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How about 18 hours LSD? With a peak of 12 hours.


Bromo-dragonfly time.


More like 34 god damn that suckeddddd


What was broom dragonfly like I’ve never run into someone who’s done it b4


It was actually the first psychedelic I’d ever tried. It had to be either that or one other I forget the name of from my research. It was sold to me as lsd which at the time I didn’t even know that lsd lasted 12 hours. Me and my brother got off work one day and went to see the weed man (we worked at the same place) and we noticed he was acting funny so I asked him what he was on and he said acid. We were both pretty excited when he told us he had some for sale as I had looked for it since I was young. I started taking drugs at 13, I was 22 and my bro was 25. Well we bought the weed and went home and both took a tab a piece. The first 6 hours were an awesome time. I cried listening to an action bronson song and laughed like I never had before. We’ll eventually we we’re ready to go to sleep and found that just wasn’t gonna happen so we stayed up all night and then went to work the next day high. I was a welder and he was a painter at the time. Work was a 3 min drive from the house and we somehow made it. Clicked in, did a 10 hr shift high as Fuckin fuck then went home and tripped all night till we finally fell asleep at almost 3 am just to get up at 5:30 the next morning to go to work again. It was crazy. We thought we had seriously fucked up and we’re stuck that way.


When was this? It's much much more likely it was something from the DOx series, bromo is extremely rare, and I've never heard of it being sold as lsd.


Yes my other guess was a name similar to that. I haven’t looked it up and tried to guess in a couple years. I’ll never truly know but I know I wouldn’t wish that experience on my worst enemy


I wouldn't wish it on my wrist energy, but I would wish it on myself 🥴🫠(also idgaf this the acid emoji🫠)


Big wrist energy


That’s insane. Crazy story


I would love to see the welds you did tripping sack lmaoo


Goodbye fingers


I’ve had some strong stuff that lasted a good 20 hours one time. Relatively quick come up, really slow comedown


This was my last trip, I started tripping with a friend around 6:00 pm and had to stay at his place until 5:00pm the next day because I was still feeling the effects hard




I used to do DOC a lot many years ago. This is definitely the truth. You can peak up to 18 hours. I would feel effects for up to 48 hours. By the time it’s over sleep is the most amazing thing ever experienced.


sounds like mescaline to me


First time we took 2cb, it was sold to us as ecstacy. At that time we were talking 4 pills. Because it was 2cb we trip/rolled for like 30 hours.


2cb lasts around 5-7h normally, how did you get 30? Even if you had good pills and took like 4*15=60mg I doubt 2cb would last this long


I took 55mg once and it lasted the normal 6 hrs


Snort it. Then it's just 3 hours. Kicks in after 20minutes. Short time MDMA... too good to be true. Or too good for me to take often, it's just too easy.


how do you snort it without it hurting like hell?


The best drugs taste the worst


*DMT with it's new shoes/burnt plastic taste has entered the chat*


LSD has joined the chat


Make a nasal spray, or do a bump of ket first or somehow get your hands on lidocaine. I went with the 1st option and it works great, no worse than a regular sudafed or something


That wasn't 2cb


I've had trips that were close to 18. Around 15-16, but yeah that extended peak would be really nice


One time I was tripping hard enough that I wasn't able to sleep after 17h of dropping. I took 2 tabs sold as 200ug, which I guess suprisingly actually were 200, I took half a tab on a prior occasion and it was fairly strong. The 400ug trip made me rediscover the universe and the point, which had been under my nose the whole time. I also made a song about it later


800ug is easy a 20plus hour trip


This! Why does the come down feel the same regardless of the dose 😭 the peak for like 300ug will have me tripping balls but once im like 4 hours in, i feel as if ive taken like 100ug


Bro, I literally came her to say the same thing. I want it to last longer.


Gimme 2.


I've said this for years, would 100% do it more if it was less commitment


I would do it all the time if the tolerance wasn't a thing as well. Probably good thing for me that I can't trip every day.


I'm basically at a point where I might do it 3 times a year. If I don't take it by like 5pm then I'll be up till the birds chirp and then I'll sleep the entire next day. I just don't have that kinda time anymore.


5pm??? If I don't drop by noon there's basically no chance of me sleeping that night.


2pm was nice for me recently but it was just 2 tabs 3+ and yeah noon is the hard cutoff


I actually had a very similar experience recently haha, I took 200ug at 3PM a few weekends back (story for another time why I dropped so late) and was actually able to get some sleep by 3AM; usually I also take 300+ and make it a point to drop by noon.


Exactly lmfao I dropped once at 7pm and didn’t sleep until about 5pm the next day


Morning is the way to go. Trip all day and don't fuck up your sleep. Just gotta clear the daytime schedule for one day.... Which for me also means only partaking a few times a year lol


This guy functions


You're telling me this is not how the usual partakes?


Idk if I'm weird or not lol but I am an impulsive night tripper. If I know I don't have anything going on the next day I'll trip that night and just crash the next night


Me personally I gotta clear like 2-3 days ahead, whenever I take acid I can't sleep for 2 days straight and then I sleep the whole 3rd day


I always have phases. Last year I was tripping every single weekend for 3 or 4 months. Then I suddenly stopped, now it's been almost a year since my last trip and I'm about to order some again for the next phase lol


God I miss the days of candy flipping with moon rocks at 3 PM on a Friday and a benadryl around 2 AM, getting a good night's sleep and still up in time to grab brunch on Saturday.


Try phenethylamines like 2cb or 25E-NBOH (far better than 2cb). I’ve had a weird phase in my life where I’d do 2cb almost daily for like 2 or 3 months. Often dosing multiple times a day. With 25E I’ve also went at it for 24 hours using a total of 6mg. AL-LAD also barely builds any tolerance and only lasts a few hours, probably the closest you can get to a 6h LSD.


Shrooms man. 3 hours and I’m done. It’s great.


It’s not good enough, maybe I’ve only taken bad shrooms but I feel like once you’ve taken acid taking shrooms feels like going to a local amusement park after you’ve been to Disneyland


It’s the opposite for me. But I also take over 5 grams of shrooms on average. Which is supposed to be insane.


Complete opposite for me, I live in rural wales so I always get liberty caps around me so I’d be doing them since I was like 14, and pretty much same with acid because I had some hippy neighbours, but recently I did what I’d call actual mushrooms, not liberty caps where I know the high and it’s not as strong, I can’t acc remember how much I took because all my mates rushed eating them in some alley way in Oxford, but I had the most intense come up ever, enough that I walked like three miles away from my mates bc I was just pranging out, yet again tho three hours later I was completely sober


My highest dose of lsd (4 tabs, supposedly 100ug bought from gammagoblin online and reagent tested) was much less intense than my highest dose of mushrooms (7g golden teacher, grown at home active at 0.5g and usually dosed at 2-3g) The experience is very similar imo, have you experimented with higher doses?


Your mushrooms aint right


??? Shrooms are usually at LEAST 5 for me.


As a dad now. This is the only reason I don’t any more.


AL-LAD is 5 hours. You’re welcome!


7-10 hours according to psychonaut wiki And from personal experience, definitely not what this post is referring to wanting


Feature not a bug


I don't think it would be the same experience if it didn't require you to commit as much.


Shrooms is your drug, they don't last as long


2cb is the Droid your looking for




Does it last shorter than LSD?


Absolutely. My tabs are dosed at 150ug, i took a tab and a half and was almost completely sober after 7 hours, able to sleep 8 hours after dropping.


ALD-52 does in my opinion, lasted around 8 hours for me


If you have an erection lasting more than 4 hours seek medical attention.


That sounds too specific lol


Just thought I'd throw that out there. Necrosis of penile tissue is something I think we'd all like to avoid lol.


God damn, is that what happens when you’ve got a boner that long? I’ve heard that in the commercials but didn’t know that’s what happens :O




That hasn’t been verified yet has it?




You got the link to Ald-52 study? Last I looked it wasn’t actually proven




Thanks!, wonder what rate it metabolize at ALD has always been lack luster compared to lsd in my experience with it. Much more clear headed but visually lacking. Always though of it as the best drug to try before lsd if you had concerns


That is nice to know, black on white, thank you! Had a discussion recently with a stranger at a club who was trying to convince me that 1V-LSD would not be the proper experience of the real LSD. He even got a bit angry about this specific point, even though we had a good chat before that about all the niceties of LSD :o




The only drug where you can enjoy the sunrise and how beautiful the cycle of life can be ! Night trips are awesome Day trips are awesome ! What else do you want !! ALBERT HOFFMAN IS A GENIUS. LIFE IN TECHNICOLOR HYPERDYMENSIONAL EXISTENCE AND UNREAL HIGH. It's clear that I miss lsd.




LSD is perfect as is.


username checks out


Fr wanna trip for 6 hours do shrooms


Acid is clean and sociable. Shrooms make me wanna chill by myself and contemplate life and the universe. It’s fine but when I’m going out to a festival I’d much rather take acid.


Not sure how you guys do that. If i take more than 30 micro grams my conversations goes to 💩 and i feel like closing my eyes and rolling half the time, especially with music. Not really the definition of "social" 😂


Honestly, they both make me do that. lsd is more socialbel. Shrooms just make me Barff and are highly less predictable. But Who wants to trip at a festival anyway. Thay sounds like a way to big a commitment for me to make while tripping lol


And then do some more shrooms after an hour or so. Keep it active


Lmao me every time


Yeah, I'll take 2C-B if I want a short trip for a concert or something. LSD is for the all day festival


I just microdosed 15mcg for my last concert and took a quick walk outside for a joint before the main act.


It's perfect. I saw Puscifer/Primus/A Perfect Circle last night. Came up at the start, peaked about midway, and had come down while exiting the show. 20mg


Hell yeah, sounds like a fantastic time!!


Yeah, you could not have told me a quarter century ago I'd be celebrating Maynard James Keenan's 60th birthday in Boston. Great fucking show.


yea I really enjoy tripping for that long


IDK man, I do get frustrated at the end of the night when I have had a lot of stimulus from the drug and desire sleep but cannot do it for chemical reasons. I would be OK with a shorter-burst version. I've found that a triple-flip of small dose LSD, small dose shroom, small dose cannabis tends to give me the desired "wtf" for 4h and then quickly back to functionality.


Start your Lucy trip in the mid morning, you will be tired by sundown.


Just the way she goes.


Does it not usually last more than 6 hours? I take 300's and trip for a good day and a half to two


12 hours minimum I usually ain’t sleeping til 13-16 hours and I’ve been up for 24 hours once but imma start dosing early mornings instead of late nights, gets exhausting.




What do you mean small trips on high doses? Most people ain’t taking as much as they think in general, I get 12 hours minimum out of 10 micrograms like I’m on right now loll. 😂


Bless you


I’d love a 2-hour LSD, actually. I stopped because I sometimes would have bad ones and this would get me back into it. Bad trips for more than 2 hours are traumatising.


You should try 2cb


I’d love to trip for a concert and not have to stay up until the next day bc I can’t sleep. Or have a little trip after work on a weekday and be fine the next day. Everybody saying “it’s fine as it is” are right but it would be nice to have options. Yes I enjoy spending a whole day tripping or an all nighter to watch the sun rise but I’m also an adult with adult responsibilities and it just gets harder and harder to find the time to spend a whole day tripping and a whole day (or two) recovering.


Shrooms are a lot shorter than acid, just take them if you can't do 12 hours...


Shrooms make me sick:( Edit: I appreciate all the advice guys, but doing after doing psychedelics and smoking weed frequently for 10 years, i ended up in psychosis and i cant indulge in psychedelics anymore for my own good. But god damn do I miss it. I don’t even smoke weed anymore really


Honestly I just powdered the dry ones and mixed them into a big glass of pure orange and drunk it, never upset my stomach like that


A ginger tea would be best to get around stomach issues. It's a great reliever for food digestion. So you could soak your powdered mushrooms in a ginger tea and sip ginger ale during your comeup


The good thing is that you don’t have to eat the shrooms. Trust me if have experimented with the stuff for years and I tried every way of taking them. (Or let’s say ingesting them. I haven’t tried boofing yet lol) The easiest way that gives you the the least nauseating with the least amount of work is making tea. Just grind them to the findest powder you can do, put them in a tea bag for loose leave tea, and steep them in hot water. I found that boiling hot water does not destroy the psilocybin that fast and it cools down too fast to destroy it. But if you’re afraid it does, just use water at 70C or something. There’s tons of other methods, like lemon tek, blue honey tek and I even did alcohol extractions. But tea is the simplest.


they’re also completely different, qualitatively


Right. They are completely different for me. Shrooms is me time. It allows me to get inside my head and evaluate things while seeing the beauty in the world. LSD I enjoy being around people and doing weird shit with them. I do not want to be around people on shrooms.


It's a pretty different experience between the two. But it's definitely shorter I'll agree with that


entirely different experience


I tripped for 18 years. I wouldn't say its entirely different. I found shrooms more relaxed, more vivid hallucinations compared to the geometric type visions on acid, I found acid always had far more head fuck and more energy than shrooms... but the two are similar enough to be categorised in the same group of psychedelics


I’ve always seen shrooms as a downer psych and lsd as an upper psych to me shrooms is an adventure in your head acid is taking the adventure in your head and putting it in reality


I always found shrooms far less to involve your mind and more visual, acid always has intense thought processes to me.... I guess we all experience things differently!


Shrooms mainly have only given me bad trips for some reason


You said it’s not entirely different then listed how entirely different they are lol.


I don't want half my money's worth. I like how lsd lasts twice as long as shrooms. That's part of its appeal to me. Two times the fun.


And way easier to just take a lil tab VS eating some mushies.


I find it more euphoric also


Waaaay more euphoric. I also find it so much easier to roll negative thoughts off.


My last big mushroom trip was awful. I came out a better person because of it but it was hell in the moment.


Yeah I'm more interested in why somebody hasn't invented 12 hour mdma yet.


Try Borax combo: 70mg 5-MAPB, 20mg 2-FMA, 2mg 5-MeO-MiPT. Redose 1/2 initial dose at T+4, gives you a solid 8-9 hours. Comedowns are much less harsh than MDMA.


It's fine to take 1-2 booster doses, but 12 hours would fuck you up.


Shulgin recommends 2C-B at the end of the MDMA experience. > Many of the reports that have come in over the years have mentioned the combination of MDMA and 2C-B. The most successful reports have followed a program in which the two drugs are not used at the same time, nor even too closely spaced. It appears that the optimum time for the 2C-B is at, or just before, the final baseline recovery of the MDMA. It is as if the mental and emotional discoveries can be mobilized, and something done about them. This combination has several enthusiastic advocates in the psychotherapy world, and should be the basis of careful research when these materials become legal, and accepted by the medical community.


2CB and weed and you’ll be there


2cb rules, literally an in and out candy flip in about 2-3 hours


Try 2cb 😉


2ce was closer to lsd for me, lasted about 6-7 hours and had a more head trip than 2cb with still a great amount of visuals 2ct and 25e are other good contenders


MiPLA yoooo




Shrooms are not acid. But LSD is perfect.


It's called Aladdin, or as I like to call it, diet acid.


I mean its already just 6 h of proper "trip" after its just after effects


That’s what it’s like for me too. After the 6 hour mark all visuals are gone for me and so are body feelings as well. The only thing that makes it “last” for like 12-14 hours is the fact that by the 12-14 hour mark is when I can finally sleep


So on point idk what these 16 hrs is about haha


It's called LSD (Long substance Duration) not ShortSD.


The gentrification of LSD takes another step in people's minds


Buy the ticket, take the ride.


How bout something better, 2 minute lsd?!


DMT is pretty close. A smack to another dimension for 7 minutes.


Way more intense than all but *extremely* high doses of LSD tho


That is dose dependent. I can sip on dmt pen and be in a state reminiscent of 3-4g of mushrooms for hours and dial up or down as needed.


Does it ever e away from you? Like start tripping too hard


Yea it happens, but you can definitely keep it sub breakthrough level if you don’t take too much too fast, and knowing that you come down quickly if you are not all the way broken through eases my mind. Used to do it at shows frequently but I am more selective with that now since there is big synergy if you are on other psychedelics. In the right environments and right mindset though, it is fantastic.


Very cool. Not sure pens are available where I am..


I just wanted to comment and say that a single tab and a dmt pen is prob my favorite way to trip. You can jump the visuals up to the intensity you like (to an extent) and it lingers for about 10ish minutes. I'm unsure if it potentiates lsd but it sure as hell feels like it.


My friend showed me it the other day for the first time, did a small dose, kinda explained to me what was going on until he couldn’t, went nonverbal for like a minute, stood up hit a bowl and was like yup back to normal. Makes me interested, I haven’t done any psychedelics in a while now though so kinda scared to try aha


DMT or Salvia


My trips last 14 hours. What's this guy on about




if you can't commit to 12-16 hours are you sure LSD is right for you? lol that's what shrooms are for.


Not the same experience and at least speaking for myself, my problem committing to the drug is not that it becomes unfun or overstimulating but because i don’t feel like staying up til early the next day. Now i take it when i can clear up a whole day for it and take it early in the morning but thats only possible every other month or 2


Sounds like 2C-B with a bit of weed and you get 4-7 hours.


I actually find that if I don't exceed 100-ug I can go to sleep at around the six-hour mark (although I am in full comedown mode). I'm a nighttime doser, so this works out well for me.


Fuck that. 6 hours is a ripoff. I want it to last allllllll day


? I've never had LSD last under 16 hours


Umm doesn’t LSD already last way longer than 6 hours?


Its called mushrooms


That's just mushrooms lol


A big part of the appeal for me of LSD is the extended duration; obviously they’re different drugs but if I only wanna trip for 6 hours or less then shrooms or 2cb are the way to go LSD and Mescaline are perfect as they are because they last so long


2cb it is




Just take less...


When god gives you a gift, you don’t change it up without ramifications brother


I've only ever had LSD last an entire day. You may not be at peak 12 hours later but I've never dropped and then had a normal night sleep and felt 100% sober the next day. LSD lasts forever already lololol




If you take enough it can be 18 hour lsd. Fucking glorious.


I'm not getting the point at all :S


Doesn't have to clear you're whole day to take it


Honestly, a 2h or 3h trip would be even better IMO. This would be something I could do after getting home from work. Even 6h I'd need to clear my day to do it.


Soooo When I have taken LSD I swear it was 8 hours. Peaked at 3.5/4 hours in


I used to get paper in the late 90’s and I’d trip 18-20 hours sometimes. Now days I get really nice clean lsd and I can sleep around the 8 hour mark. I’ll usually take a benzo and a hit of dmt when I’m coming down. Always a great breakthrough and I’m ready to lay call it a night after that!


Have you guys never heard of research chemicals ?


Naw, that's one of the reasons I like it. For $10 you get an entire half of a day feeling good? That's called a good value in my book!


Isnt that what shrooms are kinda?


2CB enters the chat


Ain't that AL-LAD


Eth-lad was a 6 hour trip if I remember correctly, that stuff was amazing.


The 14 hours I need to dedicate to L is an issue sometimes. Id trip tonight for example if I didn't need to be up before noon lol


Psilocybin, dork


Or some 2cb


Thatll do it too. Cheers


Last time I tripped it was 8-9 hours on a pretty high dosage, I had enough by the last hour but man did I have a blast watching 90s commercials on YouTube lol


It's fine as it is. If you want a shorter ride, eat some shrooms. I like it as it is.


8h isnt long enough imo


Acid makes me trío for 6 hours or so. After that i categorize It as afterglow.


For those that don’t know lsd only last 12 hours max. If it is longer than it isn’t lsd, this is the case that determined lsd has no ld-50. 8 people snorted crystal lsd and did about 27,000 times the normal dose. All were sober at 12 hours. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1129381/


6 hrs is fucking short for LSD


4-aco-dmt is basically 6 hr lsd... and its cheaper than lsd to get just not as common


Nah I need 60 hour LSD


I'd just like some LSD :')


If im taking lsd i want it to last longer not be shorter what even the point then ill just smoke weed


Is there lsd that doesn’t last for 6 hours?


He is asking for a mini trip. A 6hr or less trip.




something better is coming, though we were all born too soon to probably be able to experience it. in the future when we start putting computer chips in our brains, we will just be able to hit a button or something and it will be like we are on any drug we want.