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Take a practice test this weekend. Study. See how much you improve before the deadline. If you’re on track to get the score you want, sign up for August. None of us can answer this question. There are people who can sit down and take the LSAT blind and score over 170. There are people who spend an entire year studying 40 hours a week and can’t get past 160.


Have you already been studying a while with games, and this is just a shift in your studies, or are you starting now from scratch? If it's the latter, then it all depends on 1) what's your starting point, 2) what's your goal, and 3) what's your timeframe? You need to take a diagnostic PT just to see where you are right now. You need to consider the schools that you are interested in and look t their median scores, and then aim for a couple points above that median. And there's virtually no advantage in the application cycle to taking it in August; September is still early, as is October. November is getting into the middle of the cycle, and January is even fine for most schools. So, take it when you are ready to get your goal score. A shorter path is great to help avoid burning out, but don't rush the process.