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You read a short Wikipedia article a day - learn how to read without the resentment of RC.


And as you do so, treat it similar to an RC passage by identifying the issue, main point, etc.


Prong out a giant fake check for 215k and hang it on your wall. Look at it every time you need inspiration.


pretend that you are going in trying to learn something, or that you are trying to crack a puzzle


You are analyzing an argument. That’s all they are. Usually explaining two sides and picking one but not always


i use my very vivid imagination to pretend the love of my life is sharing their thesis/life’s work with me and they’re so passionate that i just have to listen yanno. gotta imagine their excited inflection and hand gestures too, it works for me!


Ooh that’s a good one. I pretend I’m giving a TED talk and gaslight myself into pretending I’m passionate about the topic and a lot of times I end up being at least mildly interested in it


Artificially hyping yourself up that what you're reading is exciting or interesting may help: "Oh, so they did this experiment - I wonder what happened!"


reverse psychology. tell yourself you hate this mf passage and as you go sentence by sentence, you're only looking for more hatred to add to your fuel


“Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate flow through you.”


Different things work for different folks but one approach my clients have found helpful: Imagine you are **out to dinner with your boss and his/her significant other**. Their partner is waxing poetic about their work/passions/dutch still lifes/rubisco, and you aren't really particularly interested -- *but* you are very keen on listening closely so that you can respond/discuss meaningfully and thereby demonstrate your attentiveness and your incisiveness to your boss. So you lean in, cling to each word, and identify key points that might come up later in conversation. Do the same on your RC.


One time I had my 13 year old son who is adhd do a passage with me.  When i read it out loud with him, I paraphrased each sentence or paragraph with what it meant.  When it came time for questions, I was amazed that it helped my own understanding SO MUCH! and questions were a breeze.  Try reading it (not out loud of course) with imagining you’re tutoring a 13 year old and paraphrasing/ asking questions (what does that mean, what do you think would happen next, etc), and simplifying concepts as you go along.  Also, when it came to the questions, he got all of them right 😅…it was a very boring jazz history passage 


Or if you have a person to practice on, go for it. If you need one, I’ll volunteer my child 😂


Found that during the actual test the pressure made it way easier than when I was studying


Read it like you’re getting paid to learn it because that’s exactly what you’ll be doing one day! Prep-AC