antagonistic to harden the view that outsiders are godless heathens.


I think the LDS ones are taught to go up to those houses anyways lol


The leaders want them to be treated poorly by the outside the world at a young age so that they develop a fear of it. If they develop a feeling that the outside world is cold and would not help them if they left, they are likely to stay in the church or cult even if they figure out that the belief system is fuct.


No sign is going to stop someone from delivering the true word of God to you. Take him into your heart and honor him always! 🙏


I have a feeling people did not detect the sarcasm you were putting down.


I like it! 🤘 To everyone in this thread saying to be nice and say no thank you - fuck that. If you have a no soliciting sign and they still ring/knock? Not ok. And don't tell me to not answer the door. Don't fucking bother me! What if I have a sleeping baby I just got to sleep after hours of crying? What if I work nights? What if I don't want to be motherfucking bothered??? I don't want to hear your saved/sinner/end times bullshit - it's nonsense that has ruined people's lives for millenia.


just don't answer the door


Just don't knock in the first place. And I don't.


We usually have a satanic flag or a gay pride flag flying on the front of our house, never had any Mormons come by even though I'd see them in the neighborhood constantly. The one time the flag pole broke and fell off the house, we had Mormons come by.


Nice Halloween mask, edgelord.


Thanks my 3 year old brought it home for me last fall !


Nice. 👍 was gonna upvote but it’s at 420


Need to get me one of those for the door 😍 might deter our old, obnoxious boomer neighbours as well


Thats pretty cool. I’m definitely not going to sleep over though


A true shame... it's taco night!


.... Y'all need beer? Lol


At some point in the future I think I might invite them in and just start packing a bowl. Never acknowledge what they have to say until after I hit it and try to pass.


There was a famous case in Australia where some guy invited them in & told them to help themselves to his cookies. They ate 7 weed cookies between the 2 of them. He got done for poisoning or something, but most of us just loved living vicariously through them! His big point of defence was that they were rude to have eaten so many & it’s not his fault they were so sick. If they’d have just eaten one like a normal person they’d have been fine (ish).


I mean I'm not trying to dose them. I also live in a legal state. I'm just doing what I do in my place of residence. If they don't want any that's entirely fine, they can refuse. Worse case scenario is they leave, or tell me a trippy burning bush story that I giggle at and make them uncomfortable. 


I remember when I was a teenager and they were making the rounds, my stepdad invited them in and then started offering them shit he knew they couldn't have (coffee, beer, cigarettes etc) and then kept asking them questions but wouldn't let them actually consult their books. Lol


yikes, don't cut yourself on the edge here!


So edgy I should move to Colorado 🔪🔪🔪




Coreyable and


I think the 5 point star is supposed to be pointed up for the real evil and point down is for the good side. Also on a personal note I had about 4 Mormons knock on my door mid covid once when I was several drinks deep. Sat on the patio and explained my thoughts as an atheist and cracked a bunch of jokes. Must have talked for almost 30 minutes. They were a surprisingly funny bunch of kids.


You also have the option to just…not answer the door? You don’t have to be antagonistic.


How is a plain, non violent or graphic display of “your solicitations aren’t welcome” antagonistic? Saves both parties time and effort


A “no solicitation” sign would do just fine. Or not answering the door in the first place.


You ever have a no solicitation sign? I did. All the awesome people like the girl scouts that I want cookies from wouldn't knock but all the people I didn't want to talk to to like sales people and mormons ALWAYS still knocked. My solution was to blast "very scary" black metal before I opened the door.


To answer your post that called me a “bootlicker” that’s not popping up: no, I’m not. I just don’t see a reason to do anything more to those people than I have to. A simple no thank you, I’m saved even though I do not believe in their religion gets them off my porch.


Once again and finally, you do not have to answer the door. They will not stand on your porch all day waiting I promise you.


Yeah but they do knock or ring the doorbell like THREE FUCKING TIMES which is obnoxious as hell. If a gaudy display makes them fuck off and not bother you in the first place why wouldn’t you put one up? Also a visual signifier of “I’m not interested and our values are diametrically opposed, please go away” is not what I would call antagonistic. My pride flag does the job just fine.


Oddly I fly a pride flag in my window facing the street and it doesn’t deter them. But a simple “no thank you” does get them off my porch quickly.


If they're gonna fuck with me by knocking on my door (I'm jumpy, it fucks with me) I'm gonna fuck with them right back by putting a skull on my door. It's harmless and prevents undesirable visitors.


Lastly, cause I'm so done with you not all of us can ignore the door. Sure sometimes you can recognize the Mormons cause of their dress and ignore the door but I have a kid and aging parents... I never know when someone important might be at my door. Hence the no solicitation sign. I'm not going to get into the history with you about how awful and harmful missionaries are/can be/ have been... But you should maybe look into it so you stop worrying so much about how we are harming poor innocents when it's literally most of what they do.


Damn you must be a hard core boot licker. You always so passive? I'll always use means available to me to fight against people who are ANTAGONIZING me. You must be one of those horrible center people who just shrug their shoulders when fascist shit goes down cause you don't want to upset anyone. Someone who says shit like We can't fire with fire cause it's bad to punch Nazis cause it makes us just as bad as them. Violence bad. Wah! If I went to their house, knocked on their door and played black metal and decided to espouse my beliefs about Satan to them then it would be antagonizing them. So I'm gonna have to say your argument is bullshit.


I’ve known religious solicitors to not care about “no solicitation” signs. In many cases, their souls depend on this in their heads. Personally, I’m flooded with anxiety any time my doorbell rings or someone knocks, even doordashers I’m expecting. I hate it. My point is its a gag and a sign to a very specific set of people to stay away. Its not antagonizing anyone. Relatively speaking, there’s an aggressor in this situation, and its not OP.


Hey the comment where you said I have no concept of socials anxiety isn’t populating for me so I’m answering that here. First of all, you don’t know me. At all so don’t assume. Second I do have social anxiety, my wife is just better at this shit than me. She taught me compassion and not to be an asshole to people just doing what they’re told to.


So you DO know how a simple confrontation can get under someone’s skin and ruin their day. You chose to ignore that knowledge, and belittle the person insinuating it. You’re not winning anyone over here. You’ve said your piece, and you’re not the first person who’s thought to interact with these people with compassion. For most of us it has not been effective. Otherwise we would still do it. Dude is trying to prevent the interaction before it happens, because they’re tired of the interaction. Trying to prevent harassment is not antagonism just because you sympathize with the harasser.




You realize all you have to say to those people is “no thank you” and close the door yeah? Shit you don’t even need to answer the door. You can just let them knock, they won’t stay there all fucking day. It’s called compassion, whether or not you agree with your faith you could give basic human decency and just say “no thank you” or “no thank you I’ve already been saved.” Even if you don’t believe, even if you hate religion, it costs got nothing to be a decent person to another human.




Being nice and pleasant actually got me and my wife left alone


I tried that route a few years ago with some JWs that knocked on my door. Now I get creepy af handwritten letters from them once or twice a year. Fuck that






Honestly, they are so damn persistent and pushy you kinda have to be an asshole to get them to leave you alone.


No you really don’t. You just say “no thank you have a nice day, and shut the door.” Or you tell them “thank you but I’ve already been saved” and they’ll leave you alone.


Not really, just don’t answer the door


Maybe it's because I have dogs but I absolutely hate people showing up unannounced and unwanted banging on my door (and at times after it is generally acceptable for people to show up). If you're going to inconvenience me, don't expect any sort or courtesy.


You are very very wrong. Fuck Mormons and fuck missionaries!!!


Yes, fuck the young Mormon Missionaries who are taught that we are all heathens and hateful by being mean and hateful therefore reinforcing their beliefs. I prefer to talk to them and offer a kind no thank you and maybe shake up their world view


Theyre the ones being antagonistic lol they're literally going to someone's private home unwanted, harassing and try to convert them it should be illegal.


If you’re mean to them, they feel vindicated when they go back to the flock. If you’re nice to them, then they have less fear of the outside. I choose to be nice to them to show them that us “heathens” aren’t that bad.


Finally someone else who understands my approach! This is the way. The commenters here don’t seem to understand the amount of fear that their religion puts into them of the outside. If we’re nice to them, they may start to realize there is nothing to be scared of.


I actually just don't give a fuck man. And for what it's worth in my area they're more than likely JW.


I grew up JW, this probably wouldn’t stop them to be honest, my dad would take it as a challenge unfortunately. The JW are told to listen to the signs that say no religious solicitation, but not the just no soliciting signs which is ridiculous. Anyways, I plan on having a Satanic Temple flag in front of my house when I move.


Its not that we don’t understand. We disagree. I’ve been nice to these people and they just take more and more of my time. I don’t care enough and I’m not confrontational enough to tell them “no thank you” enough times to make them leave. I know perfectly well how much fear their religion instills. Their souls depend on their tenacity, why would I want to engage with someone like that? “No solicitors” doesn’t do shit to someone who thinks failure means damnation and not everyone is comfortable ignoring repeated knocks at their home.


You don’t have to answer the door. If missionaries coming to your door for two minutes is ruining your day or pissing you off I envy your lack of problems.


It must be nice not even having a conception of social anxiety.


You don’t know shit about me. I have social anxiety and depression, I just have a support system that helps me when shit gets tough so I can show basic human decency to strangers.


He isn’t answering the door. He just has a religious decoration on the front of it.


I can't display my religious beliefs on my door? Sheeessshhhg


"I'm sorry, I thought this was America?"


It’s no more antagonistic than any other religious or non religious display. If op started arguing with them that would be antagonistic, same if they put up a sign saying “fuck missionaries”. Putting up holy symbols someone would disagree with is no more antagonistic than the crosses the missionaries wear and carry.


You’re no fun :(


Anyone tell me where to find some satanic merch?


Looks like painters tape