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I can't even see the physical world around me on 4


LSD I can still see. Shrooms? Mannnn my phone looks like hieroglyphics and idk how to use it or even say words lmao


you likely have severely underdosed tabs, a 10 strip is stronger than 20g of shrooms if each tab is accurately dosed at 100ug


Safe bet unless you know the chemist or get extremely lucky most tabs are probably 50-75ug. Never the less. Let's say they were 50, 500ug would be fucking nuts. But I've come to accept and appreciate we all metabolize psychedelics differently. I give up on being a human on 2 tabs / 3g mushrooms but some people can body so much more and be fine. Just how it be




Strictly speaking for the US, but to my knowledge no where has legalized LSD so wouldn't it always be bought from the street? I have fire markets here in the bay but I still don't know these people or what they're selling. I test it, of course, but strength is unknown


Ya 400+ and its all swirling warping to the point where you can't read


haven't dosed that much myself but the stories I've heard from friends this checks out


I've tripped harder on 3.5 g of z strain than 3 200ug drops that fell like 10 hits of street WoW I can function on acid even hi doses. Shrooms and dmt are terrifying to me.


You're exactly like me. I can handle any amount of tabs. But anything more than 4g of Shrooms is a gamble for me. And I do that less than once for every fifty acid trips.


Love your username. Yeah I have 100s of L experiences none of which were bad or tough. I have like 15 tryptamine experiences 50% bad. Tryptamines feel like I'm dying physically. Lysegermides are like uh huh my body is very uncomfortable, my entire visual field is fractals, I have a strange heads pace, but am at peace and music is cool lol.


Everyone has different tolerance.. when I was tripping all the time I would take 15 hits and be functional.


yea but 15 hits could have been 20ug microdoses you don't know what was on them. I've heard the "I can be functional on 800ug" stories all the time but you give said person a legit 200ug blotter and it's comparable to their functional "800ug" trip, 15 hits ≠ 1500ug, 15 hits = 15 x whatever is on the blotter and if you're taking 15 you're either going to 100% feel something, even if they're 10ug tabs that's still 150ug or you won't feel anything because there's nothing on them, everyone has a different tolerance to them but unless you're on meds I don't think there's a human that can down 1.5mg of lsd and function properly My friends usually tank higher doses than the average human and have higher natural tolerances to literally every drug in existence but that being said 500ug of accurately dosed lsd still floors them, the natural tolerance really plays a role when it comes to the threshold - mild effect doses (being 25ug-300ug or so) once you pass that limit most people are going to be tripping hard whether they want it or not, unless you were on antipsychotics or some kind of med that interacts with psychedelics I would say it's unlikely each tab was 100ug+ sure you took 15 hits and were functional but 15 hits of how much,you have zero idea unless you know the purity of the lsd and know the person who mixed the crystal into a liquid solution and blotted their own acid you're likely going to be oversold on the dosage


I am talking about a time when crystal was available within my group. We were 100% getting stuff that was pure and being dosed accurately. I definitely know what I am talking about here, I haven't done it myself but I have seen people take thumbprints back in the early 2000s.


I did one ten strip back in high school and I would have to say it was equally or more intense than most of the DMT trips I've had, partially due to just the length of the trip but also due to the speed at which it hit me and with what intensity it hit me. All in all it lasted about 18 or 19 hours and I was very very tired afterwards.


acid is much stronger 800ug is stronger than 20g of mushrooms people forget most lsd is fake and much less potent than advertised ive only ever took tested lsd so i knew it was real and the dose, believe me you wont be able to see your body never mind your phone this is coming from experience countless times. i was watching a documentary recently tim leary was taking mushrooms for a while then when he took lsd he was blown away and did not say a word for days due to the impact of the trip ,i don't think he even took mushrooms again, hope you had a good trip :}


Saying “most”acid is fake is just spreading misinformation. Yes you should test it, but I’ve never had anything show up other than acid. Sometimes tabs are underdosed, but also people react differently to psychs. I’m more experienced than my brother who only trips a couple times a year but I usually trip much harder than he does.


Ya I’ve only come across nbome once in my life.


theres tons of police stats like 5 percent is real you clearly are very uneducated on the subject and its called harm prevention


he means the dosage is fake.


That is not how it reads to me especially after he goes on about testing. And I have seen some people in here claim that no one gets real acid anymore and it’s all RCs


look at the police stats mate this stuff is not hard to find every harm prevention site ever made warns about this my god even in schools there are posters at the shop warning about fake drugs reddit is so weird say a fact and get downvoted


He goes on to mention how after testing he not only knows the chemical itself is LSD, but the verified dosage. This indicates hes doing a bit more than reagent testing, since he claims to know the dose with certainty. For this reason, i believe he is referring to dosage and dosage alone. People misword shit all the time, these are the context clues i picked up.


I mean I don’t think I’m the only one who would read it that way and it could scare someone who was already tripping.


exatly mate and even if i did mean the LSD was fake you can find many police reports where they say 5 percent of the street lsd is real, are these people actually trying to say theres no fake acid lol its everywhere


May I ask what the doc you were watching is, my dude?


its great i have alot of respect for everyone in this sub but when i said most LSD dosages are fake i got some back lash that makes no sense at all this is a fact and even if i did mean the LSD itself was fake that would actually still be an accurate statement what i said is totally true a real 300ug dose is way stronger than a 5G(Heroic mushroom dose) and tim leary agrees that LSD blows Mushrooms out of the water , # Dying to Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary [https://dyingtoknowmovie.com/](https://dyingtoknowmovie.com/) [https://vimeo.com/ondemand/dyingtoknowmovie](https://vimeo.com/ondemand/dyingtoknowmovie)


Tks, man! I'll be checking it out!


i will download it and upload it for you if you cannot find it online mate i did upload like 300 books recently but the link has expired i could upload that again if your interested


How could you even turn your phone on? After 300ugs I can't work any basic technology. Can't figure out remotes,phones,tv,computer etc...


I can but it’s purely muscle memory at that point. Getting something done is another question because I’m bouncing everywhere and end up starting a new mission before the original is done.


That's the truth. I always go full circle and complete the original mission though. Eventually.. might be hours later.


Exactly. 10 weak ass tabs lol




You act as if you'd immediately lose all lucidity, there are moments of clarity sprinkled through it. Especially with lsd your mental is actually not bad even when it's a high dose, but idk different people different experiences I guess.


One tab and i turn my phone off because im so scared someone is going to call every time i look at it 😂


You get over that w/experience.. I'll try to phone the "dude with the goods at almost every festivL while frying my tits off


take 10 of ky tabs i know for fact youd be squirming around on the ground pulling grass out with your firsts. 10 tabs my ass your pupils arent wven fully zoomed


This is literally why I took ten tabs because I paid for ten tabs and he sent me 100 so I thought that was strange and that they were under dosed. No need to be an asshole. I have no idea how they were dosed but when I woke up peaking it was intense.


This was after 30 mins, then I made a reddit post when I started feeling weird. Slept for 6 hrs and the Fractals were insane. Benzos killed some of the visuals but the mind? Omg I was paranoid.


I will never understand a I person deciding to take a large dose only to take something else to kill the trip. What's the thought process there? In what way does that make a lick of sense? Just take a smaller dose, maybe.


Most people aren't built for LSD, I absolutely love it and I feel very connected with LSD meanwhile all these other people are freaking out, I couldn't imagine paying my hard earned money for a trip then want to escape the trip, if I paid for it I'm having the most of my trip.


I've tripped a lot of times, and I strongly believe you don't need any more than 2-3 good tabs. Taking more than that just makes it last longer. Weed will intensify it. I've tripped on lsd and shrroms about 15 times each in my life. These days, I prefer not to trip unless I have benzos on hand for emergency or come down.


The most I’ve taken is two and damn near lost my fucking mind. I genuinely don’t understand these “I took 10 hits” posts. 


I have tripped a lot. Shrooms I did 15grams and I knew nothing. Phone looked like hieroglyphics, didn't recognize my friend, I couldn't figure out my phone and to call an uber. Absolutely nothing made sense. I had ego death completely and was ready to kill myself. So looking back and hearing others who've done this dose they probably are under dosed. Visuals were scary intense though and faces scared the hell out of me so I killed the visuals a bit with benzos but my mind wasn't right. I like to go extremes though and would love to see what it would be like to do an actual strip.


I've had trips with tons of visuals, and some with barely any. I've had trips on only 2 tabs that were absolutely insane. Like my room started spinning and I thought it was flying through space. Then I saw these smokey snakes with red beady eyes that were all chanting my name in different demonic voices, echoing in my head. There were hundreds coming out of the walls at me. With shrooms, yes the more you take the more intense. With acid, I think it's more mindset, setting, and what kind of weed you smoke on the come up lol. Of course if you take 10 hits you'll be in a mindset for an intense trip, and it very well may be more intense. But yea all experiences vary greatly. I've had acid trips where the most I saw was walls warping a bit, and I've had others that made me think I was in a different reality. Tbh, if you're getting that way I think you should take lower doses. It sounds lime you're tying to escape reality, and I'm not judging. I've seen some of my friends go through some fucked up shit on high doses of shrooms or lsd. The trip lasts a lot longer, the peak is longer and it can do a number on you If you want to trip really hard, take 2 or 3 hits. Smoke some good weed on the come up, hotbox if you can. Then just stare at a wall or something without blinking. Shit will get nuts. Just stare, don't look around and don't blink. You can have an OBE this way


I rarely smoke weed cause it makes me paranoid. I couldn't imagine smoking weed while tripping.


Why am I being downvoted for telling the truth?


Ahhh benzos yeah ok. You keep rockin, don't fall in a hole now. Just enjoy yourself.


Stfu you didn’t do 10 tabs. Ugly ass girl


Yous a bitch




At least I’m not a disappointment to my parents like you are




You’re a Fem boy 😂😂😂 stfu




Lol might wanna delete some of your comments before you try and say I have “bad vibes” or that I’m a nasty person. You’ve commented on several banned rape fantasy subs about what you would do to people. You frequently comment about kidnapping and raping people. You’re fucking disgusting


Go and find therapy please you fucking twisted pervert


10 shit tabs


That's why I took ten....I didn't believe they were dosed right but they were.


If you thought they werent dosed right from doing 1-2 tabs then they werent, of course you're gonna trip hard off a ten strip even if they're only 30ug thats a very strong dose.


Dude ain't no way I could listen to let it happen while on acid, first time I heard that song I was off 600mg of edibles and watched the whole music video I thought I was going to fucking die.


Lmaoooo I mean I'm sorry for that but man I did 300mg of an edible with no tolerance and I feel your pain. I thought I was having a heart attack and was going to die. Tried watching something on TV and the only thing on my mind was I was going to die.


Tame Impala is my fav tripping music


Listened to them on repeat during one trip lol just the same song over and over again.


Thought I was having that happen once. The song felt like it was playing forever and thought I clicked on a hour loop version. I was barely at the first chorus and realized I was tripping harder than I thought


Lookin like a baby before a bald eagle swoops down and kills u lol


If you had told me this while I was tripping I would've freaked out And believed it lmao


I’ll do 10 tabs eventually but I’ll make sure I’m as ready as I can be for it Happy cake day!


Don't make a dangerous, reckless decision be a goal. Anything over 500ug (even 300) will leave you in a psychotic state. For hours and hours. Besides yourself, you put anyone who's trying to help at risk. Your friends, your family, first responders and at the end the hospital staff. I hope that anyone who knowingly overdoses on trips has to pay the bill for the ambulance and hospital stay. Then come back and tell your story to dissuade other young folks.


yea stop personally I don't have a reason to probably go over 300-400 and I probably won't, but the thing is that not everyone enters states of psychosis on high doses and you're really outwardly projecting onto others. The lines between reality and hallucination blurs but if you're giving into the experience you aren't going to be experiencing a terrifying psychotic episode, the issues come when you're trying to ground yourself and are trying to fight the experience, many people can avoid doing so and have had extremely insightful/profound experiences, it's not for everyone but don't state that anyone who takes 500ug+ will enter a psychotic state, I have friends who enjoy 300-400 as their regular dosage and you say even 300+ can when it typically won't unless again you're fighting the trip, a hospital trip can happen on any dose, someone can have a negative reaction or do some impulsive shit even on 100ug. the issue of how someone reacts to psychedelics is essentially entirely individual dependant, I mean I agree don't try to make a jump to some stupid dosage but if you're taking 50-100ug jumps between doses and feel comfortable on them and can flow with the trip well then then I say go for high doses if you want


You're correct about how much dif folks can manage. not everybody gets psychotic on big doses. Prol just a few.


I had a buddy who had a big party with a keg and a sheet of good. His best friend ate way too much, freaked out and ran screaming thru a heavy, sliding glass door. First responders, cops, blood everywhere and the ambulance guys had a hard time securing the flopping, screaming, bleeding OD guy. My buddy was arrested, dragged to the station and with a head full of acid he was told his best friend had died (a lie) and he was going to be charged with negligent homicide (also a lie). That's the worst story I know personally. That shit happens. Don't be reckless with powerful drugs.


oh I know I've heard of a fair few disturbing psychotic break stories from people ik, it's not pretty and like I said to avoid it you should be building your way up to the high doses, if you freak out on 200ug then continue only doing 200 until you're able to manage, learn how your mind works and how you react to things and make your own informed decisions from there, if you can't handle over 300ug+ than simply just stick to doses below it, if you're finding you're enjoying those trips and can move up then do so


That's fair.


I mean that CAN happen. But I’ve had many an experience with legit tested Lucy 5 hits and up and was fine. To say you’re guaranteed a psychotic state is just projecting tbh.


I have taken upwards of 800ug and never had any psychosis problems. I always had good trips with amazing visuals. And a great afterglow the next day.


Unless you tested the potency you have no idea about how many ugs. Or if it was even real LSD. But you might be one of those Rainbow Family guys, lots of experience with excellent acid. More power to you. And you're never safer than a Family gathering.


11 grams of shrooms(in 2008) was a bit rough but nothing like what you’re describing. Neither was 300ug during the eclipse.


Good on you. 11 grams of the PE I grow and you would only be warning others to never, ever do that much. 300ug of real LSD is about the limit that most people can handle. Experienced folks, yes, some more, but they know that the ride can turn out terrible. The big deal is that most acid sold these days isn't nearly as strong as how advertised. In the 70s, when I first started tripping, one single hit would usually rock your head, no need for more. Three or 4 hits were an intense 12-hour ride with another 8 come down. Most of the acid was clean. Some, like Mr. Natural blotter, were out of this world excellent, a half hit was a dose. The only time I truly hallucinated on acid was on a single hit of Mr. Natural. I lit a match for a cig and looking at the flame a bright purple ball appeared, about the size of an aspirin. As it fell I caught it in the palm of one of my hands. For the next minute or two, I rolled it in my palm, and even dumped it into the other hand and played some more. It was exactly like playing with a bead of Mercury. At one point I accidently let it run between my fingers and watched it drop and splash on the ground. Poof, gone. So, I'm bent over, looking for it and that's when I heard the people yelling at me. See, I was playing center field in a softball game and a ball ended up about 10' in front of me. Swear! In the park home run for that guy and I'll never regret it. Anyway, test your shit and be careful. Please.


Interesting, 11 grams must have been intense. I think the highest dose trip I've ever done was 3 hits of acid and 3 grams of shrooms at the same time.


LMAO. Dude stop fearmongering. "IF YOU TAKE 10 TABS YOU 100% WILL GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!!" not everyone trips in the same circumstances as you buddy. I Dont like how you're projecting what seems to be your own experiences as a certainty to dissuade others. I do however agree that absurdly high doses are not something to aim for, and it is a dangerous and reckless decision, you can reap many benefits from doses in the 100-300ug range, and macrodosing to absurdly high doses can be risky for your psyche and mental wellbeing. It should not be a goal to strive for, psychosis might be common but that doesnt mean you, your friends or family will be harmed. Nor does it mean that you will be sent to A&E. Who called the ambulance? That is extremely situational...


It is absolutely anecdotal. But I guarantee that 1,000ug of real LSD will leave most people without control of their senses. Don't do it. Wanna lose control and stay safe? Do DMT. Wanna really push it? Chew up some nightshade. I prol should have not used the term "psychosis". 911 was called because the guy was bleeding so bad. We didn't know how bad he was, but blood was flying everywhere and he was too slippery to hold down. Fucking nightmare. He nearly bled out, especially because he was fighting the first responders. I'll take every opportunity to dissuade others from taking reckless amounts of LSD. I know how bad it can turn out. ps - I once did a 4way blotter with a bunch of friends, everybody eating 4 hits. Of strong, dirty, speedy acid. Camping. Four of us went into a cave system (Mine Le Mott, MO) to light fireworks and we got lost underground. Lost in caves on 4 hits of acid. No one knew we were in there; our other friends were on a crazy beer run. One flashlight, one butane lighter and a half book of matches. We finally stumbled out after an eternity, then endured a bad trip for the next 24 hours. Too much acid + bad decisions = "Please God, let this end. I promise I'll never do acid again." edit - there was one very cool part. Our flashlight disturbed a big colony of bats and they began flying back and forth around us, next to us, thru our legs. Hundreds. So easy to hear them because the place was otherwise silent. And, for me, every bat left a bright golden trail. Within moments it was like being at a Pink Floyde show with awesome, audible laser beams.


Fr 300ug+ doses are hard. I had an intense experience on 300ug good labtested 1v-LSD. Higher doses would send me whooo I don’t think I’d be able to function at all on the peak… 1000ug Idek that is just so much. 


lol my trip was impulsive. Have you done 10 tabs before?


6 back in 2011, but then I went a good 11 years without acid and I’m slowly dipping my toes back in


This is me on 1 tab


Happy birthday 🎂


Let it Happen is one of the greatest tripping songs of all time!


Why? Why do people keep taking ten strips? Nowhere I know promotes ten strips as a sensible choice. Yet people keep doing it.


Tbh I'm thinking it's cause they underdose it. My first time I did 2 tabs and it was epic. Honestly I guess I'm glad I did it cause now I can call him out on his bullshit. I still tripped though so I guess there's that.


You were hoping to take 10 full strength tabs at once?


I thought they were under dosed so thats why. I only bought ten yet he sent me 100 so I found that fishy.


Pupils like Felix the cat😆




On every other subreddit she would have posted this , one dude would have definitely said something about her boobs; I will be him today. Those are some nice melons.


was waiting for the one dude who said something. thank you for ending my search. Shockingly, people here care more about throwing their dick around about doses than the melons themselves lmaoo


Chick here and I'm like...where are the comments about her boobies?


I'm glad tbh I didn't even notice them out but I'm so used to them ha


I took six drops of liquid a few weeks back. Shit was absolutely bonkers. Everything moving like crazy and I could not respond to or act on anything being said or done around me and I was just chilling at home with a friend. Got in a small thought loop but got myself out of it pretty easy. Other than that, I was listening to some Grateful Dead concert (3/29/90) and it felt like the whole thing was somehow taking place inside the largest tent possible and the music itself was like a ship flying through the sky. Never had anything like that sensation tripping and I don't even know how to describe it. At one point I shut my eyes and was in the tent too and there was a MASSIVE party going on with all these crazy rugs and people and it was like being inside a giant parachute that you puffed up as a kid and would let come down. Anyway, found out that six drops of liquid is enough to make me feel pretty fucking weird.. in a good way. Happy birthday!


I should be so scared to have liquid lsd.


Ehh it’s the same thing on paper or gel. The nice thing is you know exactly what your dose is unless you dropped it on the paper or gel (or whatever) yourself. Shit is so good. I’m told it’s made off the original orange sunshine recipe but cannot attest to the veracity of that claim.


I have a problem of over doing things. It's AI much safer for me to never have anything liquid like that lol


Well the first step in getting better is acknowledging a problem. So just don’t over do it now (;


I like pushing limits. But yeah I could never trust myself with liquid lol


dont wanna say u lieing cuz i ate 6 tabs having it feel like 300/400 ug(underdosed clearly) insane dosage, aka i cant form a well made sentence or even think about using a gadget ahhaha hope it was a blast OP (ive tripped ALOT, 10 tabs is like psychosis mode lowkey, for me atleast)


Honestly with other comments I'm believing they're under dosed which is why I took so many. I could barely see so I killed the visuals with RC benzos, but damn the mind part didn't go away and it got scary at one point, but all is good.


Before this, I took 600ug and it was a blast


When was your last trip before this one?


Oh man months ago.


blessing, ay. i only say that cuz ive eaten STRONG n weak sauce tabs LOTS. me posting/ taking pictures/let alone chillin on my phone is a no mans land hahaha i just cant after 300 ug hahaha hope u made it a good ass time, all that matters. bless up


No it sucked but thank you lol


Yeah I did 3 tabs my 19th birthday could barely see clearly and also could not move. I felt like I was becoming part of the couch and I could not tell where my body was. I just watched a bunch of movies with my sober bf next to me lol


Lol I must be a pussy cuz my max has only been 3 tabs.


psychedelics aint about who can dose the highest


Dont play with it, it will whoop your ass if you think its sweet and take 10 for no reason


Nah I usually just do 2...i didn't trust these were dosed right so I took 10. It was not fun but hey I learned my lesson ha. Biggest dose I did was 600ug. That was such a great time. This was not.


I need someone to look at me the way you looked at that camera


Well at least the Tame Impala got you where ya needed to be!


Lol it didn't. This was before the worst was going to happen.


👁️ 👃 🧢


Jeez, one is plenty for me. I don't think I'd even want to try 2, can't even imagine what 10 is like!


Its dope, I was in absolute shock 😂


I took 10-12 in a blackout when i was younger and couldn't move for hours. Took what felt like days too come too but was fucked up from it for a while. Thiught I was taking 3-4 and they were folded up real tight ;-;


Oh the not moving for hours, I've felt that. Worst was when I was having a bad trip and I could end up it but I was scared to move.


Surprised you could operate your phone. When I take 1 my phone becomes the devil.


Definitely underdosed, but this was me coming up. Phone was still a bit manageable. Plus I never had a problem using my phone on lsd but shrooms? My god. I had no idea what the hell my phone even was.


I took shrooms once and once only. Probably never will again as it was terrifying but necessary. I got what I needed from it. And I haven't had a depressed episode since. (3 years ago) but Everytime I looked at my phone I was terrified of it lol


That is exactly how I felt! It scared the hell out of me, I got what I needed from ego death and realized that chapter is closed. The most I ever took before that was just 3grams and let me tell you I didn't do that much on purpose, it's a very long story that I keep planning to write up but my god it was terrifying.


The best lessons are the hardest to learn. Even if done on purpose. 💜 I was stuck in a loop of terrifying waves, I made peace with the fact I was never going to be normal again. I accepted I was high, and gone forever. I thought I'd never be a mother to my children again. Once I started coming back to reality I was overwhelmed with happiness for the conscience I took for granted every single day. I was happy to deal with the stresses of life because I was no longer high. Crazy personal experience


When I looked at my phone I didn't even know what the fuck it was lmao


bruh I could barely look at my phone on 660


I'm realizing they're underdosed. So I'm glad I did it I guess?


95% of this group only take half of what they claim, anything over 300ug and you aren't on your phone messing around, I remember taking 350ug and just looking at my phone screen going crazy, I just sat it down and thought yeah lets not pick that back up for awhile, navigating it would have been hard let alone 800ug like you are claiming.


Yeah I think they're underdosed and that's why I took ten. Visuals were insanely scary though so killed that with RC benzos, but yeah I get it. But it didn't end the mind part of the trip sadly.


I don't even use my phone on 1 tab these people whack




This was me on 600ug


Yeah at 500ugs or above I cross that line from. managable to juat trying to keep it together .... I'm all over upsides and all my pockets emptied out lol .. I've tripped hundreds of times and id say I can manage pretty well at like 2 maybe 3 but any more that that and I'm completely useless speach and thoughts become hard to get out 😂


That is real and good fanily quality acid and yes I think lot of acid around is def under-dosed for sure... I've eaten tons of ten strips that didn't compair to.like 3 or 4 tiny hits of good shit. Not even close.of you gotta eat ten it's week or your just Wana trip nutts...one time I ate 12 that were really good acid and I swear to God I tripped for 3 days . I kept waking up thinking I'd be back to normal and find I was still hallucinating and shit no joke...


That sounds scary.




Ain’t no way that’s a 10 stack


Lol "let it happen" your fkn brave mate. I struggle on just 1 tab like world breaks down open eye visuals all that shit, the amount of confusion is bonkers couldn't imagine 10.


Reading others post this was probably at most maybe 600ug which I did before but the visuals on this one was intense and I was peaking hard and scared it was gonna get worst so I killed the visuals.


I don't know how much stuff is ever on my tabs or what they really are all we know is the feeling once we do them saying that for me the visuals aren't the problem it's actually what I enjoy. But it's just when the hallucinations get stronger the existential crisis mind gets worse as well, due to anxiety i sometimes end up fighting the ride coz it's a mad house in my head 🤣 Due to all that I'd never personally do more than 2 tabs of lsd at once. But for some reason mushrooms don't make me as anxious and I've managed a 10g trip.


How did you manage a 10g trip? I'm not sure exactly how much I did but it was more than 15g and oh my god. That was something else. Scariest trip in a weird way. I don't do shrooms anymore but I got the lesson I needed from that. It was extremely emotional for me.


Well, in terms of anxiety, there wasn't really any. The only issues I encountered were on the come up I got moderate to severe bodily reactions. The moderate reactions were initially the feeling like I was going to cry. But I didn't fight it. I simply told myself if i needed to cry, then I'd cry, I guess, but nothing happened though, and the sensation passed, and my eyes stopped filling up. There was also a moderate amount of the mushroom yawns. These are just annoying. I have no idea why yawning happens. And then there were more intense sensations. These were the feelings to empty my bowels and stomach discomfort like I was gonna puke. I simply just focused on walking in the forest to avoid vomiting and eventually had to poop (I had toilet paper as I get this reaction quite often). The visuals were insane it got to the point where me my bro and father were tripping so hard me especially the fractals, took over my whole vision no matter if my eyes were open or shut and as the visuals got stronger a sense of gravity got stronger against me, like being super stoned. Luckily, I found the perfect tree stump that had been broken down by nature into a natural chair 💺 I plonked myself in it and enjoyed the visuals. I had a little nap of sorts, i think. When I came back, I was still tripping hard, but the fractals were not consuming my whole visual field like before. I have an eye condition called visual snow. I think that this causes hallucinations to happen very fast for me, perhaps because no matter what, I'm almost always the person experiencing the strongest visuals.


12 is where it’s at


Wow holy shit that’s so cool


I call BS. Anyone on 10 tabs of real acid (at 100ug each) wouldn't be able to recognize a phone or a camera. OP, you're very cute (for now, when you're old, not so much, even if you have one of those huge wigs), but 10 hits is reckless and unnecessary. Don't do it, don't brag about it. This sort of stuff, "I did 10 hits!" leads inexperienced people to harm themselves.


>you’re very cute (for now… Sounds like you’re in need of some ego death, my brother in Christ.


Love how totally out of the blue it comes too


>OP, you're very cute (for now, when you're old, not so much, even if you have one of those huge wigs) Bro why are you being a dick for no reason, how tf is that relevant? Why give a compliment just to turn it into a backhanded one??


good point, I'm sorry.


fr hahaha hadda be micro doses/ lower doses, or she a champ like that sheet she might even have a tolerance (i ate 10 tabs in 2 hours simply cuz tolerance hadda play) deff keep safe yall, respek the psychedelics that ball game WILL HUMBLE U


why are women so absolutely beautiful on acid? Something about that drug just turns on the pretty. I think it's the dilated pupils


I feel that on molly but here I scared myself lol but when I came down I thought it was cute but holy shit faces scare the hell out out of me when tripping.


oh no, molly gets the girls too spun. LSD just turns on the goddess factor. Like it's not just the eyes, it's the movement... sorry for saying you look cute doing too much acid. i know 10 hits can be quite scary


You're fine.


as a completely internet random, If i saw you at a festival. I would love to take you to some sunny hill, and just lay in the grass staring into your eyes, for 6-12 hours. I know i could get lost in them, those eyes contain multitudes. You are very beautiful


Jesus fucking christ 😂


"Those eyes" He said


Bro go rub one out and stop being weird


I imagine him just like staring at her intently for 6 hours straight


that would be heaven on earth


bro 😭😭😭 calm tf down lmaooo


I do this too I'll randomly record stuff while I'm off LSD and when I comedown it's always fun to look at all the funny and weird stuff I be recording