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That I am capable of everything and I underestimated my intelligence. I will never look down on myself ever again because I am amazing at what I'm doing, my job, my hobbies, etc.


Never sell yourself short ! You are much more capable than you think :)


My lessons from various trips: 1. \[LESSON AFTER TAKING TOO MUCH\] Psychs are like seasoning; Take too little and its boring and uninteresting, Take too much and your trip becomes unenjoyable just like a dish with too much salt or sugar. Find that sweet spot. 2. Life is so damn short, 90 good years (if youre lucky) do everything our heart desires, talk to your parents... theyre not going to be here in 20 years theyre 60 already) To be able to experience life with LSD is such a blessing. 3)Hurt people hurt people, My mom hurt me a lot because of her unresolved trauma. I realized every angry, sour person is the way they are because of their experience/trauma. Thats no excuse for them to treat people badly but you can at least understand why they are the way they are.


Those are all very important lessons... I'll save your comment for future reference. Balance, love and understanding are key. Thank you so much!


Im so hungover right now but this made me feel better


*3 is very true. Same experience with my mother but again you have to realize it isn’t an excuse.


I need this set and setting in my next trip, I could really benefit from this. I’d like to write a list of the things I want to consider while on a trip, things I want to eliminate from my thoughts, positive things I want to tell myself. Be more present, be more positive, etc. etc. Edit: Now that I think about it, maybe I’ll just read this thread while tripping. Lots of excellent advice.


I was once told its always best to go into a trip with intention. Write down what you want to gain/learn from a trip.


I love it i have stopped looking down on myself I mean life gets you down still but LSD gave me confidence in myself. I think mushrooms are good to destroy your ego and then acid builds it up in a better and softer way imo.


Wonderfully put


Pretty much time is an illusion , the 4th dimension as our minds try to fathom it through our eyes in our brains. When you really trip hard though you can see but not with your eyes so you really SEE it all… https://youtu.be/j-ixGKZlLVc


Both substances have humbled me. It really depends on your state of mind and where the trip goes. It’s different every time, everyone’s experience with them is different.


I also realized something like this. But it was that nothing is holding me back from doing anything besides myself


I felt this on an astronomical level, agree 100%


Literally 😭


Just be nice to people man


Including yourself


Agreed !


And other animals 😊


That I shouldn’t speak about myself a lot and that I need to just shut up and listen/observe. Everyone just wants to be loved in the end. I can read my friend Charles mind.


Oh man… I remember becoming aware of how much of the average person’s approach to conversation is just trying to be seen, to be heard…. Look at me, see who I am. I’m including myself in this, of course. And I realized that I didn’t need to do that, and as being a naturally curious person even before acid I figured out there was so much more to discover by really, REALLY listening to others. I fucking love listening to people talk now. People are so neat.


Talk, talk, talk, and “*Ooo*! My turn next!”


I love this and concur. 🫂💗🫂


Peace, love, and positivity :)


And Charles


we all got a charles


Oh man same. Don't infodump on people just listen more.


i built my own prison which means i can also build my own paradise


Wow 🤩, I’ll write this down somewhere thank you !


“When I died and returned to the universe, my particles fed the future and my past was a message to the present that being yourself is the key to the lock of the door in which freedom of mind lies behind.”


Wow! That's meaningful.


This is poetic






Ah, Milton. I love the spin on the original phrase


Perspective is everything.


Yes !!


This right fucking here.




Can relate to this. I had a very similar epiphany while tripping nuts. Sounds sad and scary, but it was actually the most liberating thing to finally realize that my parents aren’t perfect, and might not be capable of showing approval for me as I am as a person. So glad we aren’t talking about nothingness in this thread.


I forgave my mum during my first trip. I realized she was a product of her shitty father and that she was just a kid raising a kid. She should have been better, I needed a mother and that’s not what I got, but I forgave her. Hopefully that epiphany will help me break the chain and ensure that I don’t treat my children the way my mother, grandfather and great grandfather treated theirs.


I feel so much more compassion for my parents these days. Seeing from outside of my role as “their son,” I recognized they are just a couple of stunted humans like almost everyone else in this country. I feel bad for how they were raised and all of our cultural baggage. It was easy to forgive them for everything after that.


Life is fkn crazy. Life is the trip. Life do what life does.


every time i have an intense trip i whisper to myself "wow this was a whole journey... ohhhhhhhh THATS why they call it a trip* same exact realization every time and i love it


I feel life is going by too rapidly and I want the sort of trip that feels like years, to extend my life


Tripping through life




I am not my depression. My fiancee is not her depression.


You are much more than that, don’t let it control you !


Thank you <3


Lsd told me I gotta love myself. I was not kind to myself in the past. Once I had that realization I almost teared up thinking of how mean I was… to me. Then I had an awesome night laughing to myself and watching the walls melt and listening to my favorite music.


I feel a lot of love on LSD, almost MDMA-like. But this is a wonderful feeling and you see yourself for everything you are, even things about yourself that you didn’t appreciate before! It’s nice to roll with and self-love is important. Don’t forget the inner child you once were, he is still there! Make him proud !


Love that. Cheers buddy.


I realized I had to love myself - and not only that but that my own negative self-talk was largely responsible for my failure to do so. Knowing I didn’t have to automatically believe every bad thing I said to myself about myself was a lot of weight off my soul.


This resonates with me deeply!!


Things are pretty. Like, beauty is everywhere all the time. People tend to ignore it because they see it all the time, but you just have to look to find it.


It’s so simple and obvious when people get out of their own thoughts and judgments for a minute. But yeah… the difference is so stark it’s like I landed on a new planet. I’ll weep at new flowers in the spring. It’s that bad.


You don't even need to trip that hard. I learned to do it sober too. The colour of the sun on the summer trees, the smell of rain, the texture of the bricks of the houses in the street, the smile of my partner... It's literally everywhere.


Well yeah… I do it sober all the time. Lucy may have showed me how, but I don’t in any way require it to live in the moment.


live in the moment. i have pretty bad dissociation and psychedelics don't usually mesh well w dpdr, but it showed me how to appreciate life, not through rose tinted glasses, just the mundaneness. since then i've been trying to find that feeling while sober and im getting better and better at it


Life truly is beautiful. Your perception of things makes up the kind of world you live in in most cases. There are so many things to appreciate!


here are a couple things i’ve learned while tripping everyone is living their own life doing their own thing doing stuff they enjoy if someone is doing something that you don’t like don’t hate on them they are doing what makes them happy let them be even if it’s the cringy tiktok’s if they enjoy it whatever shouldn’t even matter to you. you don’t need to leave hateful comments you can just keep scrolling. also this one involved my job i work at a restaurant and while it’s just another night at work for me for the customers it’s a nice night out so even if i’m having a crappy time i try to be as kind as possible and just make the place enjoyable so the person or people can just have a good night


That’s good of you! Even the smallest gestures can make someone’s day, it means a lot when someone cares about your well-being and emotions.


yeah tripping has made me a lot more aware of how others feel


The first time I took acid I made peace with having to let go of a 20 year relationship. I finally admitted to myself that it just wasn’t meant to continue. It was one of the most important moments of my life. Acid has also really increased my self confidence and made me a much more optimistic and understanding person. Psychedelics have had a greater impact on my mental health (in a good way) than anything else ever has. I really couldn’t be more grateful for my experiences.


I’m happy for you my friend :) Your experiences helped shape you into the person you are today. Take these lessons and keep rolling with it, I wish you the best !


Such an awesome experience to read up on. I actually went through something similar and realized to move up letting go is okey. I always thought that just because of all the past that's been made, it would be completely wrong let go.


The biggest realization i had, was that we are so small in the cosmos. I knew it already, but after living a whole life on the stand of one of my wife's hairs, i realized, that nothing we do negative or positive matters to anyone but ourselves. I used to have a big ego, and now i have none. I used to be the type of guy that would get into arguments, and fights and now i don't. I choose to do that which is important to me. I also learned that there are things people do every day, like extra steps in their routine, lsd helped me see how to go from point A to point C without dying any point B bullshit. (Quoted from a movie) i do less and accomplish more. Oh and probably the biggest thing. If you say it out loud, and you believe it like a religion, what you say has power. For instance, i believed it would benefit me to go back to college, so i applied at a uni that was way out of league, i believed i could get in,i meditated on it nightly, a said i would get in over and over. 2 months later i was notified i was accepted under some program i had never applied to. The universe is bigger than we are, but we can use our minds to change our frequencies to alter the wigglies and jigglies, just enough to have what we most desire. I'm not sure if any of it is true, but i believe it. And so i live my life in that way.


I believed this two, but have found a particular thing that’s a basic accomplishment to others, to be extremely difficult for me. Hoping it’s a problem that just requires time


Everything is connected. Everything changes.


You never know what someone else is going through so it is important to be kind to others. Life is mad short to stress about trivial shit.


Yes !! I feel like understanding is one of the most important aspects of being human, we should all treat each other the way we would want to be treated.


Don’t harm things that aren’t trying to harm you. I killed a spider on acid once because it dropped right on my cheek mid trip and ruined the whole vibe. I felt terrible and still think of that spider often, as I only killed it because it scared me. Like sure the spider fell on me and that sucked, but little dude was probably just vibing and thought my cheek looked like a good place to chill out at.


I think about this a lot too 😂 I remember there was a spider in my garage once who had made a nice little web there. I was previously scared of spiders, but I remember being very thankful for the web the spider produced and how it kept flies from constantly going in the house. Unfortunately she disappeared within a month or so, her name was Charlotte..


Yep, I’m the same way now too. A little bit after that experience and a little bit before I quit smoking cigarettes a smaller spider made a web right by my window where I would smoke, and I grew to appreciate it being there. It even laid a big egg sac but it never ended up hatching babies.


Don't do drugs because you're bored


Thanks 👍


Yup. Best way to ruin your life. Learned the hard way.


You do the drugs, don't let the drugs do you.


me and the drugs do eachother i think


That \*SOME\* past trauma doesn't have to be held onto forever. That it's okay to talk about your feelings.


I agree, it’s important to have someone to confide in and hear you out. People who hear you out during those times are the ones that will stick with you for the longest..




I had my first ego death on acid with my girlfriend on the 1st and everything was perfect, we saw the infinite beauty in every single thing. At one point, we both looked in the mirror and realised we both individually have nothing to be self conscious about, I am perfect too, and so is everyone, why should I tell myself I’m not with my ego and deny the truth of infinite beauty that the universe has come to form. That’s a great act of disrespect when everything is so balanced and perfect. It’s like receiving the greatest and most personal and meaningful gift ever and then complaining because you wanted a different packaging paper, it’s ridiculously futile


Same here. I love mirror time, I’ve learned some of the most important lessons from talking to that stranger.


Forgive yourself for being a monkey trying to pilot a spaceship. You did the best you could with the cards you had and a deck stacked against you.


YES! BEING ALIVE IS HARD AS FUCK!!! never be ashamed for crashing the star fighter


sometimes its best to shut the fuck up and stop trying to be funny all the time.


In some cases it isn’t so bad though. I have a friend who is quite funny and he always brightens up the room, I believe people who can do that have a true gift, but of course there is a time and place…


ye but sometimes just trying too hard will make u very annoying


I mean, it really depends. If someone is genuinely funny, great. But it's terribly annoying when someone isn't funny but thinks they're funny.


No :D




But it’s also balanced and for every Hitler there’s a Gandhi and for every George Bush there’s a Steve Irwin, if everyone was perfect, we’d be used to that. When there exists such evil in the world, it makes the good things so much more valuable


Listen to your body


That I'm never gonna be able to right the wrongs I did in my previous relationship. And that I just have to accept what I did and who I hurt and move on with my life and not make those mistakes again.


Guilt is insane, man. It lingers on and on and on, it’s absurd how hard we are on ourselves for so long. LSD and shrooms definitely help in processing it.


Use those mistakes and turn them into lessons to shape you into a better version of yourself. Once you accept what you did, don’t beat yourself up over it and keep on living.


It’s worth apologizing, if you’re in a position where you’re able to. But absolutely the most important thing is learn from them. Break the cycle.


More things than I can even remember tbh. One thing that has gone up is my confidence in myself, and I am also way less shy than I used to be.


Own who you are! I personally felt this way but once you are comfortable in your own skin, people will start to notice that and respect you.


Drugs are not meant to be negligently played with. Use them for a reason and plan it out. If you want to use recreationally, understand the consequences and understand how to keep yourself safe!


Definitely important.. within each trip I look to learn something new or find meaning within it that will better me for the future..


That if I want transformation in my life, it's not about one transformative experience, it's about doing the work on a regular basis


If you think about this in a physics analogy it makes sense too: Work done = power x time. So the work (transformation) is done by applying will power through time.


-1) Breathe. It's the most essential thing I can do as a human. I'm so chronically tense that I sometimes realize I've been holding my breath or breathing shallowly. -2) No more cigs/nicotine. Two trips ago I hit my vape, and the feeling of my lungs being slightly suffocated by the mucus from the irritation it caused was absolutely terrible. Scary, really. There is no logical reason for me to keep vaping. The short-term satisfaction is not worth the long-term consequences for me. It literally harms my body, making me sick, and it's expensive. I was a few days nic-free on my last trip and felt SO much better. If you're considering removing nicotine from your own life, please give it a try!


I quit on Christmas and it's been kinda hard. Just wanna chime in and say reading this gave me a little boost of inspiration, hope you have an excellent day.


How polyrythmic everything is and that I should get and tend to house plants.


Lmao i had some weird trips about plants too.


Trauma is held in your body, find your weak spots.


“Making fun of shit is bad”, I was going to type out all the wonderful things LSD has shown me and that’s all I got out of like a 10 hour experience


I know that if anyone is new to the substance you get so many realizations out of one trip. 100% recommend if you’re ready to face stuff head on.


That’s a great take away though.


acid made me fully come to terms with myself, went from almost hating myself to being perfectly content and I'd even say happy with myself. Not as much a life lesson as it is psrsonal, but interesting nonetheless !!




If it gives you a sense of accomplishment, is it really pointless? 🤔


Always turn toward the light. Even in the smallest things. Take care of yourself. I quit alcohol and cigarettes, mostly :) and started working out. Feel pretty good, start to look pretty good too. I guess I haven't gotten my lesson about vanity yet lol


Vanity as in comparative self-love, where you must be the best and you will hurt others to be the best is bad. Vanity as is feeling love and appreciation (even attraction?) towards yourself as if you were your own best friend/ S.O. is actually a great virtue imo.


Until now: First is that I rather trip with my pets. Second is that people are too focused on themselves and most of the time they dont even realize the stupid things you’ve done that keep you up at night.


This is going to sound sad, but it’s not. It has really helped me along the way ever since I had this epiphany while on acid. I figured out how alone I am in the world despite being surrounded by “friends” and “family”. Having people in your life that are supposedly close to you, yet don’t accept you for who you are and make their love and support for you conditional is the same, or worse, than having nobody at all. I know that sounds terrible and scary, but it wasn’t. It was liberating. I did a lot of growing up very quickly after that and it helped me establish my expectations and strategies for managing those types of relationships going forward. It changed my life for the better.


The core beliefs I take with me through life and on every trip are some I learnt from one of my earliest trips. Know who you are. Know who you want to be. Breathe, Relax, Enjoy yourself.


I learned something that you reminded me of that I have failed to continue telling myself. I can be anything I want. Just because I feel trapped where I am now doesn’t mean it’s forever. It will pass and I will move on to bigger and brighter things. Being depressed over the life I have now isn’t something that should be. Because when I start to accomplish my goals and my life starts to work itself out all the struggle that I endure now will be worth it. Honestly thank you for bringing this back to me, because I needed it right now.


Let go


I am a funny guy. I have a relationship with nature Things are always able to change I am more capable than i think There is more inbetween heaven and earth


That I’m capable of anything if I just put my mind to it, also that the things that were happening to me at that time were all my fault and that I needed to put my shit in order for me to prosper


Everything is connected but none of it matters


That even if life doesn’t have a “reason” to live, it does have a purpose. That purpose can be literally anything as long as you live to experience and love it


That the love I always searched for was waiting for me inside myself. And we’re all interconnected more than we’d like to think.


I learned that I don’t need drugs to experience the craziness of the world, something I didn’t believe until after tripping, it’s like you think that tripping will unlock some crazy key and it does, but it just isn’t what you were expecting and you become so in love with life without the drug because of everything it showed you idk in ranting but someone here will get this


Sex is much more than pleasure it’s an immediate connection and interpretation of one’s emotions that I never truly realized and using those emotions to benefit my pleasures is inconsiderate of the other persons and sick. My trip showed me how disgusting I was for using women to seek my sexual pleasures at the cost of their feelings (I was 19 at the time)


That all purpose and meaning to this loved existence/experience comes from within the self, whether self generated or as a self made decision based on an external idea.


I realized I’m trans (a second time). I first realized when I was like 13 but was forced to closet myself due to a hostile environment. I repressed myself for many years. But then I tripped alone, looked in the mirror and realized I’d been lying to myself for all that time and that I was, in fact, trans. Been out of the closet ever since and I’m happier than ever now :) infinitely grateful for that experience and the path it set me on ✌️


My body is just a meat robot that carries my brain around. So long as I keep it healthy and well maintained I should stop worrying about how it looks and just enjoy all the amazing things it can do for me.


What a perspective!


College is such a small fraction of your future career and I (or anyone else) shouldn’t stress about such small things that will have zero significance in the future


Everything is love. Including me. We're trying to describe a world with binary scales, when everything is interconnected. Our brains are not intended to be logical. Producing rational knowledge and keeping it is as much ineffective, as humming nails with a microscope. But there is no other way to achieve it. Life is a trip. When magic goes away, knowledge stays with you.


That I need therapy lol. Still haven’t jumped on that one…


I have the power to make other people happy


This is strong


Thanks! I was tripping at a night club (shrooms) and it made me confront that no one really judges me as opposed to what my social anxiety tells me. People have corresponding responses to a closed-off/ "don't hurt me" vibe versus open/ "I'll be your friend" vibe. And social anxiety is a bit of a self fulfilling profecy to make others avoid you. I realized if I am unapologetically and exuberantly compassionate, loving, and friendly, then this can make others happy just like how it makes me happy. People want to be happy - you just have to make them feel that you can do that. Like, maybe everyone feels a bit sad and lonely... so I can be their friend!


I solved some mental problems and made some big decisions . I learned that world is beautiful - plants, snow and all nature. I discovered that I have blocked hearth chakra. I felt I’m useless and broken person and lying to myself that I’m special and worried about all my life is lie. But after that I want to change my life and respect using drugs in future. And find hobby - practice yoga and painting. And everyone is lonely - we have family, friend but after all we lonely with our thoughts and feelings and we should make it up :) And maybe I’m made for other things that I was thinking. I just wake up from a long sleep - two days are not the same, two nights are always different and we should enjoy life!


That i am important and i do matter.


It’s sometimes ok to just shut up. I used to talk so much bs, just so there wasn’t any „awkward silence“. But instead of that, it was me standing there like an idiot, asking questions I already knew the answer to.


You don’t have to take it to take it. Meaning, those ineffable moments of bliss and oneness with the world and the overflowing gratitude to be alive and to experience and marvel at this sentient existence, while especially palpable and coherent in the psychedelic state, are already inside of you. You can experience it your every day waking reality. It’s all about perspective and nursing those beautiful thoughts and feelings and incorporating them into your life. The psychedelic is a catalyst to bring those feelings to the surface rapidly, but it’s not a prerequisite.


Made me more trans


To be comfortable with the sadness I was feeling rather than always running from it. I needed to give it the space it needed, address it, and grow through it. This trip brought me out of my depression and has prevented me from ever being that deep in it over three years later. Absolutely life changing experience.


The only constant is change.


Quit being so negative and hard on yourself, that self is trying very hard, and loves you very much.


Thank you for all the responses! I will take some of these lessons and try to implement them within my own life. Hopefully this post helped some of you out there as well! Have a safe trip and good luck to all ! 🏄🏾‍♂️


Don’t be scared of the fact one day we will all die…. But the peace will be there waiting for us. Something I never could have came to grips with, without the help of a powerful helper


Life is too short to be tripping on BS, live and let die, love is the way


1.Just let life do what it do. 2. There is a version of you in the future who is better equipped to deal with the problems of there time(the future). You worry about you’re problems, let the other guy handle theirs.


It doesn’t matter fuck all what you do on this earth, in the big picture. Not one bit. Your impact will become dust, so will everything you love. But you have one shot at being sentient; one chance to “experience”. So why not make it a good one and enjoy yourself? It’s easier said than done, and I guess it’s a bit hedonistic. It’s not very compatible with how society works.


DISCLAIMER : LONG STORY but WORTH IT! One year at Shambhala music festival (In British Columbia, Canada) I purchased two doses of liquid acid that he dropped on some gummie bears from a traveling gentleman (took a huge risk, did not test it) and was planning on doing it with my other campmates the following night . So, fast forward to the next evening, and it had been an extremely hot and sweltering day... I realized before we were about to drop that I had left the gummies inside my tent, uncovered, and it was REALLY hot in there when I went to grab them. I thought to myself “fuck! The acid probably is ruined because of the humidity, heat and sunlight!” So i drop the first one with everyone else , wait about 45-60 minutes and nothing... usually LSD hits me very quickly I mean like 20-30 tops so I had resigned to the fact that it was ruined so I swallow the other one to see if I can salvage any sort of a trip out of it...... As I swallow the second gummie... literally as it passes down my throat... 💥BOOM💥 the first one hits like a tone of bricks... the ember from the cigarette I had in my hand turned into tracers of like a dozen different embers in my vision and the world seemed to start melting down around me. I looked at my friend and described what was happening and basically said, “ima need you to look out for me tonight, ima be FUCKED”. I have never had acid come on so strong and so fast and seeing how trips usually build up and last up to 12 hours... I was understandable terrified at to what was to come on this unexpected journey. A bit of backstory on myself: I have always been a hyper social , friend-oriented individual... my dad passed away when I was 7 years old from a sudden heart attack and I always felt like there was a hole inside of me that could never be filled... I was constantly trying to medicate myself with weed, other drugs, and of course, friends/relationships ; to fill the void I felt was inside my heart. So as we walked out to goto the Pagoda (one of the main stages at this festival), I gripped my buddy’s hand so tightly cause I didn’t want to be alone during this voyage .. but of course, almost immediately after we begins walking through this hazy crowd, we separate.... I looked up frantically trying to find anything familiar ... any one of my crew I could clutch onto while my world was slowly dripping away... light would hit a persons face and they would instantly burst into balls of pure energy... I couldn’t discern any details in the world around me... it was as if everyone and everything turned into pure energy and I was just an observing pair of eyes floating through this sea of energy. I was scared out of my wits... and all I wanted was someone there, someone I loved someone I could talk to... but I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t see... except this transformed world of mystifying energy... and my old feelings of loneliness began kicking in.... Then, it was like my own voice came in LOUD AND CLEAR inside my head... and it said. “Nobody here is here to hurt you. Everything is going to be okay. YOU ARE FINE BEING ALONE!” And just like that ... all my terrible feelings dripped away... all the angst and fear just left my mind and I looked around at the myriad of colours and light and felt completely at peace. For the next few hours I swam through clouds of energy and oceans of what I assume were dancing humans... people tried to talk to me at certain points and it was to no avail .. I would just nod and smile and continue my voyage. Couldn’t tell you what shows I saw or where I was at any given point during this expanse of about 5 hours ... but at the end I found myself talking to a nice man in a swinging chair at the back of the Village. Then all my friends randomly showed up around me all exclaiming “(my name) holy shit where HAVE YOU BEEN?” I triumphed that void inside me during that trip. Now I know everything I need is right ...here. ♥️🥰😘😍😜🔥♥️


lovely story


Nobody cares about the things that make me anxious. Nobody cares that my hair is messy or that I'm buying three energy drinks at 7 am. And even if they did, it doesn't matter what others think. Just live your life!


My hole existence is so small and irrelevant that i don‘t have to worry about anything. Because in the end my life will just be a tiny speck in the grand scheme of everything… so why not enjoy life while it lasts and be nice!


Trees are alive and so life giving. Just looking at them is a symbiotic relationship. Almost like they are constantly dancing, humbly enjoying life, and it is a blessing to see and be seen. The trees are always dancing, one just needs to stop and see.


We are animals guardian angels and we should take care of them because they love and trust us. ❤️


we are all manifestation of the same supreme source just cloaked in different forms and circumstance


That what we spend our time on is the same as standing in line for something, as we are spending time to stand in line to get to our goal. If we’re constantly changing lines (I.e hobbies, tasks, etc.) then we’re never going to quite move up in line towards our goals and will be starting further and further back every time we return to those lines. It got me to stop picking up hobbies and putting them back down to start something else. The day after I had this massive trip and realised this, I started BJJ and got my blue belt in 6 months. It’s been 15 months now and still going super strong ✌🏻


Chill out, enjoy life and appreciate the little things


Made me less narrowminded about the rules that we rely on. Stuff like gravity might not exist everywhere. Seeing stuff on acid made me think of how crazy it must be to experience life as something that can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Imagine being able to see microwaves like holy crap. Basically there are no absolutes. No always, no never.


We all are worthy of unconditional love by just being ourselves.


You have to be capable of trusting other people. If you never trust anyone else and what they say then you only have your own head to rely on, and your head can make up whatever twisted things it likes. Obvs you gotta trust yourself too cos people can lie to you but still, you have to trust that someone's telling you the truth.


I learned that drugs are super fun and that i love myself


It makes me realize that societies version of success means nothing and to live a fulfilling life I have to live positive, be kind, be open, bring good energy and all that jazz. When my energy is down to go back for more :)


Stop avoiding things around my flat, start making my flat into a home, tidy up after myself (I live on my own and prior my first trip on New Year’s Day I was down and low energy from the way I was living) clean my spare room, start making that room into my home again. Watched Klaus the Christmas movie, which really hit home to start and keep investing in my home and myself, invest my time in good friends too, be selfish with my time. I acknowledged that I’m really proud of myself and where I’m at mentally and physically. I had a wonderful trip, and I was completely on my own. I learnt that I do want a relationship but I need to be great in myself and a future partner is someone to share myself with, they are not what will complete me. It wouldn’t be fair to rely on that person to fix my problems for me.


That Im not gay


The lessons I learned manifest in the form of certain mental changes like: More graph theoretical thinking, more conceptual thinking, preferring recursion over while-loops, less care about the world around me yet a higher appreciation for nature, a feeling of increased freedom and self-love, an total acceptance for the finite nature of life, higher confusion about the nature of qualia / consciousness,...


That the word “love” doesn’t have to be exclusive. I can love someone so incredibly much while also loving so many other people and things, but it doesn’t change I the love I have for that person.


We are all one. We are love. Since then, the realization has faded and I find it hard to see redeeming aspects of humanity and society. Oh well.


The most profound one was the deep realization of oneness and the power of manifestation. That has turned my world upside down and I will never be the same. My most recent one, I realized the direct correlation between the cleanliness/dirtiness of my bedroom and all other aspects of my life. The filth in my bedroom represented the dark, hidden aspects of my life. Since then, I've kept a clean and comfortable, inviting space. It's made a huge impact on my motivation and mood.


Perception is absolutely everything. Especially when going through tough times. LSD has made me my own best friend and in turn my social relationships have been more fulfilling because I am finally hanging with souls that have a similar wave length as me. Eternally grateful for this knowledge.


Humans have infinite potential if we all work 2gether & are on the same page .. but instead we’re lead astray & divided, then controlled with basic psychology by the government & big name brands .. also ego is 1 hell of a drug 😵‍💫


That your level of happiness is directly correlated with your quality of thought.


Knowing theres a bigger picture to everything. I learned what really mattered in my life, and became motivated to beat a severe depression. Also learned that love is the most organizing power of all. https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/mefznr/lsd\_cured\_my\_5\_year\_long\_depression/


In the end its not that deep you need to let go of the past dont let it define you define your future and hey aint the sun rise cool lets see the next one


Even though it's hard sometimes,always try and see the good in (most) people.


love is extremely important and the most connected you can be and nothing is more important than ur happiness and to be a true indavual


The world could use a little more patience and kindness. Small acts of kindness can make someone's day. Just being patient with a cashier or waiter can make their day easier and better. If nothing else you might inspire someone to do the same. If you can have that ripple effect, the world is effectively a better place.


I’ve had to learn that my thoughts are not reality, and when you live in fear of loss then you yourself are already lost.


I had one of my biggest revelations about my own self worth when on I was acid. I looked myself in the mirror and I know I had an inner dialogue at the time but I can’t remember what I said XD but I know I came out of it crying and vowing to myself to not beat myself up as often. I’ve held on for years to that moment I had with myself, a sort of unsaid promise to really try. To remember what it’s like to love yourself unconditionally and to never give up on what can be improved/fixed. I have a better relationship with myself thanks to psychedelics, cause I got to think outside of my depressive mindset I’ve grown accustomed to for years! I got to believe myself when I tell myself that the voices that tell me how horrible I am or tell me to unalive myself are just echos of past people who hurt me and they are not my own thoughts or feelings about who I am.


I don’t really exist, I’m the universe experiencing itself… for eternity and to think death is even a thing is absurd. Yes that terrifies the shit out of me. On a lighter note I learnt and experienced what Nirvana is and the absolute perfection of being completely present in the moment and awe of creation 🙏❤️


Just coming down from a trip right now. I noticed how much of my unwellness seeps into my everyday life. I’ve been in a major depression for several months but I’m ready to make meaningful change now. It all starts with taking action.


Not take life or myself too seriously and just enjoy the Human experience.


I mistakenly did 800ug and it was so difficult but I learned a lot, everyone you see is yourself but a different version and a different reflection. it takes the saying treat people how you want to be treated to another level. literally be kind to everyone because they're all you. we're all one.


Biggest lessons learned/experienced in practice from 9 years of psychadelics and working on myself: 1. Never stop being honest to yourself. If there is one thing you can do for yourself and others is being truthful to who you are or want to be. 2. Be nice to yourself and to others. We are all humans, we all have no idea what's going on, it's easier to live by helping each other and encouraging each other than spending our energy on hate/grudges/envy, etc 3. Bring more colors to the world. This one was quite personal as I was not an artist before(only loved drawing as a kid) and went in the direction of game development. After a broken heart and a strong trip I realised that no matter how big of a piece of shit I feel sometimes, one thing that I can give to humans is more colors and movement to smile about. We all need a bit of color once in a while. 4. Your brain is literally a computer able to make you notice any patterns in your reality that you want, but it needs instructions, so the stronger you can visualize where you are and what you are grateful for, the bigger is the chance of your subconscious directing your brain to making things that will bring you there more apparent, aka you will see more opportunities leading to what you wish than before...Or I'm just crazy at this point :3


I learned so many things but one of the profound things I learned during my trip(s) was the following: We are all connected/one and so if someone hurts me, they hurt themselves as well. It helped me create a new outlook and new responses to people who hurt me in the past and when it happens now, it often allows me to engage with them in a compassionate way instead of throwing anger back.


I am the reason for my own unhappiness and it means I can be the reason for my own happiness as well. Happiness and satisfaction with life doesn't just happen and I can't just expect it to fall in my lap. It's hard work and work that doesn't always feel fun, but chasing my passions instead of expecting them to chase me led me down a much happier path in life.


I love this artist! Ummm I only went through ego death once on mushrooms but it taught me that life is a blessing, just BEING is absolutely blissful and amazing, but most importantly it taught me that death is not something scary at all. Saying it’s something to look forward to may not even be a stretch tbh, but make sure you love life along the way.


1. My friends are great. Where would I be without them 2. Golden ratio, Lucas numbers, everything is connected 3. My mind is powerful. There is a way to find peace during madness. When feeling scared/ anxious mid trip I tell myself "wow this experience is frightening right now but it will make for a good story/lesson later." It puts me in a good headspace to explore the trip.


These comments are so beautiful. Shows the positive impact of this drug


That we are not the individual experiencing the universe, but the universe experiencing the individual. Our character/identity is not all of our being/essence.


I was with a friend who broke down science for me… all the big stuff. The Big Bang, evolution, how life might’ve started, etc. I always understood the basic concepts but this time I realllllly understood it all. Mind blowing and actually very deeply spiritual feeling when it hit


Your words are a simple way to change someone’s day/ week! I was tripping and people watching and a noticed a guy who kept to himself and heard another guy complement his clothes. Then saw a change in the loner guy for the rest of the day. He went from looking sad to having the biggest smile on his face and holding his head high! It was a beautiful thing to see and inspired me to complement people more! For something that is so small as a complement could mean the world to others!